Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Vilru and The Vampiric Scourge

The Vilru are an ancient race that originally grew on a tidally locked planet stuck with one side facing its star.  As the day side was too hot for anything to survive on, and the night side was generally too cold, supersonic jet streams ripped across its surface.  The heat of the surface permeated enough of the crust on the day side to warm subterranean lakes, some reaching a temperature suited for bacteria to multiply and eventually form varied life-forms.  Between the strong magic of the planet's core and that of its star the Vilru soon came to build shielded cities from which the supersonic jet streams harmlessly passed around.  The Vilru, still kept to their early biology, however, entering hibernation for extended periods as the animals of their planet replenished their numbers.  Fierce competition fostered to keep the many mouths from starving, driving them to become a warring race.  Eventually some more ambitious than the others found a way to leave their planet in search of new feeding grounds, traversing the stars.  They soon found that their bodies were unable to handle the intense radiation of most stars unshielded by their many layers of rock and the supersonic jet stream, and thus would enter long bouts of hibernation while between potential planets to harvest.  Eventually they encountered other sentient races, among them the Lunemires, and Humanity.  The Lunemires became eternal enemies of the Vilru, having a similar warrior society, but Humans seemed to be but livestock, far less able to defend themselves and far more numerous.  Humans found that the Vilru almost never came out during the day and managed to drive most of them off their planets.  However, festering in their dead planets they would create civilizations as a base of operations for feeding when the time came to once again strike...  That, and the ones left behind.  The Vilru are humanoid with obvious differences in biology, but still there were those who were blind, poor of sight, poor of judgement or otherwise unable or unwilling to betray the Vilru scouts that had stayed among them.  Thus, they brought the abomination known as vampirism to their worlds. 

The Vilru genetics are extremely virulent and thus merged with human blood through coupling and through rituals of brotherhood and other forms of ritual with ease.  The first human vampires did not burn as rapidly in sunlight as the Vilru do, and thus were able to either serve or betray their progenitors, though they found themselves unable to hibernate as the Vilru do, instead able to enter torpor if they so chose during the day to bolster their strength at night beyond that of a normal human.  They also found that doing this meant they had to drink blood to replenish the proteins found in plasma that were gone every time they entered torpor.  Most, initiated into this ritual of sleeping during the day, became addicted to the taste of blood.  Some resisted and while unable to return to what they once were, managed to live relatively normal lives so long as they didn't stay in the sun for more than a few hours at a time, unlike those who shunned it altogether.  Those able to stay out during the day for longer periods of time still fell prey to their bloodlust if they were too grievously injured but otherwise tried to keep the Vilru and day-sleeping vampires in check, forming The Council of the Crimson Rose.  To the present day, The Council of the Crimson Rose does not induct full-fledged members unless they volunteer for the transformation, and only if there is an open seat or a new expansion needed to help cover the growing population of the planets they work on.  Day-Sleeping vampires do not dream while they are in torpor, only when they choose to sleep normally, though they do regain focus during it.  As day-walking vampires do not enter torpor, they do enter a dream-state whilst asleep, which is how they first learned of other day-walking vampires on other planets, spreading The Council of the Crimson Rose to any other ones not already having something similar in place, and learning how vampirism affects different species...

Most non-sentient species simply do not have the willpower and intelligence to come back from the near-death state that vampirism induces.  Some do, but without the knowledge of how to secretly sate their thirst, most kill indiscriminately in a constant bloodlust and are put to a swift end by members of their own species or that of another.  Some other sentient species, however are also affected by the disease and change.  Goblins have their two outer-most teeth lengthen and curve downward permanently, dripping hallucinogenic paralytic venom, and their overall size increases considerably, their nails turning into claws, and their mind becoming more focused on riddles and other puzzles as it grows more muddled if it isn't regularly stimulated.  They are even worse with sunlight than human vampires, instead of slowly turning to dust, goblin vampires harden and their cells bake rapidly, becoming stone.  Most call them Trolls, and they are unable to be day-walkers but do not enter torpor, and thus some may still serve The Council of the Crimson Rose, other vampires, or live solitary lives, typically in caves or under protective shade such as bridges.  Goblins will not willingly mate with an individual that has become a Troll, but rarely will they exile them if they keep from attacking the normal Goblins and their allies.  Instead, they usually are thought of as one to pity at worst, and possibly as a good warrior for the tribe.

Felinae that become infected with vampirism turn into Rakshasa, their backs sprouting an extra set of arms which they usually conceal if trying to appear normal, and their hair turns red, black, or white depending on their genetics if it isn't already, and their eyes turn blood red.  Their speed increases, but they are rarely able to avoid entering torpor due to an increased overall metabolism, driving them to be ruthless killers if need be for their blood.  Most, however, prefer the taste of blood from livestock, and will enslave those who they deem strong enough to handle the tasks needed.  They rarely can stand having other types of vampires near them, and with their sensitive noses will try to eliminate any potential threat to their livelihood.  If they are out in the sun for too long their fur will start to fall out and their skin underneath will start to shrivel to the point of tearing off easily, and making it possible to bleed out.  Being prideful and cautious creatures, few stay out for longer than necessary unless wearing protective garments.

Pixies may temporarily become enraged when a vampire attempts to infect them, and thus spread the disease, but their high levels of magic usually cause it to burn out of their system.  The few that do succumb to it become unable to control their magic and eventually end up becoming Sprites, flickering in and out of the Fey home realm and ablaze with visible power.  The original sprites fell because they made bargains with powers beyond their ability to ever repay, becoming even more dangerous and chaotic than they already were.  Pixies that turn into Sprites from vampirism are usually those too weak-willed to fight it off and thus agree to whatever bargain is given them if another doesn't cure them.  This is, however, rare, as most Pixies live near each other and will aid one another should such an event should ever occur.

Naiads, being tied to their element of water and their lifestone, are extremely difficult to infect with vampirism.  Their water-source may be tainted by blood, but usually they will alter the currents to divert the majority away from their lifestone and clean up the mess as best as they can.  Those who have their lifestone submerged in vampiric blood for an extended period of time actively seek out any living creature near their waters and kill it, becoming highly aggressive, and though unable to control as much water as before, driving more force behind what they do control.  Due to their makeup, eventually the vampirism wears off as the disease gets boiled off, but they can be carriers during that time if one should survive their attacks and drink from their tainted waters.

Cubi infected with vampirism becomes an Oni, growing in size and sprouting four extremely long teeth, two poking up, two going down.  Their skin becomes ashen gray at first, and then depending on their emotional state fluctuates between being red-skinned and blue-skinned.

Centaurs that get infected with vampirism become emaciated, the ribcages showing clearly, their tails getting a spike in the tip, and their hooves become more pronounced in bony structure, their hands turning into claws with hoof-like bone shaped around it.  Centaur vampires are called Eqtanus, and are extremely fast.

Draconis Dragon-Kin infected with vampirism become temporarily enraged and have bursts of strength increases when hungry, but do not need to drink blood and act as carriers primarily.  Their eyes become even more sensitive to light levels, making them see better in the dark, but bright sunlight and brighter lights will cause irritation or temporary blindness.

Gitwerg can be infected with vampirism, turning into a Kowergen, becoming mischievous and able to temporarily turn invisible, but filled with a hunger to feed.  Due to having a strong sensitivity to sunlight which causes them to catch fire, they stay underground almost completely, more than normal Gitwerg, and as such will sometimes cause cave-ins once they have prey trapped, or pick them off when separated from their group.  They are not as strong as Gitwerg ordinarily, but they are extremely fast, and able to climb upside-down in tunnels and caverns, webbing forming between their arms and ribs which lets them glide short distances.

There are many myths about vampires of various types, including that of sunlight, which has already been detailed for the various types.  Holy relics are not a weakness of a vampire unless it reminds it of its past, or has been blessed specifically by a higher power.  Most by vampire-hunters have been chosen for this, but a random individual grabbing one from a temple may find it of no use unless their higher-power finds the vampire to need removal from their subjects.  Purifying potions such as those used by Acolytes do cause vampires harm specifically because they are too slow-acting to cure a vampire if it is even possible depending on the level of infection, and yet they may be powerful enough to cause damage to their foreign vampire infection which they now need to survive.  Silver doesn't harm them any more than any other material does, and it does hold their reflection, but their form is blurred a little from their active magic, and silver may disrupt their abilities used to charm other individuals, as it does with dispelling Fey spells.  They do cast shadows, but as they prefer not to go out during the day if they can avoid it, and their shadows being blurred by their magic, it is possible that some might miss them, spreading that rumor.  Garlic is just like any other strongly smelling ingredient to them, their sense of smell strongly enhanced, and as such some can't stand it, but it doesn't harm anything other than their nose.  They can enter homes uninvited, but most don't without reason as keeping that myth going due to the policies of The Council of the Crimson Rose has helped their image of being stuck to certain rules which means their prey is often surprised only moments before being slain.

Species File: Cubi


Cubi are an infernal race of the life element, often thought as being unable to reproduce without aid of mating with other species, this myth is false, but rooted in a curious distorted truth. In actuality, Cubi are able to mate with their own kind, but their offspring take thirty years to mature, versus mating with other species, and maturing at a much faster rate. Cubi often mate with humans producing Cambion, as well as other species to produce different hybrids, though their genetics are very dominant. While it is possible for a pure Cubi offspring to be raised by other species, it is far more likely a hybrid will be, as pure Cubi are generally kept among their own kind to better learn how to use their natural abilities. Cubi come in four genders, each with their own name. An Incubus is a male Cubi, and they are more cunning than the other genders, but not as strong. A Succubus is a female Cubi, and they are a little stronger than an Incubus, and a little faster. A Midicubi is a hermaphrodyte Cubi, being stronger and faster than an Incubus, as well as more cunning than a Succubus, but not as charismatic. A Vancubus is without any genitalia, being stronger and more able to use focus than any other Cubi gender, but they aren't able to reproduce without magical aid, and are generally outcasts among the Cubi species. They are also less wise, and less reactive. All Cubi have genitalia colder than that of the rest of their body, which make them stand out to those able to sense heat dispersal or if they are in disguise while mating with an individual.  All Cubi are able to use some magic and psionic ability to manipulate emotions and thoughts, though some are stronger than others at it, and all are considered quite beautiful. Most Cubi make good sorcerers or psions, though many take other classes depending on their upbringing and individual attributes.

Which infernal realm Cubi originally came from has been shrouded in mystery, and they have populated most of them, as well as most of the primary realm. The most common Cubi race is the Lilu, being pale-skinned with a long slender spaded tail, horns that end in stubs coming from the forehead, black or red hair, and green or blue eyes. They are considered more beautiful and stronger than most Cubi. The Bawan Cubi are grayish green, with long and thick spiked tails along with enlarged spine ridges, large backward curving horns coming out the side of their foreheads, blond or brown hair, and red eyes. They are more savage and have more focus, but less intelligence and cunning. An Ebyonet Cubi is dark-skinned with a very short tail, short and but sharp horns coming out the side of their head pointing slightly downward, white or brown hair, and orange or green eyes. They are more intelligent than most Cubi, and have more finesse. The Jolgor Cubi have yellowed or bronzed skin, with spikes coming out of their elbows and shoulders, two tails with fat but pliable tips, horns that come from behind their ears and curve forward, blue or purple or black hair, and black or purple or blue eyes. They are more intelligent on average than any but the Ebyonet Cubi, and have better reactive response, as well as being more stealthy, but not as strong.

The bonuses and reductions for selecting any Cubi gender or race as your species are as follows: +3 Beauty, +1 FP, +1 on Charisma Checks, empathic manipulation ability or empathic and telepathic manipulation abilities, knowledge of their local language, and a knowledge of their local and cultural knowledge. In the case of Cubi, choosing a specific gender and race comes with additional bonuses and penalties.  For any Incubus: +1 on Cunning Checks. For any Succubus: +1 STR, +1 Speed. For any Midicubi: +1 STR, +1 Speed, +1 on Cunning Checks, -1 on Charisma. For any Vancubus: +2 FP, +2 STR, -1 WIS, -1 REA. For any gender Lilu Cubi: +1 Beauty, +1 STR. For any gender Bawan Cubi: +1 FP, -1 INT, -1 on Cunning Checks, and more savage. For any gender Ebyonet Cubi: +2 INT, +1 FIN. For any gender Jolgor Cubi: +1 INT, +1 REA, +1 on Stealth Checks, -1 STR.

Species File: Naiads


Naiads are water nymphs, tied to a water source. Originally, nymphs occurred when early attempts to produce offspring with Elementals were unaided by proper understanding of genetics, leaving them vastly different from either of their parents. In the case of Naiads, an Undine and a pixie king tried to produce an heir, but in the process only created stone-like eggs that the Naiads were unable to be separated from without becoming ill or dying if kept apart for too long. The Naiads also could not turn morph into whatever species they wished, unlike their Undine mother, and could only control a small portion of the water around them, needing to keep their egg or 'lifestone' completely within water at all times. Naiads appear to be made out of amorphous liquid and are mischievous and playful like their ancestral father, but most not meaning any harm from it. Naiads reproducing with other species will produce more naiads seventy-five percent of the time, unless strong magic is used to influence their young before birth. Naiads are very difficult to be raised by other species unless their culture and needs are well known by their adoptive parents. Naiads are said to live to three hundred without rejuvenation magic, but fewer and fewer are living that long due to pollution and radiation affecting their lifestone and source of water that it is kept within. Most Naiads are female or hermaphroditic, though some rare males are born, more common in the Apocheteeses Naiad race.

Naiads have a natural inclination to wild magic, though not as strong as their ancestral mother held. They are able to react quickly, and are charismatic, but are not as able to be stealthy as their movements sound faintly of sloshing water. They are quite beautiful on average, cunning, and very intelligent. Naiads love to create complex works of beauty and use, often creating golems that are able to store their lifestone and a bit of source-water within them, so that their life is protected if they move from place to place for exploration, trade, or survival if their native home is being devastated. They fiercely guard their lifestones and water-source when they are able, and often compete with Goblins to keep their water pure, as well as to get whatever resources they can to further fortify their home and create better golems and other inventions. Naiads tend to make good Sorcerers and Tinkerers, as well as working to be other classes.

All Naiads are affected by whatever chemicals, radiation and other liquids mix with their water-source. Though this happens on an individual basis, in the case of some Naiad races that have survived and reproduced in adverse conditions, it becomes a part of their lineage.  As with other species, there are a multitude of different races, some of the more commonly known ones being listed here.  The Eleionomae Naiads have lived in swamps for generations, taking on a darker green-blue color, and a higher link to magic than most Naiads, but less speed. The Crinaea Naiads have become protectors of the culture that they live in, taking residence and putting their lifestones in wells and fountains They are stronger on average due to their pure water-source being kept away from possible seepage, and are able to hold their form more tightly, giving them better stealth. Some, however, have issues and alterations due to poisoning of the well, or chemicals and radiation leaking in from nearby. Limnades Naiads live in lakes, having more area to spread out on, they are more generous with water so long as they are able to be in control of its dolling out, generally helping create sluices and aquaducts that lead to nearby villages and cities so that they have water without setting foot near the water-source itself. As a result, they have much higher charisma and beauty, but sacrifice their reactive responses and speed by their relative lack of consistent challenge. Potameides Naiads live in rivers, moving against the current frequently in their youth, becoming faster than most Naiads, stronger and more reactive, but have less finesse and less beauty. Apocheteeses Naiads live in the underground waterways and sewers of cities, having slowly degraded over centuries of living in cities to their state, being far less beautiful, slower, less intelligent, and less able to focus, but gaining greater strength, cunning, finesse, reactive response, and endurance.  They also have a higher percentage of males than other species of Naiads.

The bonuses and reductions for selecting any Naiad race as your species are as follows: +2 FP, +1 REA, -1 on Stealth Checks, +1 on Cunning Checks, +1 on Charisma Checks, +1 INT, +2 Beauty, +2 on Crafting Checks, knowledge of their local language, and a knowledge of their local and cultural knowledge. After selecting the Naiad species, if one selects a specific race instead of one with mixed lineage, they have further bonuses and penalties.  For a Eleionomae Naiad: +1 FP, -1 Speed. For a Crinaeae Naiad: +1 STR, +1 on Stealth Checks. For a Limnades Naiad: +2 on Charisma Checks, +2 on Beauty, -2 REA, -2 Speed. For a Potameides Naiad: +1 Speed, +1 REA, +1 STR, -1 FIN, -1 Beauty. For an Apocheteeses Naiad: -2 Beauty, -2 Speed, -2 INT, -1 FP, +3 STR, +2 on Cunning Checks, +1 FIN, +1 REA, +1 EP.

Species File: Pixies


Pixies are small fey, ranging in height from ten inches to one-foot four-inches on average. They all have large almond eyes with long pointed ears and long eyebrows. They have wings which allow them to fly, and glamor, which lets them disguise themselves as other creatures of their size. Pixies are mischievous, enjoying a good joke, riddle or prank, though most aren't meaning any harm in it. They are very charismatic, all able to draw upon wild magic quite easily compared to humans, and more beautiful than most races. Due to their small size, they are able to fly faster than even Draconis Dragon-Kin over short or long distances, and able to react more quickly to change their flight, but they are not able to lift very much weight, an average of five pounds, and they lose speed with every five pounds beyond that unless aided by magic. They will sometimes make mounts of birds, rabbits, frogs, mice and other small creatures, and have been known to have been the cause of some descendent species' uplifting as a gift for their services.

Pixies love nature and will do anything they can to protect it, some even dying to preserve a hidden glade or glen. While Pixies are not magically linked to plants as Dryads are to trees, they grow ill quickly from pollution and radiation. Some Pixies tried to make a bargain with the forces driving them out of their home realm, and ended up being turned into Sprites. Ever since that day, the Pixies have been at war with the Sprites, though some have tried to find a treatment or cure to aid their fallen cousins. All Pixies have magic coursing through their bones, even if not very adept at using it, and as such make great Sorcerers due to their link with wild magic. In addition, due to their small size, trickster nature, speed and relative stealth, they can also make excellent Rogues. Pixies become unable to access their magic if their skin is exposed to iron, or iron alloys, and in some this additionally causes great pain and sickness. Pixies are able to live up to five hundred years without rejuvenation, and mature at age ten. They have names based off of their culture and area born in, as well as a parental name. Pixies are difficult to raise for other races, but those who are tend to have little difficulty adapting to their adopted family's culture. Pixies typically don't have rites of passage, but if adopted they may. Pixies are born via eggs for the boys, laid under plants and affixed, and live births for the females. The difference in this way is a result of a conscious decision long ago for the Pixie species to alter their own genetics with magic, trying to make all births live, but were unable to do so as the males ended up being born too large and killing the mothers, hence a return to eggs for them.  All pixie races originated from the Fey Realm of Tirae, and when that was overrun they fled through a portal to the primary realm. Almost every Pixie race still resides where they decided to settle, mostly on small islands to isolate themselves from other species.
The Pixnix are green Pixies that live in deciduous forests near the canopy mostly, with dragon-fly wings, red or orange or blonde hair, and golden or violet eyes. Pixnix Pixies are more beautiful, faster, and have more focus than most Pixie races, but are less agile, and have less strength. They mostly belong to the Summer Court. The Buldor Pixies are orange-green Pixies that live in meadows/plains near water, with butterfly wings, brown or white hair, and blue or black eyes. They are slower than most Pixies, but are more agile, and more brave. The Buldor Pixies belong to the Summer Court. The Smodle Pixies are blue-green Pixies that live in mushrooms and underground, with cicada wings, no hair, and solid black eyes. They are more wise, and have more finesse, but have less focus and less speed. They belong to the Winter Court. The Caedwin Pixies are light gray and yellow Pixies that live in conifer forests, mostly inside the trees themselves or in nest villages in the canopy, with wasp wings, red or purple hair, and blue or black eyes. Caedwin Pixies have less sanity, more focus, more strength, less reactive responses, and more savagery. They belong to the Winter Court. Hujinde Pixies live in jungles in the understory, but off the ground mostly, with blue-purple skin, vestigal wings, black or green hair, and black or golden eyes. They have even more focus than even Pixnix Pixies, more strength, less reactive responses, no glamor, and more courage. Hujinde Pixies are Solitary Fey mostly, few belonging to either Court.

The bonuses and reductions for selecting any Pixie race as your species are as follows: +3 Beauty, -1 STR, +2 FP, +1 REA, +3 Speed, +2 on Charisma Checks, Flight, knowledge of their Court's language, and a knowledge of their local and cultural knowledge. For a Pixnix Pixie: +1 FP, +1 Beauty, -1 on Agility Checks, -1 STR. For a Buldor Pixie: -1 Speed, +1 on Agility Checks, +1 on Courage Checks. For a Smodle Pixie: +1 WIS, +1 FIN, -1 FP, -1 Speed. For a Caedwin Pixie: -1 SP, +1 FP, +2 STR, -1 REA, and are more savage. For a Hujinde Pixie: +2 FP, +1 STR, -1 REA, +1 on courage checks, no natural flight, and no glamour.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Profession: Crop Farmer:

A crop farmer is a common profession in MaL, feeding the vast majority of characters within the game.  Without ample crop farmers, animal farmers are unable to feed their money-making animals to be able to sell them.  Additionally, for most species, eating animals alone does not give proper nutrients, so crops must also be ate.  This means that farmers have a lot of influence in small towns where there are fewer of them, each more concentrated on a specific crop, and less influence in larger towns where the farms are distant or even not even within the town property lines themselves.  Farming is physically and mentally tasking, but very rewarding in the long-run in terms of the gained funds, goodwill of the locals enjoying the crops grown and sold, and the labor itself being very cathartic and boosting physical traits such as strength, speed and endurance over time.

Profession:  Farmer:  Prerequisites:  Must have the basic knowledge of their profession or higher. The profit depends on the levels of technology, magic, pollution, economic value and challenge of the task.  The more difficult the task, such as the inclusion of anything outside the normal type for the area, the more must be known to deal with the problem properly.  Varying levels of technology, magic and pollution affect how certain following recommended abilities, knowledge and skills apply:

Knowledge:  Intermediate Agriculture:  Knowing how to prepare the area intended for crops, weeding, proper soil and fertilizer choices as needed, the water requirements and other associated needs for the plants being put there.

Knowledge: Basic Local Laws: Knowing the local laws enough to avoid being arrested out of ignorance for them, but not well enough to utilize loopholes if a mistake or intentional violation occurs.

Knowledge: Basic Local Zoology:  Knowing the basic types of animals commonly found in the area, even if not necessarily how to deal with them.  This assures that a farmer is able to try to prevent them getting into the crops.

Further basic knowledge would be additional detail on the specific crops being grown, how to deal with pests, who to trade with outside the general markets and the character's own home, and further local laws though the above knowledge covers most types of farming.

Ability: Follow Faint Tracks (1 FP Each):  Allows a player to follow faint tracks once part of said tracks are discovered via search. Will allow up to one-hundred feet of tracking per use. No prerequisite abilities or equipment.  This is very useful when trying to find animals and trespassers that bother your crops.

Ability: Haggle (1 FP Each): A check to see if you can get a trader, merchant, shopkeeper or other individual to lower their price of sale or trade for you in that instance, or to pay you more for your items of sale or trade. Doing this poorly will result in either the price rising higher, or being unable to buy or sell anything until they calm down again. Having charm, pheromones, magic, psionic abilities and other things may affect your Haggle Check's success. No prerequisite abilities or equipment.  Haggle is very useful in convincing your customers to pay more than they first wish, and also trying to reduce potential costs in materials needed for both their safety and yours.

Ability: Intimidate (1 FP Each):  Utilize finesse to intimidate someone into fleeing or taking a desired action.  Useful for scaring away trespassers.

Ability: Search (1 FP Each):  Concentrating specifically on finding something rather than simple observation, Search is typically used for trying to locate something concealed with ordinary means.  The skill check to finding something is the ranking in this skill plus the character's Wisdom.  No prerequisite abilities or equipment.  This ability is often used by to find animal nests, removing weeds and other crop hindrances, and similar purposes.

Item: Barbwire (1 Silver per 6 feet):  Used to line fencing primarily to make trespassers less likely to try to climb over it.

Item: Push Cart (1 Gold per cart):  Used for transporting materials such as crops by hand when beasts of burden are unavailable for various reasons.

Item: Four-Foot-High Basic Fencing (1 Silver per 3 feet):  Used to keep out pests and trespassers.

Item: Hoe (1 Silver Each):  Used for tilling land.  Useful for farmers.

Item: Rake (1 Silver Each):  Used for clearing leaves and other small things.  Useful for farmers.
Item: Shovel (1 Silver Each):  Used for digging.  Primarily useful for farmers to carefully remove plants from one area to another for transplanting.

Item: Water-Can (1 Silver Each):  Used for watering plants when it isn't raining.

Species File: Goblins


Goblins are an old species that mostly live on or under flat plains, and along cliffsides. The races are in varying shades of green, sandy and brown, and have long ears and long noses, but all are considered by most species to be more ugly than beautiful on the average. They are clever and crafty, able to endure a lot of abuse and strong. They aren't as wise as most species, but they are very cunning and are intelligent enough to make basic technology and some complex machines. While not being able to react as quickly as most species, they do have a fair amount of finesse despite their clumsy-looking hands. Goblins tend to make good Burdeners or Tinkerers, and the majority live in small tribes or villages. Goblins have a very basic language of grunts and words, as well as most knowing a heavily accented dialect of whatever culture they live within or closest to that is not their own. Goblins can live for sixty years on average without rejuvenation, and mature within six years, though they are generally not considered adults until they pass a rite of passage. Goblins originally came from the Fey Realm of Tirae, though few remained close to Pixies and most other Fey due to different lifestyles and culture. Goblins rarely are raised by other races, but when they are they end up trailing dirt and grime everywhere, and can only rarely be brought up to prevent this species trait. Goblins have live birth, and rub dirt on the infants as soon as possible to expose them to various bacteria that improve their immune systems. Goblins need stone and metals for a vast majority of their works, but also water for drinking, tending their crops and other supplies. This often puts them in conflict with Naiads who seek the same resources, and want to prevent the water from being tainted intentionally or accidentally from Goblins and other creatures.

The Koyette Goblins are a rust-brown color with thick skin, black or no hair, and gray eyes. They are more intelligent than most Goblins, and better able to use focus, but are slower and even slower to react. The Hibnuk Goblins are almost emerald green in color, have dark green or black or brown or violet hair, and gray or blue or red or orange eyes. They are more savage, and stronger, but not as intelligent and even less wise. The Bowen Goblins are sandy-colored, with blond or red or black hair, blue or green or orange eyes. They are more beautiful by far, and able to use focus, but have less endurance and less speed.

The bonuses and reductions for selecting any Goblin race as your species are as follows: +2 EP, +1 STR, -1 REA, -1 WIS, +1 INT, +1 FIN, +2 on Cunning Checks, +1 on Crafting Checks, -1 Beauty, knowledge of their local language, and a knowledge of their local and cultural knowledge. For a Koyette Goblin: +1 INT, +1 FP, -1 Speed, -1 REA. For a Hibnuk Goblin: +1 STR, -1 INT, -1 WIS, more savage. For a Bowen Goblin: +2 Beauty, +1 FP, -1 EP, -1 Speed.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Species File: Gitwerg


Gitwerg are an old species linked with the Goblins in lost ancestry, though neither species would dare even consider such a possibility, let alone admit to it. The Gitwerg, often called dwarves by humans for their short stature, are not merely short humans but another species entirely. They are very gruff and strong, not considered beautiful by most species as their craggy skin and faces exist even on the young and females. All Gitwerg grow beards, including the females, at a very young age, though the females tend to keep it trimmed short. The Gitwerg hate the wide-open sky, preferring to live in caves and underground, rotating shifts to ensure the few things they cannot grow underground are kept safe and gathered by those doing time above. Gitwerg can resist charm and charisma quite easily and are very strong, but most have little focus for magic or psionics. Due to their hard work, miner and warrior culture, most become burdeners or berserkers. While a Gitwerg can mate with other species, it is rare, and Gitwerg genes are very dominant. A Gitwerg young can be raised by parents of other species, adopted or otherwise, but they will prefer to remain either indoors or underground when possible, being far less sociable than they would when raised by their own species. All Gitwerg are very strong and enduring, as well as wise and intelligent, but not as reactive or having as much finesse. They are good with stone and metal crafting checks however. Gitwerg will often compete with Goblins for certain land and underground tunnels, but for the most part they prefer to stay away from each other rather than seek each other out.  Gitwerg have only two races, the Gitgun and the Duwerg. The Gitgun have tan or ruddy skin, red or orange or brown hair, and blue or green eyes. They mostly live close to the surface, having slightly more strength than the Duwerg. The Duwerg are more pale or gray in color, with more callouses, black or white or gray or blond hair, and black or brown eyes. They live even deeper underground for the most part, having better vision in the dark, less beauty, and less finesse, but having more endurance, more focus, and more reactive response.

The bonuses and reductions for selecting any Gitwerg race as your species are as follows: -1 Beauty, -1 FP, +2 resistance to Charm Checks, +3 STR, +2 EP, +1 INT, +1 WIS, -2 REA, -1 FIN, knowledge of their local language, and a knowledge of their local and cultural knowledge. For any Gitgun: +1 STR. For any Duwerg: -1 Beauty, -1 FIN, +1 EP, +1 FP, +1 REA.

Profession: Guide

For every individual going from one familiar area to another, there is a level of mystery and confusion, whether the move be permanent, or more temporary, such as acting as a tourist.  As most already know, tourism brings with it profit for individuals known as tour guides.  The Guide is an ancient career choice and noble profession, one where an individual can show around strangers to areas they are comfortable with regularly visiting.  Sometimes guides work solely within a city and possibly only a specific building, sometimes they work solely in the wild, some do both, and some even act as guides to areas such as underground catacombs, tombs, ruins and the like.  This last type especially is of higher risk not only from the area being shown and its dangers, but potentially from their customers once they have found what they wanted if it is of importance.  Likewise, the reverse may be true, a guide turning out to be a lure for adventurers to be sacrificed, or even just simply stabbed in the back once the guardians of a reliquary are defeated.  Depending on the type of guide a character is, there may be regulations a character of this profession has to deal with.  There also exists the possibility for disease, magic, pollution or technology or other assorted dangers in the job.  Sometimes the job is easy enough for a non-trained individual, sometimes it needs a professional, and sometimes it needs more than one of them.

Profession:  Guide:  Prerequisites:  Must have the basic knowledge of their profession or higher. The profit depends on the levels of technology, magic, pollution, economic value and challenge of the task.  The more difficult the task, such as the inclusion of anything outside the normal type for the area, the more must be known to deal with the problem properly.  Varying levels of technology, magic and pollution affect how certain following recommended abilities, knowledge and skills apply:

Knowledge:  Basic Improvisation:  Knowing how to think on your feet, or what-have-you, in order to compensate for interruptions, delays, questions and complications while doing a task, such as showing individuals around.

Knowledge:  Intermediate Showmanship:  Knowing how to speak, pose, and otherwise act during a task so as to maximize the effect an individual is going for, in this case, appearing to be an expert of the things an individual is acting as a guide on.

Knowledge: Basic Local Hazards:  Knowing what areas to avoid leading your customers to unless it is intentional.

Knowledge: Basic Local Laws: Knowing the local laws enough to avoid being arrested out of ignorance for them, but not well enough to utilize loopholes if a mistake or intentional violation occurs.

Knowledge:  Basic Local Lore:  Knowing old stories and rumors of the area in order to point them out to customers.

Knowledge: Basic Local Populous:  Knowing some of the more well-known individuals in an area worth introducing to customers or at least pointing them out.

Knowledge: Basic Local Zoology:  Knowing the basic types of animals commonly found in the area, even if not necessarily how to deal with them.

Further basic knowledge would be additional classes of potential dangers, animals, local legends and lore, the people of the area if there are any, further local laws and more, though those cover most types.

Ability: Conceal (1FP Each):  While stationary, hide from normal vision for five minutes by minor wild magic use. No prerequisite abilities. No required equipment for Rogues or Sorcerers.  Others need either appropriate camouflage materials or components for this spell local to the area.  Very useful for this profession so that animals and individuals using normal sight don't see the character, but be wary of scent and other means of detection.

Ability: Follow Faint Tracks (1 FP Each):  Allows a player to follow faint tracks once part of said tracks are discovered via search. Will allow up to one-hundred feet of tracking per use. No prerequisite abilities or equipment.  This is very useful when trying to find individuals who have strayed off the path you were leading them on, or when trying to locate an animal or individual they are looking for.

Ability: Haggle (1 FP Each): A check to see if you can get a trader, merchant, shopkeeper or other individual to lower their price of sale or trade for you in that instance, or to pay you more for your items of sale or trade. Doing this poorly will result in either the price rising higher, or being unable to buy or sell anything until they calm down again. Having charm, pheromones, magic, psionic abilities and other things may affect your Haggle Check's success. No prerequisite abilities or equipment.  Haggle is very useful in convincing your employers to pay more than they first wish, and also trying to reduce potential costs in materials needed for both their safety and yours.

Ability: Search (1 FP Each):  Concentrating specifically on finding something rather than simple observation, Search is typically used for trying to locate something concealed with ordinary means.  The skill check to finding something is the ranking in this skill plus the character's Wisdom.  No prerequisite abilities or equipment.  This ability is often used by Pest Control professionals to spot hidden nests and the like if there are no tracks visible.

Profession: Trapper

Trappers are individuals that lay down traps and snares for animals in order to catch them alive or dead for the purposes of food, taxidermy, or selling parts of the corpses for profit such as fur for clothing and the like.  The more skilled a trapper is, the better they will be able to capture more difficult prey.  Depending on local regulations and laws, a trapper might be able to leave their traps up year round and sell what they find after finding something when they do their rounds.

Profession:  Trapper:  Prerequisites:  Must have the basic knowledge of their profession or higher. The profit depends on the levels of technology, magic, pollution, economic value and challenge of the task.  The more difficult the task, such as the inclusion of anything outside the normal type for the area, the more must be known to deal with the problem properly.  Varying levels of technology, magic and pollution affect how certain following recommended abilities, knowledge and skills apply:

Knowledge: Basic Rodentia:  Knowing the basics of biology of Rodents.  In regard to this profession, primarily this knowledge is useful for beavers, rabbits and hares and the like.

Knowledge: Basic Ursidae:  Knowing the basics of biology of Bears and other Ursines.

Knowledge: Basic Serpentes:  Knowing the basics of biology of Snakes. 
Knowledge: Basic Local Laws: Knowing the local laws enough to avoid being arrested out of ignorance for them, but not well enough to utilize loopholes if a mistake or intentional violation occurs.

Further basic knowledge would depend on the type of animal being trapped, and improving knowledge for specific animals over their general family.

Trait: Animal Affinity:  A character with this trait was either born with, or gained an affinity for dealing with animals in general.  Requires knowledge of type of animal or types of animals that a character has an affinity for.  This unlocks the ability Speak to Animals.

Trait: Animal Totem:  A character that has a link to a particular type of animal due to their belief systemThis unlocks the ability Speak to Animals.

Trait: Magic in the Blood:  Sorcerers have this trait and are thus able to use Speak to Animals on any animal species they encounter, regardless of knowledge of them.

Trait: Mind over Matter:   A character with this trait has psionic abilities.  This unlocks the ability Speak to Animals, and other basic psionic traits that a character has honed.

Ability: Conceal (1FP Each):  While stationary, hide from normal vision for five minutes by minor wild magic use. No prerequisite abilities. No required equipment for Rogues or Sorcerers.  Others need either appropriate camouflage materials or components for this spell local to the area.  Very useful for this profession so that animals using normal sight don't see the character, but be wary of scent and other means of detection.

Ability: Follow Faint Tracks (1 FP Each):  Allows a player to follow faint tracks once part of said tracks are discovered via search. Will allow up to one-hundred feet of tracking per use. No prerequisite abilities or equipment.  This is very useful when trying to track down animals as part of the profession.

Ability: Haggle (1 FP Each): A check to see if you can get a trader, merchant, shopkeeper or other individual to lower their price of sale or trade for you in that instance, or to pay you more for your items of sale or trade. Doing this poorly will result in either the price rising higher, or being unable to buy or sell anything until they calm down again. Having charm, pheromones, magic, psionic abilities and other things may affect your Haggle Check's success. No prerequisite abilities or equipment.  Haggle is very useful in convincing your employers to pay more than they first wish, and also trying to reduce potential costs in materials from shops and the like.

Ability: Search (1 FP Each):  Concentrating specifically on finding something rather than simple observation, Search is typically used for trying to locate something concealed with ordinary means.  The skill check to finding something is the ranking in this skill plus the character's Wisdom.  No prerequisite abilities or equipment.  This ability is often used by Pest Control professionals to spot hidden nests and the like if there are no tracks visible.

Ability: Speak to Animals (2 FP Each): Allows speaking with an animal species for an hour per use, one species per use. No prerequisite abilities and equipment.  Requires Animal Affinity, Animal Totem, Magic in the Blood, Mind over Matter, or other animal-linking trait.

Item: Basic Animal Poisons (1 Silver Each):  A mixture of different poisons used to kill small animals that do not have a resistance to traditional poisons.

Item: Basic Antitoxin (1 Silver Each):  Antitoxin used to fight off the potential effects of animal toxins such as snake and spider venom.

Item: Basic Medium Cage (2 Silver Each):  Used for holding an animal of medium size.

Item: Basic Medium Trap (2 Silver Each):  Used for trapping medium animals.

Item: Basic Small Trap (1 Silver Each):  Used for trapping small animals.

Item: Basic Small Cage (1 Silver Each):  Used for holding an animal of small size.

Item: Basic Small Snare (20 Copper Each):  Used for snaring animals of small size.

Item: Basic Padding (1 Silver):  Used to protect against small and moderate bites while still giving maneuverability.

Species File: Kenthri


Kenthri are an ancient race of warriors, having been created on millenia ago by a mixture of horse breeding in magically saturated areas, and intentional transformational spells cast by their owners to make the mutations more stable. As a result of this happening over centuries, the Kenthri have gained sentience, though never lost their wild spirit. Kenthri are a strong and enduring noble race, making good warriors and quite capable of carrying a great deal of weight, items or even other characters if their ego isn't too high, making them quite valuable to players who choose that race for their own. They usually are huntsmen or burdeners, but can be other classes as well. Kenthri are able to hold up to one-hundred pounds unencumbered, and an additional thirty pounds even with a strength of zero on average while only losing a little speed. They aren't as agile or able to react, however, and can't use magic as well as most other races.

Kenthri are able to live up to seventy years without rejuvenation and mature at age fifteen. Kenthri have names given at birth, as well as one chosen at succeeding in their rite of passage, when they are recognized as an adult. Kenthri are able to be raised by other races, though their innate desire for open spaces, room to run and freedom is rarely lessened. Kenthri give live births, usually just one or two at a time.

The Audbin Kenthri are dark-skinned with dark-hides, black or brown hair, and brown or violet eyes. They are stronger than most Kenthri, but slower, and not as charismatic.  The Pilde Kenthri are painted-hide and reddened skin, with brown or gray hair, with blue or black or hazel or gray eyes. They are faster than most Kenthri, and more accurate but don't have as much finesse or reasoning. They live in plains mostly. They Celdren Kenthri are light skinned with light gray or white hide, blonde or red or brown or black hair, and blue or green or hazel or brown eyes. They can use focus a little better, but aren't as fast, and aren't as beautiful. The Merwan Kenthri are lightly yellow skinned with brown hides, black or brown hair, and brown or black eyes. They are more intelligent and wise, but not as strong or fast.

The bonuses and reductions for selecting any Kenthri race as your species are as follows: +2 Speed, +1 STR, +2 EP -1 REA, -1 FP, knowledge of their local language, and a knowledge of their local and cultural knowledge. For a Audbin Kenthri: +1 STR, -1 Speed, -1 on Charisma Checks. For a Pilde Kenthri: +1 Speed, +1 on Accuracy Checks, -1 Finesse, -1 on Reasoning Checks. For a Celdren Kenthri: +1 FP, -1 Speed, -1 Beauty. For a Merwan Kenthri: +1 INT, +1 WIS, -1 STR, -1 Speed.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Profession: Shopkeeper

Another profession in MaL common for individuals that have their own property is that of the shopkeeper.  Residents who have their own goods to sell, or space to display and sell goods for others can become shopkeepers and make a hefty profit.  The varying levels of quality in merchandise, economic fluctuations, supply and demand can vastly affect how well risky such business ventures are.  Any that own property such as intended for having a store need to have staff to work it, which costs an initial investment if there is not relatives to work alongside, as well as the strong need for knowledge of the laws of the city the shop resides in.  There may be health issues to deal with, magical warding and technological traps needed to secure inventory to prevent burglary when the shop is closed and potentially to stop shoplifting while it is open.

Profession:  Shopkeeper:  Prerequisites:  Must have a building or other small shop to sell wares inMust have the basic knowledge of their profession or higher. The profit depends on the levels of technology, magic, pollution, economic value, supply, demand and skill of the individual and their staff.  Varying levels of technology, magic and pollution affect how certain following recommended abilities, knowledge and skills apply:

Knowledge:  Intermediate Finance:  Knowing how to save funds and avoid the most basic of scams.  Knowing how to setup a basic bank account and costs, and knowledge of the market rate for popular items.

Knowledge: Intermediate Local Laws: Knowing the local laws enough to avoid being arrested out of ignorance for them, and well enough to utilize loopholes in the event a patron is injured or other events occur as a result of business and security of the business and its assets.
Ability: Haggle (1 FP Each): A check to see if you can get a supplier or other individual to lower their price of sale or trade for you in that instance, or to have a customer pay you more for your items of sale or trade. Doing this poorly will result in either the price rising higher on your costs, or being unable to buy or sell anything from a supplier or to a customer until they calm down again. Having charm, pheromones, magic, psionic abilities and other things may affect your Haggle Check's success. No prerequisite abilities or equipment.

Ability: Intimidate (1 FP Each):  Utilize finesse to intimidate someone into fleeing or taking a desired action.

Ability: Search (1 FP Each):  Concentrating specifically on finding something rather than simple observation, Search is typically used for trying to locate something concealed with ordinary means.  The skill check to finding something is the ranking in this skill plus the character's Wisdom.  No prerequisite abilities or equipment.  This is used when taking inventory stock and noticing when something has gone missing.

Items needed are as per the particular type of shop being opened, cultural and regional popularity of items, taboos and socially acceptable transactions of the culture.

Species File: Draconis Dragon-Kin

Draconis Dragon-Kin:

Draconis Dragons tend to live in areas of high magic, but some have a tendency to roost and lay their eggs in areas that do not, as per their culture or personal views toward ensuring their offspring have to rise through challenges to be worthy of growing up.  The more magic an area has, the faster they will grow.  As a result, some Draconis Dragons will end up mating with humans or other species while still compatible, producing Draconis Dragon-Kin.  Some Draconis Dragon-Kin are still born this way, but most are descended from those originally born in that fashion.  Winged like their Draconis Dragon ancestors, Draconis Dragon-Kin are strong, fierce and powerful, typically having an elemental breat attack, though not for as long a distance as their ancestors due to their smaller lungs and overall frame.  Draconis Dragon-Kin on average have at least as much focus as humans, sometimes more depending on race. They are slow to react, aren't as agile or able to balance quickly, but once they have their sights set on a foe they can be a whirlwind of devastation. Despite their slowness, they make up for it with their strength and flight. Unfortunately for most Dragonis Dragon-Kin, regardless of their very thick scaled hide, intelligence and especially long memories, they don't have as much finesse on average due to their larger clawed hands. Most Draconis Dragon-Kin are Huntsmen or Berserkers, though a great number are archivists or of other classes and professions. It is quite rare that a Draconis Dragon-Kin will be raised by anyone other than one of their parents, as they are quite a handful, and their parents are usually quite difficult to separate from their children if they are raising them. Though Draconis Dragon-Kin have species in the same family tree as them, they are by far the most wide-spread of them, and thus the most well-known. Their scaled hide is weakest in the front, which is why they will typically wear forward-facing partial armor, as they are already slow without it. They use a little bit of wild magic to trigger their breath attacks, and as such are unable to use them in areas where pollution or radiation is too high to access the wild magic beneath the ground. A lot of Draconis Dragon-Kin are viewed as brutes and vicious savages, however they are generally more deep than that, but most choose to let others perceive them as they wish, the better to be underestimated.

The vast majority of Draconis Dragon-Kin are of at least fifty percent or more pure, as those directly resulting from a dragon and other species parent are evenly split, and the majority of those descended from such offspring mate with their own kind or those species which don't have more dominant genes. Draconis Dragon-Kin take about thirty years to fully mature, but are considered adult at sixteen, or whenever they complete their rite of passage as per their culture. Most Draconis Dragon-Kin end up dying in battle or to other powerful circumstances, but they are capable of living to two-hundred and fifty on average, or longer with magical aid. Draconis Dragon-Kin are born male and female for the most part, but if they have three or more children at once, the third has a chance of being born a hermaphrodyte. Female Draconis Dragon-Kin tend to grow pregnant up to a certain size before usually laying out one or two eggs, in which the fetuses will finish development on their own so long as it is kept warm enough, much like their Draconis Dragon ancestors. Draconis Dragon-Kin mostly eat meat, though they do round out their diet with other various food groups. Draconis Dragon-Kin usually have a name combining their ancestral parentage cultures, as well as one from their current culture. The majority of Draconis Dragon-Kin are considered to be of average beauty, and can grow anywhere from four-foot six-inches to nine-feet eleven-inches, though the average is between five-feet six-inches and six-feet eleven-inches at maturity. They are on average able to lift up to fifty pounds unencumbered, and able to lift another thirty-four with only a slight decrease in speed.

Many Draconis Dragon-Kin live in or on mountains near both of their ancestral species, trying to be a bridge between them as negotiators and allies. Some live elsewhere, depending on their race and their ancestors exploring to find a place to call home. Though there are hybrids of Draconis Dragon-Kin and other species, they are rare. There are, however, four well-known Draconis Dragon-Kin races. Their cultural traits depend on their environment and upbringing. The Draconis Dragon-Kin Aduron are usually mostly red, with their underbellies black or gray or tan, some gray scales mixed in with their red ones, moderate tail length with a rounded end, strong wings allowing them to fly for hours at a time, fire-breath attack, long horns, black hair, and yellow or green eyes. They have more focus than most other Draconis Dragon-Kin, better accuracy, even slower reactions, and less sanity due to blood-lust and other lineage genetic flaws, and are resistant to fire attacks. They are generally viewed as savage brutes. They usually live on dry mountains, around or in volcanos, or underground near lava sources. Draconis Dragon-Kin Wrende are green with blue and tan scales, their underbellies are generally gray or tan, they have long red or brown hair, short horns, a long snout and jaws, a spiked tail-club, and eyes that are red or orange or black. The Draconis Dragon-Kin Wrende are more agile, being more able to resist to damage of all sorts, even more resistant to acid and slime, and having an acid-spit attack. They are, however, less intelligent, and less strong, with smaller wings, minimizing their ability to carry as much weight while flying.

The Draconis Dragon-Kin Glacias are white, with light gray and light blue and light purple scales, with their underbellies being light gray or light purple, their horns curving outward, gray or blond hair, purple or blue eyes, with vestigal wings, and a frost-breath attack. Most Draconis Dragon-Kin Glacias live in areas of very cold temperatures. They are more intelligent and wise, and better able to use magic than even their Aduron cousins, but not able to fly but rather hover. Draconis Dragon-Kin Ventun have dark purple and gray scales, with light gray underbellies, more height and muscles, larger wings, a whip-like tail, crest of short horns, spikes along their backs, blue or white hair, and green or orange or black eyes. They mostly live in high elevated areas with plenty of flat-land. The Draconis Dragon-Kin Ventun are larger than their other cousins being a foot taller on average, stronger, faster, and more vicious when provoked, but they are less intelligent, have only more strength to their breath and not a magical quality to it, far less stealthy, and less charismatic.

The bonuses and reductions for selecting any Dragon-Kin Draconis race as your species are as follows: +2 STR, +1 FP, +2 EP, -1 REA, -1 FIN, +1 INT, -1 Speed, Flight, generally a knowledge of their Draconis Dragon parent's language, and a knowledge of their local and cultural knowledge. For a Draconis Dragon-Kin Aduron: +1 FP, +1 on Accuracy Checks, -1 SP, blood-lust, -1 REA, fire breath-attack, and generally viewed as a savage brute. For a Draconis Dragon-Kin Wrende: +1 EP, +1 to Agility Checks, +1 EP against acid and slime, -1 INT, -1 STR, -1 STR while flying, and an acid-spit attack. For a Draconis Dragon-Kin Glacias: +1 WIS, +1 INT, +2 FP, only able to hover instead of fly, and a frost-breath attack. For a Draconis Dragon-Kin Ventun: +1 foot height, +1 STR, +1 Speed, -1 INT, -1 to Stealth Checks, -1 to Charisma Checks, strength of lungs but no magical qualities to their breath, a whip-like tail, and are more vicious when provoked.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Profession: Pest Control

Another common type of profession in MaL is Pest Control.  Leary residents of a city trying to prevent the potential spread of disease, loss of livestock and crops, and generally afraid of small animal threats may hire a skilled individual to do the task for them.  For starting players who choose not to own property that they can rent out, or even those that do, Pest Control is a good way to earn income at low risk.  Most of the time.  There may be regulations a character of this profession has to deal with, or unearthing things while getting rid of said pests that other individuals may wish to keep hidden.  There also exists the possibility for disease, magic, pollution or technology affecting a creature's development to make them more dangerous.  A wild raccoon that has rabies is far more deadly than one that does not.  A snake that has somehow been enhanced to triple in size when the moon is high is harder to subdue than one that is not.  A rat that has been been changed by nanites to be immune to typical poisons needs other tactics to kill it.  A mutant colony of ants that can melt through metal or give paralytic bites is a tough job to handle.  Sometimes the job is easy enough for a non-trained individual, sometimes it needs a professional, and sometimes it needs more than one of them.

Profession:  Pest Control:  Prerequisites:  Must have the basic knowledge of their profession or higher. The profit depends on the levels of technology, magic, pollution, economic value and challenge of the task.  The more difficult the task, such as the inclusion of anything outside the normal type for the area, the more must be known to deal with the problem properly.  Varying levels of technology, magic and pollution affect how certain following recommended abilities, knowledge and skills apply:

Knowledge: Basic Rodentia:  Knowing the basics of biology of Rodents.  In regard to this profession, how to capture, subdue, remove or eliminate them.

Knowledge: Basic Insecta:  Knowing the basics of biology of Insects.  In regard to this profession, how to capture, subdue, remove or eliminate them.

Knowledge: Basic Serpentes:  Knowing the basics of biology of Snakes.  In regard to this profession, how to capture, subdue, remove or eliminate them.

Knowledge: Basic Arachnida:  Knowing the basics of biology of Arachnids.  In regard to this profession, how to capture, subdue, remove or eliminate them.

Knowledge: Basic Local Laws: Knowing the local laws enough to avoid being arrested out of ignorance for them, but not well enough to utilize loopholes if a mistake or intentional violation occurs.

Further basic knowledge would be additional classes of potential pests, and further laws, though those cover most types.  Compounding the basic knowledge improves specific knowledge for a particular type of pest, such as spiders over bedbugs, rats over rabbits, etc.

Trait: Animal Affinity:  A character with this trait was either born with, or gained an affinity for dealing with animals in general.  Requires knowledge of type of animal or types of animals that a character has an affinity for.  This unlocks the ability Speak to Animals.

Trait: Animal Totem:  A character that has a link to a particular type of animal due to their belief systemThis unlocks the ability Speak to Animals.

Trait: Magic in the Blood:  Sorcerers have this trait and are thus able to use Speak to Animals on any animal species they encounter, regardless of knowledge of them.

Trait: Mind over Matter:   A character with this trait has psionic abilities.  This unlocks the ability Speak to Animals, and other basic psionic traits that a character has honed.

Ability: Conceal (1FP Each):  While stationary, hide from normal vision for five minutes by minor wild magic use. No prerequisite abilities. No required equipment for Rogues or Sorcerers.  Others need either appropriate camouflage materials or components for this spell local to the area.  Very useful for this profession so that animals using normal sight don't see the character, but be wary of scent and other means of detection.

Ability: Follow Faint Tracks (1 FP Each):  Allows a player to follow faint tracks once part of said tracks are discovered via search. Will allow up to one-hundred feet of tracking per use. No prerequisite abilities or equipment.  This is very useful when trying to track down animals as part of the profession.

Ability: Haggle (1 FP Each): A check to see if you can get a trader, merchant, shopkeeper or other individual to lower their price of sale or trade for you in that instance, or to pay you more for your items of sale or trade. Doing this poorly will result in either the price rising higher, or being unable to buy or sell anything until they calm down again. Having charm, pheromones, magic, psionic abilities and other things may affect your Haggle Check's success. No prerequisite abilities or equipment.  Haggle is very useful in convincing your employers to pay more than they first wish, and also trying to reduce potential costs in materials from shops and the like.

Ability: Search (1 FP Each):  Concentrating specifically on finding something rather than simple observation, Search is typically used for trying to locate something concealed with ordinary means.  The skill check to finding something is the ranking in this skill plus the character's Wisdom.  No prerequisite abilities or equipment.  This ability is often used by Pest Control professionals to spot hidden nests and the like if there are no tracks visible.

Ability: Speak to Animals (2 FP Each): Allows speaking with an animal species for an hour per use, one species per use. No prerequisite abilities and equipment.  Requires Animal Affinity, Animal Totem, Magic in the Blood, Mind over Matter, or other animal-linking trait.

Item: Basic Animal Poisons (1 Silver Each):  A mixture of different poisons used to kill small animals that do not have a resistance to traditional poisons.

Item: Basic Antitoxin (1 Silver Each):  Antitoxin used to fight off the potential effects of animal toxins such as snake and spider venom.

Item: Basic Medium Cage (2 Silver Each):  Used for holding an animal of medium size.

Item: Basic Medium Trap (2 Silver Each):  Used for trapping medium animals.

Item: Basic Small Trap (1 Silver Each):  Used for trapping small animals.

Item: Basic Small Cage (1 Silver Each):  Used for holding an animal of small size.

Item: Basic Padding (1 Silver):  Used to protect against small and moderate bites while still giving maneuverability.