Sunday, June 30, 2013

System Mechanics: Religion and Spirituality Traits:

In Myths and Legends, higher power beings are those that take the focus from those beneath them offering it up to them in exchange for information, boons, general protection, and other assorted reasons to offer servitude to them.  For every essence there is a higher power being that claims dominion over it, sometimes more than one which may do so depending on the culture.  As a result, there are a multitude of different higher powers to devote focus to, and different things gained as a result per one.  More will be dealt with on higher power beings and their benefits later after the traits are done being covered, but suffice to say, Acolytes are some individuals who devote most of their time to doing the bidding of their higher power being.

Religious Devotion:
How strong a character believes in their religion or spirituality.

Agnostic characters do not believe in a particular higher power, but believe in the possibility of one or more existing, generally not having a personal connection to one before.  They get -1 to Favor with any higher power being that they choose to serve, making them need to work harder to please them at the start.

Atheist characters do not believe in higher powers existing or having any powers.  They are unable to utilize soul power as a result until they believe in one.

Casually Religious characters believe in at least one higher power being according to their cultural norms, but are casual about the specifics of their belief, being able to use soul power but not having any bonus to it.

Incarnist characters believe in reincarnation and the recycling of souls, having the potential to draw upon knowledge of their lineage for special abilities, but have no bonus to Favor.

Orthodox characters believe in at least one higher power being according to their cultural norms and are able to utilize soul power with a +1 to Favor as a result.

Spiritualist characters believe in spirits and extra-dimensional beings that may or may not be higher power beings, but believe in them as messengers and potential allies, not as beings that deserve their focus unless proven to be useful.  As a result, they are great Gates and Channelers, getting +1 to SP, but no bonus to Favor.

Religious Tolerance:
How willing a character is to accept the differences between their beliefs and that of others.

Accepting characters learn from the beliefs of others to learn more about the universe around them and higher beings in general, gaining +1 SP, and some higher powers prefer this, while others do not.

Intolerant characters are unwilling to learn from the beliefs of others or to learn more about the universe around them except where it fits what they believe already, getting -1 SP.  Some higher powers prefer this, while others do not.

Tolerant characters are willing to live and let live, not learning more about the universe as a whole more than normal, but generally aren't going against the wishes of their higher power being by neither being accepting nor intolerant.

Religious Demeanor: Expressiveness
A character's demeanor deals with how they act in regard to their beliefs.  Their expressiveness deals with how much they act on their beliefs.

Inexpressive characters rarely act specifically based on their beliefs, and get no bonus to Favor.

Casually Expressive characters sometimes act specifically based on their beliefs and get +1 Favor.

Zealous Expressive characters frequently act specifically based on their beliefs and get +2 Favor.

Religious Demeanor: Exemplification:
Characters exemplify their beliefs and try to convert others, or they do not put effort into it.

Stagnant Example characters rarely almost never try to convert others to their beliefs, and don't try to be an example of their beliefs.  They get -1 Favor.

Casual Example characters sometimes try to convert others to their beliefs, and sometimes try to be an example of their beliefs.  They get no bonus to Favor.

Dedicated Example characters often try to convert others to their beliefs, and usually try to be an example of their beliefs.  They get +1 Favor.

Religious Demeanor: Respect
How much a character is respectful of their own belief in a higher power being or force, and how respectful they are of other beliefs.

Irreverent characters are not fearful of their higher power beings or their religion in general, nor any religion.  They get -1 Favor.

Fearfully Religious characters are fearful of their higher power beings in regard to their religious beliefs, and of others but not as much.  They get no bonus to Favor.

Judgmentally Religious characters are not afraid of their own higher power beings, having respect for them, but are very judgmental about other religious beliefs and those deviating from what they understand of their own beliefs.  They usually either try to convert others or think they are beyond help depending on their beliefs.  They get +1 Favor if their higher power beings desires this, no bonus if they do not.

Humbly Religious characters are respectful of higher power beings and neutral about other beliefs, though may still try to convert others.  They get +1 to Favor unless their higher power beings want them judgmental.

Ecstatically Religious characters are eager to please their higher power beings, respectful of other ones and may aid them as well if not against their beliefs, and eagerly try to convert others to their beliefs without being judgmental.  They get +2 to Favor on their higher power beings want this, +1 Favor to all others, and no bonus to their own higher power beings if they want them judgmental.

System Mechanics: Humor and Sexuality Traits:

Some traits give bonuses that apply to all situations.  Others have very specific situations they apply to, and others are merely for roleplay reasons.  Some of those last type will be covered today, starting with Sense of Humor:

Sense of Humor
A character can have multiple types of humor they find amusing, the their primary one is the one that would be listed in traits.

Crude Humor characters love humor based on things considered inappropriate by most others, often based on bodily functions, profanity or the like.  This has no general bonus, but may cause some other individuals to dislike being around them.  This has no general bonus, being merely for roleplay reasons.

Cruel Humor characters love seeing others in pain, finding it amusing.  Very few other characters like being around them, especially if they end up the butt of the jokes many times.  This has no general bonus, being merely for roleplay reasons.

Cynical Humor characters love poking at any positive motivation statements and optimistic sayings and twisting them by adding on additional negative outcomes from the saying, eroding their value while making an amusing alteration.  Some other individuals find this annoying due to thinking the character is a pessimist regardless of their actual outlook, while others laugh it up with them.  This has no general bonus, being merely for roleplay reasons.

Dark Humor is different than cynical humor or cruel humor in that it finds amusement in typically taboo things that are seen as disturbing, but not cruel or sarcastic about them.  Few balance at this instead of one of those other types, and few others really seem to get their sense of humor right off the bat.  This has no general bonus, being merely for roleplay reasons.

Deadpan Humor characters love sarcasm as well as cynical humor characters, but specifically like humorous twists without a change in body language or visible emotion.  This may confuse other individuals, while others will smirk or outright laugh, especially if it is either unintentional or they get the joke and others do not.  This has no general bonus, being merely for roleplay reasons.

Gleeful Humor characters love things that make them feel warm, humor that makes them feel good about themselves and the world in general.  Sometimes others see them as too peppy, but none can deny their energy is hard to resist.  This has no general bonus, being merely for roleplay reasons.

Humorless characters have very few times they are amused, and when they are it is so inconsistent as to make it hard to classify them as being another type.  This has no general bonus, being merely for roleplay reasons.

Jokey Humor characters love puns, wordplay, wit and other forms of humor that is mostly verbal.  Many individuals like this form of humor, especially at a young age, but more in moderation than constantly.  This has no general bonus, being merely for roleplay reasons.

Prank Humor characters love tricking someone with a good prank or seeing a good prank executed that typically embarrassing the individual being the butt of the jokes.  This has no general bonus, being merely for roleplay reasons.

Slapstick Humor characters love physical humor where the butt of the joke may get hit or injured, but never too terribly, more mock pain than anything serious, being less severe than cruel humor, and having more a sense of timing than the pain as the chief aspect of importance.  This has no general bonus, being merely for roleplay reasons.

Surreal Humor characters love the absurdity of situations and schism between the bizarre and the expected.  This greatly amuses individuals with this sense of humor, with many individuals not understanding their humor.  This has no general bonus, being merely for roleplay reasons.

Sexuality: Attraction
A character's sexuality can sometimes affect their relations with specific other individuals, such as those that they are attracted to, especially if the other individual is likewise attracted to them.  There also may be issues if they are seen as outside the cultural norm of their area.  They have no general bonus, being merely for roleplay reasons.

Asexual characters do not seem to be attracted to other individuals sexually.

Bisexual characters are attracted to individuals of male and female genders.

Heterosexual characters are attracted to individuals of the opposite gender.

Homosexual characters are attracted to individuals of the same genders.

Pansexual characters are attracted to individuals of all genders.

Polysexual characters are attracted to individuals of more than two genders but not all genders.

Sexuality: Gender
Most characters of most species and races are born either male or female as those are the most common biologically normal genders, though some individuals may be born with different genetics or altered later in life intentionally by their choice, by others, or by accident.  Usually if it is unusual for a species or race they will stand out if they have not concealed their gender.  They have no general bonus, being merely for roleplay reasons.

Female characters regardless of species are those that have ovulation, producing eggs for genetic matter.

Hermaphrodite characters are genetically capable of male and female biological functions.

Intersex characters may have genetic traits of male and females, but are incapable of one or both functions.

Male characters regardless of species are those that have spermatozoa, fertilizing eggs in females.

Non-Gendered characters for some reason do not have reproductive organs for any gender.

Transgender characters have had their appearance altered to be different from their original biological role.

Transexual characters make themselves appear to be different from their original biological role, but have had no physical changes to their gender.

Sexuality: Libido
A character's libido specifically deals with how intense their drive to have intercourse is, be it for romance, breeding, or pleasure in general.  Typically this is their standard libido that is chosen for their trait, but certain abilities or items might alter it temporarily.  They have no general bonus, being merely for roleplay reasons.

Stagnant characters have almost no libido, not particularly having much drive for sexual relations unless initiated by another.

Healthy characters have a moderate sex drive, sometimes initiating relations, but sometimes having others initiate it.

Excessive characters have a very high sex drive, thinking about sex and initiating it regularly of their own accord.

Sexuality: Demeanor
The demeanor of an individual's sexuality specifically deals with how they act when they are interested in another individual for the purpose of expressing their sexuality with them, trying to charm them into joining them, or even sometimes just to tease them.  It deals with their expressiveness, style and openess to new things.  They have no general bonus, being merely for roleplay reasons.

Brazen characters are direct and to the point about expressing their desires.

Flirty characters are teasingly expressive, testing the waters.

Modest characters are slow to express interest.

Crude characters fumble up their romantic attempts.

Seductive characters tease and ease into romance at their own pace, keeping others they are interested on their time-table.

Romantic characters do whatever they can to ease into romance at a pace comfortable to the others they are interested in and on those individuals' respective time-tables.

Closed characters are resistant to trying new things sexually.

Moderate characters are willing to try new things sexually, but aren't usually actively seeking them out.

Adventurous characters seek out new sexual experiences without much prodding from others.

Monogamous characters try to remain with only one sexual partner until they seperate.

Polyamorous characters will have multiple partners, but low in number and generally honest with their partners about having multiple ones.

Promiscuous characters have multiple partners if they even have one, and have sexual relations with many individuals easily, rarely being honest about how many they actually have due to social taboos.

Sexual Tastes:

Sexual tastes deals with things that arouse a character and may cause them to be more attached to another character giving them an experience with that paraphilia, or kink.  There are so many different ones it is impossible to list them all, but a good listing is found here (link).  Some individuals might be aroused to find out another individual shares the same kink, or they might be uncaring either way, or they might be judgmental, especially if it is against cultural norms or taboo.  They have no general bonus, being merely for roleplay reasons.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

System Mechanics: Social Traits:

There are a lot of different social differences that emotion affects in politics and other aspects of roleplay within MaL, but beyond that there are more specific personality traits that are specifically geared toward social values and related traits.  There are a multitude of them, some listed below:


Optimistic characters get -1 to Reason Checks, trying to gloss over negative aspects of a situation, person or object in order to show off its positive side, usually at the cost of seeming less reasonable to many.

Pessimistic characters +1 to Observation Checks, noticing details and picking things apart to find anything to be disappointed in.

Realist characters get +1 to SP, seeing the universe as it is much more easily.

Romantic characters get +1 to Charisma, being much more likely to get others to do what they want.


Conscientious characters get -1 to Stealth and -1 to Charisma Checks while lying.

Unscrupulous characters get +1 to FIN for all manner of ill intents toward others.


Controlled characters get +1 to Accuracy Checks having a steady aim and control overall to achieve goals.

Spontaneous characters get +1 to HP, -1 to Accuracy Checks, having more energy, but finding it hard to control themselves and their aim.


Cautious characters get +1 to REA, tending to be always looking out for danger and moving in slowly.

Intrepid characters get +1 to Courage Checks, heading head-first into battle or danger.


Flexible Mind characters get +1 to Learning Checks, +1 to REA, being open to changing their mind if need be, as well as altering plans and adapting according to unforeseen events.

Stubborn characters get -1 to Learning Checks, resisting change.

Empathic Temperment

Cold characters get -1 to Charisma, being standoffish and self-absorbed.

Warm characters get +1 to Charisma Checks being empathic and supportive of others.

Social Grace

Agreeable characters get +1 to Charisma Checks, being modest and humorous, blending into most social circles.

Bothersome characters get -1 to Charisma Checks, being arrogant, critical and haughty.

Wall-Flower characters get no Charisma Check change, but do get a +1 to Stealth.

Social Interactivity

Butterfly characters get +1 to Cunning Checks, drifting from group to group at the right moment for maximum effectiveness.

Engaging characters get +1 to Charisma Checks, being talkative and good listeners, entertaining and a good distraction.

Loner characters get +1 to Stealth, being shy and taciturn, blending into the crowd.

Social Reservations

Open characters get +1 to Memory Checks, remembering every little bit of their life worth sharing and some parts others might not care to hear regardless.

Moderate characters get a -1 to Charisma Checks, not skillfully deflecting inquiries about their life, and not really telling enough to offset their bumbled attempts to be charming.

Secretive characters get +1 to Wit Checks, deflecting inquiries about their personal life with wordplay and a skilled tongue.

Social Camouflage

Chameleon characters get +1 to Charisma Checks and +1 to Stealth Checks, blending in wherever they choose to be, as well as being charming enough to be noticed if they have a goal in mind.

Conventional characters get +1 to Stealth Checks, blending in with cultural norms, vanishing in a crowd of similar people.

Clashing characters get -1 to Charisma Checks, being standoffish to most groups, finding it very difficult to fit in with any of them, as they aren't generally doing this intentionally as with rebellious characters.

Exotic characters get -1 to Stealth Checks, standing out from cultural norms and becoming a distraction when they chooses to be, sometimes even without trying.

Rebellious characters get +1 to EP, bearing a lot of grief and pain in trying to intentionally stand out, but usually in larger groups of individuals feeling the same way.

Friday, June 28, 2013

System Mechanics: Emotional Traits:

Today we're going to look at more traits, emotional ones and primary social traits. Let's dive in!  A character's most commonly seen emotion is their default mood which other characters and players will see in the game, and thus, make assumptions about them affecting gameplay.  This does not mean that they can't act counter to these assumptions while still having that emotion being the most common, but merely that they get those bonuses and reductions to every situation involving their emotional state on meeting a new character.

Default Emotional States:

Angry characters get +1 to STR, generally getting into more fights and tests proving themselves.

Ashamed characters get -1 to Morale Checks and +1 to Stealth Checks, tending to shy away from many others, moving easily to the background, making them also better at being sneaky.

Bored characters get -1 to REA as they seem to be less prone to notice attacks until after the first one lands.

Curious characters get +1 to Observation Checks as they notice more than most others.

Depressed characters get -1 toWIL, but +1 to EP as they tend to either endure a lot if they continue to be depressed regularly instead of their mood being less commonly that before adventuring.

Excitable characters get +1 to HP, being full of energy and life.

Judgmental characters get -1 to Charisma Checks, as most other characters seem find them bothersome.

Nervous characters get -1 toWIL, but +1 to REA, being less driven, but more quick to startle.

Peaceful characters get +1 to Balance Checks, tending to keep themselves calm in many matters and find their balancing center more easily than many others.

Sunny Disposition characters +1 to Morale Checks, always seems to find something positive in the most grim of situations.

Emotional Stability deals with how quick a character is to drop into their primary emotional state as well as others appropriate to their situation.

Emotional Stability:

Open-Hearted characters get -1 to emotional attacks, being quick to emotional changes.

Tempered characters get no bonus or reduction to emotional attacks, typically being at their emotional default state and not shifting easily, but not resisting changes either.

Suppressed characters get +1 to emotional attacks, being able to resist emotional changes more easily.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

System Mechanics: Motivator Traits:

As seen from the character building for Yara Kren, different character traits based on species, race, personality, profession, and class. The classes eventually will be a preset build of related traits and suggested abilities as the system does not require a set class to play. They are merely for aid in creating characters more quickly for new players. That said, let's delve into motivator traits of a character's personality:

A primary motivator is a reason for a character to start their journeys, and to continue to adventure over a prolonged period of time, sometimes in the case of players until their character dies.

Acquisitive characters get +1 to Appraisal Checks, looking for wealth or specific rare possessions.

Balancing characters get +1 to Reason Checks, trying to bring moderation to all things.

Creative characters get +1 to either Craft Checks or Performance Checks as designated at character creation by the player.

Competitive characters get +1 to FP, having more focus to use toward trying to get a leg up on others, especially against their rivals.

Curious characters get +1 to Observation, trying to explore and solve mysteries.

Destructive characters get -1 to HP, trying to destroy, annihilate, and ruin.

Dissonant characters get -1 to SP, trying to create confusion and discord.

Domineering characters get +1 to Intimidation Checks, trying to force others to do their bidding.

Empathizing characters get -1 to Morale, feeling the pain of others, wanting to feed, heal and protect them.

Family characters get -1 to Reflexes, trying to grow or regain their family.

Grasping characters get +1 to SP, seeking to understand more of the universe and specific knowledge (spiritual, scientific, magical, etc.)

Hedonistic characters get -1 to WIL, trying to experience all sensual things at the detriment of laziness.

Honor-Bound characters get +1 to Courage Checks, trying to stay brave, generous, honest and otherwise honorable in their eyes and the eyes of those they respect.

Leader characters get +1 to Charisma, trying to lead others and gain power.

Liberating characters get +1 to Morale, trying to free themselves or others from enslavement or things holding them back.

Organizing characters get +1 to Memory Checks, trying to keep things arranged to minimize chaos.

Peaceful characters get -1 to REA, trying to avoid conflict and other troubles, and thus be less adept at reacting when they can't avoid them.

Playful characters get +1 to HP, trying to enjoy life and have fun, seeming to be full of life.

Rebellious characters get -1 to EP, trying to act out against an individual or group in authority and trying to avoid bearing the annoyances or pains of following their rules.

Servitude characters get +1 to EP, bearing many things as they try to follow another individual or group that they trust.

Social-Climbing characters get +1 to Knowledge Checks on social things, trying to gain status, fame or approval of others.

Studious characters get +1 to Learning Checks, seeking enlightenment and information.

Tenacious characters get +1 to WIL, constantly pushing themselves, never backing down.

Torturous characters get -1 to Charisma Checks, trying to do damage to themselves or others.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Character Building: Yara Kren (Level 1):

Yara Kren is a character that has had its building shown over the past few days.  Below are her sheets detailing the most relevant information to her within the game for the player and GM:

Monday, June 24, 2013

Character Building: Yara Kren (Part 4):

Alright, we've gone over most of the character building for Yara Kren, ranging from her genetic breakdown, personality, abilities, gear and more over the past few days while examining the process of building a character using the template sheets.  While there is still information to fill in for her companions and mount, the companions at least have already been covered previously in the development blog.  That said, we'll skip that sheet for now, and move to the last sheet for her domicile, and then back to the first sheet for her final stats and attributes.

Her domicile is named "The Raven's Beak" and its location is "Docked at Obana Village Pier".  The notes would list its measurements (sloop that is 45" long by 20" wide with a 6" hold), as well as its movement speed (averages 12 knots), its natural durability (50 EP), and inventory storage amount (2000 pounds).  Attached to its sheet or on the back could be a listing of some of its inventory, which currently nothing, as Yara didn't have anything but her carried supplies and food and water with her when she left the merchant fleet in order to make a fast journey.  The consumables, save what is in her carried supplies, were used during the journey, and as such nothing is in it yet.  Perhaps in her travels she will add more, but we'll deal with it as if she has just arrived at Obana Village and thus has nothing to it.

Alright, back to the first sheet again, dealing with her stats and attributes.  First, the original stats and attributes from the modifications before the rolls and slotting.

HP: 0 / EP: 0 / LP: 1 / SP: 0 / FP: 1
REA: 1 / FIN: 1 / INT: 2 / WIS: 0 / WIL: 1 / STR: 2 / Speed:2

Modifiers to Checks:
Accuracy: +1
Alchemy: +1 (-1 Morale if failure, plus other effects)
Beauty: +1
Charisma: +4
Courage: +1
Courage: Enclosed Spaces: -1
Courage: Spiders: -1
Emotional Attacks: -1
Learning: +1
Morale: +1
Observation: +1
Psion Ability Check: +1 (while wearing her circlet)
Psionic Focus: +1
Singing Performance: +1
Sneak Attacks: +1
Stealth:0 (-1 and +1 balances out)
Sweet Food Resistance: -1
Wit: +1

Okay, so that's before the slotting and rolls, and the modifiers to checks area won't be altered, but the stats and attributes will be.  For the stats (HP, EP, LP, SP, and FP), 25 points are spread between them by player choice.  For the attributes (REA, FIN, INT, WIS, WIL, STR, and Speed) a 1d12 will be rolled for the starting values, and the player may choose which of the values goes to which attribute.  If a roll comes to less than 5 it gets a reroll.  That said, the stats for Yara should be slotted to health and focus primarily in order to give a longer time to do abilities, with still a bit toward endurance to resist non-surprise attacks and in case of over-exerting herself in roleplay, and some to sanity points as 5 is the standard value.  The further away from that the less others will find her sane, with lower ones being understanding the universe less and higher meaning understanding the universe more.  We'll stick with a 6 for that to give her a slight increase due to having seen things as a con artist and with her upbringing that others might not believe due to their lack of understanding.  All in all, the stats and attributes get sorted out by choice and rolls in addition to the changes to end up with the following values:

HP: 8 / EP: 3 / LP: 1 / SP: 6 / FP:8
(all slotted by player choice, plus modifiers)
REA: 15 / FIN: 15 / INT: 14 / WIS: 11 / WIL: 11 / STR: 9 / Speed: 8
(1d12 each, and modifiers, with rolls resulting in 7, 11, 12, 10, 12, 12, and 6 to distribute)

So, looking at her stats and attributes we see that she's got a decent amount of health and focus to use abilities, as well as high reaction, finesse, and intelligence, as well as good attributes for the rest as well.  Now that we have Yara Kren all built, let's finish filling in her sheets, and I'll upload the final versions and illustration tomorrow.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Character Building: Yara Kren (Part 3):

The last couple days have been dealing with building a character according to the current character template sheets (skipping over the stats and attribute totals until the end). Today, we continue again. Yara Kren has a profession of Con Artist, so her starting funds will be higher than the standard (150 Gold Pieces and 50 Copper Pieces), instead at 200 Gold Pieces and 150 Copper Pieces. She will not have any Platinum Pieces to start with. Let's say she has random treasure she pinched and hasn't sold yet. I rolled up a White Pearl, worth 1 Gold Piece and 50 Copper Pieces. Fitting, seeing as her origins and skillsets make her ideal for maritime adventures even more than many other characters might be on Lenida. She didn't end up with any other treasure on the roll, so we'll just continue onward.

Now, for starting out, a character gets one weapon valued at 10 gold or less free, plus others if using some of the starter funds. In Yara's case, she'll have a 10 Gold Piece costing 3 Pound Ghostblade Cutlass. This weapon is an ethereal sword, directly attacking the 1 HP for every 2 damage to EP until EP is 0, then 2 HP each attack, in addition to the ability score per type of attack. Additionally, it can use a once-per-round attack dealing 1 SP, and has a 1d4 chance to avert self-damage and damage to aids and group members during a crit failure. Her second weapon is a 2 Gold Piece 1/2 Pound Simple Flintlock Pistol with 1 Gold Piece worth of 20 Shots and Powder, having a range of 5 movement squares of character accuracy, with a decrease of 2 accuracy for every additional movement square. Loading takes one turn and needs both hands, and firing takes another turn. The shots deal 4 damage to unarmored foes. She also carries her other weapon choices, which have roleplay uses as well. She has a 20 Copper Piece 1/2 Pound Simple Axe dealing 2 damage to unarmored foes, and cuts through or chops an inch of substances with a hardness less than 4 in a single blow. Additionally she also has a 15 Copper Piece 1 Pound Dagger Pair dealing 1 damage each to unarmored foes with a range of 3 movement squares of character accuracy, with a decrease of 2 accuracy for every additional movement square. They also cut through an inch of substances with a hardness less than 4 in 5 minutes. This takes her starting funds down to 197 Gold Pieces, and 115 Copper Pieces. This still leaves her with plenty to use toward the next slot, Carried Gear.

Her carried gear is equipment that Yara Kren may utilize for non-attack purposes, such as armor, general materials useful to roleplay and other non-treasure items. She carries a 1 Gold Piece 9 Pound 100 Foot Climbing Rope useful for holding her own weight as well as other items (up to 2500 pounds), a 15 Copper Piece 3 Pound Grappling Hook, a 15 Copper Piece 1 Pound Crowbar, a 50 Copper Piece Master Lockpicking Kit, 10 Copper 1/2 Pound Simple Backpack, a 25 Copper Piece 1/4 Pound Flint and Steel, a 15 Copper Piece 1/4 Pound Sharpening Stone, a 10 Copper Piece 1/2 Pound Folding Shovel, 15 Copper Piece 1 Pound Torch Oil, 10 Copper Piece 1/2 Pound Set of Ten 1-Hour Torches, 5 Copper Piece 1 Pound Refillable Water Jug, 100 Copper Piece 2 Pound Two Week Supply of Dry Food, 1 Gold Piece 2 Pound Durable Tent, 25 Copper Piece 2 Pound Pillow and Sleeping Bag, 15 Copper Piece 1/4 Pound Hand Mirror, 25 Copper Piece 1/4 Pound Six Caltrops, 10 Copper Piece 1/4 Pound 20 Marbles and Bag, 15 Copper Piece 1/4 Pound Collapsible Fishing Pole, 10 Copper Piece 1/4 Pound Fishing Kit, 5 Copper Piece Ink Well and Ink Pen, 15 Copper Piece 1/2 Pound Blank Book, 15 Copper Piece 1/4 Pound Ornate Gold Circlet (for her Psion conductive metal bonus), 70 [for 2] Copper Piece 1/2 Pound each Leather Pants, 50 [for 2] Copper Piece 1/2 each Pound Corset, 30 [for 2] Copper Piece 1/2 each Pound Simple Lingerie, 55 Copper Piece 2 Pound Heavy Coat, 35 Copper Piece 1/2 Pound Pair of Sturdy Boots, 10 Copper Piece 1/2 Pound Set of Ten Pairs of Socks, 10 Copper Piece 1/4 Pound Simple Goggles, 10 Copper Piece 1/4 Pound Leather Gloves, 20 Copper Piece 1 Pound Two Week Supply of Rat Food, 20 Copper Piece 1/2 Pound Two Week Supply of Parrot Food, and a 40 Copper Piece 2 Pound Two Week Supply of Horse Food. Having two sets of clothes to start with might not be much in terms of in case they get damaged or need cleaning, but she can always purchase more and keep them on her boat, carrying only one spare set to keep thing light. This takes her starting funds down to 192 Gold Pieces, and 70 Copper Pieces.

For roleplay abilities and combat abilities a character at Level 0 can have 6 abilities that are 1 FP each in addition to any given by species, race and class, and up to 6 abilities that are 0 FP each. If the character has a 2 FP ability, it counts as 2 abilities, a 3 FP ability counts as 3 abilities, and any beyond 3 FP at start must be for primary profession in order to gain it. Since she already has weaponry, we'll use 3 abilities toward being able to use them efficiently, as well as a few others fitting, and those given by her genetics and class:

Alchemy (0 FP): Utilizes half character alchemy knowledge, reaction, intelligence and wisdom as needed per the type of alchemical creation being made.

Arm Block (0 FP Each): +1 defense on success. -1 EP per use until EP is gone or recovered by rest or other means.

Appraisal (1 FP): Utilizes full character knowledge and observation about a piece to determine its value.

Empathy (1 FP): Attempt to read the emotions of an individual for 15 minutes or 3 turns, and push one emotional concept into them per ability use [Free Species Ability].

Climb (0 FP): Utilizes half character climbing knowledge, balance and strength to climb vertical surfaces.

Kick I (0 FP Each): 1 damage on success against armor-less targets.

Pick Lock (1 FP): Utilizes full character finesse in order to attempt to open a lock. [Free Rogue Ability]

Pick-Pocket (1 FP): Utilizes full character stealth in order to attempt to take something that does not belong to them that is visible or hidden directly on a person.

Punch I (0 FP Each): 1 damage on success against armor-less targets.

Slash (0 FP): A basic attack using a weapon with its weapon bonuses and 2 damage against unarmored foes.

Steal (1 FP): Utilizes full character stealth in order to attempt to take something that does not belong to them not directly on a person.

Telepathy (1 FP): Attempt to communicate with another individual mentally for 15 minutes or 3 turns, as well as read surface thoughts during this time, per ability use [Free Psion Ability].

Weapon Proficiency III (3 FP): Allows the use of primary, secondary and tertiary weaponry without added penalty when switching between them, so long as they either have the knowledge to utilize them, or they are Simple weapons.

That covers Yara Kren's combat and roleplay abilities and the entire third sheet. Tomorrow we'll cover her stats and attributes.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Character Building: Yara Kren (Part 2):

Last time we started character building with the female hybrid (also known as a Cambion due to being 50% or more Cubi) named Yara Kren, covering the first sheet, minus the stat and attribute generation. Today, we'll cover the second sheet. First, the traits. Traits are particular aspects of a character's genetics, upbringing or personality that stand out. In Yara's case, let's take a look at a wonderful resource to character personality generation (link) and modify it to fit with what we've already decided last time. Due to the number of different traits to roll for, I have them and their description listed below only for what was selected.  Her non-class traits are as follows:

Tenacious: +1 to WIL, a personality that constantly pushes itself, never backing down.

Sunny Disposition: +1 to Morale Checks, always seems to find something positive in the most grim of situations.

Open-Hearted: -1 to emotional attacks, quick to emotional changes, even if she suppresses them sharply, making her more unpredictable mentally but also vulnerable.

Pessimist Outlook: +1 to Observation Checks, in contrast to how she always finds something positive about a situation, she is always noticing the negative details of a situation and only bringing up what needs to be said, weighing the rest herself.

Unscrupulous: +1 to FIN, she uses more accuracy, charisma and stealth to regularly for all manner of ill intents toward others if she deems them worthy of her expert meddling.

Controlled: +1 to Accuracy Checks, she has a steady aim and controls herself overall to achieve her goals.

Intrepid: +1 to Courage Checks, she never shies away from a fight that is worth it, regardless of the odds.

Flexible Mind: +1 to Learning Checks, +1 to REA, she is open to changing her mind if need be, as well as altering plans and adapting according to unforeseen events.

Warm: +1 to Charisma Checks, empathic and supportive of others, altruistic to those she thinks need help.

Agreeable: +1 to Charisma Checks, modest and humorous, blending into most social circles.

Engaging: +1 to Charisma Checks, talkative and a listener, entertaining and a good distraction.

Secretive: +1 to Wit Checks, deflecting inquiries about her personal life with wordplay and a skilled tongue.

Exotic: -1 to Stealth Checks, as she stands out from cultural norms and becomes a distraction when she chooses to be, and sometimes without intending to initially.

Surreal Sense of Humor: The absurdity of situations and schism between the bizarre and the expected amuses her and most often her jokes are of this nature. This has no general bonus, merely for roleplay reasons.

Modest Crude Monogamous Heterosexual: Yara is attracted to the opposite gender and is modest about her affections, with very little skill or experience in seduction. She doesn't seek out others when in a relationship until it ends and is selective about her partners (For the sake of roleplay, I rolled to see if she was currently in a relationship, which came back negative for her initial start, but that she had two partners in the past, over two years from the start). This has no general bonus, merely for roleplay reasons.

Healthy Adventurous Libido: Yara has a moderate sex drive, and very open to new experiences. This has no general bonus, merely for roleplay reasons.

Sexual Tastes: Bondage, Massaging, and Masochism (I rolled to see some potential ones). This has no general bonus, merely for roleplay reasons.

Tolerant Agnostic: She doesn't know if there are higher powers or not, having neither chosen to refuse to believe in them or accept that one or more exists, but is willing to let others freely decide for themselves. For roleplay reasons this means that from the start she would not have any religious bonuses or soul power abilities available, and would need to either find someone to introduce her to the teachings of a higher power or find one by alternate means to gain boons from one if it is desired by the player.

Snacker: Eats food constantly to satiate her cravings. This has no general bonus, merely for roleplay reasons.

Insomnia: One in four chance of waking up in the middle of the night and needing to go back to sleep to fully recover. Rarely sleeps easily through the entire night. May sometimes find interesting things afoot while others are sleeping, however.

Singing Voice: +1 to Singing Performance Checks, loves to sing and does regularly when in a good mood. May do well later when expanding her repertoire for sound-based abilities.

Fast-Eater: Great at eating quickly while on the go, particularly when the food is stolen, or at competitions. Primarily for roleplay reasons, may possibly add a check in the system for this specifically if interest is good.

Gambler: Enjoys gambling. This has no general bonus, merely for roleplay reasons.

Born Lucky: +1 LP at start.

Sweets Addiction: -1 WIL resisting sweet food. Addicted to eating sweeter food than any other kind, with low willpower raised to resist eating it. Primarily for roleplay reasons.

Claustrophobia: -1 Courage Check on enclosed spaces, as she has a fear of them.

Acrophobia: -1 Courage Check on heights, as she has a fear of them.

Phew! That's a lot of traits, isn't it? Well, yes, but there's only 20 of those which actually have a direct alteration of stats and attributes, 5 of which are negative. For every 5 traits, 2 should be negative, (Note: This is modified from when building Yara Kren originally, when it was for every 4 traits, at least 1 needs to be negative) with a maximum of 20 at start that directly affect stats and attributes, and any others are merely for roleplay reasons. Any further alterations to personality must still keep this ratio at minimum, and any that are in conflict with a current trait remove the previous trait. If the ratio is unbalanced by the addition of a constant positive trait (and not bonus from gear, weaponry or abilities), then the GM should also push forth a side-effect trait as a result, unless it benefits roleplay, such as a character working to overcome their fear of heights. But wait, she's going for a dual-class of a psion and a rogue, which means further traits. Specifically if a level 1 in either: Choosing a Rogue class gives: +2 Bonus on Stealth Checks, +2 Bonus on Alchemy Checks, +1 Bonus on Sneak Attacks, +1 on Charisma Checks. Choosing a Psion class gives: +2 Bonus on Psionic Focus, +2 Bonus on focus regain rate, bonus +1 on Psion Ability Check if wearing conductive non-toxic metal on their head, -1 if toxic metal or other toxic substance on their head, and one or two psionic abilities at start. Well, due to her splitting the difference, and already having charisma bonuses we'll adjust those and add in some negative traits:

Soft Feet: +1 to Stealth Checks when not already noticed and trying to move stealthily.

Alchemical Dabbler: +1 to Alchemy Checks. -1 on Morale check if failure results, plus other effects.

Unexpected Blows: +1 to Sneak Attacks, one free 1 FP Rogue ability.

Strong Mind: +1 to Psionic focus, one free Psionic 1 FP ability.

Focus Recovery: +1 to regain focus rate.

Psionic Conductivity: +1 on Psion Ability Check if wearing conductive non-toxic metal on their head, -1 if toxic metal or other toxic substance on their head.

Negatively to offset two of the abilities we already have two downsides, as well as the lack of the added Charisma bonus, and having the ability to only get a single 1 FP Psionic and 1 FP Rogue ability free instead of possibly getting a single 2 FP ability or two 1 FP abilities. Now then, onward!

Domiciles is a listing of the different places a character calls home which they own, rent from another, or otherwise live in when not out on adventures. Some domiciles may be small and portable like a caravan, where others may be quite large and defensible like a castle. In Yara Kren's case, we'll put that she has her own sloop called The Raven's Beak, measuring 45 feet by 20 feet with a 6 foot hold. The Raven's Beak itself would be listed as "The Raven's Beak, Docked at Obana Village Pier" as we're going to have it in the same area as the playtesting that has been going on, having just left the merchant fleet. She would also have a tent for her travels, but that would be in her gear, not a listed domicile.

The listings for Ally, Companion, Mercenary, and Mount are with their own limits per type, and with an overall limit of 7, or lower as determined by the GM. At present this seems to be a fair balance for lower players to have aid they can either hire or work alongside on specific quests, as well as pets and the like which can be taken along to assist or a mount to ride for faster travel. In Yara's case she will be new to the area, so she won't have an ally or mercenary at the start, but we'll give her Sunset who is a horse mount, and two companions, Loudmouth who is a Nosey Parrot, and Tempest who is Shifty Rat. We'll fill in more details about them later in the ally/companion/mercenary/mount sheet entries.

On her combat and roleplay knowledge, well, that would depend on her particular chosen abilities and gear usually, but may also expand outside of that. At most there should be five listed there at no more than a level III of knowledge in that area unless it is an area of high interest for their profession or culture. There should be no more than six for each, with a 12 point spread between each section for start. Some might apply to combat or roleplay, and may be slotted to either spread. Let's see... For Yara Kren we're going to put down a few things:

Art Appraisal I: Knows the general current price of fine art on the market and possible value of ones somehow located. Roleplay knowledge.

Footwork II: Knows how to keep in motion to make it easier to react and counter attacks. Combat knowledge.

Gem Appraisal I: Knows the general current price of gems on the market and possible value of ones somehow located. Roleplay knowledge.

Market Values I: Knows the general current price of common items on the market. Roleplay knowledge.

Psychology II: Knows basic psychology enough to recognize certain patterns in an individual when intentionally looking for it. Roleplay knowledge.

Sailing III: Knows how to sail a boat through moderate weather on her own. Roleplay knowledge.

Street Fighting III: Knows how to fight dirty moderately well and survive in unplanned combat when unarmed. Combat knowledge.

Swashbuckling II: Knows how to use a cutlass in battle to fair use. Combat knowledge.

Thievery IV: Knows how to steal, pick-pocket, pinch and nick things. Roleplay knowledge.

Tumble IV: Knows how to roll with a fall to avoid taking as much damage. General knowledge.

Weak Spots I: Knows at least one weak spot per species previously encountered that she survived facing that will distract it at minimum.

And with all of that covered we have the second sheet of character building all prepared.  Next time, weapons, gear, abilities and starting funds!

Friday, June 21, 2013

Character Building: Yara Kren (Part I):

Alright, some might have noticed Character Genetic Breakdown in the first sheet uploaded yesterday for the design feature of the character sheet templates.  I didn't go over the majority of the information on the pages then, but today I'll go over that interesting function and others in the upper right corner.  Character Genetic Breakdown lists four entries, each with a percent slot and another slot for species and race.  In MaL, a character may have traits due to their genetics even if they are a half-breed, or, as in the case of some characters, a quarter-breed.  For anything less than 25% the traits of that species and race are less likely to appear, and if less than 15% no benefit can be gained from it.  If Yara Kren is a female character being generated with an Incubus grandfather tied to an Indeth Human grandmother, and another Incubus grandfather tied to a Satvabes Felinae grandmother, then the character would be 50% Cubi genetically (taking on the Succubus recessive genes in this case due to her gender, 25% ), 25% Indeth Human, and 25% Satvabes Felinae.  Looking at those possibilities we see these genetics being gained:

25% Indeth Human: +0 HP, +0 EP, +0 LP, +0 SP, +2 FP, +0 REA, -1 FIN, +1 INT, +1 WIS, +0 WIL, +1 STR, +0 Speed, +1 Courage Checks,  +1 Beauty , -3 inches height, no specific special ability at start.

25% Satvabes Felinae: +0 HP, +0 EP, +1 LP, +1 SP, +0 FP, +1 REA, +1 FIN, +0 INT, +1 WIS, +0 WIL, +1 STR, +2 Speed, -1 Memory Checks, +1 Beauty, +0 inches height, no specific special ability at start.

25% Lilu Succubus: +0 HP, +0 EP, +0 LP, +0 SP, +1 FP, +0 REA, +0 FIN, +0 INT, +0 WIS, +0 WIL, +2 STR, +1 Speed, +1 Charisma Checks, +4 Beauty, +0 inches height, empathic manipulation ability or empathic and telepathic manipulation abilities at start.

25% Ebyonet Succubus: +0 HP, +0 EP, +0 LP, +0 SP, +1 FP, +0 REA, +1 FIN, +2 INT, +0 WIS, +0 WIL, +1 STR, +1 Speed, +1 Charisma Checks, +3 Beauty, +0 inches height, empathic manipulation ability or empathic and telepathic manipulation abilities at start.

When determining which genes carry over,  one rolls to see which percentage hits.  If a character has a 25%, 25% and 25% build with the rest being too muddled, then a 1-5 on a d20 means no bonus to that entry, 6-10 being the first set of 25%, 11-15 being the second set of 25%, and 16-20 being the final set of 25%.  In the case of the character illustrated above, 1-5 would be Indeth Human genes carried over, 6-10 would be Satvabes Felinae genes carrying over, and 11-15 would be Lilu Succubus genes carrying over, 16-20 would be Ebyonet Succubus genes carrying over.  With just a few rolls to determine which carries over we arrive at this:

Yara Kren (Female Lilu Succubus/Ebyonet Succubus/Indeth Human/Satvabes Felinae Hybrid): +0 HP, +0 EP, +0 LP, +0 SP, +1 FP, +0 REA, +1 FIN, +2 INT, +0 WIS, +0 WIL, +2 STR, +2 Speed, +1 Charisma Checks, +1 Beauty, +0 inches height, empathic manipulation ability or empathic and telepathic manipulation abilities at start.

Now, while most of these stats fit with the pure Succubus genes, some things are different, the increase in intelligence and speed, as well as the decrease in beauty.  If this character is in a family where some of their siblings took more after the Cubi genes, they might be more beautiful, overshadowing Yara in the attention that they gain.  Her intelligence and higher speed, however, might make her the leader of her siblings in getting them into and out of trouble on adventures at a young age, making her that much more likely to have a wandering soul and desire to see the world.  This makes a different character than a pure Succubus, and serves as an example as to how genetics can affect a character's personality for roleplay.  There are, however, a few things not listed to determine, namely, the differences in max age and height due to the genetics.  Given a player choosing Yara to be 25 at start, we can average out her height from the genetics.  An Indeth Human female is on average around 5' tall.  A Satvabes Felinae female is on average 4'10'' tall.  A Succubus is on average around 5'7'' tall.  Given the total sum (doubling for Succubus) and averaging it out, we arrive at a height of about 5'3'', or if one prefers to roll instead, the result skewed toward the Satvabes Felinae genetics, pushing it to 5' tall, being between the average and the one the genes are closest to.  The max natural age for a Human is 125, the max natural age for a Felinae is 80, the max natural age for a Succubus is 205.  Again, averaging them out (and doubling for Succubus) we have 154 as the max natural age, or if rolling, this time skewing towards Succubus genes, 180 as the max natural age.

In the case of the physical description, the character Yara Kren is likely going to appear mostly Succubus,  with some other genetic traits as well.  First, whether Yara should have fur or not.  I rolled a 1d4 to determine if Yara would have fur, with a 1 being about a quarter fur, 2 being slight fur, the others no fur.  It came up with a 2, so Yara has some bronze fur, but just a little, some on the back of her neck, her belly, and back.  I flipped a coin on her skin tone being an average of the different tones or one specifically and it came out as an average, with her fur taking after her Felinae Grandmother.  This averaging makes her skin Ecru in color (#C2B280 for websafe hex color), with light freckling and small black & brown spots on the elbows, shoulders, knees and hips.  She does have a tail (a roll of 1d4 to determine if she has one and which type) which is long, slender and spaded, but having some soft bronze fur in rings along its length.  She also has horns which are short but sharp, coming out of the side of her head and pointing slightly downward.  Her hair is a light red, probably grown long to cover her face at an early age but then cropped short as she got into fights, now kept at a moderate size due to her increasing experience with defending herself and self-confidence.  Her eyes are green since all four races have that as a possibly trait and while I did roll for other possibilities, three green and one yellow came up, meaning her eyes are going to be green, and taking after her Cubi lineage in form.  Later some time I'll make a sketch of her for a character sheet as I'm going to us Yara to example several other parts of the current template as well.

Titles and Aliases is a spot on the template for if the character has already made a name for themselves or has some manner of birthright or other title for roleplay reasons.  Let's say that she holds the title of Psion Apprentice as she's learning to hone her mental abilities while studying under another.  Let's also give her the alias of Yara Light-Hands due to her skill at pick-pocketing and theft of small items, as well as skill with manipulating small things like locks.  Due to her title and her alias, I'd say she'd probably make good profits in the Con Artist profession, so we can put that down as well.  While MaL allows for class-less builds, if Yara was built as a dual-class from the start she'd probably be a Rogue/Psion.  For her starting location, let's put her in the playtest world of Lenida, born in the open seas on the recently started Cubi immigrant merchant fleet on the ketch owned by her parents called The Crimson Maiden.  Her renown in her hometown (being the merchant fleet) is at a 3, with plenty of people knowing her and her family, as well as the fights she has gotten into, but most not aware of the con jobs she's pulled on visitors to the fleet and sometimes even on her own people.  She does not yet have any universal renown.  The Cubi fleet itself is mostly from desert and wasteland dwellers of their previous homelands, seeking new territories to claim, having first started showing up near the Aduron Draconis Dragon-Kin Empire and a few other islands and has developed a mixture of cultures between the Aduron Draconis Dragon-Kin low culture and the old Cubi High Culture and Cubi Low Culture.  Yara would know the Aduten Language (Language of the Aduron and Ventun Draconis Dragon-Kin) and Cubenja (Cubi language), as well as the Cubi Low Culture and Aduron Draconis Dragon-Kin Culture.  That all said, when I have an illustration of Yara and the rest of the sheets set, I'll upload them, but tomorrow the next sheet!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Design Feature: Character Sheet Templates:

For a few weeks now, playtesting of MaL has been going on, modifying some system mechanics, generating some new items, terrors, companions, abilities, and other interesting things, most of which have not been uploaded.  While offline yesterday I had ample time to review how the quickly made character templates looked and decided to make some more aesthetically pleasing ones that would be easy to print out.  When MaL has its eventual name-change and artists working with it, perhaps more flourished designs will be made, but for playtesting purposes these look much nicer than what we've been using.  If you would like a higher resolution copy of one of these sheets, just email me at

There are a few things about these sheets I'd like to go over in this post.  The first thing is the little notice at the bottom.  While Myths and Legends is not the final name for this system, Cracked Sky Games is the name of the games studio it will be published under regardless of its eventual rename.  MaL is not the only game that I intend to eventually put out under this studio, but it is the most ambitious one.  I am the only individual currently within CSG for now and for the foreseeable future, due to my projects being self-funded in minor monetary amount and moderate time investment.  That may change if others are interested in helping it grow, but I do not presently have any others confirmed to join, though some have expressed interest in the future.  Second, all of the sheets have both the player name and character name in the upper left corner (and sometimes the right as well).  This is because any player may have multiple characters and it is easier to sort the appropriate linked sheets if they specify both.  Third, there are several entries that fluctuate during gameplay regularly, like increases to Level, GXP, CXP, RXP, and so forth, and as such it is best to use pencil on the sheets for all but the player name and character name.  Fourth, the slot for illustrations on the first sheet and domicile sheet are intended to be for exactly that and as such are left blank, though they do not need to be filled in by the player.  They are intended for those that want to show that level of detail, as the physical description and notes sections respectively do list how a character looks.  Fifth, there are a LOT more entries listed on the sheets than previously mentioned on this blog, and very good reasons for them which will be gone over at a later time when examining each sheet individually.  There is, thankfully to lessen confusion, plenty of information on what each of the statistics and attributes links to appropriately.  Sixth, these sheets are subject to later change during playtesting!  They are for all intents and purposes currently up-to-date on what has been worked out from testing so far, but they may be modified further as needed.  Let me know if you have any questions or comments!

Item: Emotional Baggage:

Item: Emotional Baggage (3 Pounds): This wood and metal luggage is designed with a crystal panel on the side facing up when placed on an even surface.  This crystal changes color depending on the owner's emotion and will open to reveal one or more things related to that mood, hiding the rest.  It weighs 3 pounds and can fit up to six additional pounds per emotion to a pocket dimension.  If there is nothing corresponding to the emotion within the pocket dimension, then the emotional baggage will open to be empty.  The colors and corresponding emotions are as follows:

Red: Anger, items meant for striking down foes.

Pink: Love, items meant for romance.

Magenta: Transformation, items meant to alter the user or another.

Yellow: Fear, items meant to frighten the user or another.

Orange: Greed, items of value.

Green: Jealousy, items meant to protect the user and their belongings.

Lime: Luck, items meant to improve or reduce the user or another's luck.

Blue: Depression, items meant to cheer up a player or another.

Cyan: Peace, items meant to bring calm to an area and reduce anger in others.

Purple: Curiosity, items meant to help in inspecting things.

White: Sanity, items meant to improve or reduce sanity in the user or another.

Black: Corruption, items meant to degrade the user or another away from purity.

Brown: Illness, items meant to heal the user or another, or make another ill.

Silver: Magic, items of arcane power.

Gold: Soul, items of theological power.

Gray: Mind, items of mental power.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Terror: Banshee Zombies

The microscopic parasite responsible for zombification will mutate based on the host creature and environment that it is in while incubating. As such, one that experiences a very weak host that survives the infection before fully taking control of its host will start to change the white adipose tissue (WAT) fat cells into brown adipose tissue (BAT) fat cells, which burn a lot hotter and are less dense, slimming up their hosts a bit, but unlike the Brute Zombies they don't have a large muscle mass increase, just a huge surge of adrenaline, testosterone and other hormones that increase their slimming down, speed and reflexes. This highly increases their hunger for protein and fatty acids, but they aren't able to build up huge amounts of muscle mass, instead becoming swift and efficient killing machines that hunt in packs, stalking their prey over great distances.  Many an adventurer coming across an area devoid of visible zombies but hearing a strange warbling followed by a shriek will learn to be terrified and leave the area immediately.

Terror: Banshee Zombie: An infected individual of a species that has a microscopic parasite in its brain and bodily fluids that makes it seek out protein and fatty acids to consume to keep it going while trying to spread the infection further. Typically found in packs of five or more, regardless of species. Hunts mostly by sound and motion, terrible sense of smell. Attacks or tries to infect whatever it bumps into as it searches for food and to spread the infection. Due to their limitless endurance, but low health per zombie, the differences between species becomes mostly negligible. They are, by the large, best killed by separating the brain from the rest of the body, although depending on the species that might not always be in what appears to be the head. Initially they move at the same pace without slowing down until they no longer have enough nutrients their body needs to keep in efficient infected status. The Banshee Zombie differs from the Basic Zombie in having insane speed and reflex increase, dealing damage quickly, darting in and out until they can savagely tear their prey to shreds.  They are also less strong and less enduring  than a Basic Zombie but react better and with more instinctual intelligence and drive.

HP: 9 / EP: 35 (Damage Resistance)_Infinite (Pain Resistance) / LP: 0 / SP: 1 / FP:6
Reaction: 29 / Finesse: 27 / Intelligence:9
Wisdom: 12 / Willpower: 34 / Strength: 20
Speed: 32 (32 feet per second, 16 movement spaces per turn <10 ft x 10 ft per square>)
Elemental Strengths: Earth, Lightning, Blood
Elemental Weaknesses: Fire, Metal, Bone

Common Drops: Banshee Zombie's Bones, Banshee Zombie's Rags, Banshee Zombie Cadaver

Arm Block III (0 FP Each): +3 defense on success. -1 EP per use until EP is gone or recovered by rest or other means.

Bite XII (0 FP Each): 12 damage on success against armor-less targets. Will spread the infection if successful.

Dig IV (1 FP Each): Digs its body height in a single turn.

Hold (1 FP Each): Attempts to hold an opponent or a part of their opponent so as to prevent offensive attack from that part while it is held. While held, unless an opponent is able to stalemate the hold or break free, additional attacks may be dealt afterward either by the one holding or by fellow companions and allies of the one holding. Reflexes vs. reflexes to see if hold succeeds. Strength vs. Strength for resisting and breaking free of hold if succeeds.

Kick IV (0 FP Each): 4 damage on success against armor-less targets.

Double Punch II (0 FP Each): 4 damage on success against armor-less targets.

Death Rattle V (0 FP Each): Gives a warble and then a high shriek to intimidate and call for reinforcements. If any are within 1 mile and sound is not dampened, more Banshee Zombies and Basic Zombies will come to the aid of the one shrieking. Check Willpower of opponent when used, if less than 9, -2 SP. May only be used once per combat per Banshee Zombie to affect sanity, subsequent roaring does not affect sanity further.

Run II (0 FP Each): Moving at a character's current max speed for a duration equal to seven movement spaces before further focus is needed.

Double Slash V (0 FP Each): 15 damage on success against armor-less targets.

Tackle and Choke IV (0 FP): 8 damage on success against armor-less targets. Attempts to knock an opponent down and choke the life out of them.

Walk (0 FP Each): Moving at half a character's current max speed, rounded up.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Terror: Brute Zombies:

The microscopic parasite responsible for zombification will mutate based on the host creature and environment that it is in while incubating. As such, one that experiences a very weak host that survives the infection before fully taking control of its host will start to change the white adipose tissue (WAT) fat cells into brown adipose tissue (BAT) fat cells, which burn a lot hotter and are less dense, slimming up their hosts a bit, but also driving up their demand for protein so as to keep them bulking up, eventually even to the point of being unable to move from their mass until they lose some. This highly increases their hunger for protein and fatty acids, but also gives them an advantage in massive strength, attack strength, and endurance, but at the cost of them even attacking their fellow other zombie types.  Many an adventurer coming across an area filled with basic zombies torn to shreds may find themselves terrified to hear the deeper roar of the Brute Zombie, especially if they know what it means.

Terror: Brute Zombie: An infected individual of a species that has a microscopic parasite in its brain and bodily fluids that makes it seek out protein and fatty acids to consume to keep it going while trying to spread the infection further. Typically found in packs of three or more, regardless of species. Hunts mostly by sound and motion, terrible sense of smell. Attacks or tries to infect whatever it bumps into as it searches for food and to spread the infection. Due to their limitless endurance, but low health per zombie, the differences between species becomes mostly negligible. They are, by the large, best killed by separating the brain from the rest of the body, although depending on the species that might not always be in what appears to be the head. Initially they move at the same pace without slowing down until they no longer have enough nutrients their body needs to keep in efficient infected status. The Brute Zombie differs from the Basic Zombie in having insane muscle mass increase, dealing more damage and taking more hits before falling.  They are also a little bit slower  than a Basic Zombie but react better and with more instinctual intelligence and drive.

HP: 14 / EP: 65 (Damage Resistance)_Infinite (Pain Resistance) / LP: 0 / SP: 1 / FP:6
Reaction: 19 / Finesse: 17 / Intelligence:1
Wisdom: 9 / Willpower: 24 / Strength: 43
Speed: 22 (22 feet per second, 11 movement spaces per turn <10 ft x 10 ft per square>)
Elemental Strengths: Earth, Stone, Blood
Elemental Weaknesses: Fire, Lightning, Bone

Common Drops: Brute Zombie's Bones, Brute Zombie's Rags, Brute Zombie Cadaver

Arm Block III (0 FP Each): +3 defense on success. -1 EP per use until EP is gone or recovered by rest or other means.

Bite XIII (0 FP Each): 13 damage on success against armor-less targets. Will spread the infection if successful.

Dig IV (1 FP Each): Digs its body height in a single turn.

Hold (1 FP Each): Attempts to hold an opponent or a part of their opponent so as to prevent offensive attack from that part while it is held. While held, unless an opponent is able to stalemate the hold or break free, additional attacks may be dealt afterward either by the one holding or by fellow companions and allies of the one holding. Reflexes vs. reflexes to see if hold succeeds. Strength vs. Strength for resisting and breaking free of hold if succeeds.

Kick IV (0 FP Each): 4 damage on success against armor-less targets.

Punch IV (0 FP Each): 4 damage on success against armor-less targets.

Roar IV (0 FP Each): Roars to intimidate and call for reinforcements. If any are within 1 mile and sound is not dampened, more Basic Zombies will come to the aid of the one roaring. Check Willpower of opponent when used, if less than 7, -2 SP. May only be used once per combat per Brute Zombie to affect sanity, subsequent roaring does not affect sanity further.

Run (0 FP Each): Moving at a character's current max speed for a duration equal to six movement spaces before further focus is needed.

Slash VII (0 FP Each): 14 damage on success against armor-less targets.

Tackle and Choke V (0 FP): 10 damage on success against armor-less targets. Attempts to knock an opponent down and choke the life out of them.

Walk (0 FP Each): Moving at half a character's current max speed, rounded up.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Terror: Frost Zombies:

The microscopic parasite responsible for zombification will mutate based on the host creature and environment that it is in while incubating. As such, one that experiences a lot of cold before fully taking control of its host will start to change the white adipose tissue (WAT) fat cells into brown adipose tissue (BAT) fat cells, which burn a lot hotter and are less dense, slimming up their hosts a bit. This highly increases their hunger for fatty acids, but also gives them an advantage in cold environments that most other zombie types do not have: hibernation. Unlike the basic zombie, if their body starts to stiffen up and freeze, they will rest until either disturbed or the temperature rises enough, their bodies still warm as the BAT fat cells are burned to keep them from freezing. Many an adventurer coming across an area filled with frozen basic zombies may find themselves caught off guard if one or more turns out to be the Frost Zombie mutation.

Terror: Frost Zombie: An infected individual of a species that has a microscopic parasite in its brain and bodily fluids that makes it seek out protein and fatty acids to consume to keep it going while trying to spread the infection further. Typically found in packs of three or more, regardless of species. Hunts mostly by sound and motion, terrible sense of smell. Attacks or tries to infect whatever it bumps into as it searches for food and to spread the infection. Due to their limitless endurance, but low health per zombie, the differences between species becomes mostly negligible. They are, by the large, best killed by separating the brain from the rest of the body, although depending on the species that might not always be in what appears to be the head. Initially they move at the same pace without slowing down until they no longer have enough nutrients their body needs to keep in efficient infected status. The Frost Zombie differs from the Basic Zombie in having resistance to the cold, and the ability to hibernate until disturbed or the temperature rises enough. They are also a little bit faster and react better and with more instinctual intelligence and drive.

HP: 12 / EP: 45 (Damage Resistance)_Infinite (Pain Resistance) / LP: 0 / SP: 1 / FP: 5
Reaction: 14 / Finesse: 19 / Intelligence: 3
Wisdom: 11 / Willpower: 34 / Strength: 23
Speed: 26 (26 feet per second, 13 movement spaces per turn <10 ft x 10 ft per square>)
Elemental Strengths: Earth, Ice, Blood
Elemental Weaknesses: Fire, Lightning, Bone

Common Drops: Frost Zombie's Bones, Frost Zombie's Rags, Frost Zombie Cadaver

Arm Block (0 FP Each): +1 defense on success. -1 EP per use until EP is gone or recovered by rest or other means.

Bite IX (0 FP Each): 9 damage on success against armor-less targets. Will spread the infection if successful.

Dig IV (1 FP Each): Digs its body height in a single turn.

Hold (1 FP Each): Attempts to hold an opponent or a part of their opponent so as to prevent offensive attack from that part while it is held. While held, unless an opponent is able to stalemate the hold or break free, additional attacks may be dealt afterward either by the one holding or by fellow companions and allies of the one holding. Reflexes vs. reflexes to see if hold succeeds. Strength vs. Strength for resisting and breaking free of hold if succeeds.

Kick II (0 FP Each): 2 damage on success against armor-less targets.

Punch II (0 FP Each): 2 damage on success against armor-less targets.

Roar II (0 FP Each): Roars to intimidate and call for reinforcements. If any are within 1 mile and sound is not dampened, more Basic Zombies will come to the aid of the one roaring. Check Willpower of opponent when used, if less than 5, -1 SP. May only be used once per combat per Basic Zombie to affect sanity, subsequent roaring does not affect sanity further.

Run (0 FP Each): Moving at a character's current max speed for a duration equal to six movement spaces before further focus is needed.

Slash IV (0 FP Each): 8 damage on success against armor-less targets.

Tackle and Choke III (0 FP): 6 damage on success against armor-less targets. Attempts to knock an opponent down and choke the life out of them.

Walk (0 FP Each): Moving at half a character's current max speed, rounded up.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Terror: Basic Zombies:

"Infected subjects show a working nervous system, responding to touch by attempting to grab something brushing against them in order to determine if the object can be infected, consumed, or merely ignored. However, dissection of the subjects and attempts to trigger pain responses prove my hypothesis that the infected do not have a discernible upper limit of their pain threshold. They may moan and even scream in pain, but unlike an uninfected individual, they will not pass out from even the most severe of these sensations." --Xil Nu Kanthe, Research Scientist, Zombie Specialist.

Zombies come in many shapes and sizes, the microscopic parasite that causes the infection taking root in the brain tissues primarily, and causing massive changes to the mental and physical structure of their hosts, as well as mutations of the parasite causing further changes. The most common type of zombie is the standard infection, which takes a week to fully control the host, bringing a desire for protein and fatty acids, a desire to spread the infection, and a need to feed when necessary or if a potential host is too violent to be able to tear them apart before feeding. Zombies largely hunt by sound, most varieties having a terrible sense of smell due to their own stench from their bodies breaking down as well as plugged noses from the infection itself. Some basic zombies will arise as an older infected spreads their infection but dies before the new infected turns, but most hunt in packs of three or more, their eyes seeing movement, but unable to process much detail. While the multitude of species allows for both sentient and non-sentient species

Terror: Basic Zombie: An infected individual of a species that has a microscopic parasite in its brain and bodily fluids that makes it seek out protein and fatty acids to consume to keep it going while trying to spread the infection further. Typically found in packs of three or more, regardless of species. Hunts mostly by sound and motion, terrible sense of smell. Attacks or tries to infect whatever it bumps into as it searches for food and to spread the infection. Due to their limitless endurance, but low health per zombie, the differences between species becomes mostly negligible. They are, by the large, best killed by separating the brain from the rest of the body, although depending on the species that might not always be in what appears to be the head. Initially they move at the same pace without slowing down until they no longer have enough nutrients their body needs to keep in efficient infected status.

HP: 10 / EP: 45 (Damage Resistance)_Infinite (Pain Resistance) / LP: 0 / SP: 1 / FP: 5
Reaction: 13 / Finesse: 19 / Intelligence: 2
Wisdom: 12 / Willpower: 33 / Strength: 25
Speed: 24 (24 feet per second, 12 movement spaces per turn <10 ft x 10 ft per square>)
Elemental Strengths: Earth, Stone, Blood
Elemental Weaknesses: Fire, Ice, Bone

Common Drops: Zombie's Bones, Zombie's Rags, Zombie Cadaver

Arm Block (0 FP Each): +1 defense on success. -1 EP per use until EP is gone or recovered by rest or other means.

Bite IX (0 FP Each): 9 damage on success against armor-less targets. Will spread the infection if successful.

Dig IV (1 FP Each): Digs its body height in a single turn.

Hold (1 FP Each): Attempts to hold an opponent or a part of their opponent so as to prevent offensive attack from that part while it is held. While held, unless an opponent is able to stalemate the hold or break free, additional attacks may be dealt afterward either by the one holding or by fellow companions and allies of the one holding. Reflexes vs. reflexes to see if hold succeeds. Strength vs. Strength for resisting and breaking free of hold if succeeds.

Kick II (0 FP Each): 2 damage on success against armor-less targets.

Punch II (0 FP Each): 2 damage on success against armor-less targets.

Roar II (0 FP Each): Roars to intimidate and call for reinforcements. If any are within 1 mile and sound is not dampened, more Basic Zombies will come to the aid of the one roaring. Check Willpower of opponent when used, if less than 5, -1 SP. May only be used once per combat per Basic Zombie to affect sanity, subsequent roaring does not affect sanity further.

Run (0 FP Each): Moving at a character's current max speed for a duration equal to six movement spaces before further focus is needed.

Slash IV (0 FP Each): 8 damage on success against armor-less targets.

Tackle and Choke III (0 FP): 6 damage on success against armor-less targets. Attempts to knock an opponent down and choke the life out of them.

Walk (0 FP Each): Moving at half a character's current max speed, rounded up.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Zombies Ate My Party:

Zombies are a staple of many a work of fiction and many role playing games, with Myths and Legends proudly continues the tradition, albeit with different methods than are more commonly used.  Some rpgs deal with zombies as being caused by a spell reanimating the dead, and some works of fiction deal with some alien virus or other means of creating the change in the infected.  MaL zombies are caused by a microscopic parasite that spreads in bodily fluids which causes the body to alter itself so as to better suit the parasite's survival or reproductive needs.  They are resistant to attempts to heal, but are not raising those already dead.  There are many types of zombies, most basic being the standard zombie, which bites, chews flesh and eats fatty foods, especially those high with energy.  The frost zombies are a variant that is resistant to frost damage and may hibernate for stretches of time between eating.  The brute zombies are huge and highly muscular, needing a lot more energy to keep up their efficiency.  Also, there are the banshee zombies which are quick and prone to working in small packs , and an assortment of other varieties which may be found the more that an adventurer explores.  All species have a chance of being infected by the zombie parasite, whether sentient or not, but some are more prone to surviving it without being affected, unlike others.  If a Goblin gets infected they have a higher chance of being a carrier but exhibiting no outward signs after the initial illness.  If a Cubi gets infected they have a higher chance of being either a carrier or losing the parasite.  If a Human or Draconis Dragon-Kin gets infected they have a higher chance of turning.  If a Felinae gets infected they have a higher chance of dying from it instead of turning.  A Naiad has a high chance of losing the parasite, a Pixie has a high chance of being a carrier.  A Gitwerg or Centaur has equal chances to all possibilities.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

System Mechanics: Ability Modifiers in Action:

Last post the different terms for ability modifiers were detailed, this time an example of the modifiers in action via a few examples. For this scenario we have Udeth Taniis who is a Potameides Naiad Psion/Wizard, Lindaree Spinnel who is a Pixnix Pixie Rogue/Sorcerer and Kuchak Thunn who is a Duwerg Gitwerg Burdener/Tinkerer. Udeth and Lindaree are swifter than Kuchak, and as such are more likely to use closer range attacks, being able to rush in to land a blow before running back out of range. Kuchak on the other hand, having more endurance, makes for a good shield and strategist in general, using his tinkerer tools and companions to cover the distance for him if need be. Let's look at one base ability they chose at level 1 for each of their classes:

For Udeth:

Empathy [Targeted] (2FP): Target another being to attempt to sense their emotional state for five minutes or push three emotions into them.

Freezing Blow [Touch] (1FP): Make physical contact with another being to attempt to start freezing them, dealing 2 physical damage and 3 frost damage.

For Lindaree:

Backstab [Touch] (0FP Each): 3 damage on success in addition to weapon materials/enhancement bonuses. For the blade she bought, none were available.

Conceal III [Aura] (1FP Each): While stationary, hide from normal vision by minor wild magic use until the character moves or the ability is dispelled from other means.

For Kuchak:

Longburn [Beam] (2 FP Each): Creates a blaze from one of his weapons that requires concentration to operate which leaves a burning trail in a line between the caster and the target for five turns unless put out. Deals 2 physical damage and 3 fire damage to any in its path for five turns unless put out.

Meat-Shield [Wall] (1 FP Each): Endures damage twice as efficiently, using only 1 EP per 2 damage dealing withstood for five minutes or two turns from a direct attack, shielding those behind as well.

Alright, looking at their abilities its quite clear that Kuchak does his best at a range while the girls run in, but as the characters take injury, or opponents flee, they may decide to alter their strategies a little bit, possibly slotting experience toward new abilities, or possibly improving abilities they already know, maybe even tweaking them with different modifiers. Here's an example of them again with changed modifiers.

Modifying for Udeth:

Empathy III [Targeted-Radius] (2FP): Target another being to attempt to sense their emotional state for fifteen minutes or push three emotions into them, as well as three emotions into any others within a 4 movement block radius from them.

Freezing Blow II [Touch-Chain] (1FP): Make physical contact with another being to attempt to start freezing them, dealing 3 physical damage and 4 frost damage to them and others within 3 movement blocks in a chain effect.

Modifying for Lindaree:

Backstab II [Touch-Aura] (0FP Each): 4 damage on success in addition to weapon materials/enhancement bonuses. For the blade she bought, none were available. Additionally, 2 damage will persist every turn until the aura is removed or the individual dies.

Conceal IV [Aura-Targeted] (1FP Each): While stationary, hide from normal vision by minor wild magic use until the targeted character moves or the ability is dispelled from other means.

Modifying for Kuchak:

Longburn II [Blast] (2 FP Each): Creates a blaze from one of his weapons that requires concentration to operate which leaves a burning trail in a line between the caster and the target for five turns unless put out. Deals 3 physical damage and 4 fire damage to any in its path for five turns unless put out, as well as any in a splash radius of 2 movement squares from any individual hit in the blast's line of targeting.

Meat-Shield III [Sphere] (1 FP Each): Endures damage four times as efficiently, using only 1 EP per 4 damage dealing withstood for five minutes or two turns from a direct attack, shielding those in a radius of three movement squares from the one using this ability.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

System Mechanics: Ability Modifiers

There are a lot of different types of abilities within the MaL RPG System, many of which are used for combat, and most of which are specific in their style of usage in terms of potency, range, shape and focus. Many are based on a longer-range beam, some on touch, some on area of effect, and some on a specified target. However, as a character levels up their abilities and knowledge, they are able to learn modifications of their abilities, improving them as they see fit. Multiple may be used together with different types of attacks for interesting twists, for example. For simplification, here are the ability modifiers:

Aura: Surrounds the individual targeted as a persistent effect.

Beam: Fires directly out in a sharp even focus of generally circular shape.

Blast: Fires directly out in a burst that splatters its effects on impact.

Chain: Links the targeted individual and nearby secondary targeted individuals that are not in a straight line or tight radius.

Radius: Targets all within the range of the area chosen with its effects at the same height level.

Ray: First a very tight focus circular effect that is generally mild.

Sphere: Targets all within range of the area chosen with its effects regardless of height level.

Targeted: Affects only the individual targeted with its effects.

Touch: Only affects that which is directly touched by the one using the ability within its duration.

Wall: A solid force of effects, usually used as a shield of sorts.

Wave: Spreads outward in wave pattern, shoving its effects forcefully without the focus of a beam or blast.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Terror: Living Pentachoron

The Living Pentachoron is a 4-dimensional creature from the ordered realm of The White Void. They are drawn to temporal rifts and fix supposed paradoxes, trying to keep the universe from ever increasing chaos through instinctual mindset, not having sentience.

Living Pentachoron: The Living Pentachoron is an extra-dimensional ordered creature that appears to be a pyramid within a pyramid shifting around in space. It is not sentient but has an instinctual mindset that makes it fix supposed paradoxes and reverse temporal damages. It is capable of phasing through most matter leaving a trail of cold static-filled air and materials, and de-ages things before consuming them, as well as being able to overload magic at times.

HP: 89 / EP: 15 / LP: 0 / SP: 50 / FP: 35
Reaction: 43 / Finesse: 20 / Intelligence: 12

Wisdom: 6 / Willpower: 23 / Strength: 2
Speed: 40 (50 feet per second, 20 movement spaces per turn <10 ft x 10 ft per square>)
Elemental Strengths: Air, Ice, Bone
Elemental Weaknesses: Fire, Metal, Slime

Common Drops: Time Crystal

Cold Phasing VII (0 FP Each): Passes through almost any non-magnetic materials. Cannot pass through iron, nickel or cobalt. On phasing through an individual or other creature it causes 7 frost damage as it passes through. On phasing through any electronic devices it reduces its power by 5.

Flight (2 FP Each): Moving at a character's current max speed + 1 (including any other temporary boosts), for a duration equal to three movement spaces.

Float (1 FP Each): Moving at a character's current max speed for a duration equal to six movement spaces before further focus is needed.

Hover (0 FP Each): Moving at half a character's current max speed, rounded up.

Magic Overload III (2 FP): Forces up to 12 FP into an active foci or active spell, dealing damage to the foci or caster if they are not able to use abilities equal to 12 + the amount of FP needed for that spell or the foci's max storage. Any excess beyond the max deals damage to endurance first and then HP if no endurance.

Ordered Touch III (2 FP Each): On brushing something, it deals 18 gravity damage to its endurance without effecting the HP of a character or creature.

Time Lock C (5FP Each): The Living Pentachoron locks an area from interaction from outside forces for 100 turns per use, making the area feel like cold static-filled air to any outsiders passing through the area. The diameter of the sphere of time lock is 50 movement blocks.

Time Reversal V (3FP Each): The Living Pentachoron uses its abilities to de-age everything within the a 25 movement-block radius by a year, dealing 5 damage in the process.