Friday, November 29, 2013

Religion: The Cult of Lost Treasures:

The Cult of Lost Treasures is a religion that that dedicates itself to raiding any lost temples or other structures and villages that may have items of wealth, and splitting the wealth fifty-fifty between those in the cult and Ehnkilli, the higher powered being they revere most.  They intentionally drop his share into pits filled with traps, beasts and other hazards so that only he may gather them back up, and that he will have it all when they die.  No member leaves an inheritance to their offspring, instead teaching them skills to become wealthy in life but making them have to earn it, even if with thievery and other methods they encourage that outsiders might balk at.  All members of The Cult of Lost Treasures carry a golden knife with a ruby in its hilt on their person at all times they are clothed, as it is the icon of Ehnkilli.  They do encourage charity to beggars, but mostly to teach them how to make money for themselves if they want to be rich, just ensuring they have enough to survive otherwise.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Religion: The Order of the Ruby Butterfly:

The Order of the Ruby Butterfly is the most famous group that serves Fuldor.  Each of its many temples has a ruby butterfly affixed above Fuldor's altar, with a bowl filled with seeds to either side of the altar.  Each temple has multiple basement levels, some for the worshipers, some for securing sacred items, some for the trials of initiation, and the lowermost holding an erratic but powerful artifact created for each temple, called the Wheels of Change.  The Wheels of Change reaches out to sense any genetic samples on the floor and store their information on its circle's circumferences.  When someone is bound to the center wheel and it is spun, then the various circles move independently and land on different entries, metamorphosing the participant to take on the traits it ends up on.  The members of The Order of the Ruby Butterfly will use The Wheels of Change once upon their initiation completion and once every season if they so desire.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Religion: The Order of the Golden Lute:

Chabelle's followers are mostly musicians, and their devotion is rarely more than wanting to improve their skills or to hear her play.  However, there are more dedicated followers, and the most secretive is The Order of the Golden Lute.  While the musicians in it may not play the lute as their primary instrument, they all have a golden lute they carry with them as a symbol of their devotion to her, and all receive training from each other to better play their primary instrument and others so as to better appreciate music as a whole.  The golden lutes they carry are sometimes lost or stolen, but the order has vows to recover them once they locate them.  Some outsiders have been found to have them, or other items of power belonging to the order, and they have always been brought back through one means or another.  The most famous of which was the felinae fiddler Charlene Danya who bested the incubus Seva Nann in a musical contest and then spent two years convincing her opponent to join the order, and later married.

Religion: The Cult of Electric Vanity:

Followers of Byn are typically those in the cosmetic and fashion industries, as well as those who are exceedingly vain.  There is, however, an even darker undercurrent, a cult of devoted followers that seek to elevate themselves to perfection, and to either fix or remove those who are less perfect than them.  The Cult of Electric Vanity trades focus and more in exchange for lasting beauty, power and influence.  Members of this cult typically have an open eye with lightning in its pupil tattooed somewhere on their body, with some even going so far as to tattoo it in a blatantly obvious place so as to show their loyalty.  They flaunt their bodies in a manner that borders on impropriety, yet keep a retinue on hand of lesser members to guard them from those that may not only be jealous but violent, or as the case often is, to sic them on someone else that does not seem impressed by their beauty.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Religion: The Fraternity of the Fop:

Bobh is fairly relaxed about his followers unless they meddle too much with causing dangerous fluctuations in wild magic and dimensional travel flow, but one of the stranger orders that gives him focus is one of his most popular and least recognizable.  The Fraternity of the Fop is obsessed with keeping on top of and guiding the fashions of the realms, choosing per region to all wear the same type of shades and hat combination with minor variance, as well as a small pin or necklace that has a hat wearing shades on it to let other members recognize them.  In addition, they try to always keep additional benefits at their jobs for individuals not of their order who seem to start following their fashion who have an interest in wild magic or travel.  Membership initiation has many pranks and specific travel needed, but overall it is much more relaxed than many other religions, unless they receive word from senior members that a specific individual or group needs to be delayed or prevented from traveling to another realm or diverted to a different location in it or different realm, or that a specific individual or group needs to be either prevented or encouraged to pull wild magic from a certain area.  The highest members of the order are said to communicate with Bobh directly on a regular basis, and other members may find him in disguise partaking in their many efforts for the thrill of it.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Religion: The Order of Silent Reflection:

The Order of Silent Reflection is an odd order to those outside of it, taking a vow of silence and poverty outside the walls of their temples, yet always looking for new knowledge and understanding, and their patron higher powered being is Atim.  As a result, they always work for their food and keep when traveling, writing or communicating through other methods, but never speaking.  While outside of their temples, they wear full cloaks, hoods, thick veils, padding and other means to keep their members as anonymous as possible, trying to offer little attention to specific members that might otherwise distract them from their pursuit of knowledge.  This is not to say that they have a vow of chastity, that they cannot marry within or outside the Order, but that it is to be minimized, and that it is preferred that a member who finds a mate would also try to indoctrinate them if they are from outside the order, and that they would either maintain their vows to the order or choose to leave its temples until they are able to resume them.  While members of the Order of Silent Reflection are rarely out of their outfits outside of the temples, within them in areas that only members may access they discuss many things in the comfort of less concealing garb.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The Phoenix Society:

Throughout history sentient species have sought ways to extend their lifespan, to prolong the final taste of death, and to make a lasting impact on the world around them through their offspring and their legacy if unable.  Some species are longer lived than others, and half-breeds sometimes have a lifespan between that of their parents, or shorter than either, or rarely longer than both.  However, through natural means alone, most species do still die from old age, in addition to other means.  There are a few individuals who through a boon or curse from a higher power or through mutation or accident have had longer lives than expected, but these are spoken of more in tales than conversations occurring with said individuals directly.  However, there has for several centuries been a cabal that seeks to guide events so as to perpetually keep their coffers stocked as they seek true immortality and invulnerability, having already found several methods that have greatly extended their lifespans.  The Phoenix Society puts its inductees through a hell of trials for a year before approving membership before finally allowing them a sample of one of their life-extending treasures, and even then each member must work to find more methods and objects capable of bringing them closer to their goal.  Most of the members of The Phoenix Society care nothing for the world around them, save that their treasured methods and objects are saved alongside their personal pleasures and distractions.  Hidden away in the homes of their members may be remnants of their past, as well as hints to their membership, though they are spread far and wide, meeting once per equinox.  They always seek to improve their lives, even if it means burning everything they have to ashes so as to be reborn with a new perspective, as its first members did long ago before naming their society after the legendary bird that they have taken as their symbol.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Materials: Bobh-Bon Crystals, Ilkarji Silk, Tioneb Goo, and White Matter:

To say that the High Ordered Beings' prison realm known as The White Void is mostly empty blindingly white space is an understatement.  Still, even it is not devoid of materials of value, if you will pardon the pun.  True, the dangers are high with the prisoners there, but several things draw others to raid and harvest it for profit or experimentation needing specific materials.  The most desired materials are Bobh-Bon Crystals, Ilkarji Silk, Tioneb Goo, and White Matter:

Bobh-Bon Crystals are a delicacy, edible crystals with 4 Sweet and 1 Carb sustenance, given either as gifts from Bobh to visitors to his home in The White Void, or sometimes found in modest containers scattered through that realm for no reason that any mortal can understand, but many wonder if perhaps they are refused gifts to the High Ordered Beings to try to keep them from feeding on each other or travelers.  Seeing as they are never seen eating one, that seems unlikely, but others counter that perhaps the High Ordered Beings also consume the containers themselves, leaving no trace.  Regardless, the treats also may store up to 75 EP in each one, and eating a depleted one still grants full FP and +5 FP beyond the character or creature's maximum, once per day.  Consuming more seems to have no effect to FP though some swear through sugar hallucinations to have seen Bobh's visage smirking and wagging an index finger in amused admonishment at the attempt.  Experiments have been made to try to verify this, but the results have always been inconclusive.  Each cubic inch is one treat, having 1 EP, 1 Toughness, and weighing 1/230th lbs.

Ilkarji Silk is made by the Octahedron Higher Ordered Beings to wrap around captured larger creatures until it crystallizes them before consumption or laying their young depending on the season.  It is so named after Ilkarji Gokar, a Felinae explorer who first managed to retrieve some and bring it back to the main realm within known history.  It is extremely sticky and stretches without breaking until heated to 60 MaL degrees, when it becomes dry, stretching barely, and extraordinarily sharp.  It is frequently used in assassin gear, suspension structure building, or machinery needing precision cuts due to how thin and sharp that it is.  Each cubic inch spools out to make a 16 foot strand that has 75 EP, 19 Toughness, weighs 1/1800th lbs and is barely visible unless light glimmers directly on it.

Tioneb Goo is the extracted center of a Fractaldactyl egg, first found by the human Tioneb Troblednam found within his time adventuring when he was trapped with the creatures of The White Void before retiring to become a mathematician.  For nearly a year he studied the creatures and survived by eating some of the Fractaldactyl eggs which left him with a scent that made the parent terrors leave him alone for a few days each time and left him feeling full enough for the period of time until it wore off.  Tioneb Goo was named after him as he managed to bring a few of the eggs back with him when he was finally rescued, and studied its composition, finding that despite being unable to hatch while unfertilized, the goo in the eggs would dissolve most materials, save more of the goo, arsenic, copper, and glass.  One cubic inch has 1 EP, 1 Toughness, weighs 1/40th lbs, and is capable of providing 1 HP, and the following sustenance: 4 Protien, 4 Carbs, 3 Umami, 1 Fatty, 1 Liquid, 1 Soft, 1 Sweet, 1 Salty, 1 Cold, and 1 Pure.

White Matter is a strange wisp so soft most move through it without noticing it.  This material comprises most of the White Void, its structure always displacing as things move through it, not causing any sensory data to analyze except a feeling of weightlessness and a light warmth.  White Matter if scooped up by most materials will just shift out of the way, but a bit of temporal mechanics or magic to create a bubble of frozen time will allow one to trap some and take it with them out of The White Void, though High Ordered Beings will quickly move toward that spot if within fifty miles of it.  Outside of The White Void, White Matter maintains a spherical shape, and may be altered and used to create a pocket dimension home once reinserted into The White Void, for use in temporal machines, to create a dimensional bag's pocket dimension, as part of a weapon against High Chaotic Beings, or if attacked with enough chaotic force will create an explosion of 12 frost and 12 fire damage in radius of 25 squares aside from the 2 square radius per cubic inch of White Matter, which has 40 EP, 1 Toughness, and weighs 1/90000th lbs each.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Materials: Bokeno, Harglesplerk Crystals, Jilcuskon, Vennerkun,

The Crystal Slumber of Feluk is a realm filled with valuable minerals and the dangers of coming too close to the humming crystals, but some still try to harvest valuable materials most are unaware of: Bokeno, Harglesplerk Crystals, Jilcuskon, and Vennerkun:

Bokeno is the remnants of the Bodel eggs if they do not hatch, withering and shrinking in size the older they get.  The Bodels put these failed eggs into caverns which slowly break them down into more minerals for the humming crystals that people slumber in, trying to accelerate the growth process toward another egg.  If the egg is only a few weeks old it is still hard, and highly valued.  One fresh Bokeno has 6 EP, 3 Toughness, weighs 9 lbs, and when its surface is removed without dissolving it, the gooey center may be extracted.  While the outer shell will not break down further without the center, making it good for decoration or use in crafting items, the true value is in the goo.  The Bodel's do not have fetuses, instead having a crystal see in the center of the goo, and this is a key ingredient in temporal machines.  The goo itself, however, when mixed with an equal portion of sugar and animal fat, produces an anti-aging cream that removes 10 years of wrinkles per pound, not reversing aging internally, but adding +6 Beauty to any who use it.

Harglesplerk Crystals are a type of crystal that only grows in total darkness, named after its Gitwerg discoverer with an unfortunate rite-of-passage last name meaning "lucky-stumbling-bastard" due to his barely passing the test due to his poor navigation and balance skills but still finding his hidden challenge statuette after falling down a hole onto another individual returning from their own rite-of-passage.  Harglesplerk Crystals were found under similar circumstances in Feluk, each pound producing a 15 physical and 10 fire damage explosion when exposed to more than dim light for more than a minute.  Each cubic inch of Harglesplerk Crystal has 4 EP, 17 Toughness, and weighs 1/8th lbs.  Feluk's caverns are rich with Harglesplerk deep in the dark, but so are other dangers.

Jilcuskon is a type of rock found in Feluk that anchors the humming crystals used by the Bodels, as well as sometimes lining walls where Vennerkun rocks are found.  It absorbs vibrations and electricity to become more dense, but as a result becomes less tough, and leaks out the vibrations slowly over time.  Each cubic inch of Jilcuskon devoid of absorbed vibrations and electricity has 5 EP, 9 Toughness, and weighs 1/32th lbs.  Absorbing 3 vibration or 3 electricity damage increases its EP by 2, reducing its Toughness by 1/4th Toughness, and increasing its weight by 1/128th lbs each time.  If one deals damage to it faster than it absorbs it will shatter, and once a day it will reduce by 2 EP if it is not receiving vibrations or electricity during that time.

Vennerkun is a type of rock found in Feluk that absorbs pressure, trapping it as a faint glimmer in the crystal flecks running through it.  When electricity is applied to one end of Vennerkun, the entire rock vibrates in any direction opposite the electrical leads until it has released its contained pressure.  If one runs electricity into it for too long they risk shattering it, but applying pressure to it again will give a bit more vibration to use before it shatters.  One cubic inch of Vennerun has 52 EP, 1 Toughness, weighs 1/10th lbs, absorbs 3 pressure damage per EP, and withstands 1 electrical damage per EP.  As a result, it is highly valued by miners when put into focused machines to ensure it directs only in one convex direction.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Materials: Baelfire Trees, Moonstone, Silverleaf Trees, and Sunstone:

The Glens of Tirae are deceiving, not only due to its denizen's trickery, but also to their very nature, some materials being far more valuable than one may immediately think.  Among these materials are Baelfire Trees, Moonstone, Silverleaf Trees, and Sunstone:

Baelfire Trees are extremely valued due to the duration at which they burn when aflame, the strong sweetness of their fruit, the spice of their ground bark, and the softness of their leaves being woven into garments and tapestries, readily absorbing dyes.  Each cubic inch of Baelfire Wood has 5 EP, 2 Toughness, 1/175th lbs weight, and -3 Resistance to Fire.

Moonstone is a type of stone sometimes found in babbling brooks of Tirae, meteor pieces smoothed and absorbing magic the most when the water is at its coldest, meaning less of the magical energy is being pulled away by the current.  Each night a Moonstone exposed to the night air and land in which magic isn't severely dampened will find a large amount of magic absorbed.  One cubic inch of Moonstone has 3 EP, 1 Toughness, 1/125th lbs weight, stores up to 18 FP, and replenishes half its FP without assistance at night when able.

Silverleaf Trees are rare and usually protected by those that cultivate them, as their wood is extremely durable, and their leaves do indeed have trace amounts of silver in them that gives them their appearance and name.  This may either be extracted or used in making very light layered flexible armor.  One cubic inch has 12 EP, 2 Toughness, and 1/275th lbs weight.

Sunstone is a type of rock that absorbs visible light, growing warm and faintly glowing at night, but a little bit of focus or the application of electric current will make it release all of its heat and light at once in the direction opposite the electricity or foci.  Even one cubic inch has 1 EP, 1 Toughness, 1/50th lbs weight, and the ability to store up to 120 MaL degrees and enough illumination for 16 turns, or 16 Light damage.

Monday, November 4, 2013

System Mechanics: Luck Points Revisited:

At the beginning of this blog I wrote about determinism vs random in terms of how actions and choices have a huge influence on how well an action works, as well as how random things can greatly influence things as well.  Chaos theory dictates that everything is linked and that there is a chain of even minor changes that can affect seemingly unrelated events.  As such, someone buying an item in a shop may find that it is key to bypassing a temple guardian or some other coincidence that eases actions or makes them even more difficult than if one did not have it.  With a GM on the pen and paper version each item or action can have as much influence as they so desire, and on the eventual computer version the algorithms will work behind the scenes to keep everything moving with or without player involvement in an area to ensure things simulate life within the system.  All that said, luck points were touched on briefly as being able to be spent from a positive or negative pool, but little detail was put on how they were used or how they were gained.

Luck Points, or LP, are used when a character or creature's attempted action is taken if one chooses to burn it, adding a 1d6 potential out outcomes to it:  1) -/+1d6 penalty, 2) 0 change, 3) +/-1d4 bonus, 4) +/-1d6 bonus, 5) +/-1d10 bonus, and 6) +/-1d20 bonus.  As one can see, burning LP can greatly benefit or even hinder a player when taking an action.  Players burning positive LP will gain the first of two possibilities per outcome [positive except 1) being negative and 2) being no change], and players burning negative LP will gain the second possibility [negative except 1) being positive and 2) being no change].  In this manner, if a player knows that their action is about to fail, they can burn positive LP to improve its chance of succeeding, or if successfully landing burn positive LP to do the task with an even better result.  Conversely a player can burn negative LP for the opposite, having a higher chance of failure in order to get rid of some of their negative LP.

A character  that is superstitious gains positive or negative LP due to actions that their culture believes bring good or bad luck, in addition to their karma choices.  They, and all other characters, gain LP based on their actions, positive for any action that helps an individual and are selfless, and negative for those that only help the character or another individual selfishly without regard for others involved.  Actions done out of self-defense such as in combat initiated by someone or something else, do not affect LP unless a character is superstitious and harming the foe brings positive or negative luck according to their culture.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Abilities: Low-Level Psionic Touch Abilities:

Previously some low-level magic touch abilities were sampled, today we'll sample some psionic touch abilities.

Algesis Touch (1 FP/3 Uses/1 FP After)(5 Minutes/1 Turn)(1 FIN/5 FIN)(Psionic/1 Range/Touch, Psionic, Blood):  The user of this ability attempts to cause physical harm from any touch against a foe regardless of the severity of the touch if it even brushes, dealing +1 damage that bypasses any non-psionic armor against HP directly, in addition to any other physical damage by the blow's force.  Prerequisites: Psionic Mind Trait.

Apportation Touch (1 FP/3 Uses/1 FP After)(5 Minutes/1 Turn)(3 FIN/15 FIN)(Psionic/1 Range/Touch, Psionic, Movement): The user of this ability touches a creature, character or item that they would ordinarily be able to lift and attempts to teleport it away from them up to their maximum range.  Prerequisites: Psionic Mind Trait.

Clairvoyant Touch (1 FP/3 Uses/1 FP After)(5 Minutes/1 Turn)(1 FIN/5 FIN)(Psionic/1 Range/Touch, Psionic, Sight): The user of this ability touches an item, creature or character to later view it for strategic purposes such as gaining information, being able to find something if lost, and ensuring that something stolen is found more easily.  Prerequisites: Psionic Mind Trait.

Empathic Touch (1 FP/3 Uses/1 FP After)(5 Minutes/1 Turn)(1 FIN/5 FIN)(Psionic/1 Range/Touch, Psionic, Emotion): The user of this ability touches another character or creature to read their current true emotional state if successful, and may attempt if desired to push a different state into them, diminish, or increase the state the individual already has.  Prerequisites: Psionic Mind Trait.

Hydrokinetic Touch (1 FP/3 Uses/1 FP After)(5 Minutes/1 Turn)(1 FIN/5 FIN)(Psionic/1 Range/Touch, Psionic, Water): The user of this ability touches a body of water to make it move out of the way or form a placid surface upon which to walk for the duration of the effect.  Prerequisites: Psionic Mind Trait.

Mentatic Touch (1 FP/3 Uses/1 FP After)(5 Minutes/1 Turn)(1 FIN/5 FIN)(Psionic/1 Range/Touch, Psionic, Healing): The user of this ability touches themselves, another character or creature to diagnose the mental health of the individual and attempt to do one of the following: 1) remove a mental status affect, 2) temporarily bestow +2 WIL for 15 minutes or 1 turn, or 3) increase the individual's SP by +1 for 15 minutes or 1 turn.  Prerequisites: Psionic Mind Trait.

Psychokinetic Touch (1 FP/3 Uses/1 FP After)(5 Minutes/1 Turn)(2 FIN/10 FIN)(Psionic/1 Range/Touch, Psionic, Movement): The user of this ability touches another character, creature or item in order to attempt to move something small within it.  This ability is frequently used by thieves to attempt to open locks, as well as by individuals who attempt to cause weapons and items to fall apart, or small organs to temporarily be squeezed or stretched, such as the eyes, veins, or the throat for examples.  Prerequisites: Psionic Mind Trait.

Psychometry Touch (1 FP/3 Uses/1 FP After)(5 Minutes/1 Turn)(1 FIN/5 FIN)(Psionic/1 Range/Touch, Psionic, Sight): The user of this ability touches another character, creature or item to view a portion of their past if successful, and may then attempt if desired to seek a specific time-frame or a random one.  Prerequisites: Psionic Mind Trait.

Telekinetic Touch (1 FP/3 Uses/1 FP After)(5 Minutes/1 Turn)(1 FIN/5 FIN)(Psionic/1 Range/Touch, Psionic, Movement):  The user of this ability touches a character, creature or item to pull it closer if barely able to touch it or push it further away up to half their range.  Prerequisites: Psionic Mind Trait.

Telepathic Touch (1 FP/3 Uses/1 FP After)(5 Minutes/1 Turn)(1 FIN/5 FIN)(Psionic/1 Range/Touch, Psionic, Mind): The user of this ability touches another character or creature to read their current true thoughts if successful, and may attempt if desired to push a different idea into them, encourage a specific thought, or try to diminish the focus on a particular thought.  Prerequisites: Psionic Mind Trait.

Transvection Touch 1 FP/3 Uses/1 FP After)(5 Minutes/1 Turn)(2 FIN/10 FIN)(Psionic/1 Range/Touch, Psionic, Movement):  The user of this ability touches a character, creature or item that they can normally lift and levitates it to the height of their central body mass off the ground, being able to push or pull it as if it were 1/10th its weight for movement speed.  Prerequisites: Psionic Mind Trait.

Vitakinetic Touch (1 FP/3 Uses/1 FP After)(5 Minutes/1 Turn)(1 FIN/5 FIN)(Psionic/1 Range/Touch, Psionic, Healing): The user of this ability touches themselves, another character or creature to diagnose their physical health and attempt to do one of the following: 1) dull pain temporarily, 2) remove a status effect upon them, or 3) heal 1 HP per use.  Prerequisites: Psionic Mind Trait.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Materials: Kukoju Metal, Rojihal Metal, Wudgan Marble, and Xhunfo Sand:

The Shifting Sands of Jhaneer are rife with danger and mystery, ancient treasures buried and lost in the harsh sands.  Some of these, and the techniques to make them, have been recovered and sold in secrecy.  The most valued of these discovered thus far are Kukoju Metal, Rojihal Metal, Wudgan Marble, and Xhunfo Sand:

Kukoju Metal is a deep reddish gold, shining as it catches light, soft and conductive to electricity.  Each cubic inch of Kukoju Metal has 2 EP, 2 Toughness, 1/400th lbs, and when worn or held grants +1 HP per eight hours even if no other healing actions are taken.

Rojihal Metal is faintly pink, but blades made of it are highly feared by thieves in Jhaneer, as its secret was well guarded for centuries, used solely for royal bodyguards and the highest ranking official police.  Each cubic inch of Rojihal Metal has 8 EP, 6 Toughness, 1/3000th lbs, and glows brighter and hotter for each life taken by it, trapping the remaining focus a body had in it when the spirit departed the body.  As a result, Rojihal Metal releases this trapped focus as an extra 1 damage to EP for every 2 FP it retains, or it may be used by those that can use Foci Magic in order to put it to greater potential.

Wudgan Marble is a deep blue, green-veined stone that outputs a calming field of +1 Charisma per cubic foot, maintaining per cubic inch 3 EP, 2 Toughness, 1/250th lbs, and self-repairs +1 EP per two hours without damage to it.  It is frequently used in palaces where the ruler wants visitors to feel more at ease, as well as in the most secure of stone prisons to help keep walls repairing themselves.

Xhunfo Sand is a type of black sand that is magnetic and drawn to large quantities of metal, as well as being highly toxic.  Xhunfo Sandstorms rarely happen, but if the sand isn't close enough to maintain its attraction to the metal it is near it will tear through many materials with 2 damage per minute in the sandstorm.  Additionally, while it has only 1 EP, 1 toughness and 1/1000th lbs per cubic inch, it may also be used in temporal machines, as melting the Xhunfo sand into glass will show 1 century in the past per inch thickness if looking through a convex surface, and 1 century in the future per inch thickness if looking through a concave surface.

Materials: Albacon, Endata Cubes, Fraglith Crystals, and Syndak:

The Silicon Fields are abundant with items useful within it and if properly extracted, outside of it as well.  However, some of the materials themselves are as valued if not more than the powerful items.  Chief among them are Albacon, Endata Cubes, Fraglith Crystals, and Syndak:

Abacon is a type of material that is harvested regularly in The Silicon Fields to make ultra light but strong fibers and it transmits electricity and light with ease.  One cubic inch has 38 EP, 1 Toughness, weighs 1/6000th lbs, and may transmit 1 electrical damage and 12 electrical hazard points from tip to tip and 5 light damage and full illumination to 1 square through its entire length.  It is often put into decor or even clothing (if properly shielded) for grand spectacles, as well as for lightweight short-range weaponry.

Endata Cubes are condensed data and energy that fuel any portable digital device equipped to take their power.  Each cubic inch has 4 EP, 1 Toughness, 1/9100th lbs weight, and stores 20 electric hazard points, which powers devices for quite some time.  Most Endata Cubes are 8 or 27 cubic inches in size, and each one also stores an extractable memory of every device it has been used or recharged in, and a holographic image of a 2 square radius of each use or recharge location.  Endata Cubes may be used in any realm, but only recharged in The Silicon Fields.

Fraglith Crystals are found adjacent to or near tears between The Silicon Fields and other realms, or from one portion of The Silicon Fields to another.  While tears do occur naturally and are shut down when the Fraglith is removed from them, they may also be caused by tuning the Fraglith with harmonic resonance to a particular location.  When the Fraglith is then shattered or destroyed by heat, light or electrical damage, a new tear will open in its place for 1 hour in one direction only.  Each cubic inch of Fraglith has 2 EP, 9 Toughness, weighs 1/4500th lbs, and is capable of creating a spherical tear four times its size.  Fraglith grows only from absorbing melted Albacon, Silicon and Copper, and an equal portion to its size will grow it by 1 cubic inch per week.  Putting more than equal batches of melted Albacon, Silicon and Copper will cause the Fraglith to dissolve.

Syndak is an addictive substance formed from digital dna, synthol, sugar, and a mixture of ingredients each creator keeps to themselves.  It can be liquified and injected, glazed over something, re-hardened within baked candies, or kept crystallized and broken into powder.  As it contains digital dna, it has the potential to carry infections if not prepared properly, but it also can temporarily bestow traits of the source and secret ingredients to the individual using it.  Its addiction starts as a simple craving, but those that have used it more than six times within a month find themselves having a sugar crash every morning and the need for hot and acidic consumables every two hours until they get a fix, with a lasting fever and slight purple around their irises as symptoms of their addiction.  Each cubic inch of Syndak has 1 EP, 1 Toughness, weighs 1/750th lbs, and is 8 units of Syndak dosage.