Monday, December 30, 2013

Religion: The Cult of Dissolution:

Lukarr's followers are typically assassins and poisoners, though members of The Cult of Dissolution are another breed of vile fiend.  The members of this cult elevate mutation of themselves for revenge or 'justice' as some claim it to be beyond just simple repayment for his assistance, drawing others into the cult to poison and dissolve into a ritualistic mixture created for the sake of stabilizing some of the mutations so as to retain their sentience and speech, if nothing else.  This altered members will typically disguise their new forms as they seek out others to sacrifice or in carrying out his aims...  Their icon is a flagon of slime with a bone dissolving in it.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Religion: The Order of the Broken Gear:

The Order of the Broken Gear is a religion that serves Kaesot, its members all having fallen out of his favor but seeking redemption.  Typically these followers were blacksmiths, metallurgists or inventors that have besmirched the profession, but were repentant.  Their symbol is a broken version of Kaesot's standard icon, and their mission is to repair anything related to Kaesot's domains at no cost, and to teach those not in their order how to prevent membership being necessary, though lessons, tutoring, and their own schools.  Some find their religion to be very annoying that are in competition in the fields they offer freely, but only an idiot would bring direct harm to one of its members, their few possessions and buildings, for Kaesot's temper is usually well known in regions that they serve him.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Religion: The Church of Ink Baptismal:

The Church of Ink Baptismal is a religious sect of Jannae's followers that believes that to fulfill their ascension they must first purge their hearts and lives of all wickedness, repenting for the wrong done to others, be covered in ink and then baptized in a tub or pool of water from which the ink is regathered, carrying with it the darkness within the individual and blotting it out with potential for good.  Those that falter are encouraged to do this again, and try to return to the correct path.  Those that have committed atrocities are still offered forgiveness, but their recollected ink is burned so as to taint nothing else, and the individual is given a period of time in solitude and private meditation before being allowed to commune with the others and continue on their path once more.  Their iconography has several inkwell candle standards, all of which are on or in front of an ink-filled bathtub or basin.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Religion: The Church of the Sacred Dagger:

Jandur has many followers, primarily those in power or those seeking justice against thieves, but some explorers also will focus on him for his aid.  The Church of the Sacred Dagger is a group of his followers that explore their world and the realms in search of new lands, sending back information to their nearest temple, which spreads to all of them.  Should they come across an injustice or lack of governmental control, they will seek to honor Jandur by righting this as efficiently as possible.  The Sacred Dagger is their primary tool, being a blessed silver and gold dagger with a ruby in its hilt and markings along its length, being designed to guide his followers where needed and to slay evil more effectively as Jandur's judgement burns those that touch it or are attacked by it who are not considered worthy.  In their iconography, the standard bowl of sand with a dagger upright in it specifically has the sacred dagger, albeit simplified in imagery.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Religion: The Cult of the Silver Spoon:

The worshipers of Inthdu may not be many, but they are usually very influential, and mostly infernal.  The Cult of the Silver Spoon is no exception, its members using their abilities to influence the wealthy and increase their wealth further in exchange for sacrificial meals to Inthdu as well as materials and items that helps the cult to spread its influence further.  Their icon is the same as Inthdu's normal one, save that a silver spoon is sticking out of the rotten meat in the upside-down skull.  The infernal members will also try to tempt the wealthy into mating with them, gaining even more wealth and influence as their younger generations are slowly able to infiltrate societies at the top level and bring more back to the cult on a consistent basis.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Religion: The Church of the Emerald Nautilus:

The Church of the Emerald Nautilus are a religious group that worships Hexen, their holy icon being a large Nautilus shell that has been metaled with copper and had six emeralds embedded in it.  Each of the churches has this icon and will do anything to get it back if missing.  The followers constantly fish and gather shells and other items for their temple feasts, never eating anything that has not been found in the body of water their temple is nearest to or its beaches.  Its followers to travel from time to time, but even whilst traveling will always eat something aquatic, forsaking everything else, even if it means starving.  Their devotion to doing so and not giving in to temptation is rewarded by Hexen most times, though those that seek a reward for it will not receive even the culinary bounty he would have served to them for their devotion, instead forcing them to choose between several poisonous aquatic creatures and plants, hoping that one was prepared properly so as to remove the poison either entirely or to a tolerable degree.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Religion: The Cult of the Sphinx's Dream:

The Cult of the Sphinx's Dream worships and serves Guraye, protecting the few Sphinxes left in the world, pampering them as sacred, and keeping Guraye's icon in their temples as well.  The Sphinxes, according to their religion, directly speak to Guraye in The Somnium Bleed as well as guarding its home in Jhaneer.  In addition to their love of riddles, puzzles and eating sentient flesh, the Sphinxes they protect are prideful, boasting to Guraye about their caretakers, which sometimes amuses Guraye enough to grant his followers boons or a direct hearing of their problems.  The followers in this cult will also at times bring those seeking refuge to Feluk to put in stasis until they are no longer pursued, for the sake of sanctuary and for it being a realm Guraye had strong dominion over.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Religion: The Church of the Eternal Word:

Dyndar has many who focus on it that are writers or seeking inspiration or balance in their life, but rarely do they form religions around Dyndar specifically, instead focusing on it when convenient.  There is, however, a shifting assembly of individuals that seek to have immortality of their own, in a manner of speaking.  The Church of the Eternal Word seeks to have its members' lives and works chronicled with the use of magic to bind their lives to their stories.  So long as their stories are still read or told, a small measure of their essence comes back as a faint specter that fades away soon after, but may use its time to inspire others, or to try to take over an individual that is weak-willed and be alive again.  In actuality, their souls have moved on to wherever they end up, but according to their religion even an echo that continues on is better than fading away from their home realm completely.  Some even bind their echo to a specific copy of their works, usually their favorite one, and are able to have a much higher will to utilize in taking over someone else's body.