Monday, January 27, 2014

Religion: The Order of the Crimson Blade:

The followers of Nysisa are rarely organized en mass for ceremonies and services, but a select group long ago formed The Order of the Crimson Blade, which travels the world as vigilantes and mercenaries that only take on jobs they deem worthy of their higher powered being's attention, those that fought without honor or stole innocence from another.  When not taking down dictators, criminals and other ne'er do wells, they hone their fighting styles with each other, most of their sects having four members or more at any time, reporting to a central location.  Additionally, like Nysisa, they may also take on terrors and other creatures for practice that are also a problem for the locals.  On occasion Nysisa will directly tell the central locations or even her followers directly who to go after, or even join them in the fight, but this is rare, as she usually would take down such an individual herself.  Their symbol is the sword dripping blood, but with a crimson color to the entire blade beyond just the blood dripping from it.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Religion: The Cult of the Eternal Meld:

The Cult of Eternal Meld is comprised of extreme followers of Najon, who constantly strive to invent new devices, build grand structures, modify and enhance themselves cybernetically, and share their consciousness with the Meld, a hive-mind structure formed by the linked memories and personalities of followers that have become deceased intentionally as part of a ritual or by other means prior.  The ritual itself is to free the mind from the body into the Meld, but sometimes one's memories are incomplete as a backup copy has to be used from the last weekly backup they make as part of their practices.  The followers in this cult are extremely open with every aspect of their lives, conversing as easily with an artificial intelligence as a natural intelligence if both react without too much fear or violence.  Their symbol is the four joined puzzle pieces in the shape of a circle, with the shape of a square diamond inside it, with another circle inside that.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Religion: The Sacred Order of The Wandering

The Sacred Order of The Wandering is a collective of the followers of Munnatir who believe that they too must wander their respective realm and others for a period of no less than ten years, spreading knowledge and helping where needed, until either they receive instruction from Munnatir or feel they have found something that has made the wandering worth the time.  Usually those who join the order spend a period of time before this wandering preparing themselves, but no more than five years before being pushed to wander regardless.  Most choose to study languages and any information that would help during their wandering, but some more adventurous members will study other subjects as so desired before their journeys.  They seek to understand Mazek, Ragsendi and general enlightenment as well, sending back information of their travels to scribes at their order's temples.  After their wandering is over, should they wish to remain with the order, they will spend at least five years as a scribe before moving on to whichever pursuit interests them the most, spending the rest of their life on it, completing them and moving on to more, or passing away before completion.  Their sacred icon is an empty scroll hanging from a walking staff.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Religion: The Church of Fracture:

Maemyer has some unusual but influential followers in The Church of Fracture, which was founded on the belief that eventually even time itself would wind down and crumble, and that certain things, such as the freeing of either High Ordered Beings or High Chaotic Beings may accelerate that process.  While this is disputed by some in its validity, none deny that The Church of Fracture is helpful in shoring up defenses against such creatures and others as well.  Many of its members have ended up with ageless bodies so as to guard key points of cosmic danger, while others have sacrificed years of their lives in order to keep those places shored up when a breach was eminent.  As The Church of Fracture is very secretive about its understanding of these danger points, its membership is very controlled, taking sometimes even years of trials before one gains the lowest entry ranking, but it is always on the lookout for more to induct who are worthy.  It's icon is a shattered hourglass with its sand leaked mostly out, in front of a battered shield.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Side-Quest Events: Birthdays

(Pardoning myself for those who already know the roleplaying game terminology, but here is a little something different...)

“In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on.”
― Robert Frost

Quest events are a major threads tied to a key important battle or decision, and in MaL these ought to be generated first, with steps leading up to it generated as quest parts to complete.  One must be done before the next, else it would be extremely difficult to even find the second part, such as not knowing the location of a Lich's tower, or needing to find a cure to a cursed individual's malady before being able to find out who created the curse in the first place.  Side-Quests, on the other hand, can be done at any time without needing previous information, though some may be built on prior information, it would always be possible to gain said information from another source.

Birthdays can make for a fun side-quest situation.  An NPC, or even a player, may have their character's birthday occur and depending on the culture and past of the individual, expect some manner joy to occur from gifts, discounts on goods and services, having friends and family close, or just simply a natural spring in their step from surviving so long.  Some side-quests may involve helping an individual get to another individual's party, purchasing and delivering gifts, helping setup a surprise party, creating something such as a cake for the party, running an errand for the birthday character, or any number of other things.  One also might find themselves needing to fight off foes of the character if there is something significant to their growing a year older, such as a security risk from a large party if the individual is a politician or other person of power.  One must also consider the culture of the individual when it comes to things such as selecting gifts.  Most Kenthri would be enraged by the gift of a saddle, as would most Pixies at receiving something made of iron.