Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Religion: The Order of the Enchanted Shoes:

The Order of the Enchanted Shoes is an odd one, being followers of Saja, they use complex ritualistic dances to affect their territories, create temporary gateways between their realm and others, and combat the evils that plague them and those whom they are protecting.  Some become pilgrims, setting up new chapters, while others remain in order to keep their temples with at least one dancer always dancing.  One of their chief items are the magic shoes that they all wear.  Putting them on will make the wearer continue to dance endlessly, dancing faster and faster even after they catch aflame, unless either their feet are severed off or they speak the secret magic code.  Then the shoes will for four hours allow the wearer to either take them off or walk normally.  Additionally, the shoes align themselves to the heart of the wearer, letting them return to a place of fondness such as their home by clicking their heels together.  Saja gives them enchanted shoes every time someone moves into the territory they protect, ensuring they'll always have excess in case they gain new members.  Some poor thieves have become legends due to their stupidity in trying to rob these shoes due to their initial forced dance.  Their icon is a veiled sculpted feminine bust with two enchanted shoes next to it.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Religion: The Church of the Eternal Flame:

The Church of The Eternal Flame is a group of Ryim's followers who create temples in places with either large quantities of coal or lava primarily, structure made almost entirely of stone.  In the sacred meeting room there lies a round stone pedestal upon which a curved indentation has kindling and slow-burning coals, both of which are daily replenished to keep the fire always burning.  The church's followers are very open with their passions amongst their members and pilgrims visiting their temples, physical, mental and spiritual in nature, all sentient beings and viewpoints are accepted so long as they do not force themselves or their ideas on others, and so long as any who do group together in an intimate fashion are both honest about themselves and each other, and that either the grouping sticks to their agreed upon terms or breaks before violation such as cheating occurs.  Should this happen, Ryim herself has on rare occasion become involved herself, but more often the rest of the church would evict the violating party from their temple.  Their icon is the pedestal with the flame above it.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Religion: The Church of The Sacred Oases:

Some of the followers of Qualo make a concerted effort to guard and protect the various oases of the realms and other hidden places of respite from harsh climates, places of peace where they build underground temples with a small portion above ground as a proving ground for those worthy to see what lies beneath.  They regularly strive to create more places of refuge in such areas, often expanding the oases, but never telling the location of the oases, instead letting others wander into them, or leading them blindfolded if need be.  Their icon is an empty glass upside-down in a bowl of sand.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Religion: The Cult of the Sacred Rot:

The Cult of Sacred Rot is a group of Prenn's followers that worship the decay in her wake, striving to survive solely off of her bounty and to minimize their impact on the world, believing that when she rises to rot their worlds she will leave them in a period of trial before a fungal paradise will be found.  They believe that all forms of fungus must be cultivated and harnessed for their goals, and that the destruction of any without purpose toward utilizing its powers is an unholy act punishable by death.  The members of The Cult of Sacred Rot listen to the teachings of the mad monks who earned her blessed word from eating too many toxic mushrooms, and believe that any deviation from them is only allowed for the deception of those not in the cult.  Prenn is mildly amused by them and occasionally encourages them to do such things as take their jealous urges and act on them to prevent loss of that which they or the cult owns.  Their icon is a Fungus-covered Cheese Wheel with a blood-scribed book upon it.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Religion: The Cult of The Chasm:

The Cult of The Chasm is a religious group that follows Oroyas that believes that every planet's ocean has a deep chasm leading to a cavern that is in complete darkness where monstrous aquatic beasts thrive, trying to slowly adapt and rise to the surface to strike at the surface dwellers.  Some think they are mindless beasts, while others think they are Pragur that escaped entrapment in Pral.  Supposedly the cult's founding members were told by Oroyas about the chasms, and they've worked ever since to explore underwater without tainting the oceans, attempting to lay down early warning systems in case such creatures do exist in the chasm below the depths which any mortal species can travel.  Oroyas has not directly communicated with any member of the cult in several thousand years, but some say she has still given some assistance in storms to protect members of the cult, and to form small icebergs in the middle of parts of the ocean they should not exist in to help clue them in on something below the water's surface that they should investigate.  Their icon is a frozen sculpture of a fish with the bones of a real fish inside it.