Friday, March 28, 2014

Religion: The Order of The Frozen Tear:

The Weeping Woman has few followers grouped together, but The Order of The Frozen Tear is one that has dedicated themselves to collecting The Weeping Woman's tears as they fall in The White Void and freeze in space and time.  They use magic and science to try to find out what is making her weep so as to try to help her in addition to their more well-known works, exploring Mazek and protecting the weak.  They all wear blindfolds during their period of initiation and those that ascend to the first rank wear masks that conceal their face and have the appearance of tears trickling from eyes to chin.  They sacrifice their former lives and identity to her service, constantly practicing discipline exercises together and religious torture so as to transcend the sensations of pleasure and pain in their own bodies, keeping their empathy for others so as to feel their pain and joy and better serve for others rather than for themselves.  Their icon is a frozen tear falling into an incomplete circle.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Religion: The Cult of The Crow King:

Ves has fewer followers than any other higher powered being, but The Cult of The Crow King is perhaps the most disturbing collective of followers the higher powered being has.  They devote themselves to hunting down those who either should have died according to prophecy or those who have somehow gained immortality who were not born with it.  The cult members are those reanimated and charged by The Crow King after death for their murderous life to become special charges in her service.  Some of these have failed and been taken by Ves to their final resting place, but no one knows for certain if Ves has rewarded them for said service.  There are some even who claim that The Crow King is a disguise of one who escaped Ves that aims to keep her chasing breadcrumbs, or possibly even another higher powered being that is enjoying the cult's work.  None know for certain, as Ves has not been known to comment on the subject of their work or existence even, making some believe Ves is either allowing their work or is actually behind it.  Their icon is a crow skull with a crown on it and a scythe sticking out of it with the handle skyward.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Religion: The Church of The Golden Apple:

Urgendur has many followers, most being farmers, but there are those even more devoted to her than they.  The Church of The Golden Apple is an ancient group of followers of Urgendur that protect her most sacred of groves and orchards, places where her most special of flora grow: The Golden Apple Trees.  These trees have bark of bronze hue, leaves with golden sheen which may be distilled for gold itself, flowers that are harvested by bees for the sweetest ambrosia, and the most important, the golden apples of immortality, which grow once at each temple per century and preserve for a decade after falling.  She charges her followers to guard them but never to eat them, for the taste causes years of insanity in those not blessed by her to eat it.  Some have, in the past, defied her and tried to split it between several people to lessen the effect, causing the temple to become cursed as their minds were warped, saved eventually by Urgendur's champions to be put to rest.  A few still exist which used magic to try to protect themselves, becoming long-lived guardians of her temples despite their defiance, but the vast majority of her followers in this church have thankfully listened and kept the apples safe for her.  None save Urgendur and those she has blessed with immortality know how one would eat the golden apples without becoming insane, but there are a few who have, though their names are mostly either lost to history or shrouded in mystery.  The Church of The Golden Apple is also charged to send its newest members across the reaches of their planet and other realms to spread a seed far and wide, usually that of an ordinary apple, but sometimes others depending on where it needs to be planted.  The icon of The Church of The Golden Apple is a golden apple with two crossed feathers and golden leaves underneath it.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Terror: Lykons:

Chaotic creatures not imprisoned but still wandering The Forgotten Prison of Pral, the Lykons are not to be trifled with by low-level adventurers.  While they are typically found in Pral and not a threat to the stability of the realms, they do feast on the pain of others.  This typically is from that radiating from the Pragur in their prison crystals or by capturing, torturing and consuming a sacrifice intended to free the Pragur, but sometimes they manage to either find someone mistakenly traveling through Pral, or find themselves in other realms where the prey is more abundant.  Lykons have flight, appearing mostly like flying manta rays with their edges covered in jointed legs and their center being a large mouth with rows and rows of teeth.  Their backs have a camouflage surface which only works while they are alive, to the disappointment of those who collect their hides for the first time.

Creature: Lykon: A flying predatory creature that feeds off of the pain and suffering of others as well as consuming the weak who do not provide them enough sustenance from suffering alone.

HP: 40 / EP: 3 / LP: 2 / SP: 10 / FP: 21

Reaction: 32 / Finesse: 14 / Intelligence: 7
Wisdom: 15 / Willpower: 36 / Strength: 3

Speed: 30 (38 feet per second, 15 movement spaces per turn <10 10="" ft="" per="" square="" x="">)
Elemental Strengths: Air, Lightning, Slime
Elemental Weaknesses: Water, Ice, Blood

Common Drops: Lykonhide, Sharp Tooth

Bite III (0 FP Each): Biting down on a prey, dealing 3 damage per success.

Flight (2 FP Each): Moving at a character's current max speed + 1 (including any other temporary boosts), for a duration equal to three movement spaces.

Float (1 FP Each): Moving at a character's current max speed for a duration equal to six movement spaces before further focus is needed.

Hover (0 FP Each): Moving at half a character's current max speed, rounded up.

Repeat Message (1 FP Each): The Lykon repeats imagery and sound of something that it has heard which it thinks may torment its prey when passing near them.

Shriek (1 FP): Check Willpower of opponent when used, if less than 15, -1 SP. May only be used once per combat to affect sanity.

Test of Sanity III (2 FP): The Lykon uses its chaotic nature to reveal a horrific aspect of the universe potentially unknown to its foe. This deals 4 damage plus 4 sanity points reduction if the foe has less than twelve willpower.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Religion: The Church of The Iron Maiden:

Unate has many followers, though The Church of the Iron Maiden is perhaps her most devoted.  Her followers in this religion believe that they should separate themselves from all emotion, transcending even their physical bodies to upload into a shared network between their temples as well as machine bodies to try to bring others to join them.  Unate will sometimes link to their network in order to subtly guide them, but more often than not it is done under the alias of another already part of their network.  Their icon is a silver cube with a feminine face protruding from one side.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Religion: The Order of Fang and Claw:

Turosh has many followers in primitive tribes and those who have great respect for animals and natural instincts.  One such group of followers is The Order of Fang and Claw, a religious group who serves Turosh by traveling the various realms in search of animals, especially mythical or otherwise dangerous one, that are in need of preservation and protection, setting up temples and training individuals on how to combat those creatures that need to be put down, but also trying to stop adventurers and the like who seek to exterminate their charges rather than seeking alternative means of solving their quests.  Many of this order will wear masks tied to the animals they are protecting or have protected in the past, some even taking on alterations to become more like the creatures themselves so as to better understand them and show their devotion to Turosh.  Their icon is a circle made from a large tooth and claw with the silhouette of an open carnivore mouth in the center.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Religion: The Cult of the Fear-Mongers:

Tarne has few followers that are neither deranged or power-mad.  The few that actually worship Tarne consistently, and not just attempting to gain his favor for a short period, are those who have great hatred in their hearts against another in power wishing to see them suffer, or hatred against a species, race, or specific populated area as small as a village or larger than a galaxy.  However, the Cult of the Fear-Mongers is a group of followers who have a shared goal of keeping the population they manipulate from behind the scenes into a constant state of fear so as to keep their power and secret control of government functioning smoothly.  They spread potent diseases to specified areas that fall within their plan, having cures or immunities to them for themselves and if need be, others who will further their goals.  They spread rumor and propaganda, using all resources in their power, the most potent being the various media outlets, to keep the fear of the diseases and other things they are manipulating running on full strength so as to keep Tarne fed more easily and keep their power.  Their icon is a a pile of fresh organs in the center of a crown.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Religion: The Cult of the Wailing Bones:

 The Cult of the Wailing Bones is a group of The Shrouded One's followers, necromancers, necromongers, necroperiums and lichs being the majority of its fellowship.  Some specters even have joined the cult, and all have one key purpose: To serve The Shrouded One without failure, to slay those that need slaying, to prolong their own deaths through various means so as to help with the cult's goals, and to collect ghosts when possible to warp them into foot-soldiers.  The Cult of the Wailing Bones is not only a religious cult, but also a secret society of those that wish to plunge the realms into an eternal undead state where those mobile would fight all comers in order to prolong their own deaths further and further, believing that The Shrouded One and Ves will reward the last being standing with the ability to write the next reality as they see fit.  Their icon is a flute carved from bone sitting atop a skull covered by a shroud.