Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Materials: Hides, Fabrics and Threads Charting:

While this is obviously not the final version of this charting, it does give a lot of information for the hides, fabrics and threads currently in the system available.

Material Name | Most Common Appearance | Toughness | Durability | Density (Room Temperature g/cm^3) | Average Cost for 5 grams | Special Effect(s) | Description.

Abacon | Clear (when colored light not run through it), Shiny | 1 Toughness | 38 EP | 0.004 g/cm^3 | 2 Silver Pieces | Per 5 kg, - 1 Electrical Resistance, transmits up to 12 electrical hazard points from tip to tip, - 5 light resistance, and fully illuminates 1 square through its length. | Abacon is a type of material that is harvested regularly in The Silicon Fields to make ultra light but strong fibers and it transmits electricity and light with ease.  It is often put into decor or even clothing (if properly shielded) for grand spectacles, as well as for lightweight short-range weaponry.

Baelfire Leaf Weave | Brownish Red, Dull | 1 Toughness | 2 EP | 0.094 g/cm^3 | 8 Copper Pieces | Per 5 kg, - 2 Resistance to Heat/Fire, +3 Resistance to Frost, + 0.1 Renown. | Baelfire Trees are more well known for their wood being used, but among their many byproducts are their leaves, which are also easy to catch on fire, but make easily dyed tapestries and garments which offer both some admiration and mocking for wearing due to how flammable they are and how much of a brave fool a person must be to wear it.  They are, however, also good at keeping out the cold.

Cotton | White (when not dyed), Dull | 1 Toughness | 1 EP | 1.55 g/cm^3 | 1/40th Copper Piece | Per 5 kg, no special effect. | Cotton is a fairly common fibrous material that may be difficult to extract for low technology areas, but its usage is very widespread for comfortable attire.

Common Fur | Varies by type | 1 Toughness | 1 EP | Varies | Varies by Rarity and Quality (1 Gold Piece to 30 Gold Pieces on average) | Per 5 kg, + 0.1 Beauty, + 0.1 Charm, + 0.25 Renown on average. | Wearing a lot of fur shows one's wealth if well tailored, especially if it is of a rarer type, making other individuals recognize you as you stand out from the typical pauper, making others more likely to be charmed unless resistant to appearances of wealth and beauty.

Ilkarji Silk | White, Shiny | 19 Toughness | 75 EP | 0.015 g/cm^3 | 14 Silver Pieces | Per 5 kg, resits 60 MaL degrees, + 6 Fire/Heat Resistance, + 0.25 Beauty, + 0.25 Charm, + 0.75 Renown. | Ilkarji Silk is made by the Octahedron Higher Ordered Beings to wrap around captured larger creatures until it crystallizes them before consumption or laying their young depending on the season.  It is so named after Ilkarji Gokar, a Felinae explorer who first managed to retrieve some and bring it back to the main realm within known history.  It is extremely sticky and stretches without breaking until heated to 60 MaL degrees, when it becomes dry, stretching barely, and extraordinarily sharp.  It is frequently used in assassin gear, suspension structure building, or machinery needing precision cuts due to how thin and sharp that it is.  Each cubic inch spools out to make a 5 meter strand that is barely visible unless light glimmers directly on it.  Additionally, due to its rarity and beautiful form, it makes a character's wealth more pronounced, gaining renown, charm and beauty points to those not resistant to appearances of wealth and beauty.

Common Leather | Varies by Type | 2 Toughness | 2 EP | Varies | Varies by Rarity and Quality (2 Copper Pieces to 25 Copper Pieces on average) | Per 5 kg, no special effect. | Leather is very common and while some might like or dislike the color, rarity and quality of a particular leather item, it will generally be a minor reaction to it rather than a strong one, perhaps - 1 Charm to a mismatch of leather types, and - 0.5 Charm if simply poorly done in other ways.

Lykonhide | Yellow-Brown | 1 Toughness | 2 EP | 0.007 g/cm^3 | 13 Silver Pieces, 12 Copper Pieces | Per 5 kg, + 4 Chaos Resistance, + 3 Speed, + 7 Stealth, 1 Sanity check per day due to ambient absorption of suffering. | Lykonhide is harvested from some moderately weak chaotic creatures that live in Pral that are not imprisoned inside crystals, having freedom to roam it as they were found to be too difficult to entrap, and not enough of a threat to the stability of the realms to waste more than a couple centuries of work to try to capture them.  Lykons feast on the pain of others, usually eating some radiating from the Pragur in their prison crystals, but sometimes capturing, torturing and consuming a sacrifice intended to free the Pragur by one of their many cults.

Standard Silk | Silver, Shiny | 2 Toughness | 3 EP | 1.31 g/cm3 | 1 Copper Pieces | Per 5 kg, + 0.2 Beauty, + 0.2 Charm, + 0.5 Renown. | Silk is still fairly common compared to some of the other rarer and more costly material fabrics and hides, but it is harder to properly weave and utilize than more common materials, and has a softer and more beautiful appearance than those more common.  Additionally, due to its rarity and beautiful form, it makes a character's wealth more pronounced, gaining renown, charm and beauty points to those not resistant to appearances of wealth and beauty.

Silverleaf Weave | Silver, Shiny | 2 Toughness | 12 EP | 0.101 g/cm^3 | 2 Silver Pieces | Per 5 kg, -1 Stealth if illuminated. | Silverleaf Trees are rare and usually protected by those that cultivate them, as their wood is extremely durable, and their leaves do indeed have trace amounts of silver in them that gives them their appearance and name.  This may either be extracted or used in making very light layered flexible armor.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Religion: The Church of The Forgotten:

Yull has many followers in the trappers, survivalists, blacksmiths and entrepreneurs, but The Church of The Forgotten is even more secretive than her other followers, while at the same time more publicly visible.  The Church of The Forgotten actively works to keep the High Chaotic Beings and High Ordered Beings trapped as well as others that need secret prisons and to keep secret items and even cities hidden as well.  Publicly they are well known for helping people to forget things that are troubling them and to help those poor unfortunate souls that society has forgotten or turned their back on, the homeless, the addicts, the dregs, and others needing help.  They utilize all that Yull allows them for their tasks to do their work, and also actively hunt The Cult of The Broken.  Their icon is a cage wrapped with locked chains that has three swords driven through the top of it and out the sides.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Religion: The Cult of The Crystal Skulls:

Zhen has many followers in carnal and infernal businesses, but its most well known followers are part of The Cult of The Crystal Skulls.  They actively collect artifacts of great importance to Zhen, the most significant being crystal skulls left behind by some ancient species across the realms.  Some claim that these skulls were fashioned from regular crystal and indeed many knockoffs have been over the aeons, however those in their possession show no signs of artificial working and the hinting of their organic nature as part of an ancient species.  Some claim Zhen merely wants them collected for how much magic that they can absorb, while others claim that Zhen plans to some day collect enough of them to restore the species they belonged to, as they may have been some of the first infernals in creation and would be very useful to the higher powered being as a group of followers that it can influence from their rebirth and from their strong hatred of the celestials.  This has never been confirmed, but is strongly believed by many in the cult.  Their icon is a pink crystal skull made of rose quartz, and they keep the real crystal skulls hidden and safe within their temples for a decade while absorbing wild magic before Zhen comes to collect them.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Religion: The Cult of The Shattering:

Wenba has many digital infernal and chaotic followers, but The Cult of The Shattering is perhaps her most troublesome group of followers.  They are almost nihilistic except for the fact that they worship her, finding all other religions, all forms of government, all forms of power beyond that of their natural bodies to be abhorrent and only to be used for the sake of destroying others.  They believe that all forms of prophecy, all forms of enhancement magic, all forms of time or space travel and all forms of self-improvement are ultimately useless as the universe is flawed and will eventually be destroyed in favor of a more perfect universe after, seeking to speed up the process, only cooperating with each other because Wenba's perspective is greater than their own and therefore she can put them to the best use where she sees fit to direct them.  Their icon is a completely shattered crystal ball with a star-field on its inner surface and a skull in the middle.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Religion: The Cult of The Broken:

Xyib has a group of followers across the realms known as The Cult of The Broken which is desperately hunted by most of those who know of its existence.  The Cult of The Broken are those who have become dependent enough on Xyib for the higher powered being to start warping their mind and body for its purposes, driving them to rescue anyone who is trapped or imprisoned regardless of the reason for their capture, twisting them toward becoming willing hosts for the High Chaotic Beings, to freeing those weaker High Chaotic Beings from their crystal prisons where able.  Most of its members will intentionally keep their ties to one another secret, preferring to disappear in mystery as known as liberators, rather than for what some of their other members have become.  If questioned, most will believe that those who have become the hosts of High Chaotic Beings or freed them have done so out of belief that the High Chaotic Beings have been imprisoned long enough and deserve a second chance, and some even say that this has on rare occasion actually worked, but refuse to say who has been freed or where they might be found.  This has led many of those who hunt The Cult of The Broken to believe that there are possibly even whole races that owe their existence to the freedom of some weak High Chaotic Beings, but no conclusive proof has ever been found.  Their icon is a cracked battleaxe with wing skeleton engraving embedded in the ground with a broken pair of shackled on either side of it.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Profession: Prankster:

The Profession of Prankster usually isn't a very lucrative one, however it does certainly bring joy into people's lives, albeit usually not that of the butt of the pranks!  Typically someone who is a prankster does it out of love for the job, taking on other oddjobs for funds as well, but some are paid by the wealthy to pull pranks on rivals or those who they enjoy seeing befuddled.  Trying to be a prankster in a less wealthy area, however, usually is more likely to get one run out of town than paid, especially as the materials for pranks usually need funds to procure them, and poor pranksters sometimes turn to crime in order to expand their art.

Profession:Prankster : Prerequisites: Must have prank humor trait. The profit depends on the levels of technology, magic, pollution, economic value and challenge of the task. The more difficult the prank, the more costly it is to do, and therefor harder to get payment if not in a wealthy area.  Varying levels of technology, magic and pollution affect how certain following recommended abilities, knowledge and skills apply:

Knowledge: Basic Improvisation: Knowing how to think on your feet, or what-have-you, in order to compensate for interruptions, delays, questions and complications while doing a task, such as showing individuals around.

Knowledge: Intermediate Showmanship: Knowing how to speak, pose, and otherwise act during a task so as to maximize the effect an individual is going for, in this case, appearing to be an expert of the things an individual is acting as a guide on.

Knowledge: Basic Conning: Knowing how to con information, items, funds or services out of another individual for utilizing through the use of manipulative speech.

Knowledge: Basic Local Laws: Knowing the local laws enough to avoid being arrested out of ignorance for them, but not well enough to utilize loopholes if a mistake or intentional violation occurs.

Knowledge: Basic Local Lore: Knowing old stories and rumors of the area in order to point them out to customers.

Knowledge: Basic Local Populous: Knowing some of the more well-known individuals in an area worth trying to get a job from or pulling a prank upon.

Knowledge: Basic Local Zoology: Knowing the basic types of animals commonly found in the area, even if not necessarily how to deal with them.  This may aid in some pranks and minimize animals possibly disturbing the setup of a prank accidentally.

Ability: Conceal (1FP Each): While stationary, hide from normal vision for five minutes by minor wild magic use. No prerequisite abilities. No required equipment for Rogues or Sorcerers. Others need either appropriate camouflage materials or components for this spell local to the area. Very useful for this profession so that animals and individuals using normal sight don't see the character, but be wary of scent and other means of detection.

Ability: Follow Faint Tracks (1 FP Each): Allows a player to follow faint tracks once part of said tracks are discovered via search. Will allow up to one-hundred feet of tracking per use. No prerequisite abilities or equipment. This is very useful when trying to find individuals who have one is stalking for a prank, or when trying to locate an animal or individual that may somehow interrupt the prank.

Ability: Haggle (1 FP Each): A check to see if you can get a trader, merchant, shopkeeper or other individual to lower their price of sale or trade for you in that instance, or to pay you more for your items of sale or trade. Doing this poorly will result in either the price rising higher, or being unable to buy or sell anything until they calm down again. Having charm, pheromones, magic, psionic abilities and other things may affect your Haggle Check's success. No prerequisite abilities or equipment. Haggle is very useful in convincing your employers to pay more than they first wish, and also trying to reduce potential costs in materials needed for a prank.

Ability: Search (1 FP Each): Concentrating specifically on finding something rather than simple observation, Search is typically used for trying to locate something concealed with ordinary means. The skill check to finding something is the ranking in this skill plus the character's Wisdom. No prerequisite abilities or equipment. This ability is often used by Pest Control professionals to spot hidden nests and the like if there are no tracks visible.