Sunday, August 31, 2014

Higher Power Icon Items (Qualo, Ryim, Saja, Unknown):

Qualo is known as The Pacifist to most beings, being unassuming and unnoticed by even most of the other higher powered beings half of the time, and the other half of the time being a bother to some who either want her to take some action or attempt to corrupt her.  This leads to frustration on the other higher powered beings part, though most tend to forget about it soon enough.  Her empty glasses seem to draw those that need it most to them, giving a full HP, EP and SP recovery per day that one has it in their possession, as well as being able to have any tainted liquid in it turned into a purified form of itself that has a 1d4 chance of removing a simple disease from the one that drinks it.  Additionally, all favor to Qualo is increased by 3 while one of Qualo's glasses is held.  If found the glass may be used for 1d8 days 3d6 hours total before they vanish, returning to the higher power to whom it belongs.  Any intentional attempt to damage the glass, trade one, sell one or otherwise use one for anything other than drinking out of will have the glass immediately vanish and return to Qualo.

Ryim's Eternal Coal is a strange but useful item.  When used for fuel it will burn and never cease to continue burning.  Additionally, if one consumes it and withstands the 2d20 Fire Damage they will be given three days full immunity from any Fire or Heat effects.  If found the Eternal Coal may be used for 1d3 days 2d8 hours total before they vanish, returning to the higher power to whom it belongs.  Any intentional attempt to damage it, trade it, sell it or otherwise use it for anything other than burning it or eating it with it, holding it or setting it down will have it immediately vanish and return to Ryim, as well as having a 1d4 chance of dealing 3d20 Fire Damage to the one who had it.

Saja's Dancer's Veil is a very useful item to most individuals.  It allows the wearer to walk 3d20m on air per hour, to have +3 FIN and +2 REA per day, to have a temporary 4 level increase in their Dancing Knowledge and Dance Skill, as well as being able to control the movement of 4d4 square meters of cloth per day.  If found it may be held for 3d2 days and 1d12 hours total before it vanishes, returning to the higher power to whom it belongs.  Any intentional attempt to damage it, trade it, sell it or otherwise use it for anything other than wearing will have it immediately vanish and return to Saja, with a 1d4 chance of receiving 5 Suffocation Damage, 1d4 chance of receiving 5 HP Damage from strangulation by their attire, and 2d4 chance of being bound expertly in place for 1d6 turns unless freed by another.

The Shrouded One's Shroud is a dangerous but powerful item.  Any who touch it have a 1d4 chance of being infected with a random slow but fatal infection, as well as 1d2 chance of becoming possessed by a specter, with a 2d4 chance of losing 1 SP and gaining Haunted.  If any character is Haunted by touching it, they have a 1d2 chance of being violent to either themselves or to their allies depending on their resistance check.  Additionally, if one holds the shroud or wears it, they will be able to walk through most materials with the Ghosted effect.  If found it may be used for 1d4 days and 1d4 hours total before it vanishes, returning to the higher power to whom it belongs.  Any intentional attempt to damage it, trade it, sell it or otherwise use it for anything other than touching or wearing it will have it immediately vanish and return to The Shrouded One, as well as having a 1d4 chance of becoming Haunted.

All of these items are considered priceless, though any attempt to sell them to one not worthy (or even at all in the case of some) will have it vanish immediately, so they do not meet standard item listing value.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Higher Power Icon Items (Najon, Nysisa, Oroyas, and Prenn):

Najon's Ancient Puzzles are strange, wonderful and frightful things.  If one finds the pieces, there will always be more than enough pieces to form a complete solution, and each valid solution if there are more than one will grant a different blessing.  Each solution formed locks the puzzle permanently, remaining where it is for 1d4 hours before vanishing, regardless of whatever effects it may use on the individual that solved it.  Blessings include: 1) A random item of a magic or technology level higher than is common to the area.  2) A random knowledge subject being increased by 1d4 full levels, or even mastery depending on how extensive the subject is.  3) All locks, traps and concealment means within 50m unlock, dispel, disappear or otherwise are revealed for 1d6 hours.  4) A random piece of technology, magical device or creature of choice may be merged with the individual, providing appropriate benefits.  5) A random blessing normally provided to devout followers of Najon.  6) A random blessing normally provided to devout followers of Najon.  Those who either force pieces to fit that would otherwise not, or those who form an incorrect solution based off of the image on the puzzle will find themselves paralyzed for 2d4 turns, as well as having their body being merged with any material within 20m that was not previously on their person if any portion of their skin was exposed.  As a result, some may end up with Stone Skin or other effects without a set expiration of the merger even once they are mobile again, needing some other cure to return themselves to normal.  If found the pieces may be used for 1d2 days and 1d4 hours total before they vanish, returning to the higher power to whom it belongs.  Any intentional attempt to damage the puzzle pieces, trade them, sell them or otherwise use them for anything other than solving the puzzle will have the pieces immediately vanish and return to Najon, with the former wielder having a 1d4 chance of being paralyzed for 3d6 turns.

Nysisa's Bleeding Sword is a potent item most would do well to stay away from.  If one finds it holds it they have a 1d2 chance become beserk each day for 1d20 turns until the sword is gone, and a 1d6 chance of the following each day it is kept: 1) Regaining 1 HP for every 2 HP removed from another creature, terror or character dealt from the sword.   2) Continuing to have a 1d4 chance to enter a beserk state even after the sword it gone.  3) The wielder having to roll a 1d4 to determine if they lose 1 SP and are afflicted with Paranoia.  4) The blood on the sword causing any who touch said blood or are cut by the sword to have a 1d4 chance of blood coming out of all of their orifices at a rate of 2 HP per hour.  5 & 6)  The wielder losing 1d4 HP for that day as 1d20 deep, scarring wounds appearing on their body.  If found it may be kept for 1d6 days and 1d2 hours total before it vanishes, returning to the higher power to whom it belongs.  Once picked up, it cannot be left behind by the wielder without a 1d4 chance of vomiting and losing 3 HP per turn that they are not within 5m of the sword.  Should the sword be stolen, the former wielder will suffer 4d12 HP damage per hour if it is not recovered within 3 hours, until either the wielder dies or the sword vanishes due to the amount of time since it was first picked up.  Any intentional attempt to damage it, trade it, sell it or otherwise use it for anything other than fighting with it, holding it or setting it down will have it immediately vanish and return to Nysisa, as well as having a 1d4 chance of dealing 3d20 HP damage and 4d4 deep, scarring wounds.

Oroyas's Sculpted Ice Statuettes are strange but useful items.  Each one in the shape of any animal may be put into a lake, sea or ocean and pushed away from the wielder, causing a fog to rise up and obscure it and everything else on the body of water for 3d6 turns at the end of which an abandoned boat will crash onto the shore filled with the creature it was shaped as.  The creatures have a 1d4 chance of being 1) rotting corpses and skeletons, 2) frozen solid, 3) alive and confused, 4) already prepared into the most valuable materials that could be made from their remains.   The smaller the creature, the higher the number of said creature may be found within the boat.  Each Ice Statuette in the shape of a known landmark may be pushed into the water and then swam or sailed into the resulting fog will then arrive in the nearest waterway to that landmark with a 1d4 chance of arriving too close to the nearest shore to avoid landing or shipwreck depending on how unforgiving the shoreline is.  If one holds an Ice Statuette in their hand and attempts to use any ice, water or purification ability or item, they will have the chance of success increase by 4, as well as having a 30% increase in whatever attempted usage they have succeeded in doing.  If found it may be held for 2d4 days and 1d2 hours total before it vanishes, returning to the higher power to whom it belongs.  Any intentional attempt to damage it, trade it, sell it or otherwise use it for anything other than shielding will have it immediately vanish and return to Oroya, with a 1d4 chance of receiving 5 Water Damage, 1d4 chance of receiving 5 Ice damage, and 2d4 chance of being dehydrated.

Prenn's Fungus-Covered Cheesewheels are strange items best avoided by most.  Any who touch it have a 1d4 chance of being infected with a random fungal infection, as well as 1d2 chance of becoming jealous about one of their items they have on their person at the time, with a 1d2 chance of losing 1 SP and gaining Paranoia.  If any others try to take that item, they have a 1d4 chance of resisting the effect, but will otherwise attempt to attack the creature, terror or character trying to take, damage or otherwise affect the item they are jealous about.  Additionally, if one eats one of the fungus pieces, they will have a 1d4 chance of a hallucination as well as decreasing or increasing by two size categories depending on if it is more light (decreasing) or dark (increasing).  Eating a piece of cheese that does not appear to have obvious fungus on it will grant +3 HP at a cost of -2 EP, as well returning the individual to their natural size.  If one keeps the Fungus-Covered Cheesewheel within 50m of any cheese or fungus production facility or farm, they will have a 20% increase in productivity per hour, but a 1d20 chance of it becoming tainted with a random fungus.  If found it may be used for 1d4 days and 1d6 hours total before it vanishes, returning to the higher power to whom it belongs.  Any intentional attempt to damage it, trade it, sell it or otherwise use it for anything other than eating will have it immediately vanish and return to Prenn.  Individuals who find it will, however, be able to share it with others for eating if the other creatures, terrors or characters remain within 20m of the one who found it for 1d2 hours.  If they leave this radius, those who have eaten any of it will suffer 1d4 HP damage per turn until they are within range again, dead, or all others who ate with them are dead.

All of these items are considered priceless, though any attempt to sell them to one not worthy (or even at all in the case of some) will have it vanish immediately, so they do not meet standard item listing value.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Higher Power Icon Items (Kaesot, Lukarr, Maemyer, and Munnatir):

Kaesot's Electric Gears are very curious things.  While it is true that trying to touch them without some measure of electrical resistance or insulation is ill advised due to the lethal electric shock output, the gears when spun by another gear will produce even more electric current to nearby electrically conductive materials that are not shielded.  One single gear has enough electricity contained to provide power for 5000 Electricity Points in total, lessening according to its use.  The faster the Electric Gear spins, the more power it outputs in a single turn.  Twenty rotations in a turn outputs 50 Electricity Points.  If found it may be used for 1d4 days and 1d2 hours total before it vanishes, returning to the higher power to whom it belongs.  Any intentional attempt to damage it, trade it, sell it or otherwise use it for anything other than machinery will have it immediately vanish and return to Kaesot, with the former wielder having a 3d12 chance of being struck by lightning, a 2d12 chance of being turned into a metal statue, a 2d12 chance being paralyzed for 2d4 turns, and 5d12 chance of having no ill effect immediately.

Lukarr's Slime Tea is a rare find, sought by his followers but mostly feared by others.  If one finds it and drinks a single sip (8 in total per Slime Tea), they have a 1d6 chance of the following: 1) The drinker becomes poisoned with Lukarr's Poison immediately, needing to be cured within 2d4 turns or they will die, unless they have poison resistance.  The cure is ingesting 3 Tearful Violet.   2) The drinker gains poison resistance for 1d20 days.  3) The drinker fins their hunger completely refreshed, but their thirst doubles for the next six days.  If they do consume more than their normal thirst count, however, they will take 1 Water Damage per count higher than their normal levels.  4) The drinker takes a random mutation from genetic samples in a 5m radius, with the GM rolling die to determine which sample available is used, and another die to determine which of the slot areas gets affected.  These mutations have a 2d4 chance of being cosmetic only, 1d4 chance of being beneficial, and 1d4 chance of being hindering.  5 & 6)  The drinker has no effect other than their thirst being refreshed.  If found it may be kept for 1d4 days and 1d4 hours total before it vanishes, returning to the higher power to whom it belongs, and using it completely will have the original vessel for it vanish immediately.  Any intentional attempt to damage it, trade it, sell it or otherwise use it for anything other than drinking it, holding it or setting it down will have it immediately vanish and return to Lukarr, as well as putting them into a Dazed state.  It may, however, be lent to someone else to drink from if they remain in the same room as the current owner, or used to trick someone or force them into drinking it.

Maemyer's Eternal Shield is a very potent item in the right hands.   While holding it, the wielder does not suffer any aging or other temporal effects, nullifying any temporal attacks against them, doubling any temporal buffs placed on them, as well as providing +20 EP if used to block an attack, and dealing +5 EP Damage and +5 Temporal Damage to any tool, weapon or body part used to attack the shield.  Additionally, the wielder of the shield if not moving for more than four hours will have 2cm of dust cover everything within 20m of them per hour they are not moving.  The Eternal Shield wielder can be disarmed, but the shield will never break.  If not recovered within 5 turns, however, the Eternal Shield will vanish.   If found it may be held for 3d4 days and 2d2 hours total before it vanishes, returning to the higher power to whom it belongs.  Any intentional attempt to damage it, trade it, sell it or otherwise use it for anything other than shielding will have it immediately vanish and return to Maemyer.

Munnatir's Blank Scroll is a strange item.  When held and examine it will be blank, unless someone within 40m is speaking.  If they do, anything they say will be recorded as well as translated into the wielder's language if spoken in another language.  Holding it up toward any text in another language will additionally make the text be readable to the wielder.  It should be noted, however, that the scroll will still appear blank to anyone not holding it, and if rolled up or changing hands it will erase anything recorded upon it.  Additionally, it will not retain any writing applied onto it, no matter what material is used to try writing upon it.  If found it may be used for 1d2 days and 1d4 hours total before it vanishes, returning to the higher power to whom it belongs.  Any intentional attempt to damage it, trade it, sell it or otherwise use it for anything other than reading will have it immediately vanish and return to Munnatir.

All of these items are considered priceless, though any attempt to sell them to one not worthy (or even at all in the case of some) will have it vanish immediately, so they do not meet standard item listing value.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Higher Power Iconic Items (Hexen, Inthdu, Jandur, and Jannae):

Hexen's Rainbow Shell is both a blessing and a curse.  Those who hold it will immediately gain +5 Beauty, as well as +5 EP for the time they are keeping it on their person renewed on a daily basis.  Additionally, it will have a 1d4 Charm (rolled once for all around) in addition to the character's Beauty put onto all individuals within a 40m radius.  Each individual that does not have enough resistance to will have a 1d4 chance of becoming violent to others around them in order to prove themselves to the wielder, a 1d4 chance of trying to impress the wielder with non-violent means, a 1d4 chance of becoming violent toward the wielder, and a 1d4 chance of simply bemoaning anything the wielder has that they do not, trying to entice them through any available means to giving that item or aspect to them.  If found it may be used for 1d6 days and 1d4 hours total before it vanishes, returning to the higher power to whom it belongs.  Any intentional attempt to damage it, trade it, sell it or otherwise use it for anything other than keeping it on their person will have it immediately vanish and return to Hexen, with the former wielder will be transported 1d5 km away in a random direction to the nearest body of water 5m deep or deeper, appearing 5m + 1d20m under the surface of the water.

Inthdu's Porcelain Skull is very fragile but if damaged it will self-repair though intentional damage by the wielder will have negative consequences.  When held in the wielder's hand it will allow them to use one of three powers at random per hour: 1) The wielder will be able to put all creatures, terrors and characters not immune into a Dazed state in a radius of 2d20m.  2) The wielder will be able to deal all creatures, terrors and characters 2d12 Gravity damage in radius of 2d4m as well as pinning them to the ground for 1d4 turns if they are not capable of lifting three times the Gravity Damage in Weight still with their current burden.  3) The wielder will gain 1d4 kg of fat, but be able to make one creature, terror or character of choice take on 3d6 kg of fat.  If found it may be used for 1d4 days and 1d4 hours total before it vanishes, returning to the higher power to whom it belongs.  Any intentional attempt to damage it, trade it, sell it or otherwise use it for anything other than holding it will have it immediately vanish and return to Inthdu, putting +1d20 kg of fat onto the character, fall for 1d4 damage and be unable to move off the ground for 1d6 turns, as well as putting them into a Dazed state.

Jandur's Dagger is a very potent item in the right hands.  When used it has four abilities available for use once per hour:  1) Cutting another creature, terror or character will push 4d6 Charm in addition to the wielder's other Charm score onto them, giving the potential to command them for 1d4 hours.  Any attempt to make them do a self-damaging act will have a -2 WIL penalty to their own score, but still have the potential to break free.  Using this power for any illegal act in the region the wielder is in, or for any act considered displeasing to the wielder's primary higher powered being or Jandur will have the dagger immediately taken away and those under its thrall freed, as well as a 1d4 chance of Jandur performing a random punishment on the former wielder.  2) Cutting through the air will open a two-way portal to a random location 1d20 km away that is visible through the portal.  This portal will remain open for 1d4 hours unless the wielder or another force closes it early.  3) Cutting into any solid object will allow the wielder to open a two-way portal to a random other realm, but be unable to see where they are ending up within that realm until they enter the portal.  It will remain open for 1d2 hours unless the wielder or another force closes it early.  4) Cutting into a liquid will allow the wielder to open a one-way portal to a choice of their domiciles that will remain open for 1d2 hours unless the wielder or another force closes it early.  If found it may be held for 1d2 days and 1d4 hours total before it vanishes, returning to the higher power to whom it belongs.  Any intentional attempt to damage it, trade it, sell it or otherwise use it for anything other than cutting will have it immediately vanish and return to Jandur.

Jannae's Inkwell Candlestick is a curious but useful item.  When held and lit, its light will provide a radius of 4d6m complete illumination as well as causing any Infernal or Shadow creature, terror or character 1d4 Light Damage per turn if the wielder does not associate them as being friendly already, as well as dispelling any minor illusion.  Additionally, if one writes with the ink in the bottom they will find it never runs out, does not burn, applies to any surface and dries instantly.  However, any item to touch the flame of Jannae's Inkwell Candlestick will lose all special abilities it may possess, and if it is already mundane it will vanish forever.  If found it may be used for 1d2 days and 1d4 hours total before it vanishes, returning to the higher power to whom it belongs.  Any intentional attempt to damage it, trade it, sell it or otherwise use it for anything other than the intended uses, holding it or setting it down will have it immediately vanish and return to Jannae.

All of these items are considered priceless, though any attempt to sell them to one not worthy (or even at all in the case of some) will have it vanish immediately, so they do not meet standard item listing value.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Higher Power Iconic Items (Dyndar, Ehnkilli, Fulgor and Guraye):

Dyndar is extremely difficult to predict, being such a chaotic being at times, but never to the point of entropic disaster despite all his/her power.  Dyndar is the arbiter of the pantheon it belongs to, as well as influencing other ones, having domain over Balance, Inspiration, Life and Story.  This gives it great power and great responsibility to keep any one side from becoming too powerful, though sometimes obstacles and foes are permitted to act without much interruption for great periods of time in order that champions would rise against them worthy of stories and songs being made about them.  Dyndar's icon is a coin with a hole in it on a necklace and though its followers may use any coin to show their devotion, the higher powered being has been known to wear one while hiding amongst them or even when seen in true form at times.  These coins are sometimes borrowed from people who have little to spare and given back to them with a bit of magic weaved into them that helps those that gave it to the disguised Dyndar.  Other times Dyndar will find a discarded coin and alter it after a while, leaving it where he/she found it for the next person to find it to receive whatever its magic.  These coins, known as the Charred Coins due to their scorched and dirty appearance, have a few interesting properties.  Once a month if one has it on their person while sleeping they will have a dream that is extremely vivid and inspirational.  A 1d4 should be rolled to determine if it will 1) Be a nightmare that reveals something to the character about their future if they do not change an aspect of their life, 2) Be a nightmare that reveals something to the character about their potential future without making it clear what will cause that future to come about, 3) Be a wonderful dream that reveals something to the character about their future if they change an aspect of their life, 4) Be a wonderful dream that reveals something to the character about their future without making it clear what will cause that future to come about.  A second 1d4 should be rolled to determine if 1) The dream is completely forgotten if they do not have traits to remember dreams better, 2) The dream is mostly forgotten or hazy if they do not have traits to remember dreams better, 3) The dream is remembered but the character does not know how to interpret it if they do not have the traits or skills to interpret it, 4) The dream is completely clear and understandable, needing no further interpretation.  The second property of this coin is that if a character is dying and has one of these coins on them they will be able to give it to Ves or one of its reapers and survive as they were instead, or trade it for carrying over some of that life's knowledge if the character is a type whose culture and religion believes in reincarnation with a higher powered being that actually grants it rather than it being a ploy.  If found one may be used for 1d6 days and 1d4 hours total before it vanishes, returning to the higher power to whom it belongs.  Any intentional attempt to damage it, trade it, sell it or otherwise use it for anything other than wearing it or holding it will have it immediately vanish and appear 1d20 km away in a random direction.

Ehnkilli's Dagger is both its icon and a tool which he uses.  On rare occasion while gathering up wealth Ehnkilli may set down its dagger and forget where it was placed for a brief period of time.  If someone finds it within a week they will be able to use it for one week.  Ehnkilli's Dagger has two properties: If a wielder stabs it into something the object, creature or character will receive 10 Vibration Damage per turn or per fifteen minutes the blade is stuck.  Additionally, if one spins it on a flat surface it will always point to the nearest hidden source of wealth regardless of any means of trying to conceal it.  If found it may be used for 1d4 days and 1d4 hours total before it vanishes, returning to the higher power to whom it belongs.  Any intentional attempt to damage it, trade it, sell it or otherwise use it for anything other than cutting, stabbing or spinning it will have it immediately vanish and return to Ehnkilli.

Fuldor's Sacred Seeds are both part of its icon and an item it sometimes bestows on an individual.  When planted, the seed will grow into whatever non-magical plant the person is thinking of at the time of planting, sprouting and growing into maturity within an hour, and then remain at maturity until its natural harvesting season is supposed to end.  When consumed, the seed will heal any infernal disease, hold a curse at bay for a week, as well as having a 1d6 chance of making the character or creature having a 2d20 percent increase of plant or fungus dna added to their own genetic makeup of either that a type they are concentrating on or a random type if they are not concentrating on any.  If any are found they may be held for 1d4 days and 1d6 hours total before it vanishes, returning to the higher power to whom it belongs.  Any intentional attempt to damage it, trade it, sell it or otherwise use it for anything other than planting it or consuming it will have it immediately vanish and return to Fuldor.

Guraye's Jar is filled with a magical sand taken from The Shifting Sands of Jhaneer and The Somnium Bleed and somehow merged with a mysterious magic to create a wholly unique type of sand.  Any of the sand from the jar may be put in a circle around a creature, character or object to freeze it in time until the circle is broken, as well as immediately putting to sleep any it is cast directly upon.  If it is turned into glass it will allow a person to craft eyewear capable of seeing into The Shifting Sands of Jhaneer if concave and The Somnium Bleed of convex.  Additionally, if the sand is cast into a large enough quantity of boiling water it will open a portal to The Shifting Sands of Jhaneer and if cast into frigid waters it will open a portal to The Somnium Bleed.  If found it may be used for 1d2 days and 1d4 hours total before it vanishes, returning to the higher power to whom it belongs.  Any intentional attempt to damage it, trade it, sell it or otherwise use it for anything other than for its uses, holding it or setting it down will have it immediately vanish and return to Guraye.

All of these items are considered priceless, though any attempt to sell them to one not worthy (or even at all in the case of some) will have it vanish immediately, so they do not meet standard item listing value.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Higher Power Iconic Items (Atim, Bobh, Byn and Chabelle):

Atim almost always seen reading and writing, or otherwise scribing notes and sketches, sometimes with more modern equipment, but most often with a very thick tome.  Surprisingly to those that may rarely find it away from her presence, this voluminous volume is readable in any language despite the symbols themselves being nothing understandable if one attempts to use any method to capture imagery or fragments of time when the book is open for later observation.  Additionally, despite how large the book seems, there appears to be no end to the pages within it through some divine magic, those using it will never reach the end of the volume, only finding more and more pages to read.  Any who find and use it must write or otherwise dictate the information they wish to retain into another book, page or device.  If they do not copy it down they will have to try to remember it, but those who attempt that will find a 1d4 chance that even if they do remember it, whatever they remember will be garbled words and images as seen from a recording, not what they saw at the time.  Atim's Tome if found may be used for 1d4 days and 1d6 hours total before it vanishes, returning to the higher power to whom it belongs.  Any intentional attempt to damage it, trade it, sell it or otherwise use it for anything other than reading will have it immediately vanish and return to Atim.

Bobh's hats and sunglasses vary often, but one hat seen quite frequently is his fez.  Bobh's Fez rarely leaves his head or home where he keeps many of his hats and other attire, but on some rare occasions he may intentionally leave it for some curious mortals to find.  Those that reach into it without looking once per day will pull out a random gem of excellent or higher quality, and those that wear it will find their focus doubled for the day, but have a 1d2 compulsion to travel for at least a third the day away from their current position in a random direction.  Those that try to pull more out of Bobh's Fez will find nothing the second time, and a mousetrap or other painful deterrent any additional times, increasing in severity with each added attempt.  If Bobh's Fez is not on an individual's head for more than twelve hours it will automatically return to Bobh, and after one week it will return to Bobh regardless of any attempts, intentional or not, to keep it.  Any intentional attempt to damage it, trade it, sell it or otherwise use it for anything other than intended will have it immediately vanish and return to Bobh.

Byn is known to be extremely vain, jealously guarding his or her beauty while still pushing for others to enhance themselves across all domains though mostly beauty and electricity.  Byn is rarely without his or her hand-mirror, but sometimes leaves it for those whom they find worthy to test for enhancement possibility.  Byn's Hand-Mirror is addictive to most that look into it, leeching out 1 EP per hour but allowing them to see an idealized form of themselves in it for the hour.  If they have no EP left, they will lost 1 SP and 1 HP per time they peer into it after.  Those that peer into it even once must perform a 1d4 + WIL resistance check to its effect to be able to free themselves from it, needing 8+ 1/2 their level to be able to break free from its effects.  Those that break free and have not taken more than five days to break free may find themselves enhanced in one way or another by Byn when next they awaken, though how they are enhanced varied depending on their current traits that their culture finds beneficial or beautiful.  Additionally, Byn's Hand-Mirror will reflect any light, laser or vision-based damage away from the wielder and back to the attacking individual or object when used for such and having a 1d4 chance of doing it without needing to try blocking if it is still equipped to the hand.  If found it may be used for 1d4 days and 1d6 hours total before it vanishes, returning to the higher power to whom it belongs.  Any intentional attempt to damage it, trade it, sell it or otherwise use it for anything other than intended will have it immediately vanish and return to Byn.

Chabelle is quite talented indeed, able to play instruments not even invented yet and produce vocals that almost seem to be coming from a vast chorus when she so desires.  Chabelle has many Golden Lutes, but only those that prove worthy may retain one when finding or gaining it from any means.  Those that after spending an hour practicing even in the same room as it will have one will find their performances for the day increased by 4 FIN, and those that actually use one for their performance will have it increase by and additional 3 FIN, though others may afterward try to steal it or otherwise gain it from them.  If found it may be used for 1d10 days and 1d12 hours total before it vanishes, returning to the higher power to whom it belongs. Any intentional attempt to damage it, trade it, sell it or otherwise use it for anything other than intended by one who is worthy will have it immediately vanish and return to Chabelle.

All of these items are considered priceless, though any attempt to sell them to one not worthy (or even at all in the case of some) will have it vanish immediately, so they do not meet standard item listing value.