Monday, September 28, 2015

Region: The Badlands:

The region surrounding Dagger Crest in Tesaria is known as The Badlands.  While not as barren as The Northern Wastes or The Jurak Desert, it is an arid place with few patches of fertile soil away from the Dagger Crest itself.  East and slightly north of Dagger Crest, The Painted Hills is an area that was formerly an ancient floodplains, and as such has many similarities to the one on Earth.  However, unlike on Earth, there are also many exposed crystalline structures in The Tesarian Badlands which are not yet fully worn down by the wind and rain, and some of the caverns found within the painted hills are still home to many cave variations of species long since extinct in other areas of the planet.

The Fossil Beds are southeast of Dagger Crest and paleontologists there keep uncovering many new fossils as they continue their excavations, many layers showing ancient extinction level events, as well as signs of ancient technological and magical battle in the area.  In addition, some claim that a foe of the founders of New Hollowstone once set up a few lairs in the region, though only one has been found so far, despite notes in that one referring to others...

The Coal Mines are southeast of The Fossil Beds, and there many works harvest the valuable ore and other items of interest.  However, due to its proximity to The Vapor Ocean, on certain weeks of the year lower sections of the mine are flooded and its entrances are closed for safety.  There has been some discussion made toward constructing a permanent way of pumping out the water to allow deeper mining in addition to safer mining close to and after the flooding season.  Unfortunately for the owners of the mine, so far no attempt has worked and the mine itself is slowly running out of the precious ore...

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Region: The Bahnen Hills:

The Bahnen Hills is curving expanse of land north of New Hollowstone and Oak Hill, stretching from both toward The Jurak Desert.  While it is primarily left unaltered for grazing creatures, the roads are patrolled regularly to ensure the few terrors that live there are kept at bay from trade routes.  In addition, there are two structural features of note.

Barbarella's Bars and Bells is run by a descendant of its original owner, a felinae ally to Quinn Xhen.  Barbarella originally built the first structure as a small jeweler's workshop, home and store, but it has since expanded to become a distribution center to many outlets across Lenida.  As the jewelry has a wide range of styles, mundane and arcane customization, and a good standing for over two centuries, it is no wonder that its business thrives.

The other major structural feature in The Bahnen Hills is the Monk's Solitude, a twisting valley whose assortment of monasteries has given the valley its name.  Additionally, many hermits also call it home, and quite a few scholars studying the leyline running through The Bahnen Hills have also set up residence as well.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Region: The Jurak Desert:

The Jurak Desert is not only home to the people of Thosisi, but also many mysteries and dangers.  Scattered throughout the desert are ancient ruins of human cities, some of which Thosisi itself is built upon, but many others have been located and more found with each passing decade of sifting the sands.

On its southeastern border The Sandy Saloon rests, its stylists ready to utilize their beautifying secrets both mundane and arcane to enhance and provide protection to their clients beauty but also other potential boons, though some of their mixed species staff are a tad overzealous or overly dramatic if insulted.  Any visiting it should best be wary, lest their beauty treatment makes them even more sensitive to the desert heat, or attract locusts.

North of Thosisi, The Obelisk stands.  An ancient human ruin, it is well known for being somehow linked to the creation of the arcane storm which still moves in The Northern Wastes, though none know how it was activated, stopped, or if it contains the power to bring it or other dangers back again.  Its secrets are closely protected by many traps, as well as the Thosisi guard, who only permit authorized individuals to examine and study it.  Some feel it gives the city itself added protection as few would dare attack it lest The Obelisk be used as a last resort, but no one knows for sure just who has learned what about its secrets, as all information regarding it is also kept in an air of mystery to the general populous, the government primarily afraid to set foot near it, and only allowing a couple researchers in a season into it.

Far east of Thosisi, near the edge of the sea lies The Ancient Pyramid.  Its exterior is covered in sigils and runes which still have yet to be deciphered, its walls unscathed despite the centuries since its discovery.  Every year hundreds go to test their spells and knowledge, but so far none have made its entrance open.  There are rumors that there is another entrance which a few have made their way through, but as those that supposedly entered the secondary entrance were never heard from again, and said secondary entrance has never been recorded, it is thought to be a mere tall tale, an explanation for the poor souls who died in the desert whose bodies were never recovered, most likely eaten by the creatures and terrors that call the region home.

North of The Ancient Pyramid, The Desert Rose Pawn Shop stands, having a teleportation arch in Thosisi leading to its structure further out in the desert, something one of the earlier explorers of the human ruins had found and utilized.  While some have proposed using the arch and structure to create a second settlement, The Desert Rose's owner and lineage have always kept the proper paperwork and ties to both the Thosisi and Tesarian government to ensure protection to their property, arch and land.  They have expanded over the centuries, but aside from some rooms for family members and staff, most of it has been to further make room for additional product to sell.  As far as anyone can tell, all its wares have been acquired honestly and legally, though many have grumbled about the low price they were given when selling to them, compared to the price The Desert Rose later asked for the same items.  Bandits regularly attempt to attack The Desert Rose, but few have survived and lived to tell the tale, and those that have were lucky to be incapacitated in a way that Thosisi was able to imprison them afterward.  Aside from the occasional scrape or bruise, none of the customers within The Desert Rose have been injured in these attacks, which have made it a good place to go if in a tight spot, as its staff do deal in more than just items, also purchasing information or offering temporary sanctuary in return for something of value...

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Region: The Blight Woods:

The Blight Woods lies south of Oak Hill and West of Dunklestadt, on the main body of Tesaria.  Once perhaps a vibrant jungle, by the time of Tesaria's rediscovery it had been almost completely covered in fungi and moss, a thriving home of disease for many other plants that still struggle to survive there, the spread of which has been slowed by the lack of trees from which to feed in the space between it and Oak Hill's southern border, creatures that fed on the fungi and moss being prevalent in the forest to the west, and the ocean surrounding most of the rest of it.  Slowly, settlers worked to try to curtail its dangers with little success, but some still call it home.

Outside of the Blight Woods, just west of its furthest border three shops may also be found: Potion Notion, Latif Von Gutten's Friendly Furnishings, and Tailor Made.  Potion Notion is an alchemist shop which was originally run by one of Quinn Xhen's allies, Dhnoki, whose species has never since her death been seen on Lenida, though many referred to her as a Sea-Hag.  When she moved her business to New Hollowstone, the building itself still stood and a century later it was purchased from New Hollowstone's government to be operated by Madame Dhenae and her family.  While the family keeps to itself primarily, it is said that they honor Dhnoki's memory and talents, utilizing the building for the same purpose it had long ago.  While the family is large and made of mixed species adoptions, its twenty-seven members are all skilled in a variety of different specializations, and it has quadrupled in salesfloor and living space since Dhonoki's original use of it.  The most talented of all is the hooded Venerable Grandmother, though few are granted the privileged of meeting with her for customized potent works of alchemy and enchantment.

Latif Von Gutten's Friendly Furnishings has multiple locations, including one in New Hollowstone (which Quinn Xhen convinced Latif himself to open), Rekande, Gormthair and others, though its oldest and largest store is outside The Blight Woods.  There the family-owned chain is still run by its gnomish proprietors, though they have branched out into hiring more non-relatives and non-gnomes in order to keep up with the orders they acquire.  Whether it be normal or enchanted, Latif Von Gutten's Friendly Furnishings is the place to go for quality furniture, be it their popular showroom models, something more custom, or something wholly unique in design and powerful enchantments such as recovering focus at double the rate, healing, a greater chance of good dreams, protection against all manner of attacks and more.

Tailor Made is a tailoring business that has been family owned since before Quinn Xhen visited the Cubi family and convinced them to open an outlet in New Hollowstone.  Every generation of the family running the business becomes more diverse with other species breeding in, but enough Cubi have also joined the bloodline that it still remains half Cubi while the rest is generally too mixed to identify which race the other lineages came from, though not so mixed that the species are unidentifiable.  While the majority of its apparel lines are sold in other businesses as well, Tailor Made's real claim to fame are the custom pieces they make, many of them enchanted to give benefits to the wearers.  Well, that and the somewhat scandalous outfits they have made for less public use, which are kept in a separate section of the store and not sold anywhere but their main location and a handful of outlets with limited supply, compared to their primary location...

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Region: The Ghost Grove:

Dunklestadt is the farthest east city in Tesaria, home to many an outcast individual and lineage.  While it does welcome respectful visitors with open arms, it has its defenses for those who seek to do it harm.  Not the least of which, are the dangers one must face before even setting foot in its borders.  The Ghost Grove is a swampland, filled with the decaying bodies and specters of those who succumbed to its terrors and natural hazards.  Its shorelines have few spots safe to make landing save Dunklestadt's heavily guarded ports in the Hage neighborhood, and the landing on its north end in the area between it and The Twilight Woods.  There at the north westerern landing, The Shade Road twists and turns through the swamp down to Dunklestadt, its path covered in lichen and weeds during the day, but every night for the peak three hours of moonlight it gives a faint glow which burns off plant, lichen, algae and fungal matter at a rate of 1 damage per fifteen minutes.  This typically is enough to clear most of the path, but every week a rider still much run its length to clear more persistent growth away so as to keep the trade and tourist route open.

North of The Shade Road's highest point, The Labyrinth of Doors awaits those who would risk its passages.  None truly knows how long the stone structure has lain there, but though it looks to be a mere hundred meters by hundred meters by two hundred meters tower from the outside, the few who have survived entering it swear that it is much larger on the inside.  There sigils are on every stone on the dust-covered floor, some broken, but most intact.  Doors line the sides of every passage with runes and glyphs depicting what may possibly lie on the other side of the door, though survivors swear that even those who translate the riddles some glyphs ask are caught unaware by what ancient alternate answers exist, as well as the fact that sometimes what lies on the other side of the door opens it from the other side...  However, on rare occasion, powerful artifacts, ancient lost treasure and mysterious routes to far off lands or other realms may be found which could potentially make the danger worth the effort.

The Creep Cavern is south of the northwestern landing, home to some of the most powerful protection spells Dunklestadt has created, specifically needful as it serves as prison to those deemed too dangerous to themselves or others for more conventional prisons.  Dunklestadt and the Tesarian government created it specifically so those interred could be questioned to save the lives of others, and hopefully rehabilitated for those who did not willingly choose the danger that surrounds their being.  Accursed wretches will sometimes make pilgrimage to it in order to seek restitution or a cure to their afflictions, and many have been released back into the world after serving either their sentence or penance and being freed from their curse or condition.  Though Kestrel Alras and her friends originally found the cavern being used for less noble purposes, few doubt the honor of their choice to work with the Dunklestadt government to find a better use for it.  Since that day, only two individuals have been known to have escaped from it while serving their sentence there, though official records have been vague as to who it was and how it happened, though assurances have been made that the security hole has been rectified...

The Glade of Secrets is hidden north of The Boar's Bay neighborhood of Dunklestadt, utilized in several rituals and rites of passage by Dunklestadt residents as the dead and living creatures there co-exist in a fashion most eerie, feeding off of the moonlight, swampwater and fears and rage of those who visit it, spinning illusions of their past traumas in order to stir up their emotions.  Though visiting it may be a traumatic experience in and of itself, The Glade of Secrets allows those who enter to leave freely or to be dragged back out, and it has served to aid in refining the character of many individuals who have gone on to do great things for Dunklestadt, Tesaria, Lenida and even all the realms.  Its continued existence has also driven some to madness, but those who enter do so willingly, and the people of Dunklestadt have nursed any who have succumbed as best as they can, most recovering in a few days or months, though some have taken years or never recovered...