Saturday, December 26, 2015

Region: The Rhydarcus Lava Mines:

The Rhydarcus Lava Mines are West and slightly North of Rhin, the capitol of the continent.  There, the capitol draws water and lava together and harvests the steam generated as well as the volcanic rock produced by the heat and pressure.  Elsewhere along the mines, other stones and minerals are extracted including diamonds, emeralds and a variety of foci crystals.  The mines are operated by the continent as a whole, with representatives of each city partaking the in bounty, though there is some grumbling about the portions each city receives, and how only Rhin is powered by the energy generated there...

Friday, December 18, 2015

Population Center: Rhin:

Capitol of Rhydarcus, Rhin's design is a testament to the collaboration of the cultures that constructed it.  The Gitwerg and Goblin immigrants to Rhydarcus discovered Mount Ralda was not as dormant as it first seemed and and with the help of other species managed to divert its building pressure out into the ocean floor where the continent's ocean shelf would slowly build up as it cooled the lava, and gasses bubbled up in the Vapor Ocean harmless to all but the ocean life.  As the Naiad and Cubi immigrants noticed this seeming oversight, they worked to plant a myriad of different ocean flora that would feed off of the gasses and bring their concentration to tolerable levels for the ocean wildlife, as well as working with the Gitwerg to construct geothermal power stations on the ocean floor as well.  The volcanic soil around Rhin was very ashy and fertile, though filled with toxic elements and sulfur as well.  With the work of the Gnomes and Pixies, the soil was processed and refined to aid in the creation of terraced gardens and fields throughout the capitol.  The Reynix and Felinae worked alongside the Kenthri to create roads through the city, as well as gateway hubs for faster travel to locations the Reynix opened for trade.  The Draconis Dragon-Kin and Gargoyles toiled with the Humans on plotting out the upper architecture of the city and its utility systems, while the Gitwerg and Goblins worked the design of its lower levels to support the weight of the city and further expand its overall available housing and storage space.  The middle tiers facing the mountains, small fields and forest surrounding the capitol, and the harvest committees were formed by the Gnomes, Pixies, Felinae and Kenthri.  The middle tiers facing the ocean, the geothermal power systems, the docks and shoreline were built by the Cubi, Naiad and Gitwerg.

Friday, December 11, 2015

Population Center: Shesham:

The city of Shesham is a curious thing, a shifting collection of caravans and old ruins which steadily grew to better adapt to the desert valley its citizens call home.  The denizens of Shesham have left most of the surface filled different desert crops and animals, the ancient ruins, and empty plots for traders and visitors to set up their tents.  Below the sand and rock, however, the population has a tiered network of waterworks and tunnels, chambers and storehouses.  The goblin and gitwerg population that came to the valley had made some mining attempts in the neighboring mountains, but had difficulty keeping the entrances clear of sand.  The gnomes that came soon after had better luck, being used to digging through dirt and sand more than rock, and their inventive designs allowed the three races to start creating the upper levels of Shesham.  As the humans, felinae and kenthri arrived, they worked to domesticate the surface more toward the six species uses, but some of the local wildlife and frequent sandstorms made any surface buildings unfeasible.  Later, the draconis dragon-kin and gargoyles came, making efforts to thin the population of dangerous fauna less hazardous, as well as being better able to transport heavy materials to and from the valley in order to create walls along its borders to further lessen the force of sandstorms that pound the region.  The pixies and reynix are largely absent from Shesham, the few that do reside in it typically working on efforts to make the land and continent as a whole more fertile.  The Cubi and Naiads came to Shesham last, greatly improving the waterworks of the city, and managing various ports outside the valley on behalf of the city and their own businesses.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Population Center: Scaragau:

The city of Scaragau is centered between two leylines, its borders running along a couple of mountains, sandy hills, and the southern coast of Rhydarcus.  Most water around Scaragau is saltwater, but deep chasms around it are filled with geothermal vents, allowing the city to fuel both its need for power and convert saltwater into steam which can be recaptured to hydrate the city as well.  As most of the city is built around the protection of the power, water and sewage systems, much of it is underground in layers, with chambers for growing different types of crops, as well as some on the surface, and many tunnels leading elsewhere in Rhydarcus for travel and mining reasons.  The gargoyles and draconis dragon-kin population of Scaragau mostly lives on the mountains, with the goblins, gitwerg, humans and gnomes living under them.  Other species are present as well, but in much smaller numbers, and spread out throughout the city.