Sunday, February 28, 2016

Population Center: Mellstova:

Mellstova is the capital of Hokare, constructed among the rolling hills of the main continent between the Estova Lake and Perd Lake.  The capital itself is primarily built atop the hills, though some extends onto the lakes, and into the ground.  The draconis dragon-kin tend to live in some of the caves on the eastern side of Mellstova, by the ancient hatcheries of the wrede draconis dragons.  Keeping the hatcheries well maintained as grand sites of historical and cultural significance, the wrede draconis dragon-kin tend to have more respect for them than other races of draconis dragon-kin, though even some wrede draconis dragon-kin are known to attempt to trick pilgrims and tourists alike into buying fake relics supposedly from the hatcheries.  The majority of other draconis dragon-kins, however, usually live south of the hatchery grounds, along with the gargoyles and goblins, delving deeper into the ground, though forbidden from digging directly under the hatcheries unless under extreme scrutiny and standards.  To the west of the lakes, the pixies live on the side bordering the forest, with the reynix, kenthri and felinae being prominent there as well.  North, on and by Estova Lake, the naiad and gitwerg tend to work together in their neighborhoods and businesses, while to the south the humans, gnomes and cubi tend to live next to and on Perd Lake.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Population Center: Saursand:

In the southwest corner of Hokare, the city of Saursand rests among the swampland which extends to its island borders and the ocean.  Being farther across the ocean waters than the rest of Hokare's cities, Suarsand has largely been isolationist when it comes to development of the continent as a whole, certainly sending their representatives for political purposes, but largely abstaining from taking actions which have no direct benefit to their city, rather than the people of Hokare as a whole.  As such, they often clash with individuals from other cities on the continent, and have developed most of their city to stretch out onto the ocean away from the mainland, rather than toward it.  Due to their development in this manner, the city has a very thriving black market that is controlled by a select few members of the governing body, ignoring many of the tariffs and fees levied against imports and exports that the government of Hokare has instituted, much to the chagrin of many citizens of the other cities in Hokare.  However, the profits from managing such endeavors are typically more than enough to keep most officials of the neighboring cities well funded, giving incentive to keep the illegal activities going.  There have been some officials who have historically refused the bribes at first, but most have either been pressured into taking them, or otherwise coerced into either easing their attempts to stop the black market, or forcibly silenced.  While the majority of the population of Saursand is Wrende Draconis Dragon-Kin, other Dragon-Kin and other species are  found there as well.  However, due to its rather cramped quarters, squalid swampland and overall difficulty to move within, few Kenthri call it home, and most Felinae and Reynix who live there tend to have a secondary home on the main continent which they visit regularly to get ample room to indulge in their primal instincts to prefer more open landscapes.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Population Center: Molnstad:

Northeast of Mellstova, Molnstad stands among the Northern Hokare Forest, whose borders are walled to the west to keep out dangers from the Spurnwood Forest across the ocean waters.  While the population is sparse on the surface of Molnstad, there are a great many homes and businesses in the tree canopies and deep under their roots.  The forest floor level of the city is mostly empty solely because there are quite a few specters that mill around, echos of those who died constructing the city centuries before, when the Spurnwood Forest and Norther Hokare Forest were connected and the channel separating the two hadn't yet been dug.  While most of the specters are fading away finally, some seem to cling on for far longer than normal, and attempts to remove them or help them find peace have only led to more deaths and more recent specters being formed.  Children and the elderly are barred from setting foot on the surface, taking ladders and elevators to go to the underground districts, and few seem willing to investigate or even talk about the specters unless they are present at the time they are mentioned.  Perhaps this city of the living and the dead holds a great secret to why the specters continue on, though none have found the answer yet, or if they have, they have died and added to the ranks of spectral echos...

Friday, February 12, 2016

Population Center: Feldurre:

In the northeast end of Hokare, the city of Feldurre stands.  Built atop mesas among the Spurnwood Forest and the Crimsonwane Fields, Feldurre is a city surrounded by miles of predatory creatures and environmental hazards.  The Spurnwood Forest is heavily infested with Mykra Spiders, and only the defenses of the city and streams through the forest offer any real protection from their danger.  Unfortunately, the streams are tainted from the blood and poison to soak into their waters, and are often home to specters haunting the areas nearest to their soul-echo was first created.  There are flora and fauna that survive in The Spurnwood Forest despite the dangers, though most tend to drink from ponds more toward the center of the forest, instead of near the borders where many foolish explorers have fallen.  The Crimsonwane Fields, however, have red-tinted wheat caused by not only all the blood soaking into the water table, but from all the iron underground.  Unfortunately for the brave miners in Feldurre, the are is riddled with anthropophagi dens, making harvesting the ore difficult without a small militia present during any mining expedition for defense, which cuts into profits...  The wheat, however, tends to back into very distinctive bread, pasteries and other doughy creations, so much of the population works to either harvest the wheat, defend the town, or create new, safer and more efficient ways to harvest the wheat and iron.  As space is rather limited in Feldurre, each mesa has a large groupe of structures build atop and into the mesa, and none of these structures are divided into cultural or species groupings, making for quite an experience for visitors, seeing the blending of cultures as it has occurred for a thousand years.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Hokare Continent: City Locations:

North of Adslein, the continent of Hokare stands separate from The Great Suarn Empire as one of its oldest opposing forces, half of The Vissex Republic.  While it does not have as much landmass as Adslein or its smaller territories, the density of its population, and drive of its people has made it stand the test of time, ruled by a communal vote and representatives held accountable to their people.  Though it does not have the military force that The Great Suarn Empire has in sheer numbers, Hokare has provided much of the arcane strength The Vissex Republic wields to not only protect itself, but keep the republic a major player in global politics.