Saturday, March 26, 2016

Terror: Sarok Bayerga

"The sound of pipes and laughter echoed out from the forest to the neighboring villages, my own included.  Large shapes were seen in the shadows, dancing about, and some of the teen and young adult villagers felt compelled to join them, though the elders heard nothing.  I was lucky enough to have been tied up during the last spring when they had come before, to have seen the aftermath of the dance, but my brother had been off visiting our mother at the time.  Seeing him running off to join the dance, I gave chase, pulling him away from the circle and covering his mouth despite his attempts to bite me.  Last time I had only seen the aftermath, but this time...  Three Bayerga pranced around on their rear legs, calling out with the imitation of pipes and laughter, glancing at one another as they circled around the dancing villagers, letting new ones join the dance until no more came to join.  Then...  Then they descended.  Their call took another tone and my brother and I, though hidden, were as frozen by it as the others.  The Bayerga sniffed and licked the villagers, testing them...  Before pulling the women and and a few of the men toward a pit, carefully lowering them into it for some later purpose.  One of the men still outside the pit snapped out of his trance and looked about frantically before one of the Bayerga spit on him and skewered his heart with its tail.  As the man's body began to turn to stone and crumble, the Bayerga that had killed him tossed his heart into the pit.  Still, the pit remained silent.  As did it as the Bayerga each went to the remaining six men, unhinging their jaws and snapping off the men's heads, swallowing them before dragging their hardening bodies to the pit.  My brother began to squirm as we came out of the trance, but I held him still...  And we watched as the Bayerga and their kills descend into the pit.  Fearful as we were, we still checked the pit for any hope that the others might still be alive.  However, as we looked over the edge, we saw only a myriad of tunnels, with neither the chosen villagers or Bayerga in sight.  I heard that the other villagers sent out a rescue party, but my brother and I were in too much shock to join them.  Weeks later, when we finally went to see the pit again, sixteen broken statues encircled it.  Some claimed to have seen the women again by the cliffs, swollen with child and lost in a trance...  But my brother and I have stayed away from the pit and the cliffs ever since.  The elders have charged us with a greater responsibility than an ill-fated attempt at rescue.  Every spring through summer, we ensure all the teenagers and young adults are properly secured in their homes.  We have tried to encourage the other villages to do likewise, but every year they send more men to their deaths to try to recover their lost...  They say they have slain at least one of the Bayerga that call our island home...  But given the calls coming from the cliffs, and the inhuman strength that must have slain the Bayerga corpse they showed...  I fear we have only traded one danger for one far worse." -Tattered remains of a journal found in but one abandoned village on an island full of them.  Its author remains unknown, though if its record is to be believed, a Sarok infestation is responsible for at least a hundred petrifications, and the disappearance of over four hundred souls.
Terror: Sarok Bayerga: The Sarok Bayerga is the mature male of the Sarok species.  Fairly territorial once mature, the Bayerga will still hunt in trios until fully mature, when one will kill the other two and become the Hasora of their territory.  Their seven-meter wide wingspan makes them even more frightening than their female counterparts, but they are still intriguingly beautiful like them and utilize similar hunting methods in the water.  However, once outside of the water they will not only inject their toxin with their tail, which typically strikes at the heart of their prey, but also will spit their toxin out at others as well, allowing them to petrify foes more easily.  The Bayerga tend to make dens deep underground, creating pits and offshooting tunnels to confuse those that may seek to hunt them down, and every spring will call out a hypnotic song to potential prey in their territory.  Sounding like a pipe flute and laughter, their call is within a range that teenagers and young teens of most species can hear, while the elders of most species can no longer hear it.  While it is easier to resist once one has heard it before and survived, those that fall prey to it rarely resist even as their friend and even they are eaten, headfirst.  Unlike the Sitera, Bayerga will overhunt their territory if left alone, though until one is a Hasora, they will also abduct males and females of their prey to have them mate underground to provide them food long after their hunting season.  Due to their amphibious nature, all Sarok are capable of hibernating if frozen for a period of time, though decreasing temperatures to near freezing will cause them to slow their speed by 10% per turn in those temperatures.

HP: 64 /  EP: 16 / LP: 2 / SP: 2 / FP: 23

Reaction: 15 / Finesse: 17 / Intelligence: 13 Wisdom: 17 / Willpower: 16 / Strength: 40
Speed: 27 on land, 30 in water, 32 in air, 20 while climbing<10 10="" ft="" per="" square="" x="">
Elemental Strengths: Water, Stone, Blood, Toxin
Elemental Weaknesses: Fire, Ice, Slime, Spectral
Common Drops:  Victim's Bones, Victim's Rags, Sarok Bayerga Cadaver, Unfinished Victim, Victim's Other Belongings.

Arm Block (0 FP Each): +1 defense on success. -1 EP per use until EP is gone or recovered by rest or other means.

Barbed Hold II (1 FP Each):  Attempts to hold an opponent or a part of their opponent so as to prevent offensive attack from that part while it is held.  While held, unless an opponent is able to stalemate the hold or break free, additional attacks may be dealt afterward either by the one holding or by fellow companions and allies of the one holding.  Reflexes vs. reflexes to see if hold succeeds.  Strength vs. Sarok Strength + 2 for resisting and breaking free of hold if succeeds.  Deals 2 damage on the turn the hold is successful and any future holds if broken free.  Will often attempt to follow up with other attacks while held. 

Beheading Bite VI (3 FP):  18 damage on success against armor-less targetsDeals 8 crushing and 8 penetration damage if target is still armored or has other natural defenses still.

Bite VI (0 FP Each): 6 damage on success against armor-less targets.
Dig IV (1 FP Each):  Digs its body height in a single turn.

Flight IV (1 FP):  Any species that able to fly.  Moves 140% its land speed while in flying.

Hypnotic Lull IV (2 FP Each): Attempts to put any creatures, terrors or characters within range of hearing into a hypnotic and defenseless trance.  Some species may then attempt to further manipulate the entranced to perform other actions.  [Sarok Bayerga will focus their attempts on lowering the defense and sanity of their prey, creating a WIL check to be needed every turn after the initial WIL check failure.  Utilizing LP may be necessary if failing the first time unless extenuating circumstances such as outside aid or delayed WIL boosts take effect.]  Check Willpower of opponent when used, if less than 16, -1 SP, and foe enters trance.  May only be used once per combat per Sarok to affect sanity, subsequent hypnotic call does not affect sanity further from the same Sarok if the trance has been broken, however, additional uses from other Sarok of other genders or maturation levels may still have a chance to affect the individual.  If any opponents have been injured, it will boost +1 to their own attempt, and if any others have been killed, +1 to their attempts per one killed.
Roar VI (0 FP Each): Roars to intimidate and call for reinforcements.  If any are within 3 miles and sound is not dampened, more Sarok will come to the aid of the one roaring.  Check Willpower of opponent when used, if less than 16, -1 SP.  May only be used once per combat per Sarok to affect sanity, subsequent roaring does not affect sanity further.

Run (1 FP Each):  Moving at a character's current max speed for a duration equal to six movement spaces before further focus is needed.

Slash IV (0 FP Each):  8 damage on success against armor-less targets.

Sprint (2 FP Each):  Moving at a character's current max speed + 1 (including any other temporary boosts), for a duration equal to three movement spaces.

Sting II (1 FP): Stabs its tail or other applicable appendage into its foe, injecting any toxin or venom it may have within it.  Deals one dose per sting, penetrating up to 4 EP worth of armor or natural defense.  [Toxin: Sarok Toxin (Liquid)]

Swim III (1 FP): Any species that lives in water as an aquatic or amphibious culture does not need to use focus to swim.  Moves 120% its land speed while in water.
  Tackle and Choke III (0 FP):  6 damage on success against armor-less targets.  Attempts to knock an opponent down and choke the life out of them.

Toxic Spit (1 FP): Spits any toxin or venom it may have within it.  Deals one dose per spit, penetrating up to 2 EP worth of armor or natural defense.  [Toxin: Sarok Toxin (Gaseous)]

Walk (0 FP Each):  Moving at half a character's current max speed, rounded up.

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