Saturday, July 2, 2016

Region: The Rose Door

South of Scarlet Acres lies The Rose Door, guarded by representatives of every fey court and government on Lenida.  As the portal itself was was hastily made and designed to try to lock it behind them, it is not stable, and the warding lock on it is highly faulty.  Due to these issues, The Rose Door is an entire labyrinth of passages lined with cold iron, ash, gold, crystallized ectoplasm, electrical and arcane circuits and other forms of protection to attempt to trap any being that might come through it.  Barracks, administrative offices and other structures exist amidst the region, and those who wish to enter Tirae's Spritehallow Region (which the courts call 'The Mad Queendom') must either be bound and exiled to it, or bear permission from multiple governments and court leaders, and given a multitude of equipment to forcibly pull them back to The Rose Door should they be in danger.  While Queen Mab (called The Mad Queen by the courts) may keep her citizens from causing outright butchering immigrants seeking to reclaim their lost heritage, scholars seeking to study their ancestral homes, or other individuals seeking sanctuary or safe passage to other regions of Tirae, her citizens are still given a wide berth regarding their activities, and a great many naive souls have ended up permanently stuck in Tirae or otherwise affected by what the sprites and other 'savages' (as the courts call them) may do to them.

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