Thursday, January 16, 2014

Religion: The Sacred Order of The Wandering

The Sacred Order of The Wandering is a collective of the followers of Munnatir who believe that they too must wander their respective realm and others for a period of no less than ten years, spreading knowledge and helping where needed, until either they receive instruction from Munnatir or feel they have found something that has made the wandering worth the time.  Usually those who join the order spend a period of time before this wandering preparing themselves, but no more than five years before being pushed to wander regardless.  Most choose to study languages and any information that would help during their wandering, but some more adventurous members will study other subjects as so desired before their journeys.  They seek to understand Mazek, Ragsendi and general enlightenment as well, sending back information of their travels to scribes at their order's temples.  After their wandering is over, should they wish to remain with the order, they will spend at least five years as a scribe before moving on to whichever pursuit interests them the most, spending the rest of their life on it, completing them and moving on to more, or passing away before completion.  Their sacred icon is an empty scroll hanging from a walking staff.

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