Monday, January 27, 2014

Religion: The Order of the Crimson Blade:

The followers of Nysisa are rarely organized en mass for ceremonies and services, but a select group long ago formed The Order of the Crimson Blade, which travels the world as vigilantes and mercenaries that only take on jobs they deem worthy of their higher powered being's attention, those that fought without honor or stole innocence from another.  When not taking down dictators, criminals and other ne'er do wells, they hone their fighting styles with each other, most of their sects having four members or more at any time, reporting to a central location.  Additionally, like Nysisa, they may also take on terrors and other creatures for practice that are also a problem for the locals.  On occasion Nysisa will directly tell the central locations or even her followers directly who to go after, or even join them in the fight, but this is rare, as she usually would take down such an individual herself.  Their symbol is the sword dripping blood, but with a crimson color to the entire blade beyond just the blood dripping from it.

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