Friday, December 19, 2014

System Mechanics: Item Parts and Crafting Items:

When crafting items one may attempt substitutions from any recipe to try alternate methods of creating similar enough items, or completely experiment when not yet having a recipe.  Most items are made from multiple smaller item parts, which are in turn made from materials.  An example would be the common sword, which is made from 1) A Pommel, 2) A Grip, 3) A Guard, and 4) A Blade.  Certainly, a sword could be made completely out of the same material, even wood, but a variety of different materials alters the potential benefits an item may have from each of its parts.  Each item part may have an permanent or conditional effect applied to it during its creation, but doing so requires knowing how to create said effect, or knowing the prerequisites of said effect experimentation.  Continuing from the common sword, 1) one might put an effect on the pommel to boost the finesse of the wielder for an amount of time/number of turns after it is first drawn from its scabbard, 2) one might put an effect on the grip to boost the strength of the wielder to make carrying it during battle easier, 3) one might put an effect on the guard to surge electric damage back at those whose attacks the sword blocks, and 4) one might put an effect on the sword to drain life from those it bleed in order to heal the wielder.  Each part of a crafted item may only have one effect on it, and removal of an effect from an item removes all effects from the item, unless the player had knowledge to be able to repair and create all effects upon the various parts.  Below are a list of common parts and examples of uses:

Barrel: Pistols, Rifles, Shotguns, etc.
Blade: Axes, Daggers, Knives, Spears, Swords, etc.
Blunted: Bat, Staffs, etc.
Container: Bags, Chests, Luggage, etc.
Fastener: Clothing, etc.
Grip: Axes, Guns, Luggage, Spears, Staffs, Swords, Wands, etc.
Guard: Swords primarily.
Hinge: Chests, Doors, Luggage, etc.
Pommel: Daggers, Knives, Swords primarily.
Surface: Books, Doors, Monitors, Shields, Tablets, etc.

Obviously more types of parts are needed for the variety of different craft-able items the system will allow, but the basic mechanic is modifiable by any GM to allow a player to craft any item they wish if they can explain its construction or it is self-evident, and have the prerequisite knowledge to attempt creating it.

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