Tuesday, December 2, 2014

System Mechanics: Item Nature Properties:

As mentioned previously, items have a specific format for listing them:

     Item: Item Name (Weight) (Rarity) (Quality) (Value) (Toughness) (EP) (Aspects): Description.

While that format does aid in calculating out the item's value, it does not help with categorization in and of itself.  As such, the format is being updated with the inclusion of an additional modifier which does not change its value, the item nature property.

Item Nature Properties:

     Item: Item Name (Weight) (Rarity) (Quality) (Value) (Toughness) (EP) (Aspects): Description. [Item Natures].

All items are categorized by their nature, into one of three groups:

Archetype: If the items do not require any specialization to reuse beyond knowledge of that type of item. A claymore, for example, despite needing knowledge of longer and heavier weaponry, does not require knowledge of magic, technology, psionics or any other domain grouping, being as easy to use as a stick of similar weight and length accordingly, though knowledge of bladed weaponry would remove a damage reduction on not tilting the blade at a foe and hitting with the flat piece instead.

Refueled: If the items require a source of energy in order to function properly. When not fueled, said items could still be used for their other properties, such as being blunt or bladed, but will not be able to perform the chief purpose of their design.

Reloaded: If the items require another item in order to function properly. When not reloaded, said items could still be used for their other properties, such as being blunt or bladed, but will not be able to perform the chief purpose of their design. Some items may be both refueled and reloaded, while others may require merely one or the other. An oven would need refueling to function (be it by electricity or other fuel sources), whereas with a simple gun the fuel is itself in the bullets and thus it would need only to be reloaded. Older guns may need refueling as well, as might more futuristic ones.

All items are also one of the following categories:

Simple: Any that knows the category to which the item belongs may use it without penalty, even if they do not know the item or have knowledge other than recognition of its categorization.

Basic: Any that knows the category to which the item belongs and at least the first level in that category may use it without penalty, even if they do not know the item.

Complex: Any that knows the category to which the item belongs and at least the first and second level in that category may use it without penalty, even if they do not know the item.

Advanced: Any that knows the category to which the item belongs to and at least the first, second and third level in that category may use it without penalty, even they do not know the item.

Specialized: Any that knows the item itself may use it, as long as they know the first, second, third and fourth level in the category it belongs to and know of the item itself.

All refueled items are one of the following categories:

Psionic: If they require mental energy and force of will to operate. Out of sheer determination to survive the special ability effect clause would be triggered on first use most times due to the boost of will when close to death, but if one uses the item before then they might waste it if it does not have such a clause by using it when their will is not as strong.

Arcane: If it uses wild magic, and does not have another special ability effect clause, the first use will cause it to use its special effect. If it uses foci magic, and has enough magical energy stored in it, then it will cause it to use its special effect. If it uses leech magic, then it will use its special ability after dealing damage to a foe. If it uses soul magic, then it will use its special ability when the user entreats, prays, pleads, or begs the appropriate higher powered being for aid, or cries out for any to assist and have either no favor with them yet (but are not in favor with their hated foe) or are in their favor, if the item is blessed by a higher powered being. If the item is cursed by one, then it will enact its affect the moment one of its special effect clauses are triggered, or if needed, all of them are.

Physical: If it uses physical items to fuel its refueling which it consumes in the process, producing exhaust or pollution typically.

Electric: If it uses electricity to fuel its refueling.

Energized: If it uses a power-source other than electricity to fuel its refueling.

All reloaded items are one of the following categories:

Mundane: If the items used for reloading have no fuel within themselves, and do not draw energy from an external source other than the item they are loaded into.

Charged: If the items used for reloading have fuel within themselves, and do not draw energy from an external source other than the item they are loaded into.

Sapping: If the items used for reloading attempt to use energy from their point of contact to initiate their special effect clauses.

Draining: If the items used for reloading attempt to use energy from the one wielding the item they are loaded into in order to initiate their special effect clauses.

Linking: If the items used for reloading attempt to reduce the energy costs of the item they are loaded into by spreading the cost to nearby appropriate sources of energy in order to initiate their special effect clauses.

Additionally, items may have further properties in various categorizations, such as Offensive Properties, Defensive Properties, Utility Properties, and General Properties, all of which are broken down into sub-categories.

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