Saturday, May 9, 2015

Population Center: Cubi Flotilla Yul'Ghen:

While most of the Adslein population centers are greatly affected by the sharing and clashing of cultures of their residents, the Cubi Flotillas primarily are comprised solely of Cubi and those whom the particular flotilla have accepted as one of their own by unanimous vote if not by blood.  As the Cubi have been nomads for countless millennia, they have had many changes to their own culture and are accepting of adapting their culture to a great many inclusions in each generation, but with regard to how these adaptations are interpreted, utilized and passed on, each individual flotilla has their own stance.  The Yul'Ghen flotilla, whose primary wanderings are in the waters East of Adslein, was one of the first flotillas to leave The Starry Oceans of Quantil and the first to arrive on planet Lenida.  As such, its residents were well known for their quickness to explore, adapt and constantly redefine themselves.  While other flotillas split off from them due to differences in opinion on certain matters, the Yul'Ghen flotilla has regularly sent its adolescents out into the world to learn new things to bring back and further increase the pride of the flotilla, and most readily accepted nomads of other species that have exhibited a spirit of freedom, exploration and curiosity that has served the Yul'Ghen flotilla well over the millennia.

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