Saturday, May 2, 2015

Population Center: Kunkar Colony:

Due south of Rekande, the Kunkar Colony serves two great purposes, each necessitating proper care.  The first being that it houses The Great Suarn Empire's greatest prison population, having no rules except that escape is punishable by death, and that any attempt to harm or even approach its other chief charge is punishable by fates far worse than death.  The second charge of the Kunkar Colony is the care of many young dragons to ensure that the population does not greatly diminish, in honor of the Draconis Dragon-Kin ancestors.  The Kunkar Colony is protected from attacks and escape attempts by magic and science alike, as well as its remote distance from the mainland of Adslein. 

Few have ever been rumored to have escaped its borders once on the island itself, and even fewer have been granted full pardon and allowed to return to the mainland.  Any who go to the island will find themselves charged with high treason if they are not permitted to aid the young dragons or are not sentenced to go there already, and will be summarily bereft of at least two digits on their dominant hand before being marked as belonging there.  The amputation and markings serve as a symbol of their insanity to those already on the Kunkar Colony, for none sane would ever wish to approach it unless they were in the care of the young dragons.

Kunkar Colony's island has rocky soil which is high in salt and acid content, and little grows there.  What does is primarily bitter or supremely sour if even edible.  Most food is shipped there in scant supply from the mainland to ensure that those in the Kunkar Colony tend to be too weak to fight the Guard protecting those serving the  young dragons, much less put a concerted effort toward escape.  Due to its harsh nature, the animosity between different species and cultures is largely diminished, as fighting amongst themselves only serves to further weaken their bodies.

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