Friday, July 17, 2015

Population Center: Askarr Colony:

While still a colony of The Great Suarn Empire, the Askarr Colony is much closer to the continent of Tesaria than it is to the government it functions under.  As such, it greatly serves as a staging ground for potential defenses for or against the fledgling country, and as the power of leadership has changed hands four times since Tesaria gained its independence, the stance Askarr Colony has been ordered to take has swung between paranoia and welcome arms.  Over the past century and a half, the military and governmental presence on Askarr Colony has largely been cautious with the people of Tesaria but still kept trade relations which have greatly benefited both governments.  Askarr Colony also serves as facilitator of fugitive exchange from both governments if one had fled from Tesaria to Adslein or vice versa, and its customs agency and ability to help ships restock for the journey across the seas has made Askarr Colony a vital waypoint port for transportation between the two continents.

The majority of architecture in Askarr Colony is six centuries old, designed for stationing troops and shipbuilding for the empire, but it has since expanded to have more markets, many houseboat residences, and a strong fishing industry.  The majority of those who live on Askarr Colony are Draconis Dragon-Kin, though the population has expanded to include all other species in the past century.  Primarily, Gnomes, Pixies, Felinae, Kenthri and Reynix are scarce there due to the relatively crowded city's design, but some make their living either on the colony directly or through selling food grown on their greenhouse houseboats.  Likewise, the Goblins and Gitwerg have created vast storage facilities under the city for its benefit while begrudgingly sharing the mining rights deep under the colony's shores.  Naiads and Cubi tend to work in the fishing industry most, but some have also taken to cultivating underwater plants and salvage operations.  Gargoyles are not very fond of the lack of natural great heights in the colony, but an artificial rookery has been worked on for the past six decades offshore with the aid of other species, letting them create a vast trio of towers with which to also aid in allowing a few airships to dock and launch.

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