Friday, July 3, 2015

Population Center: Despolis:

Crouched amidst the barren hills and valleys of The Northern Wastes of Tesaria, the citizens of Despolis weather a multitude of ever-present dangers.  Surrounded by arcane storms, toxic rain, rampant mutant creatures roaming the wastes, and extremely little land in the wastes capable of growing edible crops, let alone those able to remain pure despite the corruptible magics and pollution, it is no wonder that the majority of Despolis' population remains safe within its domed cities.  While it is ever expanding into the wastes and building new domes to protect restored land, Despolis primarily relies on its arcane defenses and the ancient human technology left behind there to maintain its disciplined order.  Those who reside in Despolis are few, primarily the best and brightest who seek to learn from the city built upon human ruins.  Eighty years ago it was located in the Northern Wastes when an ever-present storm in the region seemingly vanished and the city's first dome was revealed.  While there is no distinction between species in terms of their employment opportunities, few Naiads, Gitwerg, Gnomes, Felinae, Kenthri, and Pixies choose to live there due to the dangers nearby.  Humans, Cubi, Goblins, Reynix, Draconis Dragon-Kin and Gargoyles are in abundance there, most seeking to make the city more efficient, though there are the occasional individual laying low in Despolis because few are insane enough to look for them there.

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