Monday, September 28, 2015

Region: The Badlands:

The region surrounding Dagger Crest in Tesaria is known as The Badlands.  While not as barren as The Northern Wastes or The Jurak Desert, it is an arid place with few patches of fertile soil away from the Dagger Crest itself.  East and slightly north of Dagger Crest, The Painted Hills is an area that was formerly an ancient floodplains, and as such has many similarities to the one on Earth.  However, unlike on Earth, there are also many exposed crystalline structures in The Tesarian Badlands which are not yet fully worn down by the wind and rain, and some of the caverns found within the painted hills are still home to many cave variations of species long since extinct in other areas of the planet.

The Fossil Beds are southeast of Dagger Crest and paleontologists there keep uncovering many new fossils as they continue their excavations, many layers showing ancient extinction level events, as well as signs of ancient technological and magical battle in the area.  In addition, some claim that a foe of the founders of New Hollowstone once set up a few lairs in the region, though only one has been found so far, despite notes in that one referring to others...

The Coal Mines are southeast of The Fossil Beds, and there many works harvest the valuable ore and other items of interest.  However, due to its proximity to The Vapor Ocean, on certain weeks of the year lower sections of the mine are flooded and its entrances are closed for safety.  There has been some discussion made toward constructing a permanent way of pumping out the water to allow deeper mining in addition to safer mining close to and after the flooding season.  Unfortunately for the owners of the mine, so far no attempt has worked and the mine itself is slowly running out of the precious ore...

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