Thursday, October 8, 2015

System Mechanics: Affinities:

Through the course of developing any project, certain ideas are refined, some are recycled, some are scrapped and some are replaced.  In the case of all the physical and personality traits FARAD had originally designed, and the difficulty some playtesters not used to tabletop rpgs had, a long bit of reexamination was done to streamline the process significantly.  For an eventual computer version, certain things will be more complex due to gameplay itself measuring how a player acts to judge how others might react to them...  But with regard to the pen and paper version, a lot was trimmed down, as most of the bonuses were originally tied to nature or nurture at a young age rather than the choices the character would have made.  As such matters were by choice for the player, but would not have been for the character, thought was given as to how much of an obstacle this was for newcomers to the pen and paper rpg scene versus seasoned veterans, as well as how difficult it would be versus the reward.  While the reward was moderate, the difficulty of so many choices was moderate even for seasoned players, and too much for newcomers to want to do multiple times to test out different types of builds, preferring to have premade characters set up for them so they could play the system itself.  Granted, they were new to pen and paper rpgs, but some had still enjoyed console and computer rpg games that offered quite a bit of customization, including but not limited to Guild Wars 2, World of Warcraft, and many others.  The issue lay not in having choices at all, but in the choices seeming not to have obvious payout immediately, needing more playing to utilize some properly, or to have issues with the early balancing of positive and negative traits.  All in all, the traits mechanics have been completely reworked, though many have carried over in a similar fashion to what they were.

While the other traits will be further discussed in the following weeks, one entirely new category was made to group together many potential traits together, all of which are given to a character by rolling 2d10.  The newest trait assortment category is know as Affinities.  Affinities have a lot to do with a character's past and reasons to be out on adventures, and each affect different things related to their category.  Those with a lower numbered roll in the Hearts Affinity slot may have simple bonuses to their finesse, emotions or romantic endeavors, while those with a higher numbered roll may end up with powerful items, or even become infected with the vilru virus in the womb or later in life.  As a balancing mechanic, this is the only way to start out as a vilru infected, luniis infected or ghoul in the traditional character design, unless a GM specifically chooses to let a player start their character as one.  In this manner, characters still have the chance to become infected later, but a GM populating their worlds can see that most infected do not survive, and as such those that survive, let alone become immune to it are extremely rare and are recommended to be used sparingly.  A full run down of the Affinities as well as page from the reworked player log are included below:

(Hearts are emotional/social typically, red)

     Ace of Hearts: +1 FIN

     2 (Mirror) of Hearts: +2 Emotions, -1 Year Age

     3 (Merchant) of Hearts: +2 on Mercenary Acquisition Attempts, -1 on Mercenary HP

     4 (Tome) of Hearts: +2 on Ally Acquisition Attempts, -1 on Ally EP

     5 (Child) of Hearts: +2 on Romantic Advancements, -1 on Romance Acquisition

     6 (Beast) of Hearts: +2 Stealth, -1 Celestial/Selfless

     7 (Dream) of Hearts: +2 Beauty Mutations randomly selected by GM, -1 Stealth

     8 (Knight) of Hearts: +2 HP, -1 Accuracy

     9 (Tower) of Hearts: +2 WIS, -1 Balance

     10 (Damsel) of Hearts: +2 Fire/Heat Domain, -1 Water Domain

     Jack of Hearts: +2 Ice/Cold Domain, -1 Metal Domain

     Queen of Hearts: +2 Rerolls on all Charisma Attempts per Session, -1 Charisma

     King of Hearts: +3 FIN

     15 (Crone) of Hearts: +1 to all Tame/Charm attempts, +2 on Romantic Acquisitions.

     16 (Mage) of Hearts: Player character gains a Mended Heart Tattoo, which allows the user to expend 1 FP each time to recover 1 HP each time they deal 5 or more HP damage, per every 5 damage they deal.

     17 (Artifact) of Hearts: Player character gains a cursed soul-bound glove weapon, The Heartstealer, which allows the user to expend one of their own HP to literally rip another being's heart out of them if their attack lands on a being whose combined HP and EP (including bonuses) is less than three times the player character's physical damage from their strongest bare-handed attack, and they fail a 1d10 save.  On ripping out the other being's heart, the player character can squish it to kill them if they have only one heart which they need to survive, or magically turn it into a phylactery for that being, or puppeteer the being for 1d10 turns.  For every day the player character wears The Heartstealer, they lose 1 HP and suffer -3 Charisma for that day.  If they use its power, they expend an addition 2 HP and 3 FP per usage.  At the end of every week if The Heartstealer has not not been used on another being, the player character also loses an additional 1d10 HP.

     18 (Terror) of Hearts: Player rolls 2d10 as 1-100 every time they enter an area with visible creatures, terrors or characters.  The player's Charisma + 40 must be rolled or up to 1d10 creatures, terrors or characters charm the player.  If the roll is over the creature's, terror's or character's WIL + 30, instead, they will be charmed or tamed for 1d10 turns.

     19 (Map) of Hearts: Character has in inventory a Compass Heart, which glows when pointed in the direction of a soul mate...  Whether it is a potential lover or one with whom part of their soul was once joined to.  -1 FP per day carried.  This item was found in a trunk of romantic letters in an old house, where the previous owner wrote that they had used it and chased after their love for three years before catching up to them.  Player may sell or utilize the item at any time they have 1 FP or more.

     Joker of Hearts: Roll 1d10.  If 7, 8, 9, or 10, character has become Vilru infected 1d10 months ago.  If 4, 5, or 6, character was born a half blood, being able to resist Light Damage to normal for a non-infected's resistance, but still requires blood to survive.  If 1, 2, or 3, character is immune to the Vilru infection.  If a player also gains a Joker of Clubs, player may reroll to select a different card in either or both suites.  If a player gains a Joker of Spades, the Joker of Hearts must be automatically rerolled.

(Clubs are combative/physical typically, green)

     Ace of Clubs: +1 STR

     2 (Mirror) of Clubs: +2 on First Companion Charming/Taming, -1 First Companion HP

     3 (Merchant) of Clubs: +2 on Physical Combat Training, -1 on all other training

     4 (Tome) of Clubs: +2 on Weapon and Armor Haggles, -1 on all other haggles

     5 (Child) of Clubs: +2 on Family Name Reputation, -1 on Reputation

     6 (Beast) of Clubs: +2 Reflexes, -1 Order/Void

     7 (Dream) of Clubs: +2 Combat Mutations randomly selected by GM, -1 Beauty

     8 (Knight) of Clubs: +2 Initiative, -1 Agility

     9 (Tower) of Clubs: +2 ATK, -1 Roll Score

     10 (Damsel) of Clubs: +2 Soil/Dirt Domain, -1 Wind/Sky Domain

     Jack of Clubs: +2 Metal Domain, -1 Ice/Cold Domain

     Queen of Clubs: +2 Rerolls on all Combat Attempts per Session, -1 Damage

     King of Clubs: +3 STR

     15 (Crone) of Clubs: +1 to Healing Self, +2 to Healing Aid.

     16 (Mage) of Clubs: Character gains a combat soul gem to use in any apparel or weapon which they must continue to use in order to keep its benefit.  +1 FIN, +1 REA, +2 Knowledge Levels spendable of Combat Knowledge, -1 HP every combat, draws upon past lives of the soul to improve combat skill and muscle memory.

     17 (Artifact) of Clubs: Character gains a soul-bound 'Cruel Breaker Shield'.  Every block the character does with it has a 1d10 chance to not only stop damage from hitting the player or damaging the shield, but to have its sharp and twisted facing turn enough that it damages whatever hit it with a 1d10 damage in addition to its own toughness.

     18 (Terror) of Clubs: Character has 1d10 chance of Blind Rage if failing WIS or WIL Check outside combat or if failing FIN or REA in combat.  +2 Damage, +1 HP, -1 INT, -1 to Visual Observation and -1 to REA in dark areas.  When in a blind rage, they suffer -2 FIN and -2 WIS for 1d10 turns.

     19 (Map) of Clubs: Character has an Underground Circle Token, which allows them entrance to a secret undergound fighting championship.  This token was given to the character by an old friend or friend of the family, as well as a little information about the Underground Circle.  +1 Knowledge of Illegal Activities, and the token as proof of admittance.

     Joker of Clubs: Roll 1d10.  If 7, 8, 9, or 10, character is Luniis infected 1d10 months ago.  If 4, 5, or 6, character was born a half blood, being able to resist Metal Damages to normal for a non-infected's resistance, but still requires a lot of protein to survive.  If 1, 2, or 3, character is immune to the Luniis infection.  If a player also gains a Joker of Hearts, player may reroll to select a different card in either or both suites.  If a player gains a Joker of Spades, the Joker of Clubs must be automatically rerolled.

(Diamonds are Legacy/Heirlooms typically, blue)

     Ace of Diamonds: +1 WIS

     2 (Mirror) of Diamonds: +2 PP, -1 HP

     3 (Merchant) of Diamonds: +10% on Profession Income, -1 on Haggle Attempts

     4 (Tome) of Diamonds: +2 on all Haggles, -1 on Reputation per Session

     5 (Child) of Diamonds: +2 Heirlooms at start randomly given by GM, -1 on Heirloom Haggles

     6 (Beast) of Diamonds: +2 Reasoning, -1 Chaos/Entropy

     7 (Dream) of Diamonds: +2 Age Mutations randomly selected by GM, -1 Reputation per Session

     8 (Knight) of Diamonds: +2 LP, -1 Knowledge

     9 (Tower) of Diamonds: +2 REA, -1 Carrying

     10 (Damsel) of Diamonds: +2 Wind/Sky Domain, -1 Soil/Dirt Domain

     Jack of Diamonds: +2 Stone/Mineral Domain, -1 Lightning/Electricity Domain

     Queen of Diamonds: +2 Rerolls on all Wealth Acquisition Attempts per Session, -5% Wealth Acquired Each Attempt

     King of Diamonds: +3 WIS

     15 (Crone) of Diamonds: +1d10 % to any profession, +1d10/2 % to any investment.

     16 (Mage) of Diamonds: Character gains a Illusional Forgeries tattoo hidden on their body.  +1 Charisma, +1 Knowledge of Forgeries, -1 EP each day, and 1 FP each use to illusion something of approximate weight and size as currency or other valued item with no additional cost at a maximum of 1 AP at level 1 Knowledge of Forgeries, and 1d10 chance of failure per 5 AP of value.  Each Level Knowledge of Forgeries allows 10 additional AP of value at no additional cost.

     17 (Artifact) of Diamonds: Character gains an 'Appraiser's Goggles'.  +1 WIS, +1 FIN, -1 REA and -1 Speed.  Each time a character focuses 1 FP when wearing the Appraiser's Goggles, they gain +3 Visual Observation, and may roll 1d10 bonus to be able to inspect something specific to gain additional information about it, such as its estimated durability, value, etc.  Character also is able to use craft and repair with +2 when wearing the appraiser's goggles on anything smaller than their body size being constructed or repaired.

     18 (Terror) of Diamonds: Character has the 'Midas's Shadow Trait'.  -2 HP, -1 EP, +2 FIN and +1 LP.  Character cannot touch anything with their hands without it starting to bleed or melt at the touch of their fingers.  They cannot wear anything on their hands.  All food and water must be fed to them or they will have to bend over to eat it with only their mouth, unless aided by something that does not require their hands (such as prehensile tails, inventions, etc).  The only way to remove this curse is to wash in the waters of The Ascended Isles of Serseki's natural hot springs near the Storm of Destruction.

     19 (Map) of Diamonds: Character finds a crude map supposedly belonging to a famous historical figure, as well as a paranoidly written journal previously belonging to a deceased distant relative or friend who had been looking for the important figure's hidden vault.  Enough of the journal was understandable to explain what it and the map is for, but the rest is written in a series of increasingly difficult to crack codes.  +1 Code-Breaking Knowledge.

     Joker of Diamonds: Roll 1d10.  If 9 or 10, character has +50 PP, a Mansion and a Summer (or Winter) Home domiciles at start.  If 6, 7, or 8, character has +50 GP and a Mansion domicile at start.  If 3, 4, or 5, character has +50 AP at start.  If 1 or 2, character is homeless at start.

(Spades are secrets/motivator typically, black)

     Ace of Spades: +1 WIL

     2 (Mirror) of Spades: +2 roll against chosen Rival, -1 roll against their allies, companions or mercenaries

     3 (Merchant) of Spades: +2 on Curse Research, 1 random curse applied at start by GM

     4 (Tome) of Spades: +2 on Total Family Members, -1 on Living Family Members

     5 (Child) of Spades: +2 on Adecrea Research, -1 on Adecrea Resistance

     6 (Beast) of Spades: +2 Morale, -1 Infernal/Selfish

     7 (Dream) of Spades: +2 Pollutive Mutations randomly selected by GM, -1 HP per Session

     8 (Knight) of Spades: +2 EP, -1 Courage

     9 (Tower) of Spades: +2 STR, -1 Charisma

     10 (Damsel) of Spades: +2 Water Domain, -1 Fire/Heat Domain

     Jack of Spades: +2 Lightning/Electricity Domain, -1 Stone/Mineral Domain

     Queen of Spades: +2 Rerolls per Session randomly selected by GM, -1 LP per Session

     King of Spades: +3 WIL

     15 (Crone) of Spades: +1 on Status Removal, +2 on Status Nullification.

     16 (Mage) of Spades: Character gains a tool-based soul gem to use in any apparel or tool which they must continue to use in order to keep its benefit.  +1 FIN, +1 WIL, +2 Knowledge Levels spendable of Tool Usage, Crafting, Repair or Appraisal Knowledge, -1 HP per week, draws upon past lives of the soul to improve tool creation, usage, etc.

     17 (Artifact) of Spades: Character gains in their starting inventory at no cost a 'Mutable Vambrace' which uses 2 Hand Slots.  The Mutable Vambrace is capable of being alloyed with other materials it absorbs, but at start it uses a trace amount of Rojihal with Steel.  It has a shiny gray surface with swirling faint pink running through it and three dark purple foci crystals set in a row, giving it an automatic 9 FP storage capacity for magic.  It has 9 Toughness, 8 EP, a value of 25 Gold Pieces at base, +5 Resistance to Water, +5 Resistance to Wind/Sky, - 2 Heat/Fire Resistance, - 2 Electricity/Lightning Resistance, + 1 Focus leeching from each life taken by it but a maximum of 9 storable in it, the rest needing other storage or it will take damage instead, + 1 EP Damage attack for every 2 FP it retains, and its stored FP may be utilized by those that can use Foci Magic.  Additionally, it may be further enhanced by expending all 9 stored FP with a 1d10 chance of a crystal shattering, if one has a full kilogram of another metal, though it will average out its attributes with the new metal.  Finally, roll 1d10.  If 8 or higher, the Mutable Vambrace has an additional power.  If 1, it is a soul-bound cursed intelligent item, which deals 1 HP damage to the character per week at random, and may expend its own FP at a 1d10 chance every time it comes into combat situations, as well as mocking the character.  If 2, it is a soul-bound cursed item which deals 2 HP damage to the character per week at random.  If 3, it is a soul-bound blessed intelligent item, which heals the character +1 HP every week at random, and may expend its own FP at a 1d10 chance every time it comes into combat situations and recharge itself 1 FP per turn without the character needing to intitiate or concentrate on that process if there is wild magic or other foci stored magic available nearby, as well as giving +1 Morale to the character through encouragement.  If 4, it is a soul-bound blessed item which heals the character +1 every week at random.  If 5 or 6, it is a soul-bound magically enhanced item which automatically recovers 1 FP per turn it is not damaged if there is wild magic or foci stored magic available nearby.  If 7 or 8, it is capable of morphing into any weapon or tool made of a solid material as per a toll made of the same alloy.  If 7, it is technologically enhanced with a holographic display tied to its own data banks and a 100 meter echolocation-generated mapping system.  If 9 or 10, it is psionically enhanced with a distracting mind.  If the wielder recieves a direct psionic attack against them, it has a 1d10 chance to instead hit the Mutable Vambrace, disabling its redirection for 3 turns, but nullifying any direct psionic damage in that turn.  If any of the additional powers are part of its design, it increases in value by 25 Gold Pieces.

     18 (Terror) of Spades: Character is an immune incubator for a random disease as per GM's discretion of which they do not know they are at start.  This disease can not harm them, but they spread it to any with whom they have shared an appropriate disease vector with on a 1d10 roll.  Character gets +1 HP, -1 EP, and a +1 to learning knowledge of the disease.

     19 (Map) of Spades: Character has the Curse-Homing Compass, which on using 2 FP points to the region's most cursed item, creature, terror or character until they are at least 10 km away, or the curse(s) are lifted.  This item detects the curse even if it is concealed, unless it is concealed by a higher powered being.

     Joker of Spades: Roll 1d10.  If 7, 8, 9, or 10, character is a Ghoul of their most dominant species genetics.  If 1 through 6, character is immune to both Luniis infection and the Vilru infection.  If a player also gains the Joker of Hearts or the Joker of Clubs those must be automatically rerolled.

(Eyes are psionic/mutation typically, orange)

     Ace of Eyes: +1 Additional Starter Psionic Ability of Choice

     2 (Mirror) of Eyes: +2 on Psionic Ability Usage, -1 on Physical Ability Usage.

     3 (Merchant) of Eyes: +2 on Psionic Research, -1 on EP

     4 (Tome) of Eyes: +2 on Psionic Resistance, -1 on Psionic Research

     5 (Child) of Eyes: +2 on Pragur Research, -1 on Pragur Resistance

     6 (Beast) of Eyes: +2 Intuition, -1 Vibration

     7 (Dream) of Eyes: +2 Psionic Mutations randomly selected by GM, -1 SP per Session

     8 (Knight) of Eyes: +2 FP, -1 Lifting

     9 (Tower) of Eyes: +2 WIL, -1 Memory

     10 (Damsel) of Eyes: +2 Blood/Organs, -1 Ink/Slime

     Jack of Eyes: +2 Ghost, -1 Fabric

     Queen of Eyes: +2 Rerolls on Psionic Attempts per Session, -1 on Psionic Usage

     King of Eyes: +3 on Psionic Ability Usage

     15 (Crone) of Eyes: +2 Knowledge of Pattern Recognition, +1 WIS.

     16 (Mage) of Eyes: Character gains a soul-sight soul gem to use in any apparel or armor which they must continue to use in order to keep its benefit.  Every day, roll 1d10.  Character passively sees what another fragment of the character's soul sees or senses for 1d10 minutes at a cost of 1 FP and 1d10 chance of losing 1 SP.  Character can actively communicate to the other fragment with cost of 3 FP and 1 HP, with a 20% chance of losing 1 SP, lasting for 1d10 minutes of use.  Soul fragment can be one part of their soul was bound to in a previous life that has become part of another soul, or if they have split part of their soul after their birth, they may use it on whoever or whatever has that fragment, whether passively or actively.

     17 (Artifact) of Eyes: Character gains a Hindbrain Helmet in their starting inventory at no cost.  +3 all forms of Observation, +1 INT, +1 WIS, -2 STR, -1 REA, +4 on Psionic Attempts.

     18 (Terror) of Eyes: Character is born with as a chimera with its fetal twin.  They have complete heterochromia, as well as any marking patterns, and hair color being split down the middle of their body.  Roll 1d10.  If 10, both of the character's eyes and both halves of their hair are a color not natural to their species.  If 9, both of the character's eyes and one half of their hair is a color not natural to their species.  If 8, one of the character's eyes and both halves of their hair are a color not natural to their species.  If 7, one of the character's eyes and one half of their hair is a color not natural to their species.  If 6, both of the character's eyes are a color not natural to their species.  If 5, both halves of their hair are a color not natural to their species.  If 4, one of the character's eyes are a color not natural to their species.  If 3, half of their hair is a color not natural to their species.  If 1 or 2, character has eye and hair colors natural to their species, though different from one another.  Character gains 'Shocking Visage Trait', having -1 Beauty except to those who find their uniqueness more attractive than the normal common species and cultural beauty expectations, -1 SP, but +2 FP and has a singular disassociative personality which they attribute to their fetal twin which every day has a 1d10 chance to surface for 1d10 hours.  Character also gains +3 Resistance to Psionic Attempts against them, and +1 to their own Psionic Attempts.

     19 (Map) of Eyes: Player character gains a Illusionary Identification, which latches onto the mind of others unable to exceed the holder's WIL + 5 if the affected have a sanity higher than 2 but less than the player's SP + 3.  Player automatically gains +2 Charisma or +3 Intimidation as needed as the affected identify the player character as someone they respect or fear whom they have not personally met.

     Joker of Eyes: Roll 1d10.  If 1 or 2, character takes 1HP and 1d10 chance of 1 SP damage per Psionic Attempt directly against them.  If 3 or 4, 1d10 bonus resistance against Psionic Attempts directly against them.  If 5, 6, or 7, character has 1d10 Bonus Resistance against Adecrea, and gains the Adecrea-Influenced Genetic Trait from the interrupted influence of an Adecrea on them before they were born, giving them +2 HP Recovery to their maximum HP per day.  If 8, or 9, character has 1d10 Bonus Resistance against Pragaur, and gains the Pragur-Influenced Genetic Trait from the interrupted influence of an Pragur on them before they were born, giving them +2 FP Recovery to their maximum FP per day.  If 10, character has 1d10 Bonus Resistance against direct Magic and Psionic Attempts, and gains the Pragur-Spawn Genetic Trait as one of their parents or grandparents was actually a Pragur, giving them +2 FP Recovery to their maximum FP per day, as well as 1d10 Bonus Resistance to SP damage.

(Stars are magic/higher powered beings typically, white)

     Ace of Stars: +1 Additional Starter Magical Ability of Choice

     2 (Mirror) of Stars: +2 on Magic Ability Usage, -1 on Magic Resistance

     3 (Merchant) of Stars: +2 on Magic Research, -1 on FP

     4 (Tome) of Stars: +2 on Magic Resistance, -1 on Magic Research

     5 (Child) of Stars: +2 on Numina Research, -1 on Numina Favor from Numina randomly selected by GM

     6 (Beast) of Stars: +2 Life/Renewal, -1 Pushing

     7 (Dream) of Stars: +2 Magical Mutations randomly selected by GM, -1 on Magical Attempts per Session (automatic failures) randomly selected by GM in advance each Session

     8 (Knight) of Stars: +2 Range, -1 Cunning

     9 (Tower) of Stars: +2 FIN, -1 Learning

     10 (Damsel) of Stars: +2 Sand/Dust, -1 Bone/Shell

     Jack of Stars: +2 Toxin/Poison, -1 Rot/Fungus

     Queen of Stars: +2 Rerolls on Magical Attempts per Session, -1 on Magical Usage

     King of Stars: +3 on all Magical Ability Usage

     15 (Crone) of Stars: +1 on Removing Enchantments, +2 on Dispelling Magical Effects.

     16 (Mage) of Stars: Character gains an 'Arcane Exertion Tattoo'.  Character can roll 1d10/2 to store magic in another living being for later use by them or by the character.  This takes 1 FP in addition to the amount stored and deals 1 HP to both.  If the target resists having it pushed into them, both take 1 SP damage.  If the amount of magic is beyond the maximum amount the being can normally hold, the other being cannot resist that amount being taken away from them, but any beyond they may roll 1d10 per FP, but at a cost of 1 EP per FP saved.

     17 (Artifact) of Stars: Character gains an 'Philacerty Focusing Chamber' to their domicile.  This artifact takes up an entire room, hidden either inside their domicile or to a location within its property.  If a character has only a mobile domicile at start, this artifact is still stationary, but hidden on the outskirts of a city where the character last stopped as per designation by the GM.  This artifact requires a total of 200 stored FP per use, as well as draining the user down to 1 HP and 0 FP regardless of their current amount, and deals 1 SP damage as well.  Each use allows the user to store 1/20th of their full soul into an object of their designation.  If a character dies, they gain +5 to any attempts to defeat their Reaper and all attempts to finish quests their Reaper gives them if they fail, as well as +5 to any ressurection attempts by others.  A character's philacerty will release their fragment of soul to rush back to their body and a philacerty will shatter each time they have fully died, but while it is intact they cannot permanently die.  In addition, the item will gain +1 to Soul and Foci Magic Attempts and +1 to Psionic Attempts for any who use the item, as well as a 1d10 chance of it becoming cursed, intelligent, or both.  If it is cursed, the owner of the soul fragment inside the philacerty is dealt +1 HP damage anytime someone using it is injured, as well as being hurt and additional +2 damage anytime the individual uses it against them.  If it becomes intelligent, the owner of the soul is able to sense as per 'astral body' and speak through the item, and the item is capable of moving on its own and acting as if used by another, such as attacking, even if the owner of the soul is battling or doing other complex actions even in another realm.  If it is both cursed and intelligent, it will have the properties and powers of both.

     18 (Terror) of Stars: Character was involved in an accident which embedded foci crystal fragments into 10% of their body and gains the 'Foci Crystal Skin Trait'.  +4 FP, -1 HP, -1 EP.  Character automatically recovers full FP when at rest for 2 hours, but unless they rest longer they do not recover any HP or EP at all, as the crystals repair damage to themselves and parts of the body holding them first.  Character is able to expend FP to cast magic without being near another source of magic so long as their own personal amount is not too depeleted.  If the character uses up all of their FP, the crystals spread on their body +2 % each time they are fully drained, and they lose 2 HP and 1 EP each time.  If it spreads past 50%, character is immobile for 1 full day.  If it spreads past 70%, character dies.  The crystals cannot be removed without costly non-magical surgery at 1% for 50 AP.  The crystals cannot ever be fully removed without replacing the organs the crystal seeds have embedded into.  Roll 1d10 each time a percentage is removed to see if it had spread into a vital organ which now needs repair (it spreads along the outside first except the crystal seeds themselves), if it critical fails.  If at or under 10%, roll 1d10 to determine if the crystal seeds are in an organ that can be repaired after the seed is removed for 100 AP, or if the organ itself would require replacement.  Additionally, any character, creature or terror with two or more higher of Charisma, INT or WIL than the player may utilize the magic stored in the character's foci crystals in their body for 1d10 points each turn within 10 meters range.

     19 (Map) of Stars: Character gains a magical map which charts out the leylines and up to 100 meters deep of foci materials, updating with each usage at a cost of 1 FP and 1 HP, needing blood to update to a new area.

     Joker of Stars: Roll 1d10.  If 1 or 2, +2d10 Bonus Resistance against direct magic with the genetic trait Magical Nullifier.  If 3 or 4, character is the seventh in their family and gains the Seventh Child trait, gaining +2 Bonus to all magical attempts.  If 5 or 6, character is the seventh in their family, with one of their parents being the seventh in their own family, gaining the Seventh Squared Child trait, with a +3 Bonus to all magical attempts.  If 7, character is the seventh in their family, with both of their parents being the seventh in their own family, gaining the Seventh Cubed Child trait, with a +4 Bonus to all magical attempts.  If 8 or 9, character is a grandchild of a Numina, gaining the Numina Grandchild trait with +3 Bonus to all magical attempts and 2 rerolls on magical attempts each session.  If 10, character is a  is a child of a Numina, gaining the Numina Offspring trait with +4 Bonus to all magical attempts and 3 rerolls on magical attempts each session.

(Quills are knowledge/technology typically, yellow)

     Ace of Quills: +1 INT

     2 (Mirror) of Quills: +2 Logic, -1 Homeland Reputation

     3 (Merchant) of Quills: +2 on all Research, -1 on LP per day

     4 (Tome) of Quills: +2 on Technology Research, -1 on Physical Training

     5 (Child) of Quills: +2 Starting Knowledge Levels, -1 on Knowledge Acquisition

     6 (Beast) of Quills: +2 Wit, -1 Luminosity

     7 (Dream) of Quills: +2 Knowledge Mutations randomly selected by GM, -1 EP per Session

     8 (Knight) of Quills: +2 SP, -1 FP during Sleep Recovery

     9 (Tower) of Quills: +2 INT, -1 Observation

     10 (Damsel) of Quills: +2 Ink/Slime, -1 Blood/Organs

     Jack of Quills: +2 Fabric, -1 Ghosts

     Queen of Quills: +2 Rerolls on Knowledge Acuquisition per Session, -1 on Knowledge Acquisition

     King of Quills: +3 INT

     15 (Crone) of Quills: +3 to Language Leaning.

     16 (Mage) of Quills: Character gains a knowledge soul gem to use in any apparel, writing or reading item which they must continue to use in order to keep its benefit.  +1 INT, +1 WIL, +1 WIS, +3 Knowledge Levels spendable on any Knowledge type, -1 HP every day, draws upon past lives of the soul to improve combat skill and muscle memory.

     17 (Artifact) of Quills: Character gains a fabled 'Pen of Might', which uses 1 FP and 2 HP per use.  On use, character may write automatically one 'Imparted Knolwedge Parchment' if they have ink or blood to use with the pen, which grants 1 to 2 levels of their knowledge on a subject to another before the text vanishes.  Additionally, they may also create and use a 'Command Parchment' to dominate for 1d10 turns a creature, terror or character whose WIL is below or equal to the owner's WIL +2 at an additional cost of 1 HP.  Finally, they may also spend a total of 4 FP and 3 HP to create a 'Storybook Wish'.  On using the character or another using it, the text vanishes, but a 1d10 is rolled.  If hitting 7 or higher, they may expend HP, FP or items they no longer want (at half value) to be given soemthing wished according to the cost.  1 AP value = 1 HP and 1 FP accordingly if spending one of each.

     18 (Terror) of Quills: Character grows feathers in their hair and their blood starts to turn dark and inky.  Their hands become a bit more clawlike, but they do not deal extra damage from this change.  However, they gain the 'Word Devourer' trait, and have +2 to Learning, +1 to Memory, and -2 to STR.  Any book or other item with text upon it written in ink they are capable of putting their hand upon and absorbing the information from a page instantly, at the cost of the page becoming blank afterward and the ink traveling up their arms before fading away.  Character also becomes -1 Resistant to Fire/Heat.

     19 (Map) of Quills: Player character found a book next to a corpse, and within were only ten pages, all blank except for one, which contained a question and a map that led to the current location of information the previous owner had been searching for.  When the character reached location, the page gave more detail until the character gained an answer that satisfied them about the question in the book.  As a result, that page became blank once again.  Every time the character uses the book to ask a question, they lose 3 FP, and another 1 FP each time they check the book afterward until the question is answered.  On gaining the book, it became soul-bound to the player character.  Any attempt of someone to write a question into the book other than the player character will have the ink or other fluid run off the pages, and any attempt to check it for information already currently in it will cost them 2 FP per usage.

     Joker of Quills: Roll 1d10.  If 1, character has amnesia at start, having -6 INT and loses 1 Knowledge Level from starting selections, as well as needing to roll 1d10 per week to attempt to overcome their amnesia, upon which they they gain 1d10 INT and 2 Knowledge Levels.  If 2, 3 or 4, character gains +2 INT and 1 Knowledge Level increase or additional option at start.  If 5, 6, or 7, character gains +4 INT and 3 Knowledge Level increases or additional options at start.  If 8, 9 or 10, character gains +5 Knowledge Level increase or additional options at start, as well as +2 Learning.

(Skulls are omens typically, purple)

     Ace of Skulls: +1 REA

     2 (Mirror) of Skulls: +2 on all Chosen Nemesis damage but cannot land killing blow, -1 against all rolls against Nemesis

     3 (Merchant) of Skulls: +2 on starting Domicile Rating, Domicile unsaleable and has random curse applied to it by GM

     4 (Tome) of Skulls: +2 on Curse Lifting, -1 on Curse Research

     5 (Child) of Skulls: +2 on Pact Forming, -1 HP

     6 (Beast) of Skulls: +2 Death/Decay, -1 Senses

     7 (Dream) of Skulls: +2 Atavistic Genetic Mutations randomly selected by GM, -1 SP per Session

     8 (Knight) of Skulls: +2 Speed, -1 HP on Healing Recovery

     9 (Tower) of Skulls: +2 Roll Score, -1 LP per Day

     10 (Damsel) of Skulls: +2 Bone/Shell, -1 Sand/Dust

     Jack of Skulls: +2 Rot/Fungus, -1 Toxin/Poison

     Queen of Skulls: +2 Rerolls per Session if initial roll's failure meant becoming unconscious or worse, -1 HP.

     King of Skulls: +3 REA

     15 (Crone) of Skulls: +1d10 % to any Improvised Weapon Crafting and Usage, +1d10/2 % to any Weapon Crafting.

     16 (Mage) of Skulls: Character gains a Forceful Spectral Medium tattoo on their skull.  Every day, roll 1d10 if choosing to resist random specters cohabiting the character, with failure costing 1 HP and not resisting having 1d10 chance of losing 1 SP.  Character gains +2 SP, +2 Knowledge of Specters, and 1d10 chance of channeling a nearby specter on character choice with cost of 2 FP per specter.  Choosing to draw a specter in allows the character the temporary benefit of their knowledge and abilities for 2d10 minutes.

     17 (Artifact) of Skulls: Character has a pair of Spectral Goggles added to their inventory at no cost.  This allows them to see ectoplasm, specters and identify haunted items and locations with greater ease.

     18 (Terror) of Skulls: Character is born with an enlarged or enlongated skull compared to their species normal size, and has narrowly survived a few near-death situations.  As a result of their trials and genetics, the character has the Death Sight trait, which lets them roll a 1d10 and if they get 8 or higher they are able to see the estimated time of death of creatures, terrors or characters within a visible 50 meter radius from their current conditions if they do not encounter unexpected dangers or diseases which kills them sooner.  As such, they are able to potentially let those with sooner death times know and try to help them counter it.  They are only able to use this ability once per day.  +1 SP, -1 Charisma.

     19 (Map) of Skulls: -1 SP, Player character gains a map to a Lich's Philacerty, or a rift to The White Void or rift to The Forgotten Prison of Pral, which updates with more detail the closer the character is to it.  Once the map is within 10 meters of it, the map turns blank until the character is within 25 km of another philacerty or rift.  The map is soul-bound to the character, and if the player has not moved in the general direction of it by at least 500 meters a day, they must roll 1d10 and meet 6 or higher or suffer 1 HP damage each day they are not heading toward it.

     Joker of Skulls: Roll 1d10.  If 1, 2 or 3, character awakens after a large battle or catastrophe at the scene of it, having a 'current HP' of 2, one of the few survivors of the incident.  Any mention of the incident causes a 1d10 chance of a check against SP loss.  If 4, 5 or 6, character awakens in a place of healing, one of the few survivors of a large battle or catastrophe with a 'current hp' 1/2 their maximum hp starting hp, as well having no memory of the incident up to 1d10 hours prior to being injured before it.  If 7 or 8, character awakens resurrected by another at start, having no memory of 1d10 days prior to their death, and -1 HP from their 'current HP'.  If 9 or 10, character awakens resurrected without any obvious cause with a fatal injury which is healing as they awaken, having no memory of 1d10 hours prior to their death, and -4 'current HP' which automatically heals every day until fully healed.  Character gains Revenant Genetic Trait, having +1 to Healing Self and +1d10 to any attempt to survive lethal damage and +1d10 to defeat their reaper's quests after dying.

(Keys are Legacies & Related Quests typically, Gold)

     Ace of Keys: +1 LP, +5 GP.  Character has managed to survive a few close calls without fatality, but has been injured a fair amount in life.  As a result, they have taken an interest in the study of probabilities and increasing their luck, having managed to make a decent amount of money as a result, but seeks to find a way to keep lady luck in their corner...

     2 (Mirror) of Keys: +2 on Forging, -1 on Hometown Reputation.  Character had made a fair living at producing forgeries of currency, art and other items before being driven out of town.  They still had enough funds to settle down elsewhere, but will be remembered for some time in their hometown.  On the open road, they travel for a while seeking a place where they can afford to start their disreputable activities again, and hear tales of items which may be of some interest to others that they believe they could make a forgery good enough to get away with it, if only they could study the item itself in person...

     3 (Merchant) of Keys: +2 on starting Domicile Security, -1 on Domicle Rating.  Character has survived an dangerous situation in which their domicile was very badly damaged in the process of another individual's arson or burglary attempt.  While the character seeks to bring retribution to the criminal and recover their lost property, their immediate concern has been to properly secure their domicile against another attempt by that criminal or another, even though they ended up with a lower domicile rating as they did not yet repair the damage cosmetically.

     4 (Tome) of Keys: +2 on Secure Item Crafting, -1 on STR.  Character was injured while trying to stop someone from stealing an item precious to them.  This character seeks to recover this precious item if it is still possible, or to bring vengence upon the one who took it, or both if it is still intact and the individual is still alive.

     5 (Child) of Keys: +2 Wit, -1 STR.  Character has had a life of taking beatings, but a sharp wit which has on occasion aided them with solving conundrums in their life, and helped them with their love of puzzles and riddles.  This character has heard of a challenging puzzle at an ancient human ruins which has baffled researchers for decades.  The current head of the excavation has put for a bounty to any who can help them and their expedition into the next layer of the ruins, though the distance is far from the character's hometown and the road fraught with dangers...

     6 (Beast) of Keys: +2 Metal, -1 Chaos/Entropy.  Character has spent a long time working as a scavenger, gathering up scraps of metal and other goods to make a living for themselves or to pay for their hobbies, and has learned how better to work and manipulate metal, but has also aged a bit more from various dangers and diseases related to their choosen profession or side-profession which  they survived, though it has made them more vulnerable to chaotic energies.  Character has been working on creating something truly unique with their skills for some time, making many experiments which lay unfinished.  They want to finish them and further learn about the art of metalworking in order to finally be able to create the majestic thing which they have difficulty describing to other individuals.

     7 (Dream) of Keys: +2 Mostly Stable Genetic Enhancements as per GM discretion, -1 HP per session.  Character was genetically manipulated before birth through one means or anothe, which has given them additional abilities.  However, it has also caused them some degree of pain on occasion as their genetic modification was not perfect.  Character either does not fully understand how they were modified, does not know who modified them, or does not know why they were modified, and seeks answers to one or more of those questions.

     8 (Knight) of Keys: +2 LP per week, -1 FP per day.  Character has been extremely lucky in life, though they have had great difficulty focusing on anything in particular for prolongued periods of time.  Character wants to improve their focus as there are opportunities which have passed them by in life due to their lack of attention.  Character has some goal in mind which luck alone has not granted them thus far, and they must master at least five skills related to their goal in order to stand a chance of succeeding in it.

     9 (Tower) of Keys: +2 on Observation Attempts, -1 REA out of combat.  Character has spent a large portion of their life picking out details others might otherwise not notice, sometimes to the point of being distracted when they should be reacting to threats to their life.  Character has been travelling for some time, having a list of places and things they wish to see while they are still alive.

     10 (Damsel) of Keys: +1 FIN, +50 AP.  Your character has been frequently underestimated, resulting in a fair amount of income.  However, little has been personally challenging and your character seeks to unlock their true potential, to become more powerful, and to prove themselves against the world.

     Jack of Keys: +2 Order/Void, -1 Chaos/Entropy.  Character has always found it more pleasing to see things nice and orderly, organized with everything in its place, and things that weren't needed removed and sold to gain more funds for things that could improve situations and places toward their idea of perfection.  They are disgusted by chaotic messes, and somewhat suffer against chaotic energies as a result.  Character seeks to achieve a position where they will be able to organize a great many number of important things or to maintain order over a large area, and to be globally recognized for their work in doing so.

     Queen of Keys: +1 FIN, -1 STR.  Your character has spent a lot of time practicing their skill building and taking apart machinery, breaking inventions of others out of jealousy or rage at their theft of ideas, unlocking doors and locked chains in order to steal whatever they need for their own inventions or that they desperately desire.  They have a bad reputation in their hometown and neighboring ones, but are unheard of outside of that portion of the continent, let alone the greater world.  So far at least.  But they'll show everyone, everyone!  In addition, for every attempt to modify any locking mechanism, they gain +1.

     King of Keys: +3 LP.  Character has always had a bit of luck when it was needed, but who knows how long it will hold out?  Character seeks to someday win a contest of almost pure luck by learning how to sway fate in their favor.

     15 (Crone) of Keys: +2 to Lockpicking, +1 to Secure Item Crafting.  Character has been raised as a thief, or came into it shortly after leaving home.  One treasure has always eluded your character's grasp, however, the heart of another thief which craves a prize so well guarded none have even known which city it has been in until after it has been moved out of it, year after year.  Your character thinks that maybe the thief they adore may take notice of them, however, if they manage to pull of the theft of said item...

     16 (Mage) of Keys: Character was raised by cultists from birth with the fabled and lethal to its creators arcane tattoo 'The Chains of Eternity' applied by their parantage or other close relative.  Character is unable to be scried directly by Numina, Pragur or Adecrea without the character knowing, and the character having a 90% chance of not being seen as a result each day by any Numina, Pragur or Adecrea.  If they are seen, they have a 1d10 chance of an agent of the Numina, Pragur or Adecrea starting to track them, seeking to either force the character to aid the one they serve, or to help them cross them.  Character is immune to direct Soul Attacks and direct attacks from Numina, Pragur and Adecrea.  In addition, they are able to once per week bind themselves to any Numina, Pragur or Adecrea to gain a one-use temporary ability as per being in their favor, if they roll an 8 or higher that week.  Character is trying to find their place in the world, either trying to live a peaceful life despite their origins and the dangers coming from higher powers and their politics, or trying to decide which higher power or pantheon of powers that they wish to ally themselves with...

     17 (Artifact) of Keys: -1 SP.  Your character found an enchanted key by an ancient skeleton one winter.  Upon mumbling aloud, "What does it open?" a flashing light appeared from it before the key bound itself in the form of a tattoo on your character's dominant hand, and a shimmering portal appeared which allowed passage to an unknown structure mostly buried in rubble, signs of magical combat present, but no inhabitants or obvious exit other than the one your character came through.  Moments later, the doorway closed and your character's dominant palm bled heavily before suddenly stopping.  Terrified at being alone and trapped,  your character opened the doorway again, and experienced the same pain again.  It seems that the key lets you open the doorway to the structure at a great distance so long as there is enough magical power nearby to draw upon (5 FP of local magical source per 200lbs going through the doorway) and a cost of fresh blood (1 HP per use, from the bearer, plus 2 HP from nearby sources per 200lbs going through the doorway).  While unburying the structure and locating where it is seems difficult, perhaps it holds even more wonders trapped away within it...

     18 (Terror) of Keys: Character is born with the Lucky Breaks Curse.  Character gets +1 or -1 LP each day as per roll by GM.  Every time the character attempts to use a lock or other mechanical device which uses tumblers, screw, springs or gears, even with a key or other proper tool, they must roll 1d10.  Any roll lower than 6 and they must spend 1 LP for it not to break, and an additional 1 LP for it to open even if they have the proper key or tool.  In the case of a lock, this may be beneficial toward being able to prevent one from opening it with a key, or to have it remain stuck in an open position, but in the case of a gun, for example, it may become jammed or explode.  If they do not have the key or other proper tools, they may attempt to simply touch the item and roll 1d10 to determine if it breaks the way they want regardless if they roll 8 or higher, which may be useful for getting out of dangerous situations or into locked rooms and chests, etc.  Character has heard of a few who had this curse before and either has had terrible luck and wants to remove it at the start of the first session, or has seen some benefit to it at times, but wants to mitigate its drawbacks by finding ways to increase their luck on a consistent basis.

     19 (Map) of Keys: -1 FP per day it is carried, -3 FP per use.  Your character found a stone tablet with  a keyhole in it when exploring an abandoned house.  Trying to lockpick it did nothing as there did not seem to be any tumblers within, but out of curiosity, your character decided to try one of their own keys.  Doing so, the face of the tablet lit up and then a finely detailed image shimmered on its surface that showed the door your key had belonged to.  Touching the image, it rotated to show cruder details of the sights visible around the door.  Pulling out the key again, the image vanished, but it could be brought up again.  Each time your character used the "Memory Map Tablet", however, their mind buzzed a bit, making it harder to concentrate, and even just carrying it your character has a little difficulty concentrating in general.  Along with the tablet itself, your character also found seven keys in the abandoned house, five of which seemed to belong to rooms in the house.  As the tablet does not show more detail than what is visible from the spot of using the key itself, your character has difficulty figuring out where the other two keys go, however, one showed a room filled with snarling mutant beasts, and the other showing a corridor filled with mixed skeletons of dead humanoids and a few scattered weapons with them.  Your character is interested in finding out what door the last two keys belong to, as well as see what uses they can make of the Memory Map Tablet as they explore the greater world.

     Joker of Keys: Roll 1d10.  If 1,2 or 3, character is a refugee from another city, having a key to a family vault hidden in the land from which they came from, to which they will one day return to reclaim their heritage and help rebuild their city.  If 4, 5 or 6, character is a refugee from another continent, having a key to a family vault hidden in the land from which they came from, to which they will one day return to reclaim their heritage and attempt to fix, replace or reinstate the government that had been present before they fled their homeland.  If 7 or 8, character is a refugee from another planet in the primary realm, and as such has -3 INT, and -2 on any attempt to use local knowledge or language until they reach level 10.  As a result of the struggle fleeing from another planet, they have +1 SP and +1 WIL.  They either seek to one day return to their home planet to aid its remaining people in reclaiming it, or it has been destroyed and the character seeks to find a place on this planet similar enough to their previous home to settle.  If 9 or 10, character has been unintentionally displaced in time from the past into the present, but evidently was never seen by history before, and is unable to return to their own time by the means that brought them to the present.  They have -2 INT and -1 on any attempt to use local knowledge or language until they reach level 10.  As a result of coming from another time in history, they have +1 SP and +1 WIS.  They either seek to find a way to return to their own time, or to find remnants of their life through history through objects they may have had or had similar to, and aim to build a domicile and life similar to the one they had prior.

(Signs are Curses & Related Quests typically, Silver)

     Ace of Signs: +1 SP.  Character has encountered a few circumstances that have widened their understanding of the universe, and they have sparked their curiosity to learn even more about what occured, as well as about other strange incidents.

     2 (Mirror) of Signs: +2 LP per month, -1 Homeland repuation. Character has survived a fair amount of dangerous situations, almost always taking only minor injuries, but some in their hometown believe them to be a curse to their neighbors.  The character wants to prove that they are more than just lucky, and that they aren't cursed, exploring the greater world for a way to find proof not only for their neighbors, but for their own peace of mind.

     3 (Merchant) of Signs: +2 on Domicle Rating, -1 on Reputation as Domicile is highly contrasting in design to neighborhood domicile designs.  Character has an unusual domicile either built to order or purchased from an eccentric which is highly contrasting in design to the other domiciles in the neighborhood.  As a result, it has a bad reputation, but may have more purpose to its design than mere fanciful diversity.  What dark secret lies in its design?  Few can even fathom, but the character is either investigating or attempting to modify some part of it to change or remove a property it holds.

     4 (Tome) of Signs: +2 on all Curse Creation, -1 on Reputation.  Character was raised by cultists and even though they most slain or driven away, the character still holds some degree of curse creation skill as a result, though most tend to recognize them for their heritage or skill in most regions.  Character seeks to better understand the cult they were raised in, to either track down the surviving cultists and aid their activities, or to try to stop their activities and help them leave the cult.

     5 (Child) of Signs: +2 Memory, -1 SP.  Character has had a good memory for quite some time, much to their chagrin.  A mysterious and tragic event occured in their past which drove them closer to insanity and retreating from the world, but they survived it.  Character now seeks to find an answer to why and how the event happened, as well as how to prevent another one from happening to themselves or others.

     6 (Beast) of Signs: +2 SP, -1 LP.  Character has gained a larger understanding of the universe, but has had quite a bit of bad luck in coming to this knowledge.  Character seeks to learn even more about the universe, and to teach this information as a well-respected scholar some day.

     7 (Dream) of Signs: +2 Dangerously Unstable Genetic Mutations as per GM discretion, -1 HP per day.  Character was mutated either shortly before birth or after birth in a way which has given them more power, but these mutations have drawbacks which can harm them, and they also experience random pain each day as their body has not fully adapted due to the imperfect nature of the mutations.  Character seeks to either restore their genetics to what it should be, or to stabilize their mutations so they can keep the beneficial side of them, as well as to find a place in the world where no one treats them differently due to their mutations.

     8 (Knight) of Signs: +2 HP per week, -1 SP per session.  Character has managed to find a way to accelerate their natural healing process, but the process causes them to face mental dangers which threaten their sanity.  Character seeks to find a way to keep themselves from going insane, as well as to teach others their method of healing after they have perfected it.

     9 (Tower) of Signs: +2 on all Curse Breaking, -1 Speed.  Character has been slow for all their life compared to others of their kind, and were unable to stop someone precious to them from being cursed by a malicious stranger.  While the character still does not know how to break that specific curse, they have learned how to break many others, and are searching for an answer to the curse on the individual they treasure.

     10 (Damsel) of Signs: +1 WIS, +50 GP.  Your character was raised by individuals who focused much of their education on the ancient world, relics, and ancient curses.  As a result, they have more wisdom and more starting funds.  However, your character is always looking for more challenging acquisitions, the rarer and more dangerous to obtain, the better.  As such, they frequently go off on sojourns that take them far from home, and have 1d10/2 servents in their primary domicile which aid in maintaining it and their adventuring finances and supplies.

     Jack of Signs: +2 Chaos/Entropy, -1 Order/Void.  Character has always enjoyed the freedom of creativity and diversity, preferring chaos over order.  Their lifelong goal is to achieve a position of creative influence, having enough funds to educate and fund generations of artists of all mediums even after they are long dead.  Not wanting to slave away in a dreary profession for the rest of their life, they have struck out into the greater world to find their fortune, refine their craft, and to meet more individuals they can call teacher, ally and friend.

     Queen of Signs: +1 INT, -1 WIL.  Your character has been cursed since the age of maturation to see visions of infernal forces creating a portal to the primary realm from Thelatos and destroying the land.  The location where they come out of is not one your character has ever seen, nor do they have enough environmental cues in the visions to know the name of the place, and no one in your character's home region seems to recognize the place from describing it to them.  Your character must seek out this unknown location and try to stop the infernal invasion, lest they continue to be haunted by the vision at times the vision will be too distracting.  In addition, for every time the character attempts to resist the vision and fails, they lose 1 HP.

     King of Signs: +3 SP  Character has learned a great deal about the larger universe, though at times they felt saddened that few others shared an interest in such things in their hometown.  Seeking more friends and more knowledge of the larger universe, they set out on a journey...

     15 (Crone) of Signs: -3 SP, but +3 Resistance to Pragur and Adecrea Influence.  Character has encountered both Pragur and Adecrea artifacts which resulted in losing sanity for period of time, but slowly they built up a small resistance to their influence.  Not wanting others to face the same terrors they had, the character seeks to find and destroy any artifacts tied to the Pragur and Adecrea, as well as close any rifts to their prisons.

     16 (Mage) of Signs: Character is cursed with a Forceful Revisitations Soul Gem embedded in the back of their skull.  Every day, roll 1d10 if choosing to resist memories and personality shift from their own past, that of someone they share a soul fragment with, or a past life part of their soul belonged to, as per GM discretion.  On failure, character rolls 1d10 to resist losing 1 SP and 1 EP.  Character gains +2 Knowledge of Specters, +2 WIS, -1 FP daily and may on failing their first roll but succeeding their second, roll once again to try to channel a specific or generalized type of memory, shared soul fragment or past life that may be of use.  Each time they channel by choice or not, they are altered for 2d10 minutes accordingly.  Character is unable to remove the accursed gem and any attempt makes them or another trying pass out after being shocked with 1d10 Lightning/Electricity damage and 1d10 Spectral Damage.  Character or other knocked out will be unable to rouse until fully healed.  Character is seeking out a way to have the soul gem either removed permanently or to have it altered to be more controllable.

     17 (Artifact) of Signs: Character has a "Spellspark's Bane" in their starting inventory.  Spellspark's Bane is a 12 Toughness and 10 EP combination vambrace and rerebrace that uses one front body and two hand slots.  Character has -5 to any magical attempt, and a passive +2 Resistance to direct magical attempts against them.  The Spellspark's Bane has six black foci crystals set in the back of the vambrace on either side of an attached blade which has circuitry paths etched into its sides, a small four-shot gun in the front of the vambrace on the left side of the blade, and a 10 meter grapling gun on the right side.  Firstly, the blade itself deals +3 Physical Damage, and either +3 Fire Damage or +3 Electric Damage, as well as draining 2 FP from anything it touches each turn into its own foci crystals.  Secondly, the gun is capable of being loaded with any small ammunition, and comes loaded with 3 "Excision Bullets" containing gold, silver, cold iron, nickel, mercury and steel discs bound by a lead outer shell.  Upon impacting, the bullets create a large hole, but the majority of their mass does not exist the target, instead fragmenting and sending shards of the other metals through the target, dealing +1 damage on each turn they are not removed, and another +1 damage if a creature, terror or character is weak against any of the metals used in its creation.  These bullets are ideal against most Luniis Infected or Vilru Infected beings as a result.  Thirdly, the grapling gun's hook, line and mechanism is capable of supporting 1000 kg of weight, and if the resulting material it is attached to is not capable of supporting what is being held, it will instead be ripped out or pulled to the wielder, such as impaling a terror and pulling it toward the wielder's blade.  Finally, when any of the six black foci crystals are filled, the wielder may expend 1 FP and all 12 FP stored in the crystal to create a spherical electromagnetic pulse which deals +3 Electric and +3 Magnetic Damage to any in a 20 meter radius, as well as pushing up to 6 FP out of each foci material in that radius, and temporarily diverting all wild magic out of a 40 meter radius for 4 turns.  Character aims to find and destroy all those who would wield magic for ill purposes, whether out of some great trauma in their life or a sense of justice in such a focused area.

     18 (Terror) of Signs: Character is born on a day when a red lunar eclipse occured during a drought or blizzard-filled winter.  A massive  earthquake ripped through the region, killing hundreds, including both of their parents.  A magical rift roared upward through the area, enveloping the infant character, imbuing them with a strange and potent natural curse trait, Deathly Accursed Child.  Character gains +1 LP every day, and +1 FP every week even beyond their max, but anyone whom they have a relationship level of 5 or higher suffers a 1d10 chance of disaster striking them every day they are within 1 km of the character.  Character has had multiple extended family members and friends die in their life and they came to realize they are cursed.  As such, they try to keep from getting too close to anyone, as well as trying to seek out a way to remove this curse.  Their journeys have led them to hear tales of five others across history who were born with this curse, the latest of which committed suicide and a famine struck that region for the next two years.  Of the four others, little is known in their own country, as the cursed historical characters move out of the country into the greater world.  Character has left their own country seeking more information and a possible cure.

     19 (Map) of Signs: Character gains a Darkened Soul Compass which costs 2 FP, and 1 HP per use.  On using it, it points to the nearest strongly malevolent soul.  At a cost of 1 SP as well, it will point to a predicted cause of the next catastrophe in the region.  Character either seeks to put an end to the malevolent soul or cause of the next catastrophe in their journeys, having heard of a predicted danger some distance away that affects the entire world, or they will seek to sway the individual against causing the danger.

     Joker of Signs: Roll 1d10.  If 1, character's parentage were dragged into Thelatos before procreating there, and raised the character for 1d10 years before managing to return to the primary realm.  Character gains +1 SP, +2 Knowledge of Thelatos, and +1 Resistance to Infernal Domain.  Character feels a strong compulsion to get prove themselves worthy of their new home, as well as get justice for the terrors they and their parentage had to go through in Thelatos.  If 2, character's parentage accidentally entered Mazek, were lost and met each other before procreating there, and raised the character for 1d10 years before finding a way to return to the primary realm.  Character gains +1 SP, +2 Knowledge of Mazek, and +1 Resistance to Confusion.  Character feels a strong compulsion to get prove themselves worthy of their new home, as well as solve the mysteries of Mazek.  If 3, character's parentage awoke in Feluk after having slept in a crystal there, met and procreating there, raising the character for 1d10 years before managing to return to the primary realm.  Character gains +1 SP, +2 Knowledge of Feluk, +1 PP and a mansion domicile.  Character feels a strong compulsion to get prove themselves worthy of their new home, as well as to help the Bodel population increase, having learned much of their contributions to the realms.  If 4, character's parentage were dragged into Pral before becoming thrall of the Pragur, procreating there, and raising the character for 1d10 years before being sent to the primary realm.  Character gains +1 SP, +1 Knowledge of Pral, +1 Knowledge of the Pragur, and +2 Resistance to Chaotic Domain.  Character feels a strong compulsion to get prove themselves worthy of their new home, as well as to one day free the Pragur.  If 5, character's parentage wandered into Tirae before becoming charmed by sprites there, procreating there, and raising the character for 1d10 years before being sent to the primary realm.  Character gains +1 SP, +1 Knowledge of Tirae, +1 Knowledge of The Mad Court, +1 Resistance to direct Magical Attempts and +1 Resistance to Chaotic Domain.  Character feels a strong compulsion to get prove themselves worthy of their new home, as well as to one day serve Queen Mab directly.  If 6, character's parentage wandered into Jahneer before becoming meeting there, procreating there, and raising the character for 1d10 years before returning to the primary realm.  Character gains +1 SP, +1 Knowledge of Jahneer, +1 Knowledge of Derenjin, +1 Resistance to direct Magical Attempts and +1 Resistance to Sand/Dust Domain.  Character feels a strong compulsion to get prove themselves worthy of their new home, as well as to one day free a relative from a poorly-phrased wish's result.  If 7, character's parentage wandered into The Silicon Fields before becoming meeting there, procreating there, and raising the character for 1d10 years before returning to the primary realm.  Character gains +1 SP, +2 Knowledge of The Silicon Fields, +1 Resistance to Metal Domain and +1 Resistance to Lightning/Electricity Domain.  Character feels a strong compulsion to get prove themselves worthy of their new home, as well as to one day free a relative from a poorly-phrased wish's result.  If 8, character's parentage wandered into Quantil before becoming meeting there, procreating there, and raising the character for 1d10 years before returning to the primary realm.  Character gains +1 SP, +2 Knowledge of Quantil, +2 Resistance to Water Domain.  Character feels a strong compulsion to get prove themselves worthy of their new home, as well as to one day sail its seas again in search of a lost ship rumored to have a large amount of treasure in it.  If 9, character's parentage were granted access to Ragsendi before becoming meeting there, procreating there, and raising the character for 1d10 years before returning to the primary realm.  Character gains +2 SP, +1 Knowledge of Ragsendi, +1 Resistance to Celestial Domain.  Character feels a strong compulsion to get prove themselves worthy of their new home, as well as to one day help others earn the privledge of entering Ragsendi while alive.  If 10, character's parentage were lost in the Somnium Bleed before meeting there, procreating there, and raising the character for 1d10 years before returning to the primary realm.  Character gains +2 SP, +1 Knowledge of The Somnium Bleed, +1 Resistance to Dream Domain, +1 Resistance to Sand/Dust.  Character feels a strong compulsion to get prove themselves worthy of their new home, as well as to one day face the embodiment of a personal nightmare and defeat it in The Somnium Bleed.

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