Friday, December 11, 2015

Population Center: Shesham:

The city of Shesham is a curious thing, a shifting collection of caravans and old ruins which steadily grew to better adapt to the desert valley its citizens call home.  The denizens of Shesham have left most of the surface filled different desert crops and animals, the ancient ruins, and empty plots for traders and visitors to set up their tents.  Below the sand and rock, however, the population has a tiered network of waterworks and tunnels, chambers and storehouses.  The goblin and gitwerg population that came to the valley had made some mining attempts in the neighboring mountains, but had difficulty keeping the entrances clear of sand.  The gnomes that came soon after had better luck, being used to digging through dirt and sand more than rock, and their inventive designs allowed the three races to start creating the upper levels of Shesham.  As the humans, felinae and kenthri arrived, they worked to domesticate the surface more toward the six species uses, but some of the local wildlife and frequent sandstorms made any surface buildings unfeasible.  Later, the draconis dragon-kin and gargoyles came, making efforts to thin the population of dangerous fauna less hazardous, as well as being better able to transport heavy materials to and from the valley in order to create walls along its borders to further lessen the force of sandstorms that pound the region.  The pixies and reynix are largely absent from Shesham, the few that do reside in it typically working on efforts to make the land and continent as a whole more fertile.  The Cubi and Naiads came to Shesham last, greatly improving the waterworks of the city, and managing various ports outside the valley on behalf of the city and their own businesses.

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