Thursday, December 3, 2015

Population Center: Scaragau:

The city of Scaragau is centered between two leylines, its borders running along a couple of mountains, sandy hills, and the southern coast of Rhydarcus.  Most water around Scaragau is saltwater, but deep chasms around it are filled with geothermal vents, allowing the city to fuel both its need for power and convert saltwater into steam which can be recaptured to hydrate the city as well.  As most of the city is built around the protection of the power, water and sewage systems, much of it is underground in layers, with chambers for growing different types of crops, as well as some on the surface, and many tunnels leading elsewhere in Rhydarcus for travel and mining reasons.  The gargoyles and draconis dragon-kin population of Scaragau mostly lives on the mountains, with the goblins, gitwerg, humans and gnomes living under them.  Other species are present as well, but in much smaller numbers, and spread out throughout the city.

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