Friday, January 22, 2016

Region: The Crystal Dunes:

The Rhydarcus Crystal Dunes is a region of the continent's northeast island, a mountainous region filled with caverns and surface veins of many different varieties of mostly low value crystals...  But also many broken fragments of crystals and rock which form shifting dunes throughout the region.  Slowly over the centuries these crystals are becoming smaller, more toward sand...  Though for some reason yet to be discovered, the crystal dunes keeps growing more and more crystals, some of which have been found to contain ancient species in preserved states.  Some have theorized that its initial crystal cluster may have been formed by the Bodel from crystals growing in The Crystal Slumber, but given how many terrified visitors have had nightmarish vision when sleeping in the region, others have theorized that it has some link to The Forgotten Prison of Pral, and that it might be an incursion attempt by one of the imprisoned Pragur through a hidden rift between the realms...

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