Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Region: The Great Rhydarcus Desert:

While many cities are within The Great Rhydarcus Desert, and there are smaller desert sections near to it, they have been previous covered.  However, there are three additional areas of note within The Great Rhydarcus Desert being covered today.

The Buried Tomb is due west of Perkam, nestled between two large dunes which conceal the major of its structure.  Ancient and mysterious, its origin predates the founding of the city of Perkam itself, and the modern colonization of the continent, but to the best understanding of the archaeologists studying it, the tomb itself was formed only a scant thousand years before the earliest modern city was formed...  Long after the ancient human cities had become ruins.  Due to its unusual architecture and the lack of any other similar artifacts within it elsewhere on Lenida, is theorized by some that a species who has yet to reveal itself to the inhabitants of their planet had made the tomb, though the scraps of imagery and language not destroyed on its walls have thus far failed to provide much information.  That it is a tomb is for certain due to a large mural that has stood the test of time, but its depiction is vague, only showing a humanoid shape being placed within its chambers...  Though the crypt itself has yet to be discovered due to all the damage and sand that has concealed much of the tomb's labyrinthine corridors.

The Caravan of Salt runs its rounds southwest of Dulda primarily, its lineage of species-concealing robe-wearing merchants having multiple secret harvesting grounds in The Great Rhydarcus Desert where rare types of different colored salts are gathered for them to sell.  While most are edible, some are also used as potent dyes, or for use in different chemical, alchemical, and ritualistic compounds.  Though many have tried to trail The Caravan of Salt, bribe, threaten or steal information regarding their harvest grounds, none have yet discovered them that was not part of the family, or if they had, they did not live to tell the tale.  Every generation, however, does have multiple offspring from which to carry on their line, typically marrying worthy outsiders to continue the lineage.  However, not all who have married a member of The Caravan of Salt's merchant lineage have been thought to continue being members, as a few prominent worthy individuals to join them have never had their voice heard again, while others have.  Whether they merely met and unfortunate end early by accident or due to a condition they may have had before marrying into the family, or whether they have met an untimely demise due to their actions after becoming one of them, is a mystery few wish to question...

The Dust Heights Crossroads was constructed south of Shesham, using a large amount of metal, engineering and magic to keep the crossroads from being consumed by the desert sands.  One of the roads from the crossroads leads north to Shesham, another south to Scaragau, one east into The Great Rhydarcus Desert, and the final path seeming to lead to the shoreline beyond a set of arches...  However, those that pass through them with the right artifacts will find themselves instead transported through the magical Reynix transportation system to a destination tied to that artifact.  Every continent on Lenida has at least one archway in the system presently, most far more protected and controlled than the one in The Dust Heights Crossroads, but some have been long abandoned, damaged in an accident or intentionally in a manner to make the journey either one-way, or to deposit the travelers to a different destination than planned.  Additionally, not all artifacts even lead to a destination on Lenida itself, and some lead to secret places intended to be kept hidden from prying eyes.  If one brings a Reynix travel-stone to the archway, a brief glimmer of the intended destination as it was when the stone was initially created will be shown...  But it may no longer appear that way once one travels through the arches, or it may possibly be tampered with, just like the arches themselves, to show a destination other than the one that a traveler actually reaches...

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