Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Materials: Health and Beauty Materials Charting:

Ordinarily HP takes time to recover at one quarter the speed of EP's recovery, whichever amount that is per character.  Using bandages to cover wounds will allow it to stay at that rate, rather than halving from infection.  When one uses Bandages to cover up identifying marks (and not just cover up wounds), Beautifying Makeup, Scarcover Makeup, or Warpaint a character uses the Disguise Self skill to determine the effectiveness of the attempt.  While this listing is no way complete, it does, however, have a good charting of several health and beauty materials within the system.

Material Name | Most Common Appearance | Toughness | Durability | Density (Room Temperature g/cm^3) | Average Cost for 5 grams | Special Effect(s) | Description.

Bandages | White or Off-White | 1/4th Toughness | 1 EP | 1.79 g/cm^3 | 1/200th Copper Pierce | Per 15 grams, stop 0.25% Bleeding, - 1/40th Beauty if visible except to those attracted to bandaged individuals. | Bandages help protect injuries from further infection and help lessen bleeding, however most cultures have a primal disinterest or disgust with those who show their injuries, even if they are less conscious of it than certain individuals.  Bandages may intentionally be used to cover up identifying marks, but may be suspicious if one is specifically looking for the individual hiding said marks knows where those marks are supposed to be located on them.

Beautifying Makeup | Varies | 0 Toughness | 0 EP | 2.5 g/cm^3 | 14 Copper Pieces | Per 15 grams, +1/2 Beauty in general, +1/4th Beauty additional to those that find that particular style attractive, -1/4th Beauty to those that find it unattractive. | There are many different styles of Beautifying Makeup, each one having additional effect on individuals who either find that style more beautiful or less attractive.

Bokeno | Gray mottled with Grayish Green | 3 Toughness | 6 EP | 16.21 g/cm^3 | 1 Copper Piece (3 Silver Pieces for a full fresh Bokeno) | Per 15 grams, + 2/5th Beauty if mixed with an equal portion of sugar and animal fat. | Bokeno are the remnants of the Bodel eggs if they do not hatch, withering and shrinking in size the older they get.  The Bodels put these failed eggs into caverns which slowly break them down into more minerals for the humming crystals that people slumber in, trying to accelerate the growth process toward another egg.  If the egg is only a few weeks old it is still hard, and highly valued amongst collectors.  One fresh Bokeno has weighs 4095 grams, and when its surface is removed without dissolving it, the gooey center may be extracted.  While the outer shell will not break down further without the center, making it good for decoration or use in crafting items, the true value is in the goo.  The Bodel's do not have fetuses, instead having a crystal see in the center of the goo, and this is a key ingredient in temporal machines.  The goo itself, however, when mixed with an equal portion of sugar and animal fat, produces an anti-aging cream that removes 10 years of wrinkles per 455 grams, not reversing aging internally, but adding +6 Beauty to any who use it.

Mindedger | Blue | 0 Toughness | 0 EP | 0.23 g/cm^3 | 8 Copper Pieces | Per 15 grams (1 pill), + 1 FP immediately, + 2 INT for two hours, -1 HP, + 2 Poison Effect. | The blue Mindedger pills are poisonous, but they do temporarily give the person using them a bit more focus immediately and help them use their intelligence more effectively for two hours.

Onyew Nectar | Pale Orange | 0 Toughness | 0 EP | 0.62 g/cm^3 | 11/500th Average Cost for 5 grams | Per 15 grams, + 7/100th HP regained if drank while one has positive LP, - 7/50th HP lost if one has negative LP, if applied as part of a varnish, stain or dye to grant 1/2 EP protection against any type of damage and 1 EP protection against infernal attacks | Onyew Nectar is part of the recipe of ambrosia the higher powered beings in Ragsendi will bestow to those worthy of immortality, which some say does not grant the immortality itself, but does help to serve as a final test of worthiness.  Onyew Nectar causes +1 HP regained per 226 grams drank, if one has positive LP, but -2 HP per 226 grams drank if one has negative LP, as those that are selfish or feel unlucky will find their mind burn at the sensation of its taste.  Onyew Nectar may be gathered by insects or other creatures to make byproducts such as honey, wax and other materials for a lesser effect, or it can be applied as part of a varnish, stain or dye per 113 grams to bestow a ward against 4 EP damage of any type and against 8 EP damage against infernal attacks.

Scarcover Makeup | Varies, character skin tone used usually | 0 Toughness | 0 EP | 0.45 g/cm^3 | 11 Copper Pieces | Per 15 grams, cover a five square centimeter scar to regain 1/5th Beauty in general at the cost of losing the beauty bonus from those who find scars attractive. | Those who use Scarcover Makeup typically do so to hide their scars for social appearances and the like, but some use it in general to help hide scars which might otherwise give away their identity.

Sithansard Tree | Dark Brown | 2 Toughness | 6 EP | 1/500th g/cm^3 | Average Cost for 5 grams | Per 15 grams, 1 dose of anti-radiation medicine when properly extracted from the wood, 3 doses when extracted from the bark, 1/15th Pink (Sweet) taste for the bark, 1/5th Purple (Poison) taste for the flowers. | Sithansard Tree grows in The Somnium Bleed, its dark bark having a very sweet aroma and taste as well as a cure against radiation poisoning as one lucky Cubi scientist found out on transplanting some.  It is an extremely hearty plant, but it needs manual pollination outside The Somnium Bleed as its green flowers contrast its white and pink leaves without attracting many insects to help germinate.  The flowers themselves are poisonous, and the leaves are extremely rough and cause itching, but when boiled and then dried properly may be used for very strong kindling, and the drainage from the boiling process is a strong herbicide.

Stimulant | Milky, Near-Clear | 0 Toughness | 0 EP | 0.72 g/cm^3 | 15 Copper Pieces | Per 15 grams, gain + 1/3rd EP immediately, + 1/3rd Focus immediately, + 1/2 HP, + 1 & 1/2 Poison Effect, and + 2 Daze effect after fifteen minutes until an hour later. | Stimulant use may temporarily help a character to get out of some tough situations, but it is ill advised to overdo it or not to rest when its positive effects wear off.

Sunscreen | Purple or White | 0 Toughness | 0 EP | 0.20 g/cm^3 | 4 Copper Pieces | Per 15 grams, gain + 1/5th EP against Light Damage | Sunscreen is used to protect a character from the harmful effects of the sun, and some find it useful in larger quantities against Light Damage, making it very popular with those who are sensitive to it who know of its existence.  Many a shop near Vilru Virus Infected characters find their stock quickly selling out, driving them not only to purchase more for profit, but to help keep themselves alive.

Warpaint | Varies depending on culture | 0 Toughness | 0 EP | 0.35 g/cm^3 | 9 Copper Pieces | Per 15 grams, gain 1/4th bonus on Intimidation in general and 1/2 bonus on those who find that particular culture's warriors intimidating, but no gain on those who aren't impressed or find peace in the presence of those warriors. | Warpaint is typically used to frighten characters of other cultures especially in times of war, but it may also be used to disguise a character as being part of another culture's warriors to varying degrees of success.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Materials: Some Food Charting:

Material Name | Most Common Appearance | Toughness | Durability | Density (Room Temperature g/cm^3) | Average Cost for 5 grams | Special Effect(s) | Description.

Any Spoiled food gain an additional 1/2 Black (Rot or Disease) per 15g, and any Rotten food gain an additional 1 Black (Rot or Disease) per 15g, unless otherwise noted).

Apple | Red, Green or Yellow Typically | 1/5th Toughness | 1 EP | 0.68 g/cm^3 | 1/30th Copper Piece | Per 15 g, (1/12th an Apple), 2/15th Green (Carbs) [2/5th Green (Carbs) if Sweet, 1/3rd Green (Carbs) if Extra Sweet], 1/2 Light Blue (Liquid), 1/2 Magenta (Soft) [if a Juicy Apple 1 Magenta (Soft), if an Extra Juicy Apple 1 & 1/2 Magenta (Soft)], 1/2 Pink (Sweet) [if a Sweet Apple 1 Pink (Sweet), if an Extra Sweet Apple 1 & 1/2 Pink (Sweet)], 1/2 Cyan (Hard or Crunchy) [if a Crispy Apple 1 Cyan (Hard or Crunchy), if an Extra Crispy Apple 1 & 1/2 Cyan (Hard or Crunchy)], and sometimes Light Yellow (Sour) depending on type [if a Sour Apple 1/2 Light Yellow (Sour), if an Extra Sour Apple 1 Light Yellow (Sour)] | Apples come in many varieties and certain characters will enjoy one type more than another, or some recipes may call for one or another specifically, while others may use methods that make the variance insignificant to the end result.  The modifiers to what type of apple one has are Crispy, Juicy, Sweet and Sour.  Each of these modifiers may also be normal or Extra, adding further amounts of that type of sustenance.  Apples will rot over time if not properly protected or otherwise treated.

Baelfire Bark (Ground) | Dark Rusty Brown, Dull | 0 Toughness | 0 EP | 0.53 g/cm^3 | 3/4th Copper Piece | Per 15 g (1 tablespoon), 3 Light Orange (Spicy), 1 Light Purple (Bitter), 1 Red (Hot). | Ground Baelfire Bark is very spicy, having some natural heat and bitterness to it that even in small quantities is very flavorful and useful for some dishes.

Baelfire Fruit | Bright Green | 0 Toughness | 1 EP | 1.01 g/cm^3 | 7 Copper Pieces | Per 15 g (1/8th a Baelfire Fruit), 3 Pink (Sweet), 2 Green (Carbs), 2 Light Blue (Liquid), 2 Magenta (Soft). | The bright green Baelfire Fruit is extremely sweet, very soft and juicy, a very popular treat by itself or in confections, bakery goods and other dishes.

Beer | Varies, Yellow or Brown Typically | 0 Toughness | 0 EP | 1.06 g/cm^3 | 1/60th Copper Piece (8 Copper Pieces for full glass) | Per 15g (1/24th Beer), 1/8 Purple (Poison), 1/2 Green (Carbs), 1/4 Magenta (Soft), 1/4 Light Blue (Liquid) | Beer is a common staple of taverns, sometimes costing early adventurers a pretty large amount due to their habits, use for charming some individuals out of information or other purposes, and due to the quality of the particular beer.  Some have additional adjustments to make it more bitter or sour or sweet, but the majority fall within the same general sustenance numbers.  Some characters have a favorite type of beer and some will drink any, or any but a few types.  Some do not like beer at all, or alcoholic beverages at all.  Some adventurers will invest in breweries for a modest return, or purchase large quantities of beer at a lower price to sell where it is more scarce or illegal for high profits.

Bread | Varies, Yellow, Brown or White Typically | 1/3rd Toughness | 1/4th to 1/3rd EP by type | 2.95  g/cm^3 | 3/50th Copper Piece (3/10th Copper Piece for an average Slice, 1 & 1/2 Copper Pieces for an average Loaf) | 1/3rd Magenta (Soft), 1/2 Green (Carbs) [if hard or crunchy 1/2 Cyan (Hard or Crunchy)] | Bread is a staple part of most species diets where grains exist to make into dough and bake.  It goes with almost anything.  It is heavier in Green (Carbs) than many other staples, and takes longer to spoil if sufficiently dried out.  If moist or wet and not consumed, it will gain 1/2 Black (Rot or Disease) and 1/4th Light Green (Umami) per day as various fungi take hold on it.  It is not suggested to eat it after this, but it may be good for medicinal purposes.  Just be sure to label which sealed container it is in to ensure low INT characters around you don't consume it by accident.

Bobh-Bon Crystals | Clear Prismatic | 1 Toughness | 1-75 EP | 2.03 g/cm^3 | 0.12 g/cm^3 | 6 Silver Pieces | Per 5 g, 4 Pink (Sweet), 1 Green (Carbs).  Full FP recovery, + 5 FP Overcharge once per day.  May store up to 75 EP from pushing 1 FP per 5 EP gained if one intends to use it for pranks or non-culinary purposes. | Bobh-Bon Crystals are a sweet delicacy, edible crystals, given either as gifts from Bobh to visitors to his home in The White Void, or sometimes found in modest containers scattered through that realm for no reason that any mortal can understand, but many wonder if perhaps they are refused gifts to the High Ordered Beings to try to keep them from feeding on each other or travelers.  Seeing as they are never seen eating one, that seems unlikely, but others counter that perhaps the High Ordered Beings also consume the containers themselves, leaving no trace.  Consuming more seems to have no effect to FP though some swear through sugar hallucinations to have seen Bobh's visage smirking and wagging an index finger in amused admonishment at the attempt.  Experiments have been made to try to verify this, but the results have always been inconclusive.  Bobh-Bon Crystals strangely never seem to spoil, though it is not suggested to eat them if outside their wrapper if found lying around.

Cake | Varies on type | 0 Toughness | 1/3rd EP | 11.2 g/cm^3 | 3/125th Copper Piece (2 Silver Pieces, 10 Copper Pieces per average full Cake) | Per 15 g (1/2 slice) on average, 1/2 Green (Carbs), 1/3rd Pink (Sweet), 1/3rd Magenta (Soft), 1/5th Light Brown (Fatty) | Some cakes may be lies, but the average ones are quite delicious.  Additional ingredients may change the amount of each sustenance type and/or add additional ones, but the average is considered to be a type of pound cake.

Cheese | Varies, Orange, Yellow, or White Typically | 0 Toughness | 1/5th EP | 1.04 g/cm^3 | 1/5th Copper Piece for 5 g (13 Copper Pieces for average Block of Cheese) | Per 15 g (Thin Slice) on average, 1/3rd Light Gray (Salty), 1/4th Pink (Sweet), 1/3rd Light Brown (Fatty) and 1/4th Light Yellow (Sour) [if Aged, 1/10th Black (Rot or Disease) and if Moldy, 1/8th Light Green (Umami)] | Cheeses are a staple of many different species diets, and go well with many different things.  There are a wide variety of different cheeses, but the average is considered to be close to cheddar, one of the more commonly desired types of cheese for a variety of dishes.  Perhaps the oldest kind may be cottage cheese or feta cheese, but their salty taste makes it less fitting many dishes and wines.

Chocolate | Varies, Brown or Black Typically | 1/10th Toughness | 1/3rd EP | 1.33 g/cm^3 | 1/2 Copper Piece (4 Copper Pieces for average Bar of Chocolate) | Per 15 g (1/3rd Bar of Chocolate) on average, 1 Green (Carb), 1 Pink (Sweet), 1/5th Light Brown (Fatty), 1/10th Light Purple (Bitter), 1/3rd Cyan (Hard or Crunchy), and 1/3rd Magenta (Soft) | Chocolate has been a delicacy for quite a long time, once reserved for those who lived where cocoa beans where to be found, royalty and rich merchants, but in many lands it has been harvested and merchandised well enough that almost anyone ca have it at relatively low cost.

Coffee | Brown or Black | 0 Toughness | 0 EP | 0.56 g/cm^3 | 1 Copper Piece | Per 15g (1/15th Cup) 1/10th Yellow (Acidic), 1/12th Light Purple (Bitter), 1/3rd Light Blue (Liquid), 1/100th Purple (Poison) + 1/7th Rea for 5 turns. | Coffee has been used for centuries for its medicinal benefits, for staying alert and simply as an enjoyable beverage.  It is, however not recommended to drink too much of it, especially in a short period of time, as this could be adverse to most species health.

Egg (Chicken) | White or Light Brown | 0 Toughness | 1/2 EP | 1.031 g/cm^3 | 17/400th Copper Piece | Per 15 g, 1/4th Light Blue (Liquid), 1/8th Orange (Protein), 1/5th Magenta (Soft), 1/9th Cyan (Hard or Crunchy) | Eggs, especially chicken eggs, are very common staples of diet for many species, having a good amount of protein in them, a compact size, a variety of ways to prepare it by itself, and its usefulness in making more complicated dishes.  Just be careful if using it for juggling, as a weapon, or in use against a domicile, as all three uses tend to end poorly for the one wielding the egg.

Grog | Varies, Yellow or Brown Typically | 0 Toughness | 0 EP | 0.94 g/cm^3 | 1/120th Copper Piece (4 Copper Pieces for full glass) | Per 15g (1/24th Grog), 1/12th Purple (Poison), 1/3rd Green (Carbs), 1/4th  Magenta (Soft), 1/4th Light Blue (Liquid) | Like Beer, Grog is a common staple of taverns, sometimes costing early adventurers a pretty large amount due to their habits.  Unfortunately, as Grog tends to be watered down Beer, it doesn't tend to impress many and takes a while for any charming or other effect to take place if at all..  Some have additional adjustments to make it more bitter or sour or sweet, but the majority fall within the same general sustenance numbers.  Very few invest in Grog as it is cheaper to invest in Beer and water it down later into Grog.

Honey | Golden Brown | 0 Toughness | 1/3 EP | 1.43  g/cm^3 | 7/40th Copper Piece | Per 15 g, 1/2 Green (Carb), 1/2 Pink (Sweet), 1/4th Magenta (Soft) | Honey is a type of sweetener which lasts an extremely long time, is antibacterial and has been used for thousands of years not only as a replacement for normal common sugar, but most likely before table sugar was even discovered.  Be warned though, sometimes very old honey or other raw samples of honey may have some foreign materials trapped within it, including bees, other insects and other things.

Krinklewyne | 1 Toughness | 1 EP | 0.991 g/cm^3 | 3 Gold Pieces, 12 Silver Pieces per 5 grams (1 Liter bottle being 2 Platinum Pieces, 26 Gold Pieces) | Per gram drunk, 2 Light Blue (Liquid), 1 Yellow (Acidic), and a resistance check is required against charm from anyone else within eyesight for 10 turns. | Krinklewyne is a beverage made from Krinklewyne berries grown only in The Somnium Bleed and by those who have mastered their delicate cultivation in private orchards.  Drinking even one cubic centimeter of it is almost guaranteed to create drunkenness, but the chemicals in it in addition to alcohol trigger a general feeling of happiness, joy and camaraderie.  One perfect cubic centimeter if drunk requires a resistance check to charm from anyone else within eyesight for 10 turns.  Krinklewyne is best at 25 years or more of settling in a bottle, but further years will increase the taste while diminishing the charming effect.

Meat (Dark) | Gray | 0 Toughness | 1/4th EP | 0.61 g/cm^3 | 1/14th Copper Piece | Per 15 g, 1/6th Light Brown (Fatty), 1/8th Orange (Protein), 1/5th Magenta (Soft), 1/9th Cyan (Hard or Crunchy) | Meat (Dark)  typically is found in different types of fowl and isn't as healthy as Meat (White), but is still satisfying in sufficient quantity.

Meat (Fish) | Pink and White | 0 Toughness | 1/4th EP | 0.52 g/cm^3 | 1/20th Copper Piece | Per 15 g, 1/4th Light Brown (Fatty), 1/10th Orange (Protein), 1/4th Magenta (Soft), 1/8th Dark Gray (Metal), 1/20th Purple (Poison) | Meat (Fish) is found in different types of fish, being fattier than other meats, and also containing some metal like Meat (Red), but also some poison from various toxic substances in the water fish live in, or in the materials their food lives in.  This effect is even worse in areas of high pollution if the fish can even survive there.

Meat (Red) | Brown, Pink and Red | 0 Toughness | 1/4th EP | 0.59 g/cm^3 | 1/18th Copper Piece | Per 15 g, 1/5th Light Brown (Fatty), 1/9th Orange (Protein), 1/5th Magenta (Soft), 1/8th Cyan (Hard or Crunchy), 1/7th Dark Gray (Metal) | Meat (Red) is found on most animals and tends to be pink or red before cooking or after cooking if keeping it rare.  It contains some metal in it and isn't as healthy as Meat (White), but it does satisfy in sufficient quantity.

Meat (White) | White | 0 Toughness | 1/4th EP | 0.55 g/cm^3 | 1/16th Copper Piece | Per 15 g, 1/7th Light Brown (Fatty), 1/6th Orange (Protein), 1/4th Magenta (Soft), 1/10th Cyan (Hard or Crunchy) | Meat (White) is found on most fowl, and is more healthy than the other types of meat, including Meat (Gray) which is often found on the same animals that have Meat (White).

Milk | White | 0 Toughness | 0 EP | 1.035 g/cm^3 | 1/500th Copper Piece | Per 15 g, 1/8th Light Brown (Fatty), 1/12th Orange (Protein), 1/2 Magenta (Soft), 1/3 Light Blue (Liquid) | Milk comes in a wide variety of sources, but the most common of it is from cows.

Pie (Fruit) | Light Brown | 1/2 Toughness | 1/2 EP | 1.78 g/cm^3 | 3/50th Copper Piece (3 & 1/2 Copper Pieces per 1/8th pie Slice) | Per 15 g, 1 & 1/2 Green (Carbs), 1/2 Magenta (Soft), 1/4th Pink (Sweet), 1/3 Cyan (Hard or Crunchy) | Pie (Fruit) comes in a wide variety, some kinds which some individuals love more than others, as well as some being preferential to Pie (Meat).  Either way, Pie (Fruit) tends to have less protein.

Pie (Meat) | Light Brown | 1/2 Toughness | 1/2 EP | 1.93 g/cm^3 | 17/250th Copper Piece (4 Copper Pieces per 1/8th pie Slice) | Per 15 g, 4/5th Green (Carbs), 1/3 Magenta (Soft), 1/25th Pink (Sweet), 1/3 Cyan (Hard or Crunchy), 2/5th Orange (Protein) | Pie (Meat) comes in a wide variety, some kinds which some individuals love more than others, as well as some being preferential to Pie (Fruit).  Either way, Pie (Meat) tends to have more protein.

Potato | Brown, Red | 1/2 Toughness | 2/3rd EP | 1.078 g/cm^3 | 3/1000th Copper Piece | Per 15 g, 1/3rd Green (Carbs), 1/6th Magenta (Soft), 1/2 Cyan (Hard), [if mostly green, 1/20th Light Purple (Bitter), 1/25th Purple (Poison) | Potatoes are a very common form of flora in many lands which has a fair amount of carbs in it, as well as the potential to be poisonous should it be exposed to air long enough to become more green than its normal color on its skin and inner flesh.

Rum | Varies, Orange or Red Typically | 0 Toughness | 0 EP | 0.94 g/cm^3 | 1/40th Copper Piece (5 Copper Pieces for full glass) | Per 15g (1/3 Rum Shot ), 1/7 Purple (Poison), 2/3 Green (Carbs), 1/4 Magenta (Soft), 1/4 Light Blue (Liquid) | Rum is a common staple of taverns, sometimes costing early adventurers a pretty large amount due to their habits, use for charming some individuals out of information or other purposes, and due to the quality of the particular rum.  Some have additional adjustments to make it more sweet or have hints of other flavors, but the majority fall within the same general sustenance numbers.  Some characters have a favorite type of rum and some will drink any, or any but a few types.  Some do not like rum at all, or alcoholic beverages at all.  Some adventurers will invest in breweries for a modest return, or purchase large quantities of rum at a lower price to sell where it is more scarce or illegal for high profits.

Sausage | Red or Brown | 1/5th Toughness | 1/3rd EP | 0.74 g/cm^3 | 1/14th Copper Piece | Per 15 g, 1/6th Light Brown (Fatty), 1/8th Orange (Protein), 1/4th Magenta (Soft), 1/7th Cyan (Hard or Crunchy) | Sausage is a type of processed meat that is very commonly sold and goes well with many dishes or by itself.

Stew | Light Brown | 0 Toughness | 1/6th EP | 1.93 g/cm^3 | 1/80th Copper Piece (5 Copper Pieces per Bowl) | Per 15 g, 2/5th Green (Carbs), 1/3th Magenta (Soft), 1/4th Cyan (Hard or Crunchy), 2/5th Orange (Protein), 1/8th Light Gray (Salty) | Stews comes in a wide variety, some kinds which some individuals love more than others, though the majority have similar ingredients: some meat, some broth, some vegetables, and assorted flavoring herbs and spices.  Stew is generally inexpensive and found in most taverns.

Tea | Typically Brown or Black | 0 Toughness | 0 EP | 0.43 g/cm^3 | 1 & 1/8th Copper Piece | Per 15g (1/15th Cup) 1/20th Yellow (Acidic), 1/16th Light Purple (Bitter), 1/3rd Light Blue (Liquid), + 1/8th Rea for 5 turns. | Tea has been gathered over the centuries for the enjoyment of the wealthy and eventually the common lay folk.  While it is less commonly enjoyed than some other beverages, it is easily available in most areas.  However, the quality of the tea may raise its price, and make some get into the tea trade.

Water | Clear | 0 Toughness | 0 EP | 1 g/cm^3 | 0 Copper Pieces (Typically) | Per 15 g, 1 Magenta (Soft), 1 Light Blue (Liquid) | Water is used in many things as well as being a beverage in and of itself.  Without water most species cannot survive.

Wine | Varies, White, Yellow or Red Typically | 0 Toughness | 0 EP | 0.97 g/cm^3 | 1/30th Copper Piece (3 & 3/4th Copper Pieces for full glass) | Per 15g, 1/5th Purple (Poison), 2/5th Green (Carbs), 1/3th Magenta (Soft), 1/4th Light Blue (Liquid) | Wine is typically more enjoyed by the wealthy or those in power, being more expensive and somewhat more refined.  Some additional adjustments to make it more sweet or have hints of other flavors, but the majority fall within the same general sustenance numbers.  Some characters have a favorite type of wine and some will drink any, or any but a few types.  Some do not like wine at all, or alcoholic beverages at all.  Some adventurers will invest in wine vineyards for a modest return, or purchase large quantities of wine at a lower price to sell where it is more scarce or illegal for high profits.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Materials: Metal and Alloy Charting:

As I am in the current stage of MaL development where it seems all that is needing is filling in blanks for the core books rather than new mechanics (or new species as sentient ones will be in future expansions and general terrors and creatures are relatively easy to fill in), I've started working on creating the charts that deal with various materials, items, and abilities. Additionally, as suggested prior, measurements will be in metric rather than imperial (also: metric vs imperial but ignoring the PI madness) in the system, though a calculation tool may be used in the eventual computer version, and the pen and paper version will at least include a page on why this decision was made and a reference conversion table.  A GM may decide to do the calculation changes or even completely ignore measurements and use a made-up system that fits within the world they are using.  Below is the first step, the materials chart for different metals, both real in our world and those found within MaL. All prices are based on modern pricing of the same or similar materials, though it may range 5-2000% in cost if in a lower technological or higher technological world or realm and being harder or easier to find and process.  Each may be used or unused as per a GM's discretion.

Material Name | Most Common Appearance | Toughness | Durability | Density (Room Temperature g/cm^3) | Average Cost for 5 grams | Special Effect(s) | Description.

Barobenell | Dark Cyan, Dull | 5 Toughness | 20-100 EP (Varies by consistent external pressure) | 4.2 Density g/cm^3 | 6 Platinum Pieces | +2 EP per bar of atmosphere increase if not jumping more than 5 bars, up to 100 EP.  | Barobenell is an alloy made from copper, promethium, yttrium and carbon at gaseous state rapidly cooled to a solid state before it decays too far.  The rarity of this alloy makes it quite expensive, in addition to how quickly it is snatched up by those of strategic military intelligence due to its properties.  The more pressure that is exerted on Barobenell, the stronger it becomes, dissipating heat rapidly and retaining its weight and structure, being twenty-times stronger than diamond at half the weight.  Naturally occurring Barobenell is rare, sometimes found in comets or asteroids, and only survives entry into planets if cooled rapidly, such as when landing in a polar cap or a planet with an ice age active or dark-side of a tidally locked planet or moon, or celestial body with no atmosphere.  When an electric current is run through Barobenell it accelerates its decay,  being an incredible superconductor for a short period of time before it breaks down into its composite elements.

Boron | Black-Brown | 19 Toughness | 4 EP | 2.46 Density g/cm^3 | 10 Copper Pieces | Per 5 kg of it, +2 Damage to Arthropods (Insects, Arachnids, Etc), +2 Cleaning Power, +2 Healing Power, +20 Resistance to Heat/Fire Attacks. | While a chemical element as compared to an alloy or compound, boron is still fairly rare, especially outside of existing molecules most of which are minerals.  It does need processing in order to purify it, but the end result is very useful in armor and weapons, especially against heat/fire attacks.

Brass | Yellow-Brown, Dull | 5 Toughness | 3 EP | 8.5 g/cm^3 | 1/3 Copper Piece | Per 5 kg, +1 Disease Resistance, -2 Heat/Fire Resistance, -2 Electrical/Lightning Resistance | An alloy of copper and zinc, brass is utilized for devices that require low friction (such as doorknobs, gears, etc), as well as not causing sparks, resisting sparks and corrosion,  and being antimicrobial.  While it is rarely used in weaponry for more than decorative flair or cartridges of firearm ammunition, it may be of some use in machine inner-workings and general decor purposes.  While there is a variety of brass alloys in real life, within MaL it is simplified to an averaging of different forms into one.

Bronze | Red-Brown, Dark, Shiny | 9 Toughness | 4 EP | 8.5 g/cm^3 | 1/10th Copper Piece | Per 5 kg, -4 Heat/Fire Resistance, -4 Electrical/Lightning Resistance, +2 Accuracy in cannon weaponry. | An alloy of copper and tin, bronze is resistant to corrosion, does not produce sparks, nonmagnetic and a good conductor of heat and electricity, as well as being useful for musical instruments, medals, statues, other decor or in use in cannons chambers to improve accuracy.

Calcium | Gray-Silver, Dull | 2 Toughness | 2 EP | 1.55 g/cm^3 | 1 Silver Piece | Per 5 kg, +0.5 EP when added to concrete construction | Calcium fractures relatively easy making for good primitive projectile weaponry if it penetrates, as well as even a small quantity helping to speed up the cheese making process and improve quality.  Additionally, it is very useful in concrete construction.  Those who utilize bone magic may manipulate calcium outside if bone to +2 Success when utilizing it in any application.

Cavorite | Purple-Red, Glossy | 1 Toughness | 1 EP | 0.15 g/cm^3 | 3 Platinum Pieces | Per 5 kg, negate 10 kg of other materials. | The mysterious alloy known as Cavorite is a composite made of melted purple amber, and pure helium, hydrogen, and oxygen all brought to plasma state and cooled to room temperature in a pure vacuum.  The resulting solid is lighter than air, floating upward against air pressure unless otherwise weighted down.  It is not very durable, but one gram of it will negate the weight of two grams of other materials, though it will faintly repel magnetic ones.  An electric current ran through it will cause its magnetic field to flip, making it faintly attract magnetic materials.  Cavorite will repel from itself unless forced together, but the larger the sample, the stronger the magnetic field.
Celzial | Yellow, Dull with shift to Green and then Blue, Glowing as it decays | 1 Toughness | 1 EP | 3 g/cm^3 | 2 Platinum Pieces | Per 5 kg, per turn deal 4 direct HP damage to celestial species within two movement squares of it, with additional multiplier if especially weak against it. | This radioactive metal is found in trace amounts in most celestial species that live in Ragsendi, but too much can harm or kill them.  Areas of Ragsendi and other realms avoided by celestial species are usually rich in this material, as are some meteors.

Copper | Orange, Shiny, Oxidizes Green | 3 Toughness | 3 EP | 9 g/cm^3 | 1/3 Copper Piece | - 7 Electricity/Lightning Resistance, -9 Heat/Fire Resistance, + 1 Healing Power | Copper is very useful in piping, wires, cables, electrical machinery, architectural design aesthetics, and usefulness in antimicrobial purposes.

Darkholm | Black, Dull, Dark | 22 Toughness | 20 EP | 14 g/cm^3 | 5 Platinum Pieces | Per 5 kg + 40 Light Resistance, + 40 Darkness Resistance, + 40 Water Resistance. | This metal is extremely dense and durable for its size making it highly valued, in fact the most dense natural material in all the realms.  It absorbs light, bending all around it and remaining pure black with no shine.  It is unknown how it came to exist in Quantil, but some have claimed to find it only in starless space.

Enhontros | Purple, Glowing, Shiny, Oxidizes Black | 6 Toughness | 3 EP | 1.4 g/cm^3 | 2 Platinum Pieces, 38 Gold Pieces, 30 Silver Pieces | Per 5 kg, deal + 3 EP damage per turn to non-ordered and non-chaotic materials and creatures within 4 squares of it in unworked state.  When alloyed with anything, deal 2 EP damage per turn if striking something, and ward +7 EP against chaotic attacks at cost of -2 HP per day regardless of attacks.  |  This rare type of metal found in some of the asteroids floating in Pral, exposed to the pure entropic forces radiating out from the High Chaotic Beings' prison crystals.  In its natural state it radiates entropy to wear down all non-ordered and non-chaotic materials.  When merged with other materials, it can be harnessed to also protect against some chaotic attacks at the cost of less radius in its attacking power and damage to the user specifically every day.

Gold | Yellow, Shiny | 2 Toughness | 3 EP | 19 g/cm^3 | 13 Silver Pieces, 2 Copper Pieces |  Per 5 kg, + 0.5 Light Damage, + 1 Life Damage to Undead or Reanimated creatures, + 0.5 HP Direct Damage to gold-allergic creatures, - 9 Electricity/Lightning Resistance. |  Gold is a metal with innate power through many cultures.  It is linked to the sun, and some creatures are drawn to it, or painfully allergic to it.  It is used in some rituals, often alongside Silver and Cold Iron or other mythical materials, usually with the gold in the spot linked to light, strength and life.  As it is a soft metal, it is rarely used solely in weaponry or tools, but it often accents specialized equipment, and sometimes is the primary visible material to increase its effective properties.  Many cultures utilize gold or gold alloys as some form of currency, though some find its applications more useful in those purposes instead.  It is corrosion resistant, used for jewelry, and used in some electrical components as well due to its high conductivity.

Helkarne Metal | White and Black Speckled | 5 Toughness | 4 EP | 0.014 g/cm^3 | 1 Platinum Piece, 35 Gold Pieces | Per 5 kg, Heals 1 HP per day, deals 25 bonus damage if used with an individual's last FP use of a day. |  This rare metal was created by the first infernal beings and first celestial beings in concert to fight the High Chaotic Beings, after the High Ordered Beings were imprisoned in The White Void.  Many thought it was lost during the war, but both the celestials and infernals kept some hidden for their war that followed.  The celestials lost most of their own in the war against the infernals, putting everything they could into the battle effort, but many infernals resorted to less powerful metals and forced armies from the primary realm to ensure they not surrender their prized weaponry to the celestials or to shattering.  Some steal them from Thelatos, but the method of making more is a lost art that many have tried to reclaim.  If any have, they have not shared it with the general populous.

Invar | Silvery, Shiny | 8 Toughness | 5 EP | 8 g/cm^3 | 6 Silver Pieces, 8 Copper Pieces | Per 5 kg + 10 Heat/Fire Resistance.  + 10 Ice Resistance.  + 20 Magnetic Resistance. | An alloy of 36% nickel and 64% iron which strongly resists temperature changes.    Used in clocks, anti-magnetic shielding, some motors and some precision instruments.

Iridium | Silvery, White, Shiny | 10 Toughness | 7 EP | 22.56 g/cm^3 | 2 Silver Pieces, 17 Copper Pieces | Per 5 kg, - 2 Gamma Ray Resistance, - 5 Mutation Resistance | This rare dense metal has a 78 day half-life and produces gamma rays which may cause mutation, as well as be useful in power generation and some healing methods.

Iron (Worked) | Gray, Shiny | 6 Toughness | 4 EP | 7.874 g/cm^3 | 1/10th Copper Piece | Per 5 kg, - 2 Magnetic Resistance, - 2 Electricity/Lightning Resistance, - 1 Heat Resistance. | This very common metal when worked is used in a lot of items and alloys as well.  It is a key part of making steel, used in magnetic devices, in many structures, in many weapons, and has many other uses.

Iron (Cold Iron)  | Gray, Shiny | 5 Toughness | 4 EP | 7.874 g/cm^3 | 35 Copper Pieces | Per 5 kg, - 2 Magnetic Resistance, - 2 Electricity/Lightning Resistance, - 1 Heat/Fire Resistance, + 2 Magic Resistance. | Cold Iron is a very common staple of many fantasy stories, and MaL includes it in the many materials an individual can utilize in the game.  Cold Iron in MaL is iron that has not been alloyed with anything else and has not been put into a forge, merely shaped without the application of heat.  It is useful to ward of most Fey, some Specters, and to the superstitious it can be shaped into a horseshoe or other specific shape designed to ward off bad luck.

Lead | Gray | 2 Toughness | 2 EP | 11.34 g/cm^3 | 1/100th Copper Piece | Per 5 kg, + 1 Radiation Resistance, - 1 Electricity/Lightning Resistance, + 1 Magnetic Resistance, + 1 Toxic Damage. | Lead is very toxic to most sentient species, however, it is also useful in blocking many types of radiation, in weight sets, in many structures, and useful in pipe organ construction.

Lithium | Silver-White, Shiny | 1 Toughness | 1 EP | 0.534 g/cm^3 | 2 Copper Pieces | Per 5 kg, - 4 Electricity/Lightning Resistance, - 5 Heat/Fire Resistance. | Lithium is a metal which is used in many electronic devices, especially as part of a coolant or power-supply unit, in some medicines, and other purposes.

Kukoju Metal | Reddish-Gold, Shiny | 2 Toughness | 2 EP | 0.069 g/cm^3 | 12 Silver Pieces | Per 5 kg, - 3 Electricity/Lightning Resistance, + 1 HP per 8 hours held even if no other healing actions are taken. | This soft and electrically conductive metal is very useful to healers and those working with machines, but is not of much use in weaponry or construction.

Magnesium | Gray, Shiny | 1 Toughness | 3 EP | 1.738 g/cm^3 |  1/5th Copper Piece | Per 5 kg, - 1 Heat/Fire Resistance. | Magnesium is flammable and lightweight, making it good for some devices and structures, though not very useful on its own in weaponry.

Mercury | Silver-White, Shiny | 0 Toughness | 0 EP | 13.534 g/cm^3 | 1 Copper Piece | Per 5 kg, + 1 Heat/Fire Resistance, - 2 Electricity/Lightning Resistance, + 2 Acid Resistance, + 1 Toxic Damage. | This metal is very useful in thermometers and other atmosphere measuring devices, some medicines, some illumination devices, and some other advanced machinery.

Orichalcum | Orange-White, Shiny | 2 Toughness | 5 EP | 16 g/cm^3 | 4 Silver Pieces | Per 5 kg, + 8 Magic Resistance, + 8 Electricity/Lightning Resistance, Change 1 Magic or 1 Electricity/Lightning Damage stored into the other and release it into an aura around it or attached conduits. |  This alloy combines copper, gold and silver, and additional elements may give it different colored hues than pure Orichalcum.  It is typically found in golems used by Wizards and others wanting precise control without as much understanding of magic as a Wizard may have.  The reason for this is that Orichalcum is a transforming alloy, turning magical energy into electricity, and electricity into magical energy.  As a result, it is quite useful when a complex golem needs to be able to absorb magical spells cast at it for replenishing its batteries, or utilizing that energy to retaliate with a spell it is designed to cast.

Oronakl Metal | Blue, Dull | 5 Toughness | 30 EP | 55.36 g/cm^3 | 6 Platinum Pieces | Per 5 kg, - 40 Heat/Fire Resistance, - 40 Electricity/Lightning Resistance. | Little is known about this metal aside from the fact that it is found natively only in Mazek and some meteors, the densest of all metals, though not a completely natural one, as some ancient texts refer to what some think is a form of fusion in its construction.  It is the primary metal used in ancient devices located in Mazek.  It is a superconductor of heat and electricity, being immune to any damage from them itself, but allowing it to be stored or transfer through it depending on what else it is alloyed or otherwise utilized with.  Without any material used to capture them, however, it would pass right through without damaging the metal.

Platinum | Grayish-White, Shiny | 2 Toughness | 4 EP | 21.45 g/cm^3 | 14 Silver Pieces, 2 Copper Pieces | per 5 kg, - 15 Heat/Fire Resistance, - 11 Electricity/Lightning Resistance. | Platinum is mostly used for currency and jewelry, but may also be used in some advanced machinery due to its properties.

Plutonium | Dark Grey, Dull | 1 Toughness | 1 EP | 19.816 g/cm^3 | 31 Gold Pieces, 10 Silver Pieces | per 5 kg, + 1 Heat/Fire Resistance, + 4 Electricity/Lightning Resistance, + 5 Radiation Damage per turn if not shielded. |  Plutonium is used in some weaponry (mostly explosives), power generation, and some tracking devices.

Radium | Silver-White, Shiny | 1 Toughness | 1 EP | 5.5 g/cm^3 | 15 Gold Pieces, 3 Silver Pieces | per 5 kg, + 2 Radiation Damage per turn if not shielded. | Radium is used for radioactive paint and some medicines in cultures with high radiation pollution, and is also be used in some scientific research.

Rojihal Metal | Faint Pink, Shiny | 6 Toughness | 8 EP | 0.009 g/cm^3 | 38 Gold Pieces, 25 Silver Pieces | Per 5 kg, + 1 Focus leeching from each life taken by it, + 1 EP Damage attack for every 2 FP it retains, or FP may be utilized by those that can use Foci Magic. | Rojihal Metal is native to Jhaneer and its alloying was a secret well guarded for centuries, used solely for royal bodyguards and the highest ranking official police.  It glows brighter and hotter for each life taken by it, trapping the remaining focus a body had in it when the spirit departed the body.  As a result, Rojihal Metal releases this trapped focus as an extra 1 damage to EP for every 2 FP it retains, or it may be used by those that can use Foci Magic in order to put it to greater potential.

Sildak Metal | Blue-Silver, Shiny | 10 Toughness | 15 EP | 0.003 g/cm^3 | 26 Gold Pieces | Per 5 kg, - 1 Concealment. |  Sildak Metal is made from the melted leaves of the Sildak trees in Ragsendi, which shimmer and glitter in even low-light conditions and is extremely light for its durability.  It has the appearance of faintly blue-tinged silver that shines brightly even without polishing.

Silicon | Blue-Gray, Shiny | 3 Toughness | 7 EP | 2.329 g/cm^3 | 6 Copper Pieces | Per 5 kg, - 9 Heat/Fire Resistance, - 8 Electrical/Lightning Reistance | Silicon is in many basic materials such as sand, glass, some clays, and other building materials.  It makes for a good superconductor and is used in a lot of electronics, especially computers and solar cells.

Silver | Silver, Shiny | 3 Toughness | 3 EP | 10.49 g/cm^3 | 8 Copper Pieces | Per 5 kg, - 13 Heat/Fire Resistance, - 13 Electricity/Lightning Resistance, + 0.5 Extra HP Damage at night, + 1 HP Direct Damage to to silver-allergic creatures. | Silver is used in currency, reflective materials, objects of status and value such as jewelry and silverware, dentistry, electronics and some medicines.  It has many mythical properties in MaL, being linked to the night, and many creatures of darkness being strongly allergic to it.  Some mistakenly think that someone infected with the Lunemire virus needs to be killed only with silver, especially Werewolves, but while this does agitate them and make it hard for them to focus, it in and of itself does not kill them.  It may, however, be utilized in rituals, tools, and weapons that have increased efficiency in darkness, especially at night.

Sodium | Silver-White, Shiny | 1 Toughness | 1 EP | 0.968 g/cm^3 | 3 Copper Pieces | Per 5 kg, - 10 Heat/Fire Resistance, - 20 Water Resistance with + 3 Damage to 1 m^2 due to the explosion, with 1 m^2 radius increase per 30 kg. | When used in some compounds, sodium may safely draw water out of the area, but by itself it causes a violent exothermic reaction when exposed to water.  It is useful for heat transfer, and with some other materials it makes indigo dye.

Starrelle Metal | Dark Blue, Extremely Shiny | 26 Toughness | 4 EP | 0.138  g/cm^3 | 13 Gold Pieces, 25 Silver Pieces | Per 5 kg, + 2 Illumination. | This extremely shiny metal draws the attention of pixies, sprites and many other creatures easily, but despite this it is still sought after for its power.  It glows faintly in the dark if uncovered, and is extremely tough if not durable even when unworked, making it very useful in weaponry.

Steel | Gray, Shiny | 10 Toughness | 6 EP | 7.8 g/cm^3 | 1/30th Copper Piece | Per 5 kg, - 1 Heat/Fire Resistance, - 1 Electricity/Lightning Resistance | Steel is a very tough and fairly durable alloy that offers some protection from corrosion as well as not allowing as much heat or electricity to pass through it as many other metals and alloys.  It is frequently used in building materials, machinery, scientific devices, armor and weaponry.

Titanium | Gray-White, Shiny | 9 Toughness | 6 EP | 4.506 g/cm^3 | 2 Gold Pieces | Per 5 kg, - 1 Heat/Fire Resistance, - 1 Electricity/Lightning Resistance | Titanium is a metal that while more rare and expensive than steel, can be used to almost the same level of durability and toughness with a much lower overall mass, meaning more of it can be carried without weighing a player down.  It is frequently used in building materials, machinery, scientific devices, armor and weaponry.

Tungsten | Gray-White, Shiny | 7 Toughness Purified, 3 Toughness Raw | 8 EP | 19.25 g/cm^3 | 7 Copper Pieces | Per 5 kg, + 1 Heat/Fire Resistance, + 1 Electricity/Lightning Resistance, + 4 Corrosion Resistance, + 4 Acid Resistance, + 4 Alkali Resistance, - 11 Libido, - 1 Charisma. | The rare metal tungsten is not used frequently in low-technological areas, but it does have many uses.  It is very malleable if purified but in raw form it is very brittle.  It is capable of resisting a fair amount of heat, electricity, corrosion, acid and alkali damages, however, it negatively affects the reproductive systems of most species and decreases charisma as well.  It is used in armor, weaponry, building materials, some scientific devices, jewelry and some electronics.

Uranium | Silver-Gray, Dull | 1 Toughness | 1 EP | 19.1 g/cm^3 | 3 Silver Pieces, 5 Copper Pieces | Per 5 kg, + 2 Radioactive Damage per turn if not shield. | Uranium is a weakly radioactive metal which is useful in some weaponry designs, power generation and other scientific devices.  It is dangerous to most species if not properly shielded, though not as radioactive as Plutonium.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Materials: Building Materials Charting:

This charting is not comprehensive, but it does include a lot of various building materials for use within the system.

Material Name | Most Common Appearance | Toughness | Durability | Density (Room Temperature g/cm^3) | Average Cost for 5 grams | Special Effect(s) | Description.

Adobe | Yellow-Gray Before Painting | 3 Toughness | 2 EP | 1.52 g/cm^3 | 1/30th Copper Piece | Per 15 g, + 2 Resistance to Fire/Heat. | Adobe is a type of brickwork that has not been heated or treated as much as standard brickwork, but its easier to make, as well as being less textured due to stucco being put on its entire surface instead of only between seams.

Brickwork | Red Before Painting | 3 Toughness | 3 EP | 1.96 g/cm^3 | 1/25th Copper Piece | Per 15 g, + 3 Resistance to Fire/Heat. | A type of heated and treated brick and mortar common to many different structures.

Concrete | Gray Before Painting | 3 Toughness | 5 EP | 2.4 g/cm^3 | 1/12th Copper Piece | Per 15 g, + 5 Resistance to Fire/Heat. | A type of ground rock mixture that when hardened is extremely durable for its weight, used in many structures in areas with what we consider modern building technology.

Granite | Varies | 4 Toughness | 7 EP | 4.56 g/cm^3 | 1/2 Copper Piece | Per 15 g, + 6 Resistance to Fire/Heat. | A type of dense stone which is found in many mountainous regions, it is often chiseled into to make structures but rarely used for more than decoration in free-standing structures due to its weight.

Hewn Stone | Varies | 6 Toughness | 4 EP | 3.96 g/cm^3 average | 2 Copper Pieces | Per 15 g, +4 Resistance to Fire/Heat. | A type of rock that has been chiseled and cut to layer with other hewn stones for building.  Often mud or mortar is used to hold these together.  As it has to be cut and chiseled to be used, its cost is still low, but higher than materials made with more advanced technology.

Laminated Wood | Typically Brown, Varies on type of wood | 2 Toughness | 4 EP | 0.001 g/cm^3 | Varies on type of wood, average 2 Copper Pieces | Per 15 g, - 2 Resistance to Fire/Heat. | Most wood has similar strength though it varies on type.  Certain woods may have more density, durability and cost, as well as more resistance to heat, but the standard wood is the average seen.  Treated Wood exists in many types and has been treated to not only better resist mildew and other water damage over time, but increase its durability and resistance to heat.

Limestone | Typically Off-White or Tan | 2 Toughness | 3 EP | 2.45 g/cm^3 | 1/20th Copper Piece | Per 15 g, + 2 Resistance to Fire/Heat, - 5 Resistance to Water | Limestone is a relatively cheap and effective building material, however it is relatively easy to erode with water and hence either treated or used in areas with little rain.

Paper | Typically White or Off-White but Varies | 2 Toughness | 1 EP | 0.92 g/cm^3 | 1/40th Copper Piece | Per 15 g, - 12 Resistance to Fire/Heat, - 8 Resistance to Water. | While normally used as a writing implement, paper combined with wood is also used in certain styles of architectural design for structures.

Reinforced Concrete | Gray Before Painting, though sometimes with Rust Stains | 3 Toughness | 6 EP | 2.9 g/cm^3 | 1/2th Copper Piece | Per 15 g, + 5 Resistance to Fire/Heat. | A type of ground rock mixture that when hardened is extremely durable for its weight, used in many structures in areas with what we consider modern building technology.  Reinforced Concrete differs from standard concrete due to the metal bars within it used to strengthen its durability.

Standard Marble | Varies but one color plus others in veins | 2 Toughness | 4 EP | 2.76 g/cm^3 | 1/10th | Per 15 g, + 4 Resistant to Fire/Heat. | Marble is typically used for decoration, though those with enough wealth may use a much higher percentage of marble in their structures than those with less wealth.

Standard Wood | Typically Brown, Varies on type of wood | 2 Toughness | 2 EP | 0.0005 g/cm^3 | Varies on type of wood, average 1/5th Copper Piece | Per 15 g, - 5 Resistance to Fire/Heat. | Most wood has similar strength though it varies on type.  Certain woods may have more density, durability and cost, as well as more resistance to heat, but the standard wood is the average seen.

Straw | Typically Golden | 0 Toughness | 1 EP | 0.02 g/cm^3 | 1/250th Copper Piece | Per 15 g, - 20 Resistance to Fire/Heat | Straw is typically only used as construction material for structures of very low technology areas but it does keep warmth in quite well.  It is, however, extremely flammable and may rot if too saturated with moisture without drying adequately.

Terracotta | Typically Orange | 3 Toughness | 4 EP | 1.95 g/cm^3 | 1/8th Copper Piece | Per 15 g, + 5 Resistance to Fire/Heat. | Terracotta is a type of baked clay that is typically orange and has a durability rivaling many kinds of stone.  It is typically used for decoration but sometimes for roofs and other purposes.

Treated Wood | Typically Brown with Light Greening, Varies on type of wood | 2 Toughness | 4 EP | 0.0005 g/cm^3 | Varies on type of wood, average 2 Copper Pieces | Per 15 g, - 2 Resistance to Fire/Heat. | Most wood has similar strength though it varies on type.  Certain woods may have more density, durability and cost, as well as more resistance to heat, but the standard wood is the average seen.  Treated Wood exists in many types and has been treated to not only better resist mildew and other water damage over time, but increase its durability and resistance to heat.

Unworked Stone | Varies | 2 Toughness | 5 EP | 4.08 g/cm^3 | 1 Copper Piece | Per 15 g, + 4 Resistance to Fire/Heat. | Unworked stone has not been touched with any tool and is rarely used for construction in modern technologically dense areas except as decoration.  In less advanced areas it may be used for a mound, wall, or path very frequently.

Wudgan Marble | Deep Blue with Green Veins | 2 Toughness | 3 EP | 1.81 g/cm^3 | 13 Silver Pieces | Per 15 g, + 12 Resistance to Fire/Heat, + 1 EP self-repairing per two hours it isn't receiving damage, + 1 Charisma field to 1 m per cubic gram, scaling upward on size. | Wudgan Marble is frequently used in palaces where the ruler wants visitors to feel more at ease, as well as in the most secure of stone prisons to help keep walls repairing themselves.  Perhaps strangely, in addition to the calming effect making light of tense situations, Wudgan Marble is itself much lighter than standard marble, though far rarer, and even more resistant to heat.

Wyrdstone | Dark Green with Dark Gray Flecking | 3 Toughness | 120 EP typically | 111 g/cm^3 | 9 Gold Pieces | Per 15 g, + 40 Resistance to Fire/Heat.  Once per day, a green shimmer comes from the dark gray flecking at twilight and the Wyrdstone recovers half its EP but retains its cracks and physical appearance of damage, belying its actual durability. | The material that most of the maze's stone structure in Mazek, Wyrdstone may have ruinous portions, especially in the Undermaze, but it is extremely difficult to gather freshly.  Due to its extreme durability those fortunate enough to find a way to transport it out of Mazek find it highly valued by those seeking to make secure room or strongholds designed to take massive punishment.  It is no easy feat, as it resists all damage equally, so none has an advantage in breaking it down for transportation.  A true mystery as none knows how to make more, only how to struggle to harvest it for use elsewhere.