Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Materials: Health and Beauty Materials Charting:

Ordinarily HP takes time to recover at one quarter the speed of EP's recovery, whichever amount that is per character.  Using bandages to cover wounds will allow it to stay at that rate, rather than halving from infection.  When one uses Bandages to cover up identifying marks (and not just cover up wounds), Beautifying Makeup, Scarcover Makeup, or Warpaint a character uses the Disguise Self skill to determine the effectiveness of the attempt.  While this listing is no way complete, it does, however, have a good charting of several health and beauty materials within the system.

Material Name | Most Common Appearance | Toughness | Durability | Density (Room Temperature g/cm^3) | Average Cost for 5 grams | Special Effect(s) | Description.

Bandages | White or Off-White | 1/4th Toughness | 1 EP | 1.79 g/cm^3 | 1/200th Copper Pierce | Per 15 grams, stop 0.25% Bleeding, - 1/40th Beauty if visible except to those attracted to bandaged individuals. | Bandages help protect injuries from further infection and help lessen bleeding, however most cultures have a primal disinterest or disgust with those who show their injuries, even if they are less conscious of it than certain individuals.  Bandages may intentionally be used to cover up identifying marks, but may be suspicious if one is specifically looking for the individual hiding said marks knows where those marks are supposed to be located on them.

Beautifying Makeup | Varies | 0 Toughness | 0 EP | 2.5 g/cm^3 | 14 Copper Pieces | Per 15 grams, +1/2 Beauty in general, +1/4th Beauty additional to those that find that particular style attractive, -1/4th Beauty to those that find it unattractive. | There are many different styles of Beautifying Makeup, each one having additional effect on individuals who either find that style more beautiful or less attractive.

Bokeno | Gray mottled with Grayish Green | 3 Toughness | 6 EP | 16.21 g/cm^3 | 1 Copper Piece (3 Silver Pieces for a full fresh Bokeno) | Per 15 grams, + 2/5th Beauty if mixed with an equal portion of sugar and animal fat. | Bokeno are the remnants of the Bodel eggs if they do not hatch, withering and shrinking in size the older they get.  The Bodels put these failed eggs into caverns which slowly break them down into more minerals for the humming crystals that people slumber in, trying to accelerate the growth process toward another egg.  If the egg is only a few weeks old it is still hard, and highly valued amongst collectors.  One fresh Bokeno has weighs 4095 grams, and when its surface is removed without dissolving it, the gooey center may be extracted.  While the outer shell will not break down further without the center, making it good for decoration or use in crafting items, the true value is in the goo.  The Bodel's do not have fetuses, instead having a crystal see in the center of the goo, and this is a key ingredient in temporal machines.  The goo itself, however, when mixed with an equal portion of sugar and animal fat, produces an anti-aging cream that removes 10 years of wrinkles per 455 grams, not reversing aging internally, but adding +6 Beauty to any who use it.

Mindedger | Blue | 0 Toughness | 0 EP | 0.23 g/cm^3 | 8 Copper Pieces | Per 15 grams (1 pill), + 1 FP immediately, + 2 INT for two hours, -1 HP, + 2 Poison Effect. | The blue Mindedger pills are poisonous, but they do temporarily give the person using them a bit more focus immediately and help them use their intelligence more effectively for two hours.

Onyew Nectar | Pale Orange | 0 Toughness | 0 EP | 0.62 g/cm^3 | 11/500th Average Cost for 5 grams | Per 15 grams, + 7/100th HP regained if drank while one has positive LP, - 7/50th HP lost if one has negative LP, if applied as part of a varnish, stain or dye to grant 1/2 EP protection against any type of damage and 1 EP protection against infernal attacks | Onyew Nectar is part of the recipe of ambrosia the higher powered beings in Ragsendi will bestow to those worthy of immortality, which some say does not grant the immortality itself, but does help to serve as a final test of worthiness.  Onyew Nectar causes +1 HP regained per 226 grams drank, if one has positive LP, but -2 HP per 226 grams drank if one has negative LP, as those that are selfish or feel unlucky will find their mind burn at the sensation of its taste.  Onyew Nectar may be gathered by insects or other creatures to make byproducts such as honey, wax and other materials for a lesser effect, or it can be applied as part of a varnish, stain or dye per 113 grams to bestow a ward against 4 EP damage of any type and against 8 EP damage against infernal attacks.

Scarcover Makeup | Varies, character skin tone used usually | 0 Toughness | 0 EP | 0.45 g/cm^3 | 11 Copper Pieces | Per 15 grams, cover a five square centimeter scar to regain 1/5th Beauty in general at the cost of losing the beauty bonus from those who find scars attractive. | Those who use Scarcover Makeup typically do so to hide their scars for social appearances and the like, but some use it in general to help hide scars which might otherwise give away their identity.

Sithansard Tree | Dark Brown | 2 Toughness | 6 EP | 1/500th g/cm^3 | Average Cost for 5 grams | Per 15 grams, 1 dose of anti-radiation medicine when properly extracted from the wood, 3 doses when extracted from the bark, 1/15th Pink (Sweet) taste for the bark, 1/5th Purple (Poison) taste for the flowers. | Sithansard Tree grows in The Somnium Bleed, its dark bark having a very sweet aroma and taste as well as a cure against radiation poisoning as one lucky Cubi scientist found out on transplanting some.  It is an extremely hearty plant, but it needs manual pollination outside The Somnium Bleed as its green flowers contrast its white and pink leaves without attracting many insects to help germinate.  The flowers themselves are poisonous, and the leaves are extremely rough and cause itching, but when boiled and then dried properly may be used for very strong kindling, and the drainage from the boiling process is a strong herbicide.

Stimulant | Milky, Near-Clear | 0 Toughness | 0 EP | 0.72 g/cm^3 | 15 Copper Pieces | Per 15 grams, gain + 1/3rd EP immediately, + 1/3rd Focus immediately, + 1/2 HP, + 1 & 1/2 Poison Effect, and + 2 Daze effect after fifteen minutes until an hour later. | Stimulant use may temporarily help a character to get out of some tough situations, but it is ill advised to overdo it or not to rest when its positive effects wear off.

Sunscreen | Purple or White | 0 Toughness | 0 EP | 0.20 g/cm^3 | 4 Copper Pieces | Per 15 grams, gain + 1/5th EP against Light Damage | Sunscreen is used to protect a character from the harmful effects of the sun, and some find it useful in larger quantities against Light Damage, making it very popular with those who are sensitive to it who know of its existence.  Many a shop near Vilru Virus Infected characters find their stock quickly selling out, driving them not only to purchase more for profit, but to help keep themselves alive.

Warpaint | Varies depending on culture | 0 Toughness | 0 EP | 0.35 g/cm^3 | 9 Copper Pieces | Per 15 grams, gain 1/4th bonus on Intimidation in general and 1/2 bonus on those who find that particular culture's warriors intimidating, but no gain on those who aren't impressed or find peace in the presence of those warriors. | Warpaint is typically used to frighten characters of other cultures especially in times of war, but it may also be used to disguise a character as being part of another culture's warriors to varying degrees of success.

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