Thursday, May 28, 2015

The Last Station: Navigating The Expanse:

While The Somnium Bleed may be a bridge between possibilities as the realm of dreams and nightmares, it has only a fractional portion of each of many universes, as it necessitates a connection being formed between those dreaming and a possible time and space within the multiverse.  Each universe is different in the multiverse as no two are completely alike, even if they may seem greatly similar, and not all parts of a universe may have an individual dreaming about it until an individual has encountered it to be able to dream about it, even if later individuals link to that possibility without themselves having visited it.  The Expanse, on the other hand, is the sum total of all universes in the multiverse, and the space between them.  The Expanse may be seen as an undulating wave in an infinite ocean, as universes change states, expand, contract, merge, shred, and otherwise interact with one another, the wave being the burgeoning and cascading realities as seen from a distance.  For every possible waveform along its multidimensional surface, a reality is mapped out, a host of new universes formed, stretching out into infinity and back in unfathomable variance.  Those most similar tend to be closest to one another, but as the fabric of The Expanse ripples occasionally others stranger and more bizarre come close enough for the unthinkable distance to be traversed, or for the two realities to even bleed into one another.  A waveform shifted into place on The Expanse and a single hyper-dense atom exploded, expanding into space and time, forming the universe at the same time as a myriad of others were formed.  The multiple dimensions all bound into one another spread out, some becoming smaller, others expanding to the state of the universe as it became known...  Some claim The Expanse is a place without any direction, mere iterations of possibility happening because they could, while others claim The Expanse is manipulated by one or more supreme beings even more powerful than the deities known to the universe currently...

Every universe starts out in The Expanse as an extremely dense atom of matter, which may encounter another dense atom, a fast-moving particle, or other fragments of another universe's destruction that causes it to rapidly expand and form its own universe.  Each possibly universe remains inert until it is forced to expand, but each has two possibilities of its end.  First, a universe may expand until it has no more inertia and it fades with a big freeze, a loss of even the most fundamental of energies, and its remnants expand in The Expanse as other possible universes draw them close enough to collide and form a new universe.  Second, a universe may expand until its core's gravity causes it to form a big crunch, forcing the universe back into an incredibly dense atom which will await stimulus to expand again.  The heat of its fusion back into an extremely dense atom causes stray particles to be emitted which may be absorbed by itself and cause it to expand again if said stray particles have escaped far enough that their inertia can cause a reaction.  Another possibility is that they do not escape far enough and the universe will remain a dead one until outside stimulus interacts with it.  Finally, these stray particles may also escape their original universe's dense atom state and collide with another  possible universe and cause that one to expand instead.  Every possible universe may slowly grow or shrink in size from universe gravity and stray particles in The Expanse or cause universes to collide and bruise, merge or shred each other apart, but all these possible interactions between universes happens in the infinitely expanding scope of The Expanse, as each possible universe interaction that causes parts to expand outward from other pre-exiting universes causes The Expanse to spread further out, and even possible lifeless universes continue this interaction throughout all possible iterations of possibility, with time in The Expanse being simultaneously infinite and non-existant to sentient perspective, as time is one of the many dimensions a universe gains as it changes from dense atom state to active universe state.

While few beings can survive in The Expanse without shielding from a multitude of particles, massive gravity and magnetism and more, there is evidence in the ancient history of the humans arrival on Lenida that they arrived from a place they called The Last Station, whose systems kept record of its travels through the last ten universes its creators had seen fit for its memory banks to recall in order to study The Expanse and all its universes.  Fragmentary files appear to imply that it has traveled through far more than the ten, but regardless of the number, the long-forgotten race's technological remnants saved humanity and many other species, helping them to survive the end of the last universe and to spread out and colonize the current one.  One of the oldest of the high ordered beings know as the Adacrea was a species known as The Lim, and their might and access to some of The Last Station's systems allowed them to leave it before humanity or the Pragur, and claimed The White Void as their home, before spawning many other species of Adacrea who would then combat the Pragur as they too left The Last Station and joined the universe.  Humanity and several of the other species aboard The Last Station awaiting its systems to find them their new homes watched in abject wonder and horror as time did not age them while they watched the Adacrea and Pragur combat one another as well as form the first Fey, Celestial and Infernal species before each was sealed off or sealed itself off from the rest of the universe for a time.  Deming that The Last Station had found suitable homes for the populations aboard it, its systems then entered the new universe and sent out massive vessels to seed planets before colonization ships were sent out.  And as The Last Station sent them away, its drones gathered up supplies to repair and refuel itself, as well as to prepare for its next journey, sending each colonization vessel into a slipstream to its new planet while wiping out its own location from their systems.  Now it continues its preparations for the end of this universe, hidden away, waiting to serve its purpose as ark and cataloger of this universe's history while its sensors record every detail within it.  Those species that find it at the end of this universe will find its systems ready just as the last had, ready to aid them in surviving travel to, and colonizing the universe to follow.

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