Saturday, May 23, 2015

Index Page:

As was made quite clear from a few individuals, the dev blog should have an index page, just like the books themselves will have, only with links instead of page numbers (the digital copy of the book will also have links within the book for platforms where they will function).  Unfortunately, blogger will not let me have it set as its own unique page, so I'll link to it whenever anyone wants to check it for something, but otherwise it appears like any other post.  I will, however, update it when new posts go live.  Rather than solely alphabetically, this index has things grouped by categories, as seen in it below.

Index (last updated 09/10/2016)

Anelokah: Season 1 [The Rise of the Chimeric Dominon]: Episode 1, Episode 2, Episode 3,
Anelokah: Extras: Anelokah,

   Abilities Creation: Ability Creation, Ability Creation Process Visualization, Ability Creation Update, Ability Creation Update 2 (Latest!)  Ability Modifiers, Ability Modifiers In Action, Domain Infection,
   Sample Starting Abilities: Early Sample, Low-Level Common Abilities, Low-Level Elemental Self Abilities, Low-Level Elemental Touch Abilities, Low-Level Nimble Touch Abilities, Low-Level Physical Touch Abilities, Low-Level Psionic Touch Abilities,

Assorted System Mechanics
   Alchemy: Alchemical Essences, Alchemy, Elixirs, Potions,
   Combat: Attack Land Locations, Combat, Size and Range
   Death Mechanics: Press X to Revive
   Deterministic and Random: Deterministic and Random, Luck Points Revisited (old), Chance, Luck and Desperation (newest),
   Domains: Ability Creation Process Visualization, Ability Creation Update, Domain InfectionElements and Starter Species, Physics and Forces,
   Environmental: Environmental Dangers, Environmental Features, Exotic Terrain, Exploration and Encounters, Respiration, Strategic Positioning,
   Game Transfer Mechanics: The Somnium Bleed
   General Concept: Introduction
   Skill Checks: Skill Checks
   Sustenance: Sustenance, Sustenance For Species, Sustenance (Updated) and Diet, -
   Technology, Magic and Pollution: Balancing Mechanic, Leech MagicMagic, Matter and The Known Cosmology, Soul Power Favor,
   Time Mechanics: Temporal Adventure, Time Management,

Character Creation
   Allies, Mercenaries and Companions: Allies, Mercenaries and Companions
   Character Building (Current): Character Design
   Character Building (Old Process): Yara Kren Draft 1 (Part 1), Yara Kren Draft 1 (Part 2), Yara Kren Draft 1 (Part 3), Yara Kren Draft 1 (Part 4), Yara Kren Draft 1 (Part 5)
   Character Sheets: Rough Draft 1
   Titles: Training Titles,
   New Traits: Affinities, Zodiac and Moon Phase,
   Old Traits: Class Traits, Emotional Traits, Hobbies, Humor and Sexuality, Mental and Emotional Disorders, Motivator Traits, Religion and Spirituality, Social Traits, QuirksUpbringing
   Renown: What About Alignment?
   Size and Range: Size and Range
   Starter Classes: Bard, Initial (Acolyte, Burdener, Beserker, Huntsman, Psion, Rogue, Sorcerer, Tinkerer, Wizard), Tumbler, Warlock,
   Statistics and Attributes: Statistics and Attributes, Studying, Training and Leveling, Leveling Revisited, Threat Levels and Tiered XP, Leveling Update, -

   Allies, Mercenaries and Companions: Allies, Mercenaries and Companions, Pacts and Bindings,
   Adecrea: Quantum Sphere,
   Amphibian: Glutinous Toad,
   Arachnid: Mykra Spider
   Avian: Greedy Raven, Honorable Falcon, Nosey Parrot
   Celestial: Winged Illumination
   Charming and Taming: Charming and Taming
   Infernal: Eager Maw
   Insects: Delicate Butterfly, Quoma Pax
   Living Organs: Brain in a Jar, Floating Eye, Heart in a Jar, Restless Hand, Skull of Secrets,
   Mammals: Curious Chimp, Shifty Rat, Stealthy Cat, Swift Bat, Trusty Hound,
   Material Golems: Clay Golem, Stone Golem,
   Mechanical (Clockwork): Clockwork Monkey Golem, Clockwork Tin Soldier Golem, Copper Clockwork Turtle Golem
   Mechanical (Non-Clockwork): The EnigmaCube,
   Pragur: Hungry Distortion
   Reptilian: Infant Dragon,
   Specters: Bound Phantom, Empty Armor Servant

   Insects: Quoma,
   Mammals: Jackalope,
   Mutants: Mutant Sub-Species

   Languages: Effective Communication,
   Non-Religious Secret Societies: The Phoenix Society
   Religion: Religious Types, The Church of Fracture, The Church of Ink Baptismal, The Church of The Emerald Nautilus, The Church of The Eternal Flame, The Church of The Eternal Word, The Church of The Forgotten, The Church of The Golden Apple, The Church of The Iron Maiden, The Church of The Sacred Dagger, The Church of The Sacred Oasis, The Cult of Dissolution, The Cult of Electric Vanity, The Cult of Lost Treasures, The Cult of The Broken, The Cult of The Chasm, The Cult of The Crow King, The Cult of The Crystal Skulls, The Cult of The Eternal Meld, The Cult of The Fear-Mongers, The Cult of The Sacred Rot, The Cult of The Shattering, The Cult of The Silver Spoon, The Cult of The Sphinx's Dream, The Cult of The Wailing Bones, The Fraternity of the Fop, The Order of Fang and Claw, The Order of The Broken Gear, The Order of The Crimson Blade, The Order of The Frozen Tear, The Order of The Golden Lute, The Order of The Ruby Butterfly, The Order of Silent Reflection, The Sacred Order of The Wandering,
   Quest and Side-Quest Ideas: Birthday Events

Diseases and Status Effects
   Status Effects:  Domain Infection, Status Effects, Status Effects: Diseases,
   Luniis Infection: Lunemires and The Lunar Conspiracy, Vilru and Luniis Infections,
   The Vilru Virus: The Vilru and Vampiric Scourge, Vilru and Luniis Infections,
   Zombification: Zombies Ate My Party,  

Economics and Government
   Economics and Government: Borrowing and Lending, Death and Taxes, Domicile Value, Government and Taxes, Law Types, Market Value, Varying Economics,
   Gambling: Gambling, Triskago,
   Item Appraisal: Market Value, Appraisal Part 1, Part 2, Part 3,
   Professions: Crop Farmer, Guide, Landlord, Professions, Pest Control, Prankster, Shop Keeper, Trapper

Higher Powers
   Adecrea: Temporal Adventures 
   Numina: Gaining Favor, Higher Powered Beings,
   Pragur: The Forgotten Prison of Pral

Items and Equipment
   Adecrea Icons: Prismatic Tesseract
   Alchemical Items: Alchemy, Elixirs, Potions,
   Apparel: Disguising Hood, Elementalismans, Invisibility Cloak, Spectral Goggles, Red Breastplate of Beastly FormsRing of Spectral Phasing, Tinfoil Psionic Amplification Hat,
   Crafting Items: Item Parts and Crafting, Item Recipes,
   Decor: Spectral Painting,
   Drugs, Health and Beauty: Bottle of Ghostly Vapor, Bottle of Ectoplasm, Coal-Puffs, Health and Beauty, Syndak,
   Fauna Related: Bokeno, Food and Drink, Hides, Fabrics and Threads, Ilkarji Silk, Lykonhide, Tioneb Goo,
   Flora/Fungal Related: Albacon, Amber, Baelfire Tree, Baneyell Tree, Boom-Shroom, Coal-Puffs, Corpsebloom, Food and Drink, Gorgust Powder, Green Blessing, Gretho Lichen, Krinklewyne, Ley-Teeth, Onyew Nectar, Silverleaf Tree, Sitansard TreeTearful Violet, Whisperleaf, -
   Golem Construction: Golem Cores, Sample Golem Cores
   Instruments: Crimson Guitaxe of Furious Fingers,
   Inventory: Equipped Inventory, Food and Drink, Starter Pre-Build Inventory Suggestions,
   Item Listing: Building Materials, Enigmatic Materials, Hazardous Materials, Health and Beauty, Hides, Fabrics and Threads, Item Appraisal Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Item Listings, Items Revisited (Latest!), Item Nature Properties, Market Value, Metals and Alloys, Modifying Mundane Items,
   Metals and Alloys: Barobenell, Cavorite, Celzial, Cold Iron, Darkholm, Enhontros, Gold, Helkarne, KukojuMetals and Alloys, Oronakl, Rojihal, Sildak, Silver, Starelle, Orichalcum, -
   Minerals and Stones: Bobh-Bon Crystals, Blotstone, Deafstone, Dreamsand, Focus Crystals, Fraglith CrystalsFrightstoneGlimmerstone, Harglesplerk Crystals, Jilcuskon, Memory Crytsals, Moonstone, Munzotan, Nala'Jun Beads, Novana Crytsals, Shatterstrom, Sunderstone, Sunstone, Time Crystal, Vennerkun, Warpstone, Wudgan Marble, Wyrdstone, Xhunfo Sand,
   Numina Icons: Atim's Tome, Bobh's Fez, Byn's Hand-Mirror and Chabel's Golden Lute, Dyndar's Charred Coins, Ehnkilli's Dagger, Fuldor's Sacred Seeds, and Guraye's Jar, Hexen's Rainbow Shell, Inthdu's Porcelain Skull, Jandur's Dagger, and Jannae's Inkwell Candlestick, Kaesot's Electric Gears, Lukarr's Slime Tea, Maemyer's Eternal Shield, and Munnatir's Blank Scroll, Najon's Ancient Puzzles, Nysisa's Bleeding Sword, Oroyas's Sculpted Ice Statuettes, and Prenn's Fungus-Covered Cheesewheels, Qualo's Empty Glasses, Ryim's Eternal Coal, Saja's Dancer's Veil, and The Shrouded One's Shroud, Tarne's Tainted Heart, Turosh's Primal Mask, Unate's Shimmering Cube, and Urgendur's Featherlight Apple, Ves's Scythe, The Weeping Woman's Necklace, Wenba's Cracked Crystal Ball, and Xyib's Battle-Axe, Yull's Curious Chained Cage and Zhen's Burning Skull
   Pragur Icons: Bewildering Eye Amulet
   Unclassified: Controlled Mutation Stand and Controls, Dark Essence, Emotional Baggage, Endata Cubes, Gorgust Powder, Purification Cup, Temporal Stasis Jars, White Matter, Sporestone,
   Weapons: Dawnblade the Shortsword, The Heartstealer,

Legendary Figures
   Athka Rinn, Felinae Explorer, Rediscovered Tesaria: Tesaria: Map
   Brehn Brodan, Gargoyle Architect, Founder of Dagger Crest: Dagger Crest
   Coalnose, Young Dragon Who Befriended Krogar: The Dragonthief
   C. W. Shell, Author: Dekan City
   Furious Fingers, Legendary Bard: Crimson Guitaxe of Furious Fingers,
   Garesh Kone, Auduron Draconis Dragon-Kin Explorer, Athka Rinn's Successor: Tesaria: Map
   Harglesplerk, Gitwerg whose rite-of-passage name translates to 'Lucky Stumbling Bastard': Harglesplerk
   Ilyava Shabah, Midicubi "Matron", Founder of Dagger Crest: Dagger Crest
   Kestrel Alras, Android, Grand Mage, Revolutionary Tesarian War for Independence Heroine, Founder of Gear Rise: Tesaria: Map
   Krogar, Young human Who Befriended Coalnose: The Dragonthief
   Mab Mistleaf, Queen Mab, Mab The Mad, Sprite Queen: The Death of the Pixie Mab Mistleaf
   Myra Sholeencraft Wyllesolt, Mortician: Hadgre City
   Quinn Xhen, Reynix Colonist, Founder of New Hollowstone: Tesaria: Map,
   RenĂ©e S. Finch, Null Mage, Master Alchemist and Artificer, Revolutionary Tesarian War for Independence Heroine: New Hollowstone,
   Rick 'Flatscan' Harper, Private Detective: Rogue Disassembler
   Sorril Raddik, Felinae Assassin, Founder of Dagger Crest: Dagger Crest
   Syrad Deacon, Supposed Time Traveler: Temporal Adventures
   Tioneb Troblednam, Mathamatician, Former Explorer of The White Void: Tioneb Troblednam
   Unja Olja, Naiad Engineer, Founder of Dagger Crest: Dagger Crest 
   Xil Nu Kanthe, Research Scientist, Zombie Specialist: Basic Zombies

Primary Realm Locations
   Planet Lenida: Adslein Continent: Adslein: Map, Ashencry, Billuta, Crestfall, Dekan City, Fallenguard, Gadje Village, Hadgre City, Haversham, Lythane, Kunkar Colony, Obana Village: Map, Obana Village: The Blue Hen Tavern and Inn, Pabu, Sanctarrei, The Capital: Rekande, The Sinister Swamp, The Temple of The Night, Ulnae Colony,
   Planet Lenida: Atlova Continent: Atlova: Map, The Temple of Terror, Solvilla,
   Planet Lenida: Cubi Flotillas: Yul'Ghen,
   Planet Lenida: Hokare Continent: Feldurre, Hokare: Map, Mellstova, Molnstad, Saursand, The Temple of Strength,
   Planet Lenida: Lucorene Continent: Blind Brook, The Doll House, Glasbaile, Gormthair, Lucorene: Map, The Rose Door, Scarlet Acres, Tauceann,
   Planet Lenida: Tesaria Continent: Askarr Colony, The Badlands, The Bahnen Hills, The Blight Woods, The Citadel of Memory, Dagger Crest, Despolis, Dunklestadt, The Ghost Grove, The Hole of Secrets, The Jurak Desert, The Mysterious Rocks, New Hollowstone, The Northern Wastes, Oak Hill, Ran'Lifon, Tesaria: Map, Thosisi, The Twilight Woods,
   Planet Lenida: Rhydarcus Continent: The Crystal Dunes, The Deep Stones, Dulda, The Entropy Drifts, The Great Rhydarcus Desert, Karnuk, Perkam, Rhin, Rhydarcus Lava MinesRhydarcus: Map, Scaragau, Shesham,The Silent Knot Basin,
   Planet Reanas: General: The Birth of The First Kushmall Empire,
   Travel: Mounts and Vehicles, Travel Between Realms, The Last Station: Navigating The Expanse,

Realms and Their Lands
   The Known Cosmology: Magic, Matter and The Known Cosmology
   The Ascended Isles of Serseki: The Ascended Isles of Serseki
   The Barren Wastes of Thelatos: The Barren Wastes of Thelatos
   The Endless Labyrinth of Mazek: The Endless Labyrinth of Mazek
   Feluk, The Crystal Slumber: The Crystal Slumber
   The Forgotten Prison of Pral: The Forgotten Prison of Pral 
   The Glens of Tirae: The Glens of Tirae
   The Hollowed Mists of Ragsendi: The Hollowed Mists of Ragsendi
   The Primary Realm: The Planet Lenida,
   The Shifting Sands of Jahneer: The Shifting Sands of Jahneer
   The Silicon Fields: The Silicon Fields
   The Somnium Bleed: The Somnium Bleed
   The Stary Oceans of Quantil: The Stary Oceans of Quantil
   Travel: Mounts and Vehicles, Travel Between Realms, The Last Station: Navigating The Expanse,
   The White Void: Temporal Adventures 

   Cubi: Cubi
   Draconis Dragon-Kin: Draconis Dragon-Kin
   Elemental Associations: Elements and Starter Species
   Felinae: Felinae
   Gargoyles: Gargoyles
   Gitwerg: Gitwerg
   Goblins: Goblins
   Gnomes: Gnomes
   Kenthri: Kenthri
   Humans: Humans
   Naiads: Naiads
   Pixies: Pixies
   Reynix: Reynix
   Species Sustenance: Sustenance For Initial Species, Gargoyles, Gnomes, Reynix

   Adecrea: Living Pentachoron
   Ghouls: Ghouls
   The Lunemires: Lunemires and The Lunar Conspiracy
   Mechanical Terrors: Rogue Disassembler
   Mutated Creatures: Mutrant
   Mammals: Anthropophagi, Unatte,
   Pragur: Lykons
   Sarok: Sarok Bayerga, Sarok Gorna, Sarok Hasora, Sarok Meynas, Sarok Sitera
   Specters: Elemental Specters, Ghost and Phantom Specters, Gibbering Echo, Haunted Weapon, Lurking Apparition,
   Unclassified: Mimic
   The Vilru: The Vilru and Vampiric Scourge
   Zombies: Banshee Zombies, Basic Zombies, Brute Zombies, Frost Zombies,

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