Saturday, May 28, 2016

Region: The Doll House:

Northeast of Glasbaile and southwest of The Blind Brook, the haunted region known as The Doll House rest.  Rather, unrest seems to be its typical state, as few living beings survive travel into it, given how dense the various specter populations are.  While the manor itself is rather large, with a large forest, massive hedge maze, huge graveyard, underground catacombs, and rumors of hidden chambers, the mansion itself is the most known, and hence why people refer to the region itself as The Doll House.  The mansion is as haunted as the rest of the manor grounds, however, unlike the majority of forgotten specter density elsewhere, those within the mansion itself are extremely stable, almost mirrors of the beings they once echoed.

The Doll House itself was once part of a small village with a golem-maker being its mayor.  When the hobgoblin Weiland Shars rose to power as a fierce warlock tactician a few centuries after The Great Fey Exodus, he claimed the village and manor as his chief reward.  Some rumor that he was born in the village, though record of his early life has been lost to history.  Regardless, for a time he was a living legend, and though there were many attempts upon his life, none succeeded, and eventually the mayor accepted his courtship and marriage.  The two had a daughter who grew into a fine puppeteer and bard who traveled the world, before word came of her death at the hands of a cult of The Shrouded One.  Enraged, he and his spouse rallied their village to reclaim her body, and to reap vengeance upon the cult.  It is not know all in all what occurred during their battle, but all the villagers were lost in the battle, and though it seems his spouse disappeared, Weiland returned to the manor with his daughter's corpse, not heard from again for nearly a decade.

When next Weiland left the manor, he had become a lich, and a stable specter of his daughter was bound to a golem.  Together the two and their army of specters and other terrifying entities razed across Lenida for a thousand years, snuffing out many villages on different continents before word arose of his new state and rage.  However, when armies were raised to seek him out during this time, he seemed to vanish from a continent and word would come months later of another village slaughtered elsewhere.  This continued during this time before his army simply disappeared, though rumor spread of his influence behind the scenes during a great many other wars and odd circumstances.  Eventually rumor came that Quinn Xhen and their allies seemed to have defeated him, though his daughter remained in The Doll House, as well as the other spectral inhabitants of the region, and rumors have occasionally risen about his continuing influence and possible return after his supposed defeat...

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