Saturday, June 4, 2016

Population Center: Glasbaile

East of Gormthair, Glasbaile rests proudly, built into the hills and fields of its island.  A very lush town with a high gnome population, Glasbaile produces a great many number of herbs, spices and medicinal plants for The Fey Courts as well as the planet as a whole.  A goblin highway runs beneath it, heavily patrolled by the town guard, and between this highway and its many docks, trade in Glasbaile has been strong for over a thousand years.  Heavily layered beneath the surface, Glasbaile manages to keep the goblin and gitwerg neighborhoods separated by enough rock to keep them civil in more public areas, with the gnomes having turned the underground caverns between their neighborhoods into a thriving subterranean district as well as keeping large fungi farms and gardens.  Those who wander away from Glasbaile proper to the tunnels leading underneath the ocean will find the occasional underground lake or river, most used to cultivate troglodyte creatures.  In addition, thanks to the magical workings of the pixies and gnomes working in concert, large undergound gardens blossom, including some whose wood is harvested for many a gnomish craftsman's trade.

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