Friday, June 10, 2016

Region: Scarlet Acres

North of The Rose Door, Scarlet Acres is an innocuously named region of Lucorene which sounds rather idyllic, but  is in fact the largest graveyard on the continent.  Following The Great Fey Migration, a large percentage of the fey immigrant population struggled to learn how to adapt to the flora and fauna of the planet that had evolved since their last official exploration into it and those they had never encountered before, as well as the lower amount of wild magic saturation, pollution, the skirmishes and almost wars that broke out between the courts, and of course, those who had lingering injuries from the vilru infection that surged through their region in Tirae.  Due to its proximity to The Rose Door, and the number of fey to have died in the area, Scarlet Acres is regularly swarmed by specters as well as sprites.  It is named such as it was stained red from the cold iron used to salt the region during battle, as well as the blood of many species.  Deep beneath the region's catacombs, chambers built to specification were created as the tombs of the rulers of the fey courts, reinforced to keep out flora, fauna, and would be grave-robbers.  A massive number of arcane and mundane traps have been triggered under Scarlet Acre's surface, and yet few rumors have been spread about what treasures lie in the deepest chambers, with most who dare explore the labyrinth of passages leading down toward them never seeing the light of day again...

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