Saturday, September 10, 2016

Population Center: Solvilla:

Southwest of The Temple of Terror, within the Rajulahd Mountains lies one of oldest protected draconis dragon habitats still standing.  Atop that habitat, protecting it, rests the city of Solvilla, nestled in the intersection of two leylines, one of which does not remain as perpendicular as other such intersections usually remain, but rather curving to go nearly parallel to the other.  As a result, the land between is awash in wild magic, small arcane storms brewing up even despite the heavy restrictions on magic usage within the city and its outer territory.  Some believe that the aberrant leylineis the result of the shape of the underwater trenches further north guiding it away, while others point to the topography of the ocean floor and migration of its denizens around a large area as evidence of some other force driving them away.  The ocean currents and storms themselves make exploration difficult, especially without the aid of wild magic for recharging foci crystals used in most exploratory vessels.  However, as technology has increased in recent decades, expeditions in Solvilla are forming to try to find a non-magical way to survey the deeper ocean in order to seek answers.  Though the draconis dragon-kin population is more plentiful in Solvilla than other species, they have slowly ceased trying to stop such endeavors despite their foolishness, as they have at least managed to utilize past failures toward reinforcing the underwater and underground structural measures used to ensure the draconis dragon-kin keep their habitats as untouched as possible.

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