Saturday, September 3, 2016

Region: The Temple of Terror:

Atop the Galdabahn Mountains, spread across and through six miles of rock and darkness lies a haunted place known as The Temple of Terror.  Northeast of Solvilla, it was once a testing ground for acolytes of Xyib during The Foundation War, onward for four centuries after the war before its population ceased coming to market weekly to try to get new followers from the nearby settlement that would later become Solvilla.  Eventually, seven brave souls went to find out what had happened to them, and the two who survived described in grisly detail the state of the temple,its mutilated residents, and the deaths of their friends.  Many have visited since, but few have returned alive, let alone unharmed.  Though it is not know why, the place has become a festering wound in the land, and attempts to excise it, the specters and terrors that have come up from its depths...  Have proven utterly useless.  Thankfully containment has largely worked, with large warded beacons to alert Solvilla and travelers if something has made it past the myriad of traps outside the temple, and The Great Suarn Empire has saw fit to station some of its bravest soldiers close by to quickly deal with incursions...

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