Monday, February 3, 2014

Religion: The Cult of The Chasm:

The Cult of The Chasm is a religious group that follows Oroyas that believes that every planet's ocean has a deep chasm leading to a cavern that is in complete darkness where monstrous aquatic beasts thrive, trying to slowly adapt and rise to the surface to strike at the surface dwellers.  Some think they are mindless beasts, while others think they are Pragur that escaped entrapment in Pral.  Supposedly the cult's founding members were told by Oroyas about the chasms, and they've worked ever since to explore underwater without tainting the oceans, attempting to lay down early warning systems in case such creatures do exist in the chasm below the depths which any mortal species can travel.  Oroyas has not directly communicated with any member of the cult in several thousand years, but some say she has still given some assistance in storms to protect members of the cult, and to form small icebergs in the middle of parts of the ocean they should not exist in to help clue them in on something below the water's surface that they should investigate.  Their icon is a frozen sculpture of a fish with the bones of a real fish inside it.

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