Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Religion: The Church of the Eternal Flame:

The Church of The Eternal Flame is a group of Ryim's followers who create temples in places with either large quantities of coal or lava primarily, structure made almost entirely of stone.  In the sacred meeting room there lies a round stone pedestal upon which a curved indentation has kindling and slow-burning coals, both of which are daily replenished to keep the fire always burning.  The church's followers are very open with their passions amongst their members and pilgrims visiting their temples, physical, mental and spiritual in nature, all sentient beings and viewpoints are accepted so long as they do not force themselves or their ideas on others, and so long as any who do group together in an intimate fashion are both honest about themselves and each other, and that either the grouping sticks to their agreed upon terms or breaks before violation such as cheating occurs.  Should this happen, Ryim herself has on rare occasion become involved herself, but more often the rest of the church would evict the violating party from their temple.  Their icon is the pedestal with the flame above it.

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