Sunday, February 9, 2014

Religion: The Cult of the Sacred Rot:

The Cult of Sacred Rot is a group of Prenn's followers that worship the decay in her wake, striving to survive solely off of her bounty and to minimize their impact on the world, believing that when she rises to rot their worlds she will leave them in a period of trial before a fungal paradise will be found.  They believe that all forms of fungus must be cultivated and harnessed for their goals, and that the destruction of any without purpose toward utilizing its powers is an unholy act punishable by death.  The members of The Cult of Sacred Rot listen to the teachings of the mad monks who earned her blessed word from eating too many toxic mushrooms, and believe that any deviation from them is only allowed for the deception of those not in the cult.  Prenn is mildly amused by them and occasionally encourages them to do such things as take their jealous urges and act on them to prevent loss of that which they or the cult owns.  Their icon is a Fungus-covered Cheese Wheel with a blood-scribed book upon it.

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