Friday, August 1, 2014

Higher Power Iconic Items (Atim, Bobh, Byn and Chabelle):

Atim almost always seen reading and writing, or otherwise scribing notes and sketches, sometimes with more modern equipment, but most often with a very thick tome.  Surprisingly to those that may rarely find it away from her presence, this voluminous volume is readable in any language despite the symbols themselves being nothing understandable if one attempts to use any method to capture imagery or fragments of time when the book is open for later observation.  Additionally, despite how large the book seems, there appears to be no end to the pages within it through some divine magic, those using it will never reach the end of the volume, only finding more and more pages to read.  Any who find and use it must write or otherwise dictate the information they wish to retain into another book, page or device.  If they do not copy it down they will have to try to remember it, but those who attempt that will find a 1d4 chance that even if they do remember it, whatever they remember will be garbled words and images as seen from a recording, not what they saw at the time.  Atim's Tome if found may be used for 1d4 days and 1d6 hours total before it vanishes, returning to the higher power to whom it belongs.  Any intentional attempt to damage it, trade it, sell it or otherwise use it for anything other than reading will have it immediately vanish and return to Atim.

Bobh's hats and sunglasses vary often, but one hat seen quite frequently is his fez.  Bobh's Fez rarely leaves his head or home where he keeps many of his hats and other attire, but on some rare occasions he may intentionally leave it for some curious mortals to find.  Those that reach into it without looking once per day will pull out a random gem of excellent or higher quality, and those that wear it will find their focus doubled for the day, but have a 1d2 compulsion to travel for at least a third the day away from their current position in a random direction.  Those that try to pull more out of Bobh's Fez will find nothing the second time, and a mousetrap or other painful deterrent any additional times, increasing in severity with each added attempt.  If Bobh's Fez is not on an individual's head for more than twelve hours it will automatically return to Bobh, and after one week it will return to Bobh regardless of any attempts, intentional or not, to keep it.  Any intentional attempt to damage it, trade it, sell it or otherwise use it for anything other than intended will have it immediately vanish and return to Bobh.

Byn is known to be extremely vain, jealously guarding his or her beauty while still pushing for others to enhance themselves across all domains though mostly beauty and electricity.  Byn is rarely without his or her hand-mirror, but sometimes leaves it for those whom they find worthy to test for enhancement possibility.  Byn's Hand-Mirror is addictive to most that look into it, leeching out 1 EP per hour but allowing them to see an idealized form of themselves in it for the hour.  If they have no EP left, they will lost 1 SP and 1 HP per time they peer into it after.  Those that peer into it even once must perform a 1d4 + WIL resistance check to its effect to be able to free themselves from it, needing 8+ 1/2 their level to be able to break free from its effects.  Those that break free and have not taken more than five days to break free may find themselves enhanced in one way or another by Byn when next they awaken, though how they are enhanced varied depending on their current traits that their culture finds beneficial or beautiful.  Additionally, Byn's Hand-Mirror will reflect any light, laser or vision-based damage away from the wielder and back to the attacking individual or object when used for such and having a 1d4 chance of doing it without needing to try blocking if it is still equipped to the hand.  If found it may be used for 1d4 days and 1d6 hours total before it vanishes, returning to the higher power to whom it belongs.  Any intentional attempt to damage it, trade it, sell it or otherwise use it for anything other than intended will have it immediately vanish and return to Byn.

Chabelle is quite talented indeed, able to play instruments not even invented yet and produce vocals that almost seem to be coming from a vast chorus when she so desires.  Chabelle has many Golden Lutes, but only those that prove worthy may retain one when finding or gaining it from any means.  Those that after spending an hour practicing even in the same room as it will have one will find their performances for the day increased by 4 FIN, and those that actually use one for their performance will have it increase by and additional 3 FIN, though others may afterward try to steal it or otherwise gain it from them.  If found it may be used for 1d10 days and 1d12 hours total before it vanishes, returning to the higher power to whom it belongs. Any intentional attempt to damage it, trade it, sell it or otherwise use it for anything other than intended by one who is worthy will have it immediately vanish and return to Chabelle.

All of these items are considered priceless, though any attempt to sell them to one not worthy (or even at all in the case of some) will have it vanish immediately, so they do not meet standard item listing value.

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