Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Higher Power Iconic Items (Dyndar, Ehnkilli, Fulgor and Guraye):

Dyndar is extremely difficult to predict, being such a chaotic being at times, but never to the point of entropic disaster despite all his/her power.  Dyndar is the arbiter of the pantheon it belongs to, as well as influencing other ones, having domain over Balance, Inspiration, Life and Story.  This gives it great power and great responsibility to keep any one side from becoming too powerful, though sometimes obstacles and foes are permitted to act without much interruption for great periods of time in order that champions would rise against them worthy of stories and songs being made about them.  Dyndar's icon is a coin with a hole in it on a necklace and though its followers may use any coin to show their devotion, the higher powered being has been known to wear one while hiding amongst them or even when seen in true form at times.  These coins are sometimes borrowed from people who have little to spare and given back to them with a bit of magic weaved into them that helps those that gave it to the disguised Dyndar.  Other times Dyndar will find a discarded coin and alter it after a while, leaving it where he/she found it for the next person to find it to receive whatever its magic.  These coins, known as the Charred Coins due to their scorched and dirty appearance, have a few interesting properties.  Once a month if one has it on their person while sleeping they will have a dream that is extremely vivid and inspirational.  A 1d4 should be rolled to determine if it will 1) Be a nightmare that reveals something to the character about their future if they do not change an aspect of their life, 2) Be a nightmare that reveals something to the character about their potential future without making it clear what will cause that future to come about, 3) Be a wonderful dream that reveals something to the character about their future if they change an aspect of their life, 4) Be a wonderful dream that reveals something to the character about their future without making it clear what will cause that future to come about.  A second 1d4 should be rolled to determine if 1) The dream is completely forgotten if they do not have traits to remember dreams better, 2) The dream is mostly forgotten or hazy if they do not have traits to remember dreams better, 3) The dream is remembered but the character does not know how to interpret it if they do not have the traits or skills to interpret it, 4) The dream is completely clear and understandable, needing no further interpretation.  The second property of this coin is that if a character is dying and has one of these coins on them they will be able to give it to Ves or one of its reapers and survive as they were instead, or trade it for carrying over some of that life's knowledge if the character is a type whose culture and religion believes in reincarnation with a higher powered being that actually grants it rather than it being a ploy.  If found one may be used for 1d6 days and 1d4 hours total before it vanishes, returning to the higher power to whom it belongs.  Any intentional attempt to damage it, trade it, sell it or otherwise use it for anything other than wearing it or holding it will have it immediately vanish and appear 1d20 km away in a random direction.

Ehnkilli's Dagger is both its icon and a tool which he uses.  On rare occasion while gathering up wealth Ehnkilli may set down its dagger and forget where it was placed for a brief period of time.  If someone finds it within a week they will be able to use it for one week.  Ehnkilli's Dagger has two properties: If a wielder stabs it into something the object, creature or character will receive 10 Vibration Damage per turn or per fifteen minutes the blade is stuck.  Additionally, if one spins it on a flat surface it will always point to the nearest hidden source of wealth regardless of any means of trying to conceal it.  If found it may be used for 1d4 days and 1d4 hours total before it vanishes, returning to the higher power to whom it belongs.  Any intentional attempt to damage it, trade it, sell it or otherwise use it for anything other than cutting, stabbing or spinning it will have it immediately vanish and return to Ehnkilli.

Fuldor's Sacred Seeds are both part of its icon and an item it sometimes bestows on an individual.  When planted, the seed will grow into whatever non-magical plant the person is thinking of at the time of planting, sprouting and growing into maturity within an hour, and then remain at maturity until its natural harvesting season is supposed to end.  When consumed, the seed will heal any infernal disease, hold a curse at bay for a week, as well as having a 1d6 chance of making the character or creature having a 2d20 percent increase of plant or fungus dna added to their own genetic makeup of either that a type they are concentrating on or a random type if they are not concentrating on any.  If any are found they may be held for 1d4 days and 1d6 hours total before it vanishes, returning to the higher power to whom it belongs.  Any intentional attempt to damage it, trade it, sell it or otherwise use it for anything other than planting it or consuming it will have it immediately vanish and return to Fuldor.

Guraye's Jar is filled with a magical sand taken from The Shifting Sands of Jhaneer and The Somnium Bleed and somehow merged with a mysterious magic to create a wholly unique type of sand.  Any of the sand from the jar may be put in a circle around a creature, character or object to freeze it in time until the circle is broken, as well as immediately putting to sleep any it is cast directly upon.  If it is turned into glass it will allow a person to craft eyewear capable of seeing into The Shifting Sands of Jhaneer if concave and The Somnium Bleed of convex.  Additionally, if the sand is cast into a large enough quantity of boiling water it will open a portal to The Shifting Sands of Jhaneer and if cast into frigid waters it will open a portal to The Somnium Bleed.  If found it may be used for 1d2 days and 1d4 hours total before it vanishes, returning to the higher power to whom it belongs.  Any intentional attempt to damage it, trade it, sell it or otherwise use it for anything other than for its uses, holding it or setting it down will have it immediately vanish and return to Guraye.

All of these items are considered priceless, though any attempt to sell them to one not worthy (or even at all in the case of some) will have it vanish immediately, so they do not meet standard item listing value.

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