Sunday, August 31, 2014

Higher Power Icon Items (Qualo, Ryim, Saja, Unknown):

Qualo is known as The Pacifist to most beings, being unassuming and unnoticed by even most of the other higher powered beings half of the time, and the other half of the time being a bother to some who either want her to take some action or attempt to corrupt her.  This leads to frustration on the other higher powered beings part, though most tend to forget about it soon enough.  Her empty glasses seem to draw those that need it most to them, giving a full HP, EP and SP recovery per day that one has it in their possession, as well as being able to have any tainted liquid in it turned into a purified form of itself that has a 1d4 chance of removing a simple disease from the one that drinks it.  Additionally, all favor to Qualo is increased by 3 while one of Qualo's glasses is held.  If found the glass may be used for 1d8 days 3d6 hours total before they vanish, returning to the higher power to whom it belongs.  Any intentional attempt to damage the glass, trade one, sell one or otherwise use one for anything other than drinking out of will have the glass immediately vanish and return to Qualo.

Ryim's Eternal Coal is a strange but useful item.  When used for fuel it will burn and never cease to continue burning.  Additionally, if one consumes it and withstands the 2d20 Fire Damage they will be given three days full immunity from any Fire or Heat effects.  If found the Eternal Coal may be used for 1d3 days 2d8 hours total before they vanish, returning to the higher power to whom it belongs.  Any intentional attempt to damage it, trade it, sell it or otherwise use it for anything other than burning it or eating it with it, holding it or setting it down will have it immediately vanish and return to Ryim, as well as having a 1d4 chance of dealing 3d20 Fire Damage to the one who had it.

Saja's Dancer's Veil is a very useful item to most individuals.  It allows the wearer to walk 3d20m on air per hour, to have +3 FIN and +2 REA per day, to have a temporary 4 level increase in their Dancing Knowledge and Dance Skill, as well as being able to control the movement of 4d4 square meters of cloth per day.  If found it may be held for 3d2 days and 1d12 hours total before it vanishes, returning to the higher power to whom it belongs.  Any intentional attempt to damage it, trade it, sell it or otherwise use it for anything other than wearing will have it immediately vanish and return to Saja, with a 1d4 chance of receiving 5 Suffocation Damage, 1d4 chance of receiving 5 HP Damage from strangulation by their attire, and 2d4 chance of being bound expertly in place for 1d6 turns unless freed by another.

The Shrouded One's Shroud is a dangerous but powerful item.  Any who touch it have a 1d4 chance of being infected with a random slow but fatal infection, as well as 1d2 chance of becoming possessed by a specter, with a 2d4 chance of losing 1 SP and gaining Haunted.  If any character is Haunted by touching it, they have a 1d2 chance of being violent to either themselves or to their allies depending on their resistance check.  Additionally, if one holds the shroud or wears it, they will be able to walk through most materials with the Ghosted effect.  If found it may be used for 1d4 days and 1d4 hours total before it vanishes, returning to the higher power to whom it belongs.  Any intentional attempt to damage it, trade it, sell it or otherwise use it for anything other than touching or wearing it will have it immediately vanish and return to The Shrouded One, as well as having a 1d4 chance of becoming Haunted.

All of these items are considered priceless, though any attempt to sell them to one not worthy (or even at all in the case of some) will have it vanish immediately, so they do not meet standard item listing value.

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