Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Higher Power Icon Items (Tarne, Turosh, Unate, Urgendur):

Tarne, The Wretched, ruler over the domains of Disease, Fear and Organs, is not a higher powered being that most seek for more than protection from his wrath.  A Tainted Heart is one such item of protection and power.  Each is capable of protecting the carrier from all diseases, fear-inducing effects and heals any internal injuries that would not kill the carrier within an hour for the duration that it is carried.  Additionally, if one were to insert it into ritual trap, it would be capable of inverting its abilities for 2 days before vanishing to return to Tarne.  In doing so, any who enter the radius it affects (starting fifteen minutes after activation of the ritual) will find themselves infected with a random disease they have to check resistance or immunity to, roll against a fear-based loss of 1 SP, and gain a 1d4 HP per hour internal injury.  If found the Tainted Heart may be used for 1d6 days 2d4 hours total before it vanishes, returning to the higher power to whom it belongs.  Any intentional attempt to damage the glass, trade one, sell one or otherwise use one for anything other than protection or part of a ritual trap will have the Tainted Heart immediately vanish and return to Tarne, as well as infecting the individual and all in a radius of 1d20 blocks with a random disease.

Turosh's Primal Mask is a curious item of great power.  When worn it will gain -2d4 INT, +1d4 REA, +1d4 FIN, +1d4 WIS, +1d4 WIL, +1d4 STR, and +2 to all Sensory Checks, becoming much more savage, but instinctual.  Additionally, they gain +2 Tame Creatures, and +2 Intimidate to both Creatures and Characters.  Finally, when standing in shadows, the wearer will completely vanish to all senses until they step out of it, making it very useful for stealth purposes.  If found the Primal Mask may not be removed for six hours when worn, and may be carried or used for 2d3 days 3d4 hours total before it vanishes, returning to the higher power to whom it belongs.  Any intentional attempt to damage it, trade it, sell it or otherwise use it for anything other than wearing it with it, holding it or setting it down will have it immediately vanish and return to Turosh, as well as having a 1d4 chance of dealing 2d10 Shadow Damage to the one who had it, and 1d4 chance of having all Sensory Checks decreased by 2d4 for 1 day..

Unate's Shimmering Cube is a very useful item to most individuals.  It weighs 30 kg, is 2cm^2 in size, and has 5 EP and 5 Sharpness on the edges.  When one holds it, they may change its shape to anything within that amount of mysterious metal is able to stretch into, be it a sword, shield, or other item.  Most rogues tend to try to use it for unlocking difficult locks quickly, for example.  One may change its durability and sharpness to slide between the two, so long as each has at least 1 point.  This means an item it forms can have 9 EP and 1 Sharpness, or vice versa, or anywhere in-between.  If found it may be held for 3d2 days and 1d10 hours total before it vanishes, returning to the higher power to whom it belongs.  Any intentional attempt to trade it, sell it or otherwise use it for anything other than shaping it into an item to use will have it immediately vanish and return to Unate, with a 1d4 chance of having a sanity check.

Urgendur's Featherlight Apple is a very useful item.  Any who take a bite from it will have a 1d4 chance of gaining flight for 1 day, 1d4 chance of gaining Speak to Plants for 1 day, 1d4 chance of gaining Howling Wind (which deals 5 Wind Damage in moving Wall until it hits something solid) for 1 day, as well as 1d4 chance of gaining a random plant creature non-offensive trait or ability for 1 day, such as Photosynthesis, etc.  Once the apple is eaten, one may either consume a seed for a 1d4 chance of permanently gaining a random plant creature trait or ability, or planted to not only gain Urgendur's favor, but have a 3d20m tall normal apple tree form within 15 minutes or 1 turn.  If found it may be used for 3d4 days and 1d2 hours total before it vanishes, returning to the higher power to whom it belongs.  Any intentional attempt to damage it other than eating it, trade it, sell it or otherwise use it for anything other than eating it will have it immediately vanish and return to Urgendur, as well as having a 1d4 chance of a Howling Wind appearing for 2d4 days that follows the character until the time passes or they are dead.  Going indoors will cease its Wind Damage effects if the building can withstand it, but the noise and wind itself will still continue outside.

All of these items are considered priceless, though any attempt to sell them to one not worthy (or even at all in the case of some) will have it vanish immediately, so they do not meet standard item listing value.

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