Saturday, November 15, 2014

System Mechanics: Domain Infection:

A little was mentioned before about attunement to the classical elemental domains, but almost nothing was detailed with how that physically affected the attuned, nor the balancing disadvantages, nor how attunement to other domains would affect a creature, character or terror.  Recently added to The FARAD System, Domain Infection deals with refining this mechanic.  By focusing too heavily on any domain, the individual not only gains the benefits of attunement to its usage, but also physical and mental signs of its influence.  In areas of high pollution, this mutation increases drastically, to speed up the physical appearance of the infection at a rate faster than the infect is gaining benefit or other disadvantages from it.  Regardless of how advanced the physical signs are, those who are knowledgeable enough will be able to recognize the signs and thereby be able to easily theorize what specific domains an individual is most comfortable using, and thus, what things may be anathema or even dangerous to them.  Any non-base domain that is in 20% or more of the total number of abilities after a creature, character or terror reaches level 6 will begin to cause a domain infection that will continue to spread as abilities in its domain are gained or improved.  While rare, it is possible for an individual to be infected by up to 5 domain infections at the same time if they so choose their abilities toward that end, but most would be prudent to consider the risks along with the benefits...

Fire/Heat infection causes the individual to start catching on fire on their head and shoulders primarily before it spreads, as well as being immune to fire/heat at a certain point.  Going too far, however, will make them extremely weak against water or cold, as well as having a 2d10 (digits) chance of one of their items catching fire each day.  Additionally, their eyes will start to have a triangular shaped pupil, with an orange edge to it that flickers light firelight.

Water infection causes the individual to start being covered in water, almost always being perpetually soaked to the brim, but being immune to water at a certain point.  Going too far, however will make them extremely weak against fire/heat, as well as having 2d10 (digits) chance of one of their items becoming soaked in water.  Additionally, their eyes will start to have a wave shape around the pupil and cerulean blue hue to that.

Soil/Plant Infection causes the individual to start have leaves and petals sprout from their hair, their skin turn to wood covered with vines or plant stem matter, as well as being immune to soil/plant damage at a certain point.  Going too far, however will make them extremely weak against fire/heat, and ice/cold, as well as having 2d10 (digits) chance of one of their items being covered in dirt and vines coating it, keeping it trapped in whatever place it is in unless they remove the vines.  Additionally, their eyes will start to have a torn brown wreath shape around the pupil and green irises with flecks of random color.

Air/Sky/Wind Infection causes the individual to start hovering above the ground, having their hair always tossled about, their clothes always ruffled by a light wind even if there isn't any elsewhere around them, and their eyes turning black with yellow or blue tinting to the veins within, and black or purple tinting to their veins elsewhere.  Additionally, they will become immune to air/sky/wind damage at a certain point.  Going too far, however, will make them float upward until either something stops them or the air gets too thin or too cold, as well as a 2d10 (digits) chance of one of their items being blown away by a strong gust each day.

Ice/Cold causes the individual to start to freeze, almost always being perpetually chilled to the bone, but being immune to ice/cold damage at a certain point.  Going too far, however, will make them extremely weak against fire/heat, as well as having a 2d10 (digits) chance of one of their items becoming frozen.  Additionally, their eyes will start to have a snowflake shape within the iris, with blue white and gray hues in small flecks to make up the design.

Metal causes the individual to start to have their skin turn to metal, almost always needing to ingest 10% or more metal in their diet (and being able to ingest 30% more than their normal maximum), and being immune to metal damage at a certain point.  Going too far, however, will make them extremely weak against lightning/electricity damage, as well as having a 2d10 (digits) chance of having 2d10 (sum) copper pieces being consumed due to a hankering for metal at the time, and increasing value in coinage if a lesser value is not presently available.  Additionally, their eyes will take on a metalic hue of silver, gold, copper, bronze or other luster, with their pupils taking on a circular sawblade shape.

Lightning/Electricity causes the individual to start sparking electric arcs lightly between their fingertips and hair, which will frequently be affected by static, and becoming immune to lightning/electricity damage at a certain point.  Going too far, however, will make them extremely weak against water, as well as having a 2d10 (digits) chance of one of their items becoming electrified.  Additionally, their eyes will start to have electricity sparking around it.

Stone/Mineral causes the individual to start having craggy rock skin laced with minerals, almost always needing to ingest 10% or more hard foods in their diet (and being able to ingest 30% more than their normal maximum), and being immune to stone/mineral damage at a certain point.  Going too far, however, will make them extremely weak against metal, as well as having a 2d10 (digits) chance of one of the minerals growing on their body cracking and pieces falling off, resulting in 10% slower FP and EP recovery.  Additionally, their irises will take on the pattern of a mineral close to the primary hue their eyes used to be.  The type of mineral their skin is laced with is randomly selected from a list of minerals, and harvesting growing minerals from the individual's body is possible, but 1 kilogram worth is the maximum per day, and it cuts the character's FP and EP recovery by 50%.

Blood/Organs causes the individual to start having increased musculature and throbbing veins, as well as almost always having blood pouring out of their eyes, ears, nose and mouth and having a 10% slower FP and EP recovery, but being immune to blood/organ damage at a certain point.  Going too far, however, will make them extremely weak against sand/dust, as well as having a 2d10 (digits) chance of mutation tied to something living they have touched in the last day.  Additionally, their eyes will become fully red except two rings of their normal color at the inner and outer edge of their irises.

Bone/Shell causes the individual to start having a dense skeleton, a partial shell covering over vulnerable areas, as well as almost always having bones protruding from their skin at the joints, but being immune to bone/shell damage at a certain point.  Going too far, however, will make them extremely weak against blood/organs, as well as having a 2d10 (digits) chance of a bone or shell grow unevenly with the others.  Additionally, the sclera of their eyes will become purple with their eyes also having white irises and black pupils.

Sand/Dust causes the individual to start having their body, clothes and hair covered in sand and dust grit all the time, as well as almost always having a trail of it following behind them wherever they go, but being immune to sand/dust damage at a certain point.  Going too far, however, will make them extremely weak against Water, as well as having a 2d10 (digits) chance of their hair dropping Black Sand into their face as they sleep, pushing them into the nightmare lands within The Somnium Bleed.  Additionally, their eyes have a tan or milky color to their irises with two black bands at both the inner and outer edge of their irises, and bright yellow or orange pupils.

Slime/Ink causes the individual to start having their body and hair ooze out slime, ink, or both, as well as always having a trail of it following behind them wherever they go, but being immune to slime/ink damage at a certain point, as well as having a 10% increase on allowable consumption of any food type.  Going too far, however, will make them extremely weak against fire/heat, as well as having 2d10 (digits) chance of their slime or ink changing colors and having an added random effect (acid, alkali, dye, etc...) that stays consistent with their alteration.  Additionally, their eyes will take on a color opposite to the color of their slime/ink in the iris, with a gray band at both inner and outer edge of their irises, and white pupil.

Fabric causes the individual to start having their skin turning to one of the many types of fabric they have worked with, stitches at their joints and along their veins, and having their hair turn to another kind, but being immune to fabric damage at a certain point, as well as having a 10% increase in REA.  Going too far, however, will make them extremely weak against fire/heat, water, slime/ink, rot/fungus, and metal damages, but having and additional 10% resistance against ice/cold damage.  Additionally, their eyes will take on a more solid color for both sclera and iris, with a rounded cross shape for their pupil, making them seem to be like buttons.

Ghost Infection causes the individual to start having translucent skin, bones and organs with their veins turning black, and will become able to phase through most materials.  Going too far, however, will make them unable to be around any electricity effect item without taking damage, as well as finding it harder to eat or drink anything needing 5 or higher on a 1d10 chance attempt to eat, and having their sanity tested often as they start to hear echos from whatever parts of other souls their own was comprised out of, or potential futures for fragments of their soul.  Additionally, if they encounter other specters there is a chance of shared possession of their own body with them, with their minds being merged with that of the echo's own memories.  Their eyes will start to have black sclera with purple veins, yellow irises and white pupils.

Toxin/Poison Infection causes the individual to start having ash or coal discoloration to parts of their skin, green, purple, red, orange or black veins, yellow or blue ooze leaking out of their mouth, purple, green, black, blue or yellow eyes that are covered with the ooze of another color, as well as having a 2d10 (digits) chance of a random toxin or poison being in their blood and the oozes on their body, but becoming immune to toxin/poison damage at a certain point.  Going too far, however, will make them extremely weak against ice/cold, water, and sand/dust damages.  Additionally, their eyes will glow faintly and become green, purple, black, yellow, blue, red or orange in the iris with another of those colors in flecks there as well.

Rot/Fungus Infection causes the individual to start having their skin covered in sores and rot, as well as having fungus growing out of it, especially in their hair, back and shoulders, 10% or more soft foods in their diet (and being able to ingest 30% more than their normal maximum), and being immune to rot/fungus damage at a certain point.  Going too far, however, will make them extremely weak against fire, as well as having a 2d10 (digits) chance of one of the fungus growing on their body falling off, resulting in 10% slower FP and EP recovery.  Additionally, their eye will have a milky film over its entirety which will be able difficult for people to see their normal eye coloration through, but the infected will be able to see through it at only 10% decreased distance.  The type of fungus their body is laced with is randomly selected from a list of fungus, and harvesting growing fungus from the individual's body is possible, but 1/4th kilogram worth is the maximum per day, and it cuts the character's FP and EP recovery by 50%.

Density/Gravity/Size Infection causes the individual to start having their body size randomly change each day by an increase or decrease from their original size (flip a coin or odds and evens if solely using the 1d10 before rolling again) of 5d10 (sum) % with an equal increase or decrease in STR %.  Additionally, they will have anyone within 1/2 their range be drawn 1 movement square closer per day if their size decreases 25% or more if they do not resist the gravity.  Their skin will start having triangular speckling on it as well as their hair length changing randomly by 2d10 (sum) % each day from what it was previously.  They will also become immune to Density/Gravity/Size damage at a certain point, but need 25% more food intake of each type beyond their minimum.  Going too far, however, will make them potential prey for characters, creatures and terrors that were previously smaller than them if they decreased in size, as well as being a larger target if they increase in size, potentially requiring less FIN for foes to target than before.  Additionally, their eyes will have six joined circles or ovals form their pupil instead of a singular circle or oval.

Gamma Rays/High Energy Gamma Rays Infection causes the individual to start having skin that glows whatever hue it is faintly in the dark as well as dealing 1 Gamma Ray/High Energy Gamma Rays damage per turn to those that are within 3 squares of the individual, as well as making their veins bulge and turn a glowing green.  They will need 40% more food intake of each type beyond their minimum daily, and will become immune to Gamma Rays/High Energy Gamma Rays damage at a certain point.  They will also have a 2d10 (digits) chance of taking on a random mutation from their own genetics each day to add a physical trait change such as patterns altering, coloration of skin, hair or eyes, and having recessive genes from their parentage have a chance to activate or deactivate.  Going too far will make this increase this chance by 1 every hour it does not occur within a week until it does occur.  Additionally, their eyes will have a glowing green band on the inner and outer edges of their irises, as well as their pupils turning purple.

Infrared/Visible Light Infection causes the individual to start having skin that has spots which constantly glow a range of hues that shift in a cycle, typically on the chest, shoulders, spine and joints most commonly, as well as dealing 1 Infrared/Visible Light damage to those within 3 squares of the individual while there isn't an obstruction.  They are also have a 2d10 (digits) chance each day of becoming invisible to normal, infrared and other illumination types of visual observation for the day until taking on at least 1 damage of any type.  Going too far, however, will cause them to produce a sudden flare of light on waking which will cause 1d10 hours of blindness to those that rely on normal, infrared or other illumination types of visual observation if they are within 10 squares and there isn't an obstruction, making them hazardous to have in an encampment without blocking the flare's effect.  Additionally, their eyes will always be glowing pure white.

Magnetism Infection causes the individual to start having skin that has lines or bands through it horizontally or vertically, as well as having a constant magnetic field which flips every 1d10 hours and will attract or reply any magnetic object within 3 squares of the individual, or draw the character to a material that is too large to move that is within range, but they will be immune to magnetic damage at a certain point.  They may make the magnetic field flip immediately if they have been unable to move for 2 turns or if they have taken 2 or more damage as a result of their magnetic field, however, they will be unable to change it again for the day until it flips naturally.  Going too far, however, will also cause them to start having normally non-magnetic items attracted or repulsed by them on a 2d10 (digits) chance as well.  Additionally, the irises of their eyes will become gray with black flecks in them that are either along the inner or outer edge of their irises, but not both.

Radio/Microwaves/High Microwaves Infection causes the individual to start having skin that has concentric circles on the palms and around each joint, as well as on the spine and around the navel and nipples, as well as producing a field of microwaves from their hands which cook food at 1d10% increased efficiency to whatever other method they use to heat it up, and produce a 3 square radius radio static field, but they will be immune to Radio/Microwaves/High Microwaves damage at a certain point.  With conscious effort they can listen into different unsecure radio frequencies once a day for 1d10 hours with 1d10 chance of ending up on a valid frequency that they are aiming for at any given attempt, however, while doing so everything they hear will be broadcast to a previously empty random radio channel for a radius of 1 kilometer that other individuals with the right abilities or equipment can listen in on.  Going too far, however, will also have them start to broadcast what they are hearing on 1d10 additional radio frequencies higher and lower than the one that was randomly selected empty radio frequency.  Additionally, the irises of their eyes will be filled with concentric thin black circles.

Spatial Coordinates Infection causes the individual to start having skin that has has rounded four-pointed star and straight five-pointed star speckles of varying size on it, as well being able to teleport 1d10 squares away on taking damage once per hour at a cost of 1 FP or 1 EP, being able to teleport up to 3d10 (digits) meters randomly per day outside of combat for 2 FP, being able to choose the destination outside of combat for 4 FP it is is within their range of vision, and at no cost having a 1d10 chance per day of teleporting in a random direction up to 3d10 (digits) meters from where they went to sleep on falling asleep, but they will be immune to spatial coordinates damage at a certain point.  Going too far, however, will will make them have a 2d10 (digits) chance of also teleporting into a different realm for (1d10 / 2) hours each day before returning to whatever realm they were in previously.  Additionally, the pupils of their eyes will increase and take on a rounded four-pointed or straight five-pointed star shape, as well as a constellation-like speckling of which flecks in their irises.

Temporal Flow Infection causes the individual to start having skin that has orange veins, hourglass and curving arrows on their back, curving arrows above their ribs, and triangles on each joint, as well slowing their aging by 50%, and being able to generate a temporal increase or decrease field randomly at a cost of 3 FP for 1d10 hours per day, and being able to choose whether the field was increase or decrease for 5 FP for the same period, but being immune to temporal flow damage at a certain point.  Going too far, however, will make them have a 2d10 (digits) chance of being frozen in place (and immune to all types of damage) as they step outside of time for 1d10 hours each day.  Additionally, the their eyes will have orange veins, their irises will have orange triangle flecks in it, and their pupils will have an hourglass shape.

Ultraviolet/X-Rays Infection causes the individual to start having skin that has a faint blue or purple glow that is accentuated in the dark, bones which show faintly in the light but are clearly visible if it is dark even through their skin, and have thin streams of light coming out it wherever there is cartilage.  They also produce a flash of 3 ultraviolet/x-ray damage on falling asleep or unconscious that fills 4 squares of radius around them, but at a certain point become immune to ultraviolet/x-ray damage.  Going too far, however, will make them have a 1d10 chance per day of having x-ray vision for their entire range of vision for 1d10 hours, but finding it hard to see anything that does not have a solid enough outline or shape.  Additionally, their eyes will have purple veins, their irises will have purple, black and blue flecks in it, and their pupils will have an 'X' shape to them.

Vibrations (Slowing and Increasing) Infection causes the individual to start having skin that takes on a lightly purple hue and is warm or cold to the touch, with either steam coming off of it or seeming to be frosted, with this flipping back and forth every 1d10 hours with 3 hours rest between flipping, and veins that are black.  They will cause whatever they touch with their hands and feet to either slow or increase vibrations for 1d10 damage during the time the vibrations are slowing or increasing, as well as causing 1 ice/cold or 1 fire/heat damage when this occurs.  They will also cause a complete sound nullification field for 5 squares during the 3 hours their vibration change is at rest, but at a certain point they will be immune to vibration damage of either type.  Going too far, however, will have a 2d10 (digits) chance per day that they will take ( 1d10 / 2) ice/cold or fire/heat damage at the time when their ability changes to that state, each time it enters that state.  Additionally, their eyes will have a jagged purple zig-zag running in their irises, and the veins of their eye will be black as well.

Luminosity (Light and Shadow) Infection causes the individual to start having skin that is covered in swirling patterns that spread across 2d10 (digits) of their body when they awaken.  This pattern will either exude light or shadow and every 1d10 hours it will rest for four hours before a new pattern will form with the cycle constantly shifting back and forth each day, but at a certain point they will become immune to luminosity damage of either type.  With light or shadow exuded, they may gain a (1d10 / 2) bonus to any luminosity ability they utilize that matches the luminosity type exuded.  Going too far, however, will have a 2d10 (digits) chance per day that they will have a sanity check as every light or shadow appropriately will show them reflections of themselves as seen from the location of that light or shadow simultaneously for 1d10 hours, making their perception massively confusing and potentially making them vulnerable to dangers lurking in places where they are seeing their reflection.  Additionally, their eyes will always have have silver irises even when the pattern is hidden and their pupil and sclera will both either be radiant light or abyssal shadow as appropriate to the luminosity spectrum end they are in.

Life/Renewal Infection causes the individual to start having skin that heals rapidly, but is covered in scarification patterns unique to the individual and has white glowing veins.  They will not gain any new scars that are not part of the pattern, but they will heal fast enough that if a bone is not set right it will need to be broken again to ensure it is not healed incorrectly.  Likewise, every hour they will gain 1 HP back to their maximum, but at the start of the day they will have 1d10 HP, having no pulse and only 1d10 chance of having a dream or nightmare while they sleep, but being immune to life/renewal damage.  Going too far, however, will have a 2d10 (digits) chance per day that they will grow an extra layer of skin 2d10 (digits) hours into the day that will shed off, but leave them immobile for 2d10 (digits) minutes as it has hardens.  Additionally, their eyes will have sectoral heterochromia of their original eye color and a light misty gray color in the iris with 1d10 rounded speckles in the gray semicircle spread in a symmetrical pattern

Death/Decay Infection causes the individual to start having skin that is covered in skull-shaped speckles, black veins and nerves, their body having a light amount of rot around any wounds, and the skin and muscle being partially translucent in the dark to reveal black bones through the patterns of skin cells and muscle fibers.  They will have a 2d10 (digits) chance of dealing 2d10 (sum) death/decay damage to anything they touch the first time in a day, but will become immune to death/decay damage at a certain point.  Going too far, however, will cause the infected to have -2 Resistance to all diseases, but without being able to have death/decay damage dealt by the diseases.  Additionally, their eyes will appear to be completely almost transparent except a blue flickering flame in the center of the eyeball, and thin black edges to the irises and thin faintly glowing blue veins.

Order Infection causes the individual to start becoming more blocky and prismatic in pallor, with shifting hues on their skin starting from their veins and spreading outward.  Going too far with it will result in the individual being able to fuse materials together with a focused thought and touch, however, they will be unable to age, have their learning efficiency reduced by half, and find themselves more and more likely to become stuck in The White Void should they travel near any dimensional or temporal rifts or attempt to travel between realms.  Their eyes will have square pupils and prismatic shifting hues for the irises.

Chaos Infection causes the individual to start having fractal patterns, tentacles and spikes start popping up all over their body.  They will be able to accelerate entropy in other things and cause mutations at the touch.  Going too far, however, will cause more mutations with each time the individual is covered with the blood of any other species, as well as finding it harder to avoid becoming pulled to The Forgotten Prison of Pral if they attempt to travel between realms.  Their eyes will have a black fractal pattern in the irises and purple pupils.

Celestial Infection causes the individual to start having smooth swirling patterns appear on their skin that glow faintly, feathers start coming out of their wrists, shins, shoulder blades and back of their head, as well as their hair growing at a much faster rate.  Additionally, they will be able to recover FP and EP at a 10% faster rate and heal minor wounds in others at the touch.  However, they will find themselves dizzy and nauseaus around the infernal, as well as becoming more likely to be pulled to The Hallowed Mists of Ragsendi if traveling between realms.  Their eyes will take on a gold ring at both edges of their irises, as well their veins starting to turn light blue.

Infernal Infection causes the individual to start having sharply accentuated thorny patterns appear on their skin that absorb light and feel warm to the touch, horns growing out of their head and multiple joints, and spines in their hair, which splits much more easily.  Additionally, they will heal minor wounds in themselves but recover EP at a 10% slower rate.  However, they will find themselves itchy and over-caffeinated around the celestial, as well as becoming more likely to be pulled to The Barren Wastes of Thelatos if traveling between realms.  Their eyes will take on a ruby ring at both edges of their irises, as well as the veins starting to turn black.

Perceiving Infection causes the individual to have their veins and nerves turn a orange, with a mottled orange on their hands, feet, all over their head, on their tongue, and in the irises of their eyes.  They gain +2 to all sensory checks, but will become immune to sensory damage at a certain point.  Going too far, however, will make them need a sanity check once a day with a 1d100 chance they will have a -2 penalty to their check.  Failing a check will make them randomly see, smell and hear sensations from other realms without actually needing to be there, and thus have difficulty telling what is and is not really before them.

Judgment Infection causes the individual to have skin with bands and curving triangles which glow to match their mood, have -3 to Bluff checks, but +2 to Charisma if an individual likes their current emotional state.  They also gain +2 to REA, at a cost of -1 to Sanity, but at a certain point become immune to Judgement damage.  Going too far, however, will make them have a 2d10 (digits) chance of a WIS check each day to determine whether or not they remember whatever caused the emotional state they went to bed with.  If they do not, they suffer -2 to WIL for the day, and an additional -1 to Sanity, but gain another +2 to REA.  Additionally, their eyes will have a band in the middle of their irises that changes to meet their mood, bordered by a thin black band on each edge of it, followed by the normal iris color.

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