Thursday, November 20, 2014

System Mechanics: Leveling Update:

      Due to playtesting and further examination of the threat level system mechanic, it has been simplified, and is listed below, excerpted from its current incarnation from the Core System Mechanics vol. 1.

Levels and Leveling:

      GM: "Grax, with the increase to your FP you've leveled up. Congratulations, you have seven FP and are now level three. You can now work to level up your current abilities to level three using your training with those abilities, and gain up to four new abilities. You can choose abilities at four FP maximum if you want to sacrifice two choices instead of one, at five FP maximum if you want to sacrifice all four choices instead of one, or three FP maximum if you don't want to use more than one choice, or you can substitute a new ability selection for a lower FP costing ability if you want some GXP bonus."
      PC1 (Grax): "Woo! This one here for five FP! Bring on the Drag-"
      PC2 (Nivvi): "No! We're still not ready!"
      PC1 (Grax): "You're just jealous because you're still level two."
      PC2 (Nivvi): "I've got twelve FP, nineteen different one FP specialized combat abilities beyond the standard we both have and your choices have left you with only have four currently."
      PC1 (Grax): "Yeah, but I can still cleave a goblin's arm off while you barely scratch-"
      GM: "Quiet before I cast Rocks Fall on you both."

      Every GM can have their own particular way of dealing with distributing experience, though the FARAD system does have some recommendations. As stated above, CXP, RXP and GXP are all gained different ways, some overlapping. The default leveling system is 1 point of CXP per use of an ability, or 2 points of RXP per use of an ability, needing 100 CXP or RXP per level for the first five levels, 200 CXP or RXP per level for the first five levels after that, raising by 100 CXP or RXP onto the previous five levels. Every time an ability is leveled up the character gains 5 CXP or 5 RXP as per appropriate the type of ability or 5 of each if a dual ability. Each Ability Level may be increased like this individually, which is different from character's Threat Level, which is increased by GXP. Threat Levels allow for the maximum level that each ability can be leveled, as well as the number of abilities beyond the base standard abilities [CCCv1] that a player can have. Every time a player uses an ability that is used for both combat and roleplay, or attempt a quest they gain at least 1 GXP. Likewise, they gain more for using said ability successfully or completing the quest, as well as for using an ability not intended for combat in battle or sparring successfully, or one not intended out of combat in non-battle usage. Every time a character gains 100 GXP, they can use that plus whatever materials or means available to them in order to work to improve one of their attributes, and every time they successfully level up an attribute they gain 5 GXP. For every 10 GXP a player can exchange their GXP for 1 CXP or 2 RXP as well, but they cannot do inversely. Additionally, GXP may also be spent in The Somnium Bleed. When their threat level increases, a player is also able to increase their base HP, EP, SP or FP by 1 point as well as being able to learn new abilities. A character, creature or terror's threat level is the sum of its stats (excluding LP), and attributes divided by ten. Players cannot transfer any form of XP from one character to another, either their own or someone else in a session, unless they spend both items and experience in ritual, magic item or technology that allows for the transfer, and it will always be lossy, as well as needing cooperation from characters involved and the GM. The default FARAD threat level recommendation allows players to gain up to ½ their current FP max rounded down + 1 in new FP-utilizing combat abilities for their new level, and the same with roleplay abilities, with the total amount of FP usable between combat abilities equaling the total number of FP, and likewise with roleplay abilities. From the pool of total FP for each, one may sacrifice from their number of available abilities for more powerful abilities that are never more than 2 FP in cost above their own threat level, with each increase in FP beyond the threat level costing an additional sacrifice from the total number of available new abilities. At one level higher, 2 abilities are taken from the number of abilities instead of 1. At two levels higher, 4 abilities are taken from the number of abilities instead of 1. This does require they have the prerequisites if there are any, as well as time for their character to learn them. If one chooses to gain lower FP costing new abilities, they still use the same number of abilities, but may gain 15 GXP for each FP cost lower than the level's ability selection.

      If a player has 8 FP and goes to level 2, they may gain up to 5 new 1 FP roleplay abilities, and 5 new 1 FP combat abilities, with a total pool for each being 8 FP. However, they could instead choose 1 new roleplay ability at 4 FP cost and 1 new roleplay ability at 1 FP cost; 1 new roleplay ability at 3 FP cost, 2 at 2 FP cost and 1 at 1 FP cost; or 4 at 2 FP cost; or 4 at 1 FP cost and gain 60 GXP, or any other combination within the available possibilities. Likewise with combat abilities.

Character/Creature/Terror Threat Level = (((Stats [Excluding LP] + Attributes)/10)

      Here is an example level up table for ease of reference:

Current Character Ability Level
XP to Level
Total XP

      Experience drops for a slain creature, terror or other character are equal to however much experience they have beyond their current threat level requirement plus 1d10 times their threat level number.

      Additionally, if a character faces off against something with a different threat level than them, the amount of experience they would gain alters:

- 10 Threat Levels
- 100% of XP. No XP but still item drops and harvest-able materials
- 9 Threat Levels
- 90% of XP
- 8 Threat Levels
- 80% of XP
- 7 Threat Levels
- 70% of XP
- 6 Threat Levels
- 60% of XP
- 5 Threat Levels
- 50% of XP
- 4 Threat Levels
- 40% of XP
- 3 Threat Levels
- 30% of XP
- 2 Threat Levels
- 20% of XP
- 1 Threat Level
- 10% of XP
Same Threat Level
100% of XP
+ 1 Threat Level
110% of XP
+ 2 Threat Level
120% of XP
+ 3 Threat Level
130% of XP
+ 4 Threat Level
140% of XP
+ 5 Threat Level
150% of XP
+ 6 Threat Level
160% of XP
+ 7 Threat Level
170% of XP
+ 8 Threat Level
180% of XP
+ 9 Threat Level
190% of XP
+ 10 Threat Level
200% of XP

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