Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Starter Pre-Build Inventory Suggestions:

While very few items are listed in the Character Creation Compendium vol. 1, all core items and materials are listed in the Items and Materials Handbook v1 (IAMHv1). That said, each player is free to pick and choose what items to select for their starting inventory, but certain pre-builds do lend themselves to certain equipment more than others.

Starter Pre-Build Inventory Suggestions:

A Huntsman pre-build character tends to balance physical ranged and melee attacks and sensory abilities, and usually wear light armor. As such, players wanting to use the huntsman pre-build may want to choose items that mask their presence, melee and ranged weapons, items that increase their sensory ability effectiveness, and anything that benefits their chosen play-style and professions.

A Burdener pre-build character tends to wear heavy armor and select items that help boost their speed and strength for the sake of serving as a mule pack between quests, and a tank in the midst of combat. While they may have more brawn than other pre-builds, they tend to act more defensively than offensively until they get into range. As such, shields, armor, inventory-carrying equipment, and items that can increase their speed, strength and defense are good selections.

A Berserker pre-build character tends to wear medium armor to take quite a few hits without sacrificing their speed and agility, pushing most of their item selection more toward damage-dealing weapons, and enhancements to their strength, speed, and items that keep their from wasting their berserk rage outside of combat.

A Tumbler pre-build character tends to wear light armor if any, using inertia and precise movement to maximize their efforts. While many do work bare-handed in combat, it's not a bad idea to have a few items to guard weak spots, increase speed, agility and finesse, or light weaponry that can be accessed if needed.

A Wizard pre-build character tends to wear medium armor imbued with magical protection, typically a cloak or coat of some kind with many spells woven into it, with many pockets for carrying various assorted arcane artifacts, foci and other assorted paraphernalia suitable to their vocation. While most rely on spellcrafting in combat, the wiser amongst them also invests in solid staffs that can not only hold some of their foci, but are also handy as quarterstaffs if needed, as well as a few cheats up their sleeve to match the tricks hidden there. Most tend to carry items that aid their intelligence and finesse, and easily overlooked weaponry.

An Acolyte pre-build character tends to wear light armor that is either very humble and modest, or covered in religious iconography, with long flowing robes, cassock or religious habit being the most common forms of garment. These usually contain many relics and spiritual guides to aid the acolyte on their journeys as well as hiding weaponry for those religious orders that are not above lowly mortal methods of justice and vengeance. Many tend to carry a staff, their religious texts and journals containing divine spells, as well short swords blessed for dealing with those they deem unfit to remain living in their sight. Most tend to carry items that aid in their willpower and intelligence primarily, but some carry physical protection in addition to that from spiritual sources.

A Sorcerer pre-build character tends to wear light armor that doesn't hinder their careful movements when shaping wild magic, garments which can hold many foci for them to fill quickly if they pull too much wild magic at once, as well as being covered in protection spells to minimize the damage the blowback will cause them. They tend to shy away from the general public when first trying to learn how to use their abilities if not raised by or with other sorcerers, and even then are typically taught not to rely too heavily on wild magic lest it fail them, or they succumb to its blowback. As such, most sorcerers tend to use magic when it is either for easy to control things, in practice to gain better control, or out of desperation. Usually sorcerers will carry items to aid their wisdom and willpower, as well as their finesse to some degree, and learn to use some ranged weaponry like throwing knives or bladed staffs in order to keep people at a distance, as well as make them focus on that instead of the wild magic when possible.

A Warlock pre-build character tends to wear heavy armor covered in protection spells that allows them to defend themselves from both the mundane and arcane attacks there are most likely deserved due to the past actions either they or another warlock has done in the area, or to the individual. Warlocks will often learn how to wield light swords and ritualistic daggers to great effect in combat in addition to leech magic. Whenever possible, most warlocks will also carry items with them that allow them to remotely summon another being to their aide who is bound to them, or in some other way take what they need from another in order to survive and even dominate the battlefield against naïve foes. As such, warlocks tend to carry items to aid their willpower and finesse primarily.

A Rogue pre-build character tends to light armor that doesn't draw attention to them, is quiet and yet still has many pockets filled with their tools of the trade. This tends to include ranged throwing weapons, daggers, knives and short swords. Usually they will carry items that benefit their finesse and reaction the most.

A Psion pre-build character tends to wear light armor that doesn't distract them, draw attention to them, or hinder the usage of their abilities. Many try to avoid combat when they can if they are worried about the effectiveness of their mental abilities in combat, but most will still carry traps and other items that give them strategic advantage when they can find or make one. They usually have mental-focusing items that benefit their wisdom and finesse the most.

A Tinkerer pre-build character tends to wear heavy armor that helps protect them and their massive (if someone deranged at times) intellect. As they are quite used to working with their hands and minds, most tend to carry weapons they have made or altered themselves, though most are more than willing to pick up new weapons technology to study, in and out of combat. Their armor tends to have multiple pockets filled with all sorts of parts and gadgets, as well as their study notes and the like. Most tinkerers carry items that aid their intelligence, wisdom and willpower primarily.

A Bard pre-build character tends to light armor that allows them to perform both in and out of combat for as long as they can without exhaustion, filled with the objects that aid their vocation most suitably whenever possible if it won't take away from their charisma both during performances and with devoted fans afterward. Usually they will carry musical or other entertainment weaponry, as well as rapiers and fencing swords due to their agility and speed. Most bards carry items that will benefit their finesse, reaction and speed.

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