Thursday, April 16, 2015

Population Center: Rekande

The crowning jewel of The Great Suarn Empire, Rekande is its capital.  Nestled high on Mount Greshan, Rekande is home to the long lineage of Glacias Draconis Dragon-Kin emperors, stretching back twelve hundred years to the first emperor when he formed The Great Suarn Empire after freeing his people and many other species from the oppression of their human masters.  Ever since the royal family has watched carefully over humanity across all of Lenida as well as other species, ensuring that the old evil does not rear its head again, while also remember that even some humans sided with their ancestor against the former world governments and the species did not deserve to be wiped out.  While some other governments have sprung up across the globe, the only ones that have lasted longer than The Great Suarn Empire have been highly isolationist.  Every so often, as it is wont to do, corruption has shown itself within The Great Suarn Empire, but the royal family itself has proven itself in abdicating much of its power to the people slowly over the centuries, while still holding final say in all matters that gain their attention.  The current emperor is an aged three hundred years old and is without a spouse, but has a son and three daughters who will likely rule after he passes.  That is, if The Great Suarn Empire is able to keep its power with the recent shifts in magical and scientific power, as well as the relatively recent immigration of the Naiads, Reynix and Cubi, and the loss of the Tesaria Continent in its war for independence one hundred thirty years ago. The highest part of Rekande is Castle Korbak, home of the royal family.  At a slightly lower elevation, The Church of The Golden Claw rests as it has for the past five hundred years, with a great many of its followers and government officials living in the region between the two peaks, known as Hilmstode.  Lower still are the various neighborhoods, Gorgjhare, Lulmnat, Sikodten, and Unyada.

Gorgjhare lays south of Hilmstode, laid upon and within the mountains, being home to many Gargoyles, Gitwerg, and Humans, being a center for the mining corporations permitted to work within Rekande's shadow and controlling many operations throughout the empire.  It is also home to the largest training facilities of The Guard, and their presence is a thing of mutual appreciation and disdain to the residents of the neighborhood.  The Lulmnat neighborhood is due north of Hilmstode, and amongst the trees and rocks the population of Felinae, Pixies, and Reynix mostly reside, as well as many ancient towers where the emperor has permitted alchemists, wizards and other individuals to perform their experiments and training with the knowledge that should they become too dangerous the residents there will make swift work of them for him.  Sikodten is to the east of Hilmstode and runs along the rivers Alda, Joen and Spurg.  Therin reside many Cubi, Naiads and also a great many fishing and shipping industries which control many ports through the land.  Finally, to the west of Hilmstode is Unyada, whose grassy hills are home to many Gnomes, Goblins and Kenthri, as well as concealing a myriad of ancient prisons and ruins of battle kept as a reminder of the tragedies that led to the ancient war which led to the formation of The Great Suarn Empire.

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