Friday, April 3, 2015

Region: The Temple of the Night:

The accursed ground of The Temple of the Night has been mentioned before, especially its primary curse and the guard specifically charged with protecting it, but little has been said about the temple itself.  It was once a grand temple honoring the Numina Turosh, who holds power over beasts, instincts and shadows.  Within its wide plaza were dens and tunnels that snake deep into the rock beneath it, where fearsome creatures are its denizens, with passages leading away from the plaza itself to help said creatures in their hunts.  Despite the curse placed upon the temple, these creatures have continued to flourish, spreading out their territory to other sections of the temple where magic and primal force have warped them to become even more savage and less trusting of draconis dragon-kins in particular, but also any other species.  Even the shadows themselves have come alive, the souls of those slain at the pronouncement of the curse having their ghostly echos chained to protect the temple and warn away those that would seek to further desecrate it.

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