Saturday, April 25, 2015

Population Center: Ulnae Colony:

North of Pabu, the Ulnae Colony is almost entirely populated by humans and some of The Great Suarn Empire's most trusted Guard.  There humanity's former culture local to Adslein still survives while being kept in check, members of its population needing to pass a variety of trials before being allowed passage to the mainland and permitted to become full citizens of the empire.  While humans born on Adslein or in other lands are still regarded with some level of distrust by some members of the empire still, many have pushed for full integration of the Ulnae Colony's population only to be met with staunch resistance from the humans of island, preferring to keep their culture alive even though their influence is negligible.  While some remnants of the oppressive power of humanity still exists in the form of ancient artifacts, lore, architecture and weaponry across all of Lenida, most of it is difficult to recognize or even locate with the drift of time altering or concealing them.  Those on the Ulnae Colony, on the other hand, are much more visibly prominent, though if any vestiges of ancient human spells, technology and weapons still exist there, they are hidden even better than those located elsewhere on Lenida...

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